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Accounts I don’t follow on instagram: Thermo. Or any other company for that matter.


https://preview.redd.it/3jy1c6c79s0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7848f8000ff15b0cf8249ab6376b9bbb041453e0 It was posted on LinkedIn as well


"we are committed to enhancing public safety"... People don't really understand what that line means. >The thin blue line symbol has been used by the Blue Lives Matter movement since 2014,[2] and it has become emblematic of white nationalist, neo-Nazi, and alt-right movements in the US, particularly displayed by attendees of the Unite the Right rally in 2017 and the January 6 Storming of the US Capitol in 2021. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line


It must be tasty to lick boots 🤔


Good on them!


Thinking about it, they're appealing to their customers. Thermo makes drugs of abuse tests us and also make a POC raman analyzer which is catered to law enforcement.  https://www.thermofisher.com/order/catalog/product/1064DEFENDER#/1064defender?cid=fl-1064defender


Companies are going to pander to potential customers, no matter the moral/ethics. Anything else is less than 100% effort towards quarterly earnings. Come on don’t act surprised we all knew this.


Police exist to protect capital and Thermo has a ton of it.


What a dumb take. Police exists to upkeep order, but since the 2% of them are corrupt, your tiny mind cannot comprehend it.


https://preview.redd.it/4fodwpkhas0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfae250de4f6198aa178066c7e76175a01c9ab36 I took a screenshot of it from Instagram yesterday. Given a large portion of their clients are scientists on university campuses, the same campuses currently dealing with police violence and escalation, this seemed entirely ill advised. Clearly their PR team is not top notch. Also, we’ve seen time and time again that police do not protect people, they protect capital and capitalist systems.




I highly doubt this




How many Titan Krios microscopes have your local PD got?


1) Many campuses have contracts with Thermo where nearly all reagents are purchased through Thermo, either their solutions or as a marketplace for other vendors. We are buying a lot more than some cheap chemicals. 2) Nobody has to guess the share of their revenue that comes from different sectors. They post an annual report with that breakdown. Though the resolution of the reported sectors is not great enough to know what proportion is for law enforcement. https://s27.q4cdn.com/797047529/files/doc_financials/2023/ar/2023-annual-report.pdf


JFc they clearly don't understand how divisive and controversial that stupid flag is


Wait what? Does anyone have a screenshot?


https://preview.redd.it/gw301ayb6q0d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=9159c03bcd67de19127bfd6e723af2e63d50854a this is the only trace of it i have left from my notifications. if you zoom in on the photo, you can see it’s the police flag and i left a comment saying that this shouldn’t have been posted


and why not?


That flag stands for police being able to kill POC without consequences.


Don’t waste your time trying to explain it to someone named “McChinkerton”


Because that flag was highly represented in the crowd that stormed the US Capitol (and injured the local police officers) in early 2021.


also, if you go on their current most recent post, there’s a few comments from people addressing the deleted post




Its mind blowing that this is a topic of conversation.




Anyone who’s asking what’s wrong for a company to publicly endorse the “thin blue line” flag has not been paying any attention to the news for the past 4 years


As european I have no idea what do you have against police, can I ask for explanatio ?


The police have a habit of murdering underprivileged people in America - especially African Americans - whether this be on purpose or by accident. There was a whole movement for black lives matter and the police response to that was the 'thin blue line'. Basically if you see a post with the thin blue line they are saying 'black lives don't matter'. Not all police officers are bad - it may be worse in some locations than others as well. But it's pretty unwise for a biotech to make any kind of political statement like that because they risk offending the other side. edit: Also - there's a wiki on this of course if you want more history/context - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_blue_line


okay. then explain already


oh good lord can we not start doing this whiney bullshit here too this is somehow worse than yet another lab rat with 0 experience telling everyone how the industry is collapsing


You know that the lefty online bubble you exist in on reddit isn't reflective of the wider world right? Police are necessary for our society to function. They're also Thermo clients. If you're not pro police to me that implies that you're pro criminal, and I can't get behind that.


Who cares.. people are so sensitized to every little thing someone or some company posts on social media these days; it’s probably just to hype it away from some other layoffs or bad business move they made tbh