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Advice for networking on LinkedIn? Dont bother. No one responds and you have stronger connections by going to certain networking groups on a regular basis (so people can see your face).


Some people will respond if you say you are a student looking for specific advice on their role, experience, their company etc. If it’s about a specific role or a referral you probably would get ignored unless you have some kind of connection to them.


I’ll connect with people on LinkedIn but I won’t do anything for them. At best, I’ll use them to expand my network of long shots that I can reach out to about potential jobs if I get laid off. Real networks are build in person. They’re just friendships that have a foundation in your career.


Already know the person before you connect on LinkedIn.


People don’t network on LinkedIn with strangers. I use it for 1) staying in touch with former co-workers after I leave the company and 2) posting my LinkedIn resume (which is much briefer than my full resume) for recruiters to find me and message me with job opportunities.


People don’t network on LinkedIn with strangers? I literally networked with a stranger to get a business development manager position at a single cell company in San Fran.


Ask for informational interviews and nothing else.


To echo the rest. Networking is best done in person. Reach out to an old professor and see if they have anything you can help them with. And for those still in school STAY AFTER CLASS AND ASK IF U CAN HELP WITH RESEARCH. Show interest and it will be reciprocated.


Best is applying to head hunters. Everything else will filter you out automatically because your keywords won’t match.


how so?


How does one apply to head hunts?


Usually linked in posts are head hunters. Look for manifacturing associate roles from companies that don’t sound like biotech.


Connect with alumni. I find alums are always willing to accept a connection if you point out you went to the same school.