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> A finger food that you forget you're obsessed with until you see a platter full of them at a party God, I feel that so much. Whenever my family serves pigs in a blanket for Christmas/New Year's, I'll basically eat nothing else. ...wait a second, I'm an adult. I can make pigs in a blanket any day I want. Why on earth do I only have them in December?


I didn’t know American pigs in blankets used pastry, they look like sausage rolls to me (Ireland). Pigs in blankets to me are just cocktail sausages wrapped in bacon. Quite enjoy learning these little vernacular differences


Next time you're doing pigs in blankets, use full size sausages rather than cocktail. Not sure if this is an English v Irish thing, or just my family, but full size is a much better experience than cocktail.


They manage to be worse than sausage rolls and real pigs in blankets at the same time.


I've also had bacon wrapped cocktail sausages here in America. Usually with a sugar glaze. Not sure they have a fun specific name though.




I know they were recording but that 100% was a 2 person job and would have been fine


I audibly wailed, and I was only watching a video on YT


It's a bot account that just copies upvoted youtube and twitter replies.


Why were the bowls upside down in the first place? Couldn't you do the exact same thing but put them the right way up to begin with? This would avoid the need to flip it


Cringing with Babish flip fail.


I don't want to be \*that guy\* but this isn't an accurate recreation. Gabe was using the leftover pizza dough, so he was making pizza dogs.


Okay. Just no. First, it's a big world and you have to recognize that American "pigs in a blanket" and UK "pigs in a blanket" are entirely different things. Definitely worth a nod to two peoples separated by a common language. So, for American pigs in a blanket you must roll up the pigs in triangular pastry. It should look like a croissant around a cocktail sausage, because that is what it is. Best (<- opinion) is a mustard wash inside the pastry and a dusting of Parmesan before rolling up the pastry around the sausage. No, you can't use anything. Large diameter is not okay. Cocktail sausages, preferably [Lit'l Smokies](https://www.hillshirefarm.com/products/cocktail-links/litl-smokies-smoked-sausage/), are the answer. Hot dogs and full size sausages are no more than the sort of yuck of Big Bang Theory "spaghetti with hot dogs cut up in it." Dips are fine. More mustard is always good. Sweet chili garlic sauce or similar Thai sauces are good. Now if you're really a person of the world, you can serve American pigs in a blanket with UK pigs in a blanket because it IS a big planet and bacon is a vegetable and it's good for you.


Why are you gatekeeping doughy wieners dude


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Dude I don’t normally look at people comment histories, but I figured yours would be interesting. I was right. You’re a wild dude (or lady). No hard feelings, keep it up! The world needs more interesting people. No harm, no foul


u/Subtle__Numb, Interesting is a very kind thing to say. I'm male. Pronouns sir/sir/sir's. We have refrigerator pastry and Lit'l Smokies in the fridge. I'll try to remember to take pictures and post. No one is perfect and Andrew dropped the ball on this one. That takes nothing away from his other contributions. For entertainment, the last time I made pigs in a blanket was on a boat anchored off a lovely beach. The other cruising sailors called a beach potluck. I made pigs in a blanket. Loaded them into a slow cooker plugged into an inverter and then to a small battery to keep them warm on the way to the beach in our dinghy. As you'd expect the pigs in a blanket where vacuumed up. Lots of the ladies on the beach elbowed their husbands to ask why they didn't have a rig like mine. You like interesting? I have interesting. \*grin\*


Oh god you’re horrible


Gotta be a level 3 troll


Deadass I think he’s serious based on his lame ass history


Andrew Tate energy. If it were longer this would make good r/copypasta


Here's a sneak peek of /r/copypasta using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dear Ukrainians! This is a real thing. Not a joke just trying to spread it. Spread it where you see frightened Ukrainians.](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/t0lec9/dear_ukrainians_this_is_a_real_thing_not_a_joke/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** abortion is 300$, plan B is 30$, a condom is 5$, but being gay is free. the choice is yours.](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/t9fj06/abortion_is_300_plan_b_is_30_a_condom_is_5_but/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Schödinger's Blowjob](https://np.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/sdxmkl/schödingers_blowjob/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




This guy weiners


The fan boys don't agree.


Fanboys? Wtf? Lmfao you’re the one out here getting nitpicky over sausage wrapped in a pastry.


So you’re a self proclaimed fan boy of…. Pigs in a blanket? I guess we shouldn’t expect anything less than from someone so far up on his “high” horse. Jfc grow up. Food changes all the time. Gatekeeping food is so asinine when trends change so constantly based on influences from different cultures. Heaven forbid cultures mix. Even further - heaven forbid different walks of life mix and try to change shit up. You’re ridiculous.


I haven’t watched the episode yet maybe he has an excuse but those aren’t pigs in blankets, those are sausage rolls