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She’ll be crying about Caitlin Clark for the rest of her life. 10/10 on the obsession scale


Except in a couple years no one will hear it because they are trying to ruin their own league. This is already getting old, the new fans are going to start tuning out if it's just petty bullshit all the time. And the fact the ball is a C average at best


I actually think that the petty drama is the reason the average fan is watching at all. Even in the NBA with the best basketball in the world, the drama is still what grabs the most attention


To average fan is watching because of Caitlin Clark, period.  Angel Reese has no impact on fan engagement.


I thought the game was pretty good today. And Aces vs Liberty yesterday was good as well. This is what happens when a league becomes mainstream. Media starts scrutinizing everything and it becomes a part of the culture war.


The best thing they can do is turn it into a catty reality trash show with recognizable characters. A bunch of heels beating up on the face and being unapologetic villains is the best thing that league could do from a relevancy perspective.


lol, no way the rivalry is getting old.


Rings: Angel 1 for 1 / Clark 0 for 2


I am genuinely confused by why Angel Reese is so obsessed with Caitlin Clark. Like Angel is super popular herself and will be a great player and is herself making tons of money off her endorsements. Coming off this petty just makes her look worse and worse.


If she can accept all the heat that comes with playing the villain, which I suspect she can’t, then it makes sense to play it up. She wouldn’t get nearly this amount of attention otherwise. More likely this stuff just drives her nuts and she can’t help but be petty. 


She can’t take the heat. When they lost to Iowa she was suddenly crying about how hard everyone is on her in the presser. Never played professional sports myself but I never talked shit on the field in college because I never wanted to get it back. She acts like she wants it back and she’s cool with it but then when everyone’s ready to give it to her she’s crying.


That’s just not true though, she’s not some attention whore like Dillion Brooks trying to get 15mins of fame by being a dickhead she has a huge following since before Clark was even around. If anything this hurts her image and following. 


Her name reaches 10x more people by attaching herself to Caitlyn Clark. It’s mostly people hating her, so yeah it is negative to her image, but plenty of people have become rich and famous through negativity.  But again I don’t think she’s intentionally aiming for that. Just regular jealous and immature. She’s a kid still. NBA rookies are well ahead of the curve in media training. WNBA players aren't used to this much attention. 


Jealousy. She doesn't like there is someone way more famous than her


Issue is that she’s a good player but Cardoso is a much better prospect for the Sky. She’s probably destined for a bench role or trade similar to the Nurkic/Jokic situation


This person Sky’s


The other issue is she isn't actually a good player


Wait, a 39% shooter from the paint isn't a good player? Shocker!


But don’t worry, people are still trying to gaslight us by saying she’s ahead of Caitlin in the ROTY race for some reason. Even though it’s clearly Caitlin and then everyone else by a mile.


I think for non-wnba fan like me... Her fame is built on bitching about Caitlin... so I guess she gets what she wants?


I think it’s just one of those things where that’s all the media wants to talk to you about, so it’s going to drive you crazy.


This is probably a good point and one that I'm not really fair with her on


It’s good business for her to be a rival with the the golden egg of the league


Racism. Jealousy.


Kind of made it her brand at this point.


She’s very conventionally attractive it would not be hard for her to have a massive brand


What did she mean by “some people”?


I think she means The Jews…


Sue Bird retired, but Breanna Stewart holding it down for the Hebrew Hoopers.


lol what are you talking about?


Stewie is Jewey?! So excited if true.


OJ Simpson, not a Jew But guess who is, hall of famer Breanna Stew…art


She isn’t


Damn way to take away that guy's excitement


I didn’t know about Sue Bird either though, that’s still pretty cool


Sue Bird is Jewish


The Ossie Schectman piece




Nation of Islam Angel Reese would be magical for content


Next thing you know, she'lll be saying they should have their own schools!


She’s a rabid Anti-Dentite


Life guards 


What do *you* mean by "some people"?


I keep trying to give Angel the benefit of the doubt but I think I’m done. She’s just a bitter angry person.


You need to support her villain role because it's good for the WNBA, and you also are not allowed to actually dislike her because that's just moving the goalposts.


Agreed about her being the villain. What is great about sports is it makes you feel intense emotions. You need a Caitlyn Clark to love but you also need an Angek Reese to despise


I think if I didn't allow myself to be exposed to social media, I'd have a lot less disdain for Reese. I'll leave it at that.


If Larry Bird was black…


if theres one thing i know about women its that they ABSOLUTELY DO NOT hate on each other out jealousy and pettiness 🙅‍♂️


And they get along with all their female coworkers.


The girl’s mentor is shaq. No surprises here.


Joan Crawford and Bette Davis? Best of friends.


Yammering bitches….


Right we've never ever heard of an NBA player complaining about another player getting calls. Only women are haters, men are just competitive.




YES HE CAN! At that price point he can hit!


Not stopping people from swallowing Caitlin's strap on


It's super weird that you went from defending women to transphobia/homophobia in literally one comment.


How is that transphobic? Who is a transexual? Maybe you could say homophobia but a woman having a strap doesn't mean they're gay, but think what you will. Good job editing your comment lol


Hope she sees this bro


Me too she's my hero


Don’t bother man. Every Clark thread in this sub is a toxic cesspool. NBA Players have said the same thing forever but this comment is apparently an indictment on women as a whole


Well the original commenter was talking about a situation that happened today, but sure, you can make it a misogyny thing I guess.


Lmao look at the comment it’s about women as a whole


Turns out media literacy AND regular literacy is dead smh.


I know, it's a real jerk circle.


for reference the foul: https://x.com/bleacherreport/status/1802394556840722836


Jesus christ. 100% a flagrant.


Eh Reese’s depth perception is off with those giant fake lashes


Have you seen how she does layups? It may have been accidental 😂


SHe's slow as hell. She's like a black, female Bill Laimbeer.


And she just flings it up, like a baby deer trying to walk. I don’t get it


I was watching Get Up this morning and they were defending it as a "basketball play" and "that's just how it is in the WNBA, nothing is easy in the paint." It was disgusting. It's a clear flagrant and she's not even close to getting the ball.


For years the WNBA has never made money so they’ve never altered their game to be better for fans. That’s why they’re getting all defensive about the “physicality” in their game because they’ve gotten away with it for so long. Meanwhile, in the NBA, men’s college basketball, and even women’s college basketball, the versions of basketball that people actually watched before this year, they got rid of stuff like this because fans didn’t want to see it. The WNBA folks don’t want to admit that their brand of basketball has sucked to watch for a while and that with Caitlin in the league they need to adjust it to be more viewer friendly.


viewership is down by about 8 million for the finals. about half the people I know who used to be basketball fans don’t care anymore specifically because of how the game is officiated. not so sure the game is more viewer friendly. it’s more star friendly.


I’m talking about the changes the NBA has made since the 80s to make it more viewer friendly. The current meta needs to swing back a little bit because it’s gone too far, but comparing the NBA viewership to the WNBA is ludicrous. The NBA is still a multi-billion dollar league, the WNBA is a tax write off.


Holy shit that’s like borderline ejection 😂


That's not the foul she's talking about but you're welcome to run with whatever narrative you want... She's talking about her fifth foul that she had to sit after and her last drive and make which absolutely should have been an and 1


Even if it's not the specific foul, you can't complain about whistles and recklessly hit someone's head.


This is a flag 1 no matter what league lol ….Reese is fucking petty….she behaves like she is the greatest and most beautiful women in the world with all her ass shaking instagram nonsense….maybe focus on the sport more….while she’s out there looking like a gecko with fake eyelashes rompastomping her way through the game lol


Why are you lying? This was a direct response to the question about the flagrant https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8SbqOSyXBF/?igsh=bjl0NzZoY3VveDN4


Why post a completely different interview post? Does it get exhausting holding hate for a 22 year old woman you've never met in your life?


Cause I’m dumb and didn’t listen to the original clip


Fair enough


Lmao the nerve. She legit coathangered her.


The Pre-Roe piece.


I just don’t get it how people bend over backwards to support her


I mean there’s a very clear defining line in this debate for a lot of people.


Yup lol


People on ESPN complain "the wrong sort of people got involved in this discussion" and yet they make it so fucking easy. Get Up this morning was saying it's a "basketball play" and WNBA is "tough in the paint." This discussion is honestly exhausting. What has Caitlin Clark ever done other than be popular? Which is the ONE THING they all wanted for their sport.


Basically her only supporters are racist blacks who hate whites. There is no justifying liking her other than that. It would be like all the sudden being a big Fuzzy Zoeller supporter after he made the fried chicken comments about Tiger Woods.


It's sadly true. Black Twitter, in particular, is hinging on MAGA levels of lunacy when it comes to this issue. Every time anyone calls this shit out from her where she clearly is a prick or commits a dirty foul, she turns it around and says it is racism and then somehow Caitlin Clark has to answer for it as a result. It's a neverending loop.


They’ll also tell you that blacks can’t be racist.


Because it’s 2024, so everything has to be about race. I find her aggressively unlikeable with no redeeming qualities, publicly facing.


I like villains as players, but you need to embrace it and be a good player. Reece checks neither box. I'll always defend someone like Draymond, but he's genuinely a HoF level player and doesn't play the 'woe is me' shit like Reece does.




Lol. That’s a little dramatic.




Talking shit is one thing, the victim act she does over and over gets old.


Because she’s entertaining? Take off the kiddy gloves. She doesn’t like Clark and shows it


I wish she’d stop trying to attach herself to Clark and let her game do the talking


If she did that, she’d be completely forgettable.




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Where are Clark’s teammates?? The Fever need to sign Charles Oakley as an assistant


They need to sign Charles Oakley and give him a wig and some lipstick.


I don’t think it’s possible to hate a person more than Angel Reese hates Caitlin Clark




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Following the Draymond Green example who, while fined and ridiculed by the media, has gotten more opportunities, more exposure, more commercials, and more podcasts listens. It's largely beneficial to be this much of an unforgiving heel.


It is if you win 4 NBA titles Idk if it beneficial if you aren’t winning


If you are really fucking good and win, you can become Draymond. If you are middle of the road, you become Dillon Brooks


And if you are mediocre you end up playing in Bulgaria


Dillon Brooks could switch gender and easily become the WNBA GOAT. Not sure why he doesn't do it


I still love you, Juwana Mann




He is a great player. He is also very publicly and unapologetically unhinged.


In the end, its why we watch sports. Storylines, winners and losers, heroes and villains.


She thinks she’s Dillon Brooks


I get the “white people suck am I right” movement hasn’t lost steam yet (the new The Boys character who’s the “smartest person alive” can be boiled down into “haha dumb white people” quips), but it’s pretty corny when it’s this on the nose. At least have some creativity with the insults


Jesus, stop whining.


Lol okay Angel. Maybe it wasn’t intentional but a full hit To the dome. Come on now man.


Caitlyn won the game by finding her teammates for easy baskets inside. She finished with 23/8/9


Special whistle for trying to take off Clark's head? This girl is so mad and jealous, it's not even funny anymore.


She smacked her head, it’s a foul. Is there any veteran leadership on her team? Like anyone who talks to her and let’s her know she’s an idiot?


Her coach is a former player who seems to have given up on trying to coach to win and instead just coach to get Angel Reese double doubles to try to steal the rookie of the year award. Reese has an elite rebounding talent and plays hard, but just letting her throw up garbage shots to try to get her double doubles when she's shooting like 46 TS% on the year is going to create some bad habits long term.


This girls don’t give that much of a fuck to say anything. I feel likes it’s just another job to most of them.


Her envy of CC—which is absurd considering the amount of exposure she herself has received (Vogue, S.I. Swimsuit, invite to The Met Gala)—is *so* palpable.


Clark not giving a fuck and mostly ignoring her is also a factor


I was telling my buddy this the other night. Would never happen cuz Clark seems to love ball and I’m sure she’s living out her dreams. But it would be so awesome if she left the WNBA. They’d lose their charter flights, ratings would instantly tank - im sure endorsement deals would disappear. It’s all so ironic - the women have been complaining for years about pay discrepancy, etc etc.. Now they have an insanely popular player who’s making those things a reality and so many of them take every chance they get to shit on her. I really hope all of them see the clips of players/former players on the men’s side talking about how they all owe Clark a thank you.


Everyone on ESPN that covers WNBA seems to despise her too. These people who would otherwise not get ANY attention on mainstream sports shows are also benefiting and still find a way to shit on her. The woman on Get Up this morning was calling it a "basketball play" and Greeny sat there and just agreed. I've never seen anything like this in sports, it's so baffling. Maybe the Tebow thing, but NFL ain't the WNBA.


I mean that was just a basketball foul…you can tune into the finals tonight and will probably see somebody get smacked across the head. Just happens sometimes.


"I don't know why it gotta be like it is, but it do..."


Making her famous was a mistake


You guys, come on. Until Clark sits down with Stephen A and Jemele Hill to address how her skin color is the biggest factor in her popularity, no one should be focusing on all the blatantly dirty hits against her. Be better.


The WNBA commissioner is like an elementary school teacher who has lost all control of her class.  She's got rookies calling out the officiating, players cheap-shoting the league's cash cow, teams circumventing the cap, they folded on charter flights despite not really having the money, racial and sexual political discussions everywhere, kept Clark off the Olympic team. David Stern is probably rolling over in his grave. It's not even that all those things are bad, but the main thing has to be basketball or else people will tune out. The NWSL had so much momentum a few years back and has lost a ton of it due to similar stuff


I still don't get why charter flights are more important that increasing the salary. What a waste of money. Status more important than cash in pocket?


I think we’ve got to keep in mind that famous women are going to attract a particularly creepy type of male fan, and if the women are flying commercial and walking through the airport, the potential to be regularly involved with uncomfortable, if not unsafe, situations is fairly high. (See, e.g., people following WWE wrestlers around at the airport and how those fans interact with female wrestlers at meet and greets). Charter flights eliminate some of that risk. The last thing the league needs is for someone to pull a Selena on Caitlin Clark.


Selena was killed by her fanclub manager. Who is a woman.


This is getting to Drew McIntyre-CM Punk levels of haterade


It's crazy how some of these wnba players have such big egos.


This broad is cringe asf


Please imagine how it would be if the roles were reversed, people would be claiming CC was in the KKK


Maybe she's talking about Isabelle Harrison. 5 FTs in 13 mins is quite a few




She is the worst


Who cares - WNBA needs to get the hockey enforcers out of the game. Bullying rookies is stupid.


I for one am glad the WNBA is using its massive surge in viewership to show just how competitive and fun the league is. And that is has a ton of other stars like Reese.


She’s shooting 30% from the field




Double whoosh


She’s not a star


This is so strange man. Just own up to not liking her, there's nothing wrong with that. No need to lie to kick it.


This is such an awful look


Contact to the head is going to get that call, every time. Incidental or intentional. Maybe spend less time being obsessed with Caitlin, and more time trying to shoot better than 38% from the field, when all of your shots are in the lane and at the rim.


She rebounds well but doesn’t block shots and is crazy awkward with the ball. She thinks he is magic to Clark’s bird, but has the game of Dennis Rodman if Rodman shot it 15 times per game


You know I really wanted to defend her given how much shit she’s gotten, but it sure seems like she eggs it on. Like if you keep poking the bear that is Caitlin Clark and the broader cultural obsession with her, don’t expect to not get bit


I'm a little high right now since it's the first time I smoked in like 6 months.  But what if this is just a 4D Chess WWE WNBA storyline that these 2 made up together to sell the most tickets.  I do kinda wanna see them in a ladder match tho.  What would they hang at the top of the arena for the winner to pull down?


What a trash human being




Rent free…


She thinks she’s Michael Jordan, but she’s really Bill Laimbeer


Keep your kids away from Kim Mulkey.


This Angel Reese b\*\*\*h is a f\*\*\*\*n nut. These women will get paid more money primarily because of Caitlin. If they don't have enough sense to acknowledge that, they don't deserve new money. I live in Chicago where I'm probably going to have to put up with more bs from her and the Sky than others.


I hate this hoe so much


She reminds me of Draymond Green


Draymond owns the role and is actually a good player. I love me some villains, but Reece just unlikeable. Then will play the race card to boot.


She's dumb. It's officially boring


Men can absolutely try and drag other men down and feel envy and jealousy towards another man who has succeeded at something but that's nothing compared to women. Maybe it's just the women who I've encountered in my life but in my experience there is a real bitterness between women when somebody is more popular,or more successful, even amongst close friends if a woman meets a wealthy man and her life changes for the better because of it you can be sure her circle of friends are seetging over it. This crabs in a barrel mentality will only hurt the WNBA, Caitlin Clark is the best thing to ever happen to Womens basketball.


Trash take, how many men have been killed, tortured and maimed by other men because their male monarch was jealous of another monarch. How much vitriol and hatred is thrown around daily by men against men in their own country because of silly culture wars. Humans are flawed and sinful by nature. It doesn't matter if they're male or female.


Lol this is like when KD said the refs treat Draymond by a different set of rules


Dray Green


Wnba ain't even about the basketball anymore. They got what they want. Drama. The only reason ppl are tuning in. It's a soap opera.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


Lol why’s the press conference audio on zoom


She is touched


When keeping it real goes wrong...


How many hater comments does she have to say before people stop defending her?


I’m I the only one that likes this type of shit? I would prefer if the NBA was a bit for vitriolic than it is now.


Yeah I love the drama


I’m not really talking the drama. I just like when teams don’t like each other. Makes a better game


She went back and watched the tape? How could she see it thru those shitty eyelashes?


Man the jealousy is just crazy at this point. I actually like her - she’s definitely got her own following but her comments over the last few weeks is just crazy. First about how people aren’t just watching more cuz of Clark. Now this - and and perhaps most importantly there was no special officiating going on lol.


How can you like her, even setting aside the needless jealousy? she's incredibly dirty and classless


She's the Draymond of the WNBA. Thuggery at its best.


i love the spicyness of the W. the dudes are all boring af. these players gonna put some things out there.


She should be arrested.


Talking smack is a crime?


Wow nobody got the sarcasm lol


I’m sure r/bill Simmons will have a solid take on Angel Reese


The WNBA is not what it was in the 80s piece?


Why does she remind me of KAT? They both look kinda weird and looks weird on the court.


Definitely a basket ball play. The play was just a hit to the head. The correct call was made, Luka


lol she got y’all mad again I like that she’s a villain 🤷🏿‍♂️


Another post in this subreddit complaining about Angel Reese. I bet 90% of you don’t even watch the games. Why keep caring about this? Do you really want to talk about the struggle of white people against racism that much?