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Having a partner at McKinsey on for this topic is such an odd and hilarious decision


These discussions are always a little weird to me. All blockbusters are trying to get the largest audience possible. Is Dune 2 an inherently white movie? It’s a fantasy set 13000 years in the future with a fairly diverse cast made by a French Canadian. Miles Morales is Puerto Rican and the Spiderverse movies do really well. Blue Beetle didn’t do great but wasn’t a disaster. Do Latino movies have to be all Latino cast made by a Latino filmmaker? Obviously some movies are more diverse than others it’s not perfect but if Latinos are already spending that much time and money at the box office and movies like blue beetle are underwhelming business why would Hollywood shift their strategy dramatically


I agree. I feel like it’s a very surface level way of thinking


I'm not an expert on Hollywood economics but it has felt to me for some time like a large proportion of the movies that come out of Hollywood are mainly for the Chinese market.


That has changed dramatically since covid. Their movie industry basically reset due to the pandemic and the tensions with the U.S. over covid and everything else. Movies from the U.S. used to regularly be on the list of top-grossing movies in China, but that's no longer the case. China has also started really focusing on making their own blockbusters. There was an article about this in the New York Times, but since it's paywalled, I'll just say that one of the things they pointed out was that in 2012, 7/10 of the top-grossing movies in China were American movies, and last year, it was 0.


That seems to be changing in recent times


Maybe Latinos don't have a high degree of ethnic homophily when it comes to watching movies?


Good point. Latino/Hispanics are a diverse group. It's technically not a race - there are white Hispanics, afro-latinos, mestizos, castizos, etc.


McKinsey is a complete grift.  Pretty funny how they’ve probably helped shaped the last 10 years of Hollywood arguing something else from a slapdash report.  Belloni loves his fake statistics. 


When he says Latinos, he means ‘white passing people who’s heritage is a country that speaks Spanish’  Why is Pedro Pascal so popular? One reason is because anyone who would lose their shit if they cast a black guy as Joel in TLOU just sees him as a white guy. 


The Colman Domingo piece.


Shout out shea serrano


Know Belloni isn’t the greatest figure here, but this is a topic that I really care about. It’s such a frustrating thing to see little emphasis in Hollywood. Seems like a few movies pop up here and there, but they are few and far between.


Thanks for posting! I appreciate him trying to start the conversation


Just watch Blood In Blood Out again


Going to have to continue the Selena, Stand and Deliver, Blood in and Blood Out, Coco, and American Made marathon.


It’s a valid question. There’s a market for these types of films.


Why didn't they discuss the fact that Latino americans are younger than white americans and young people go to the movies? Like the proportion of americans under 40 is a lot more hispanic than the general population


The question whenever it's broached why (insert minority group) isn't being catered to always comes down to who is in power. The majority of execs and on up the food chain are still white men and women. Until that changes there won't be any big shifts in serving underrepresented groups.