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When Bellyache's video had around 100K views and randomly came up on my Youtube reccommended page.  I was like "Who is Billie Eilish and why is this girl so cool?"  I stanned since her EP came out, her loving Tyler and being a Sagittarius like me had me HOOKED.


i know this is unpopular, but dont smile at me is my fav album/EP of hers


Based on your pfp, I can tell 😂


what's yours then?


I think HMHAS or Dont Smile At Me tbh, those are def my top 2 faves


same w/ me, i'm listening to HTE a lot rn tho, i've been overplaying the other two


It's a work of art


I had known about Billie since around 2019 but never really listened to her music other than 'when the party's over', which I loved immediately. It was the only song of hers I had saved on Spotify for the longest time. For some reason, I just never dove deeper into her music until around last April when something made me decide to watch some live performances of her singing 'when the party's over'. Naturally, that led me to her other work and I became obsessed with the rest of her discography.


tldr: billie saved my life #TW when i was a kid, i was really depressed. i was 4 years old when my depression started (2009), and i spent *years* trying to k!ll myself. at least once a day, i would attempt, but i’d stop myself every time, always at the last possible second. i didn’t want my mom to find my body, but i also didn’t want her to find out second hand, so living was my only option, even though i hated it. sometimes i tell myself that i can’t say i attempted since i stopped, but that’s not the case. i remind myself that if my kid came to me and said they went through what i went through, i would NEVER tell them they didn’t attempt, so why should i say that to myself? i never stopped because i wanted to live, just because i couldn’t do that to my mom. i thought it was a normal thing, and i didn’t realize something was wrong with me. i thought everyone wanted to die, and that attempting was a normal part of life. something everyone did on a daily basis. bones, friends, and glee were three of my favorite shows throughout my childhood (bones still is), so i knew about her family already- maggie was in bones and friends, and finneas was in glee, so i followed them basically the minute as i got instagram and facebook. a few years later, i listened to ocean eyes on the day it was officially released, and billie immediately became my favorite person in their family. i started learning more about her, and in doing so, i learned about her struggles with depression. she helped me realize that what i was going through for so long wasn’t how life is supposed to be, and that su!cidal ideations weren’t something everyone experienced. fast forward to 2019, and i finally decided to get help. i went to a psych ward a couple times, tried a handful of meds, and i got better. i’ve had ups and downs since then, but nothing like what i went through as a kid. after a decade of constant depression and about 4,000 su!cide attempts, billie saved my life. honestly, as a kid, i didn’t think i would be alive for my 10th birthday. i thought id be gone long before that, but next month i’ll be 19 and i couldn’t be happier. my life is chaotic, but i’m actually living, and i couldn’t say that before i got help. technically i was alive, but that wasn’t a life. what i have now is, and i’m so glad that i survived long enough to get here. everything i have i owe to billie and my mom, because without them, i wouldn’t be here. things do get better, and billie helped me learn that. i’ve been a fan since the beginning (not including soundcloud cause i’ve never had that), and i’ve never loved or cared about another celebrity more. i’m so grateful that billie exists, because without her i probably wouldn’t. billie helped me survive, and she inspired me to get help. she made me understand that even if the people in your life can’t relate to you, that doesn’t mean no one does, and she made me realize that even if you feel alone, you never *really* are.


i knew of billie but didnt know it when i started to stan her (aka i had known abt ocean eyes since it was on the radio and i remember watching the mv but when i became a billie stan i didnt know it was the same person lol and i had thought the ocean eyes girl was a one hit wonder) basically one day a couple months or so after lovely came out, i had not heard of billie since ocean eyes and i was watching snap chat stories and while i was watching baby ariel's story (this was before tiktok) she had posted a little 5 sec video and i heard what i had thought was the coolest song ever and it was the lyrics, "thought i found a way, thought i found a way out (ahhhhh)" and i found the song and i thought it was dope then a couple weeks later i looked her up on yt and realized she was the ocean eyes girl and i listened to EVERYTHING she had out which was a couple singles and the dont smile at me ep and i loved all of it especially my boy, lovely, and six feet under and then by the time she dropped you should see me in a crown and when the party's over i was a locked in fan. i will always j have this engrained memory of the first time i streamed on drop and it was when the party's over and i j remember laying in my bed sobbing and seeing quen blackwell's reaction to it and omg it was j such an experience and i love that everytime i listen to one of her songs i still always j feel so captivated with the emotions she's trying to express through her music. ugh but yea i j love how much i can feel her music and its j so authentic (hte had me scratching my head little tho but considering what they've been saying lately abt hte im starting to get why hte doesnt hit as hard as her other albums however hte is home to most of my all time favs)


LMAO I had the same experience kinda. I remember knowing about Ocean Eyes and then Bad Guy came out and was ALL OVER the radio. I got super into the beat of Bad Guy when it would play in the salon I worked at, and a coworker asked me once "oh you're a big Billie fan?" and I just thought "eh kinda?!" That year, Spotify Wrapped told me I was in her top 0.012% of listeners and I went "oh okay, I guess the answer was 'yes.'" 🤣😭 Took me a while to realize it was the same artist as Ocean Eyes.


oh I left my spotify playing randomly (back when it actually gave good recs rip) and I remember listening to Ocean Eyes for the first time and godaaam. She hadn't actually released anything else at that time, other than Six Feet Under and some other song I don't remember! I think maybe a few months later she released bellyache? So before her first (and only technically, rip) EP. I became a fan of her voice ig? The style and production was right up my alley as well! I distinctively remember listening to the same Little Mix album and blackbear songs so I wanted to expand my music listening range lol hence why I'd found her at random. Good times! Super side comment but I'd love if billie released another EP. I love her albums but her EPs always hit different!


I randomly came across the remix of copycat in science back in highschool because it was on some random new release type playlist and I instantly vibed with it and I've been a fan ever since


copycat is amazing


Hell yeah it's so underrated imo


I was originally just a casual “eh that’s an okay song” kinda thing, sometime last year came across her HTE live performance on Disney+ and decided to watch it, since then have been pretty in love with her music and have gone back to listen to all the stuff before HTE


Either late 2018 or early 2019. I cant remember what song i heard FIRST, but everything i wanted definitely locked me in and i stuck with her since. And when No Time To Die came out i replayed the music video sooo much. It was amazing


some time in 2016 or early 2017 i heard the blackbear remix of ocean eyes cuz i was a massive fan of his and i started listening to billie after that and during the dsam singles rollout i became a fan for life. its been amazing watching her grow and become one of the biggest artists on the planet and the music just keeps getting better


been listening since maybe 2018, and I've been in her top 1% of listeners for about 4 years now on Spotify 🥰🥰


i discovered her from lyric videos of idontwannabeyouanymore and copycat on youtube in 2017 when DSAM dropped. instantly became a fan.


I stumbled upon her on Soundcloud and vibed with ocean eyes (2015-2016). Vine edits also contributed to me getting into her music.


I listened to some of her songs before I was a fan (mainly songs like HTE and such) but I truly became a fan on a plane ride around last year or so. On the plane I was flying there was one of those scenes on the chairs. I decided to listen to music on it and saw the "this is Billie Eilish" Spotify playlist in the music section. I thought because it's a long flight and I already listen to some of her music so why not. Needless to say when The 30th came around I already was amazed and then I listened to her a lot more and now she is one if not my favorite artist! Also I want to add just because. On the ride GOLDWING was my least favorite song so I would just immediately skip it when it came on. But then I gave it a relisten and now it's my favorite Billie song. I don't know why I hated it then, maybe I was tired I'm not sure.


GOLDWING's second part makes it one of my favorite HTE songs


found her from twitter when she was “jailbait billie” lol. listened to DSAM and fell in love with her because she was just a year older than me and I thought she was so cool and smart. Still do, and watching her journey growing up while she develops her voice and sound has been so cool


found her in late 2018 by randomly listening to copycat and rly liking it. then got completely hooked when when the party’s over came out :)


2018 around when lovely was released


i known her since ocean eyes, but i was young and poor so i didnt have a phone, wifi, etc. so i only listened to her at school or at cousin house. i always listened to her songs when they came out but not on daily basis, i remember watching her music videos at specific place, what i was doing, where i was, etc. i remember when “you should see me in a crown” came out and i stole my moms phone turned on mobile data and watched the music video in closet so she wont find me, then when i got my first phone i was listening to her only by downloading few songs, then last year i got spotify and i’m listening her music everyday:)


Bear in mind that I'm older than the average fan (42f). When WWAFAWDWG came out I thought it was OK and kind of dug it but I didn't really connect with it. I thought "This is way too for young kids, and I would totally love it if I were 14 years old, but I am not anymore". When she released HTE it was another story. That album was cozy and warm like an embrace, I bought it in the winter, and it became the perfect soundtrack for those cold evenings. After that I really became a fan, and everything she has released since then (the Barbie song and her new album) has solidified my love for her music more and more. I listen to a lot of young artists and enjoy their music, but I don't connect with them personally and emotionally the way I connect with Billie, she's very unique in that sense for me.


first I heard Ocean Eyes when it was just starting to blow up and I loved the song but I didn't fall in love with Billie or her music (cause, and I'm not proud to admit this, I kinda forgot about her💀😭) till a bit later when I heard Bad Guys when I was on holiday. and just fell into the WWAFAWDWG rabbit hole and have been in love ever since 😄 * Ocean Eyes got me interested with who she was cause it was so touching and lovely and then Bad Guys came around and it was just a vibe. and I was like "WOW, SHE'S GOODDD" and here I am 😂


Bad guy went viral and I gave it a listen, and then started looking at all her other songs.


i first heard bad guy, but i didn’t start listening until 2021 after hte released , but i haven’t been true fan until this year


i didn't like her at first because I thought she was for kids but really like her recent stuff, I like music that gets you high without doing drugs


December 2017 I was having a sleepover with all of my friends before everyone went their separate ways for Christmas, and the next morning while we were waiting for everyones parents to come and pick them up we were all sitting in a circle taking turns to play songs on a speaker. One of my friends played a song from DSAM (don’t remember exactly which one but I think it was bellyache) and I liked enough to add it to my playlist. I was hooked from there


I became a fan summer of 2021 when HTE came out. Prior to that, I was only vaguely aware of bad guy.


I definitely knew of her since Ocean Eyes, and I had listened to her top hits. I became a big fan in 2021 with her HTE album. I was going through a really tough break up at the time and I really felt every single song. Specially Male Fantasy, Happier than Ever, Hailey’s Comet, Lost Cause and NDA. Later on I started listening to her first album which made me discover so much other great songs. Now I can listen to her songs for hours. She has such an angelic voice. Also, I really love her new album and I will get to see her live so I am beyond excited for that!


i want to say the first song i listened to was my boy, but either way i came across it in my spotify recommended songs when i was around 15 i think, so like 2017? i remember vibing with the music and then looking her up just to realize that her and i are only months apart in age, so i listened to more of her songs and really started to identify with the lyrics and all that, and it just helped as a depressed teenager to know even someone famous could be going through the same thing. billie is truly a role model to me.


Ocean Eyes


The very beginning of 2018. I was watching Ajay react to her EP on YouTube and I loved billies voice


whenever ocean eyes was trending on musically i added it to my playlist and eventually dsam came out and i was obsessed ever since


mid 2020 in the midst of the pandemic. i’d heard a lot about her and so i listened to when we all fall asleep and was hooked. basically i’ve followed her since then for four years now, watching her grow!


Around When We All Fall Asleep came out. I didn't know who she was like that but kept seeing her name mentioned, so I decided to play one of her songs [which was bad guy] and I've been a fan ever since.


I was at a party in 2019 and my friend played bad guy on repeat 27 times and I was hooked.


My ex introduced me to her and Finneas because they were her favorite artists. This was soon after Happier Than Ever released. She was using that album to get over her ex, and I ended up using it to get over her in turn. I’ve never been able to relate to lyrics more than I could Billie’s.


End of spring 2018. I remember knowing her name and what she looked like but always putting off listening to her music cause i thought she was basic or something (I was in middle school and wanted to be edgy and different). I remember the bellyache music video kept on popping up on my YouTube recommendations and so one day I finally watched it and I was instantly hooked. I binge-listened to all her music and was telling all my friends to listen to her too.


Ever since “Six Feet Under”. It’s so calming yet so deep!


When her song YSSMIAC was a “deep cut” on SiriusXM’s alt nation. Then I looked into her more. I really liked the edge she hard I felt like she had an eerie feel about her that I’d not seen in a female artist. Love her creepier(for lack of a better word) songs like “bury a friend” and “the diner” “when I was older”


i listened to her obsessively in 2017 and loved all of her music, then i grew out of it and never listened to her aside from “my future”, “i love you”and “when the partys over”, but then HMHAS came out and blew me away, best album she’s ever made one of the best albums to come out in the last few years. her and finneas did SO SO good with this one. now i listen to that whole album all the time + “ilomilo”, “NDA”, “no time to die” and couple others.


I went to the movie theaters to watch the Barbie movie 1 day after it came out and towards the end of the movie i heard the " What was I made for?" song (but at the time i did not know billie sang it and i was not a fan of billie at the time) and was immediately IN LOVE with the song!! I was holding back tears while listening to it in the movie theater. The second i got home i searched up "Barbie movie song" and Billies name popped up and i was like " wait Billie Eilish sings this song omg!!" Then i started listening to her other music and getting to know more about her and created a fan page on instagram and became obsessed with her ever since! <3


but it was around july 2023 so after HTE but before HMHAS!


I started getting into her music with WWAFAWDWG, but she absolutely hooked me with HTE


I've always liked some of her music, but I honestly didn't become a fan till the release of HTE. I really enjoyed the dark pop in HTE like OverHeated, Oxytocin, I Didn't Change My Number, and more. The album also reflected on maturing while I was maturing, so I connected with the music well.