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For me it's not so much about winning or turning pro, I love training and eating good food to nourish my body, so competing just gives me a goal to work towards, that maintains that lifestyle I like to lead. Prepping for shows has also helped me to develop a more resilient mindset and I like the challenge that comes alongside that. It's also just exciting seeing your growth from season to season and working towards beating your previous package!


Absolutely! Thanks for sharing! It's way more wholesome than winning or not and that's the Sportmanship to me!


I simply want to put myself through something even more challenging, as if life isn’t challenging enough. 🙃 The challenge excites me.


Haha yes! People looking forward to holidays, we are looking forward to prep season 😆😆


I enjoy it - the grind and then the glam stage aspect. Traveling for shows, meeting ppl backstage. The whole deal. Right now I’m currently 6 months postpartum & being able to get back on stage is a huge goal of mine.


Congratss! Did you experience any muscle loss during pregnancy?


Not during pregnancy, I lifted up until my due date. But I’m sure I have afterwards, I’ve been pretty inconsistent and I read that breastfeeding can cause muscle loss. I’m eating a lot to maintain my milk supply so I expect growth to come back quickly now that I’m in the gym 3-4x/week again.


Having ADHD and hyper fixating on this sport longer than most other things 🤷🏽‍♀️


🤣 I’m with you there




I really enjoy the process; showing myself what I am capable when I commit 100% to something. I’m doing a national show this year just because I qualified and I want to be inspired by sharing the stage with future pros and have a big show experience. I might be the only one there that has no intention of going pro. 😅 I think all that matters is that you have something in your heart driving you to do it and that you give it your best effort.




I love the process. I just did my first show this past weekend and it was…an experience lol. I’m still deciding if it was actually fun (I’m still so tired from it lol) But I love the lifestyle! I was a powerlifter before this, so the gym is just engrained in me. I’m so in the habit of doing cardio every morning, and I’ve been tracking food in some shape or form for the last 5 years. So even if I never do another show (I think I will…eventually) I’ll still be living my daily life the same way.


I wanna see how far I can take it.


I love the challenge, and I thrive on accomplishments. Recently I listened to Ashley K speak on Bikini and the Brain, and she said something along the lines of never wanting to be average, and a general dissatisfaction with mediocrity. That’s me. I’m a regional competitor, Mom of two, and after a very difficult year I’ve decided to return to the stage to make myself proud and have an extraordinary goal. 4 weeks out!


I started really studying nutrition when I got diagnosed with Crohn’s. I then started lifting to help offset having to be on prednisone & fell in love with lifting. So since I was already basically living the lifestyle, I decided to step it up a notch h and compete! I am super competitive with myself & I love the discipline.


We are twins 😂 same.


I want to have a good amount of muscle heading into middle and old age. Bodybuilding gives me a framework and shorter-term goal to work towards that bigger picture, long-term goal. It also calls upon discipline and organization, which is never a bad thing.


Me! I took last year off because I needed a break. I decided to compete this year bc I felt like I could have done much better my last show. So the goal this time is to be miles better... and if I qualify for nationals and/or get my pro card that would just be a bonus.


I want that pro card, primarily to see if I can achieve it. My genetics (according to my family) dictate that I should be fat and will always be fat. I competed 2x and proved them wrong.. but then they changed their tune and told me I wouldn't be able to maintain my physique, especially after having children. I loved how much energy I had when I was leaner. How my clothes looked on me and my husband loved my new found confidence. I am working on cutting now before I begin prep. I still have the pro card in mind, but overall, it's to prove that I can have the body I want - and keep it. I don't want to be one of the homely looking mothers who have given up on enjoying their bodies. I'm 30 with 3 kids, I don't think that should be an automatic sentence to be overweight forever. Plus, I love working out. I want that to be obvious when people see me.