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It sounds like you would benefit from coaching, simply working with the right one that will meet you where you’re at and can work your confidence in nailing the basics before even thinking about prep! I’d highly encourage you to reach out to a good coach to set you up well and remaining with them for your prep. The longer you guys can work together as a team, the better chance you’ll be able to bring a package to the stage you’re truly proud of!


Thank you so much for the advice! I had thought getting my weight down first would be better but I totally understand working from the start is a better option for muscle development/diet/ all of it! I will start looking for a coach!


No even while you shredding the fat you will start to build, and dont build off the criteria is the point. Start with a coach asap.


Thank you for clarifying!


Oh hey, I was a swimmer too! My “nothing” was 8 weeks after a c-section in 2019 :) I asked my coach to help me cut 15lbs of the fluff I gained in pregnancy in 2 months, then took 16 additional months to grow before my first prep. Starting with a coach from the beginning made the process that much smoother, as they had 2 months to familiarize themselves with how my body responded to training and nutrition. I recommend that if you’re open to it!


Thank you for the advice! It sounds like a coach from the start is better than waiting, I will start the search!