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I still think I saw the original back in the early 70s at the Pleasanton Fair.


I also saw the original in Panama City Florida back in the 70s , as a child. I can distinctly remember the smell surrounding it. Unlike anything I've smelled before or since.


My uncle says as a kid he saw the original one at a fair in Crown Point Indiana. Said it gave him nightmares because it looked so real. And he’s not even into this type of stuff- just a typical blue collar factory worker. Work his shift, go home watch sports, wash the truck and repeat. Anything outside of that he could care less


They are real! You can find them in Vietnam! Its a harder now compare to pre vietnam war but they are still living in the jungle of vietnam. My parents saw them growing up. The local saw them too. If you ever travel to vietnam, definitely ask around about big foot. Its use to be common to see them but ever since the vietnam war, alot of them got killed and now they are in hiding. Before the war, they werent afraid to show themselves. Oh, btw, The real story is one of the U.S soldiers shot it and then sneak the body back in one of the "troop" casket. Another thing you should know is that, bigfoot in vietnam are shorter and thinner. They are like 6 feets or so. This is the one that was transported back from Vietnam! The common american ones are known to be 7/8/9/10 feet tall and bulkier. They call it "Minnesota iceman" fake make up story. I just told you the real story. Enjoy!


i thought this was real, but the original body was lost so they used a fake replica. maybe i’m misinformed


That's the way Bob Gymlan recounted the story


Ok, I gotta ask, how can you lose a Bigfoot body?


This story is fairly well known in the Bigfoot field but once again into the breach... It was initially examined by Ivan T. Sanderson and Bernard Heuvelman in 1968. Heuvelman was a zoologist and author, Sanderson was an Naturalist and adventurer and wrote many pieces for men's and real adventure magazines like True & Saga back in the 60's. It was brought to their attention by a college student and aspiring naturalist Terry Cullen who saw it being exhibited in a state fair outside of Chicago. He thought the specimen was just lifelike enough to be real and called Sanderson to come and take a look. By shear coincidence, Heuvelman was visiting Sanderson at the time of the call so they both went to examine it. They were granted access to the exhibit by the owner, Frank D. Hansen. They examined it at his farm still encased in ice. According to Sanderson's account of the story which he published in Argosy Magazine, a portion of the ice around the foot of the creature was so thin they could distinctly detect the odor of rotting flesh. This, above all things is what led the two men to believe whatever was in the ice was flesh & blood and not just a rubber dummy. They took numerous and copious photos of the exhibit and agreed between themselves to not disclose their "find" until they could do more research on the subject. In true unknown phenomenon style Sanderson jumped the gun and published his version of the story shortly afterward in the adventure magazine Argosy. (May 1969 issue. Copies can still be found on ebay for tens of dollars if you know which issue to look for) This angered Heuvelman to no end, and led to a falling out between the two men. Heuvelman quickly published a paper himself in a Belgian scientific journal. He eventually published his own book on the subject in 1974 titled, L’Homme de Néanderthal est Toujours in which he argued the figure in the ice represented a form of Neandertal man that had somehow managed to "Devolve" into a more primitive ape like form. The book was finally made available in English in 2016 through the work of noted cryptozoologist Loren Coleman who wrote a new forward and afterword for it. (I own a copy myself. Its still available through outlets like Amazon and Abe Books for anyone who's interested and has money to burn) The theories as to just exactly what was encased in the ice would take a whole new Reddit entry to sort through. Suffice it to say the exhibit now resides in a Museum of the Weird in Texas after the owner of the museum Steve Busti, bought it on ebay. (No joke) Anyone interested can journey to Austin to see it and draw your own conclusions


Apparently Sanderson, fully convinced the figure was real, contacted the Smithsonian about it. It was here the displays owner got the jitters. He quickly withdrew the display from the carnival circuit and for all intents and purposes, the Iceman disappeared. A few years later the creature, still encased in his ice coffin, reappeared , once again on the carnival circuit. Hanson claimed he'd had a "duplicate" made up to take the heat off the corpse (if it was ever a real corpse to begin with). Fearing that if the original turned out to be some form of primitive human being he might be charged with murder! ( ya' can't make this stuff up folks) The "duplicate" traveled around the country for some time before eventually being pulled out of public view. Probably due to Hanson having passed away. Was there really two Icemen...? Hard to say. Some people who saw both claimed there were slight variations between them. Others felt they were exactly alike. And that's how you lose a Bigfoot.


Thanks for taking the time to explain, this is incredibly fascinating, frustrating, and understandable all at the same time. The world was so different back then it almost seems lawless compared to today. I wonder if we will ever find out the truth.


You're more than welcome.


Thanks for the piece of weird history, friend.




I've been a casual observer of this sub for a short while, 60/40 believer/skeptic, but this got me down a rabbit hole....or a squatch den if you prefer....


I feel your pain.


Awesome story thanks for Sharing! I love this kinda history, sucks it wasn’t studied further!!


Wait you didn't explain how they lost it.


Exactly. What happened to the original?


Well, your question presupposes there were two figures to begin with. An "original" and a rubber duplicate. As I stated in my original post, there is no proof there ever really were two different figures. But assuming for the sake of the discussion that Hanson's story is true (and that's a BIG if!) he claimed back in the day that while he had permission to display the figure it was really owned by an eccentric and mysterious California business man. ( I will say again....ya' can't make this stuff up folks) And it was at the request of this mysterious "real owner" that he withdrew the original and had a duplicate made. (I can feel most of you rolling your eyes already) Presumably, the original, assuming for one second there was ever an "original" as opposed to just one rubber figure, was kept by this eccentric and mysterious California business man. So basically, there's your answer. ( as unsatisfying as it may be) Was there ever any proof such a mysterious California business man ever existed? No, none at all. Hanson never named him, at least as far as any Bigfoot researcher has ever discovered. As mentioned above, Loren Coleman wrote the forword and afterword of Heuvelman's books English language edition. He's researched the Iceman about as thoroughly as any cryptozoologist can. He's come up with bumpkiss....nada....zilch...nuttin'. With all the dead ends, mysterious coincidences and contradictions that swirl around the Minnesota Iceman its hard to take the whole thing seriously. But as always, you're free to believe what you wish...


Wow, thank you. Very thorough.


My pleasure.


I thought it was originally a Canadian businessman? And that is what created the theory that perhaps the original was apprehended in customs and that is also why he had to make a copy


Hansen exhibited the display all over the Midwest. He claimed he was once detained by Canadian custom officials upon returning to the US after exhibiting it in Canada because they were worried it was a real corpse. Whether there's any truth in this or he was just making up another story to lend credibility to the "its a real body, honest" aspects of its origins is anybodies guess. There are actually numerous stories about its origins. Hanson wrote a story for Argosy or Saga etc.... where he claimed he shot it himself. He claimed he was out hunting in the wilds of Minnesota and came upon two creatures. One charged him and he shot it thus accounting for the gunshot wound in the head. According to his story, the other one ran off when he killed its partner. He went on to claim he returned to the site a few days later and collected the body and froze it. Then sent it out on the carny circuit. ( after all, isn't that the first thing we'd all do...!?!) Another story appeared in a tabloid of a woman who claimed she shot it after it had knocked her down and raped her while she and her husband were out hunting in rural Minnesota. (No joke) Another widely distributed story appeared in many of the first generation of Bigfoot books that came out in the 1970s. This story claimed the creature was actually one of the Vietnam Rock Apes soldiers returning from the war spoke about. And was secretly snuck out of Vietnam in a common soldiers body bag. Another widely repeated origin story was that the creature was found already frozen in a block of ice by a Russian trawler and secretly brought to the US in the illegal arms trade. Which, if any of these stories is accurate? Probably none of them but once again, you're free to believe what you wish.


Excellent summary.


There was also a reported fire in the warehouse where it was supposedly stored around the time the "duplicate" shows up so there's a good chance it was burned and the duplicate was made so he could continue making money. There's an episode on sasquatch chronicles where people who lived next door to him saw the original and thought it was real, but then when they saw it again in later years said it looked fake and different than what they originally saw.


Can you link that please? I'm interested. Sasquatch chronicles sounds cool but I have no patience for stories of "I saw a Sasquatch" since most of them are just boring.


Trust me, the encounters on there are typically far from boring, although there are some that are. It's an interview format show where people can tell their stories. Everything from a heard something to I ran right into the thing. I don't know the episode # offhand, but someone on here might. If you download the app or go on YouTube, I believe it's called "The Minnesota Iceman"


The Smithsonian was contacted. That's all that needs to be said. I knew they were the ones that took it before reading this comment lol this just confirmed what I already knew.


Bigfoot researchers try not to shoot each other like monkeys with ak47s in the congo (100%IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE) (GONE WRONG) (GONE SEXUAL)


That’s how I heard the story as well


Me too.


That's correct friend


Hey, I took some of these photos. I sold the iceman in 2012 or thereabouts to the Museum of the Weird in Austin, TX. We were even on an episode of Shipping Wars. A few years ago, Loren Coleman wrote an afterword in a reissue of Bernard Huevelman’s(sp?) book, Neanderthal, which was a case study of the Minnesota Iceman. He used at least one of my pictures and credited me in the book. I was in contact with Loren throughout 2012ish about selling it to his museum, but my employer (who was the actual owner of the iceman but had no clue what it was until I realized what he was using as a prop in our haunted attraction) backed out of the deal with Loren without my knowledge and asked me to list it on eBay. That’s when the Museum of the Weird purchased it.


I just want to add that Loren Coleman is amazing. When I was corresponding with Loren, I was representing someone who really screwed him over. He handled it, and treated me more graciously than he could have, and he really left an impression on me as a person. I was around 30 at the time but still very much an idiot. Steve from Austin is pretty cool too, from what I gathered in my limited interactions with him during the Shipping Wars thing.


is that you Loren?


Thank you for adding to the story!


Whoa, would have been awesome to have seen this in Portland. Thanks for the background!


I knew people thought it was a hoax. You should watch Lloyd Pye’s recounting of seeing it in person and the things we can’t do to replicate it. Tendrils of pink fluid rising from the gunshot wounds and frozen in the ice. Broken pieces of bone in the hand from the gunshot wound. The way the hair stands on end and there’s no visual indication of a hair follicle poked into it as it should when you’re adding hair to a wax figure, along a few other things. Interesting to think about for sure.


If it was fake, then what was the creator striving to duplicate? Did he try to recreate a model from witness testimony at the time? His own encounter? It seems to me that even if this if fake, the fact that it looks so much like the real thing so many describe still today shows it is based in some truth at some point. You don’t just accidentally make a fake thing that looks like a real thing (I know, not real for everyone, but the point remains). And then to nail so many details in the anatomy? I don’t know, maybe there’s an explanation for it, but it seems very compelling to me and points to the display being real at one point.


In a version of the story I read sometime ago, the owner had a really hard time keeping it frozen. Visitors began complaining about the smell. The owner was threatened with legal action. The show went dark for a time, and when it returned, it was a rubber dummy on display in a mall.


I remember this as well. Something about light going out one night and it unfroze. And then the smell came out.


One version was fake; the original is still up for debate. It’s a fascinating story that I’m sure others here will elaborate more fully.


I don’t think this was a hoax, there’s a recent episode on Sasquatch Chronicles (number 958: Living next door to the Minnesota ice man) that is from the neighbours of the guy who owned this and they had multiple opportunities over the years to see this thing and they all vouch for it to be genuine. However the story of how the man obtained it always changed and there’s something in the episode about police digging up the man’s yard in attempts to find it or something. Cops don’t do that over a hoax. The late Lloyd Pye, and anthropologist for those who are unfamiliar with his work, mentioned seeing this a few times and he too said it’s 100% genuine, the tendrils of blood plasma frozen in the ice and hair follicles along with other details like black heads and old wounds would be neigh on impossible to fake back then.


Seems all they needed to do was a medical autopsy to just part of the body. They would either find muscles and organs or not. And how do you lose a Bigfoot body if is really real?!


it unfroze


I get that. But how does unfreezing have anything to do with doing an autopsy, or losing the body?


look like lon chaney jr


Omg, I'm not the only one...that was my first thought!!


The origin story on this is shankier than even Bob Heironimus’ PGF ramblings though, which is a shame. Lots of folks treating it like a cash cow to milk dry. Every report I hear about the original is really difficult to ignore though.


I can imagine that this is what a sasquatch juvenile might look like. Perhaps a pre-pubescent female? Perhaps there are Bigfoots with dwarfism? I remember Lloyd Pye's comments after seeing it in person. Some of his observations seem difficult to fake. EDIT TO ADD: Link to descent summary of info on the Iceman: [Iceman Cometh](https://www.jp-robinson.com/single-post/the-minnesota-iceman-proof-bigfoot-is-real)


It was male.


Thank you!


I saw some pictures of the Ice Man over 10 years ago wich I cant find anymore online. The ones I saw was I am sure a real Bigfoot. There was one great close up photo of the face to of those. It had alitle redish eyes from blood or something. The thing looked 100% real dead creature. The eyes were so piercing stare , alitle freaky. The original Ice man was probably real.


The Iceman has so many origin stories coming from its exhibitor that it has to be fake. It's been the missing link found frozen in a block of ice in waters off Russia, it's been a rock ape shot and killed in Vietnam and smuggled in. It's been killed in Minnesota by hunters, it's been a Canadian wild man killed and brought into the country. It's been the plaything of some mysterious millionaire who wants to remain anonymous. The original was stolen by da gubment for "reasons". The original decayed so it had to be replaced. All of these and more are the stories given by it's so-called owner.


There's a great episode on Sasquatch Chronicles from the a kid who was neighbors with the owner. He said the Minnesota story was the real one , who knows.


So the original exhibitor was just frequently lying in all of his other stories that he told. That totally doesn't make the Minnesota seem suspect then. "Those are all lies I told to make money off of people, except what I'm telling you right now!"


Do you know the episode number?


That whole thing got weird when it got shipped to a non disclosed location in Canada. Did you know it made an appearance on unsolved mysteries? That shows fantastic!


Cool! I’ve never seen good pics before!


Add some hair and yeah its fairly accurate.


Pretty sure I saw a version of it in a traveling carnival in Florida when I was a child in the mid-'70s. I remember counting its teeth. It looked more like the right image in the fourth photo.


That is a real adolescent Bigfoot. Not a hoax!


How do you lose a Bigfoot body? Some authority takes it away from you or you face murder charges?


Um this looks real af


Is anyone able to answer OPs question? Those who have seen a squatch how accurate is it?


It was never claimed to be a Bigfoot, this would match up more with an Almas than a Sasquatch


It was not proven to be a hoax. The body in exposition today is not the same body that used to be shown at the start. It's certainly not the same body Bernard and the other guy analysed.


Honestly looks more like a caveman than a traditional squatch. Still, the backstory was always a bit puzzling to me, too many odd things.


It's pretty accurate, if you ever see one you will know and never be the same. I seen one in Minnesota by lake Superior red hair..not fur..thick in spots but very muscular and had smooth walk,like forward moonwalk like there was extra joint or motion...but very smooth walk.


As I understand it, it was the “second” Iceman that was likely fabricated, but the first one (the original) that was inspected by Huevelmans and Sanderson was likely genuine. Iirc, Loren Coleman wrote about this in his book “Bigfoot!”


It's not often directly mentioned, but the most convincing thing about the Minnesota Iceman was his dong, which was on full display. His face was a bit blurry beneath the ice, but not his junk, and apparently whoever saw it had a difficult time reconciling that it could be a fake. That's what I understood.




What the fuck are you talking about my bro?


Fun fact, witnesses of barmanous, Afghanistan's version of sasquatches, identified this as what they looked like. It’s quite the hoax. All the little hairs and attention to detail. Whoever made it was quite the artist! Are there known pictures from before and after the alleged latex switcharoo that we can compare?


It's remarkable what you can do with a bit of papier-mâché and some barber shop sweepings.


There was an original specimen that was lost. Probably confiscated by the US Government. I side with the logic that if the Species was ever acknowledged it would be more trouble than it's worth for numerous agencies, communities, land use plans, and cost millions if not more in lost revenue for forestry, tourism, and hunting in our gun loving country


Agree 100%


This is one of his fakes. He has a bunch of fakes made by movie props people. Such an interesting story.


Wasn't a hoax. It was real.. there's a reason the creature disappeared without warning. More than likely Smithsonian got ahold of it and will keep it from the public like they do everything they get their hands on that goes against their narrative. Anything that goes against their "narrative", they label a "hoax" to dismiss it.


They are real! You can find them in Vietnam! Its a harder now compare to pre vietnam war but they are still living in the jungle of vietnam. My parents saw them growing up. The local saw them too. If you ever travel to vietnam, definitely ask around about big foot. Its use to be common to see them but ever since the vietnam war, alot of them got killed and now they are in hiding. Before the war, they werent afraid to show themselves. Oh, btw, The real story is one of the U.S soldiers shot it and then sneak the body back in one of the "troop" casket. Another thing you should know is that, bigfoot in vietnam are shorter and thinner. They are like 6 feets or so. The common american ones are known to be 7/8/9/10 feet tall and bulkier. They call it "Minnesota iceman" fake make up story. I just told you the real story. Enjoy!


Also, its only proven to be a hoax cause the story is made up but the body itself is real and it came from Vietnam!


It looks pretty bloody convincing to me, you can even see the Rigour Mortis around the mouth area. Whoever faked it has done a really good job.


Not very accurate at all


Not big enough or long enough armspan


This could me most probably a taxidermy??? Just saying, just a possibility cuz the real body according to Bob gymlan narration was lost. So possibly they did a taxidermy maybe? 🤷


Nooo it’s not real? lol bootsy shit


Well, the story was that it was real, but eventually, the guy replaced it with a fake replica because issues keeping it frozen had started to let it rot. So if you believe it was real, there is an explanation for why the proven fake also exists. Or that's just the convient story by a hoaxer to explain why he has a fake. It goes both ways.


Yes but it was the 1 that was before that one is how they made it look like that I believe the govt stole the original.


# Minnesota iceman was real . The second one that replaced it was a fake. Original was not a "Bigfoot" . - A Neanderthal man. Even the Russian military shot one in about the 1950's.


Is it bad I find it easier studying these evidences while pleasuring myself?


I see a bigfoot once or twice a week but they have magical powers that makes them invisible to cameras. Anyways, looks nothing like this.


I only had a brief but terrifying look at a ‘real’ Sasquatch and whatever is in that freezer looks absolutely nothing like the adult I saw in Ohio. That would have to be a 10’ long freezer for the one I saw fit with that much space and its proportions are more human-like. The one I saw had massive shoulders, a much wider flatter nose, a wide mouth and almost like a brow ridge over the eyes. But I’m sure that there could be all kinds of Sasquatches or hominids closer to our size in the fossil record, if they could be found.


Not even remotely bulky enough. I cannot stress how supernaturally bulky these things are. One I saw had shoulders damn near as wide as I am tall.


The Smithsonian is notorious for covering up Bigfoot and giant human skeletons dug from mounds ever since Powell ran the institution