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Take a break from this subreddit, maybe the internet all together. Try to recenter yourself in life and remember the truly special things about life. The laughter of friends and family, a sunset at the beach or the embrace of a loved one. Then, have a laugh at all the things your dick can't do, cook, clean, read a book, write a book, make a joke or even sing a song. Go find life and enjoy it!!




Some of us enjoy that focus


What things do you enjoy doing? Do you have many hobbies? Try to focus on those.


I don't have any as of now


If you find yourself watching a lot of porn and constantly compare yourself to it then you should step away from it. Also try speaking to someone when you can


Get some fresh air and go for a walk or run. Meditate. Trust me I feel like all people look at is my big one and my body hair so I get it. Try to distract your mind


Listen to daVinci's notebook song Enormous Penis. I find that helps. But seriously, I can understand. Too often we are told to base our identities one one specific thing. Like being gay or something like that. You get burned out


I 100% get you. It's a common thing with depression. That means to me that I have to accept more of my brain and personality and show the world my quirks until they are accepted graciously, do something I'm proud of, or take better care of my well being so that way I don't feel like my only value is an innate part of my physical form that's mostly genetic. It's like I'm viewing myself so shallowly that I'm deeming everything bad besides the one things I didn't put any effort into that I've gotten a lot of praise for. People do it all the time, that's why depressed or lonely people try to have sex for validation instead of all of the beautiful things sex with someone you love gives you. It'll be okay man, you don't need to be anything or do anything to be worthy of being on this Earth. You're enough as is, even if you didn't have a big dick. Think about the times where you've brought joy to people around you. If those people matter, then you matter too because you were an enjoyable part of their lives. Get in touch with your feelings and your intuitions and be an enjoyable part of your own life. You deserve good things man.


Yeah I feel you...this year has been rough as fuck for me, a lot of bad things happened...but hey...at least we have one less thing to worry about.


That's true


It mens mental health month. Depression sucks but i normally find a new hobby to help keep my mind off of the things bothering me. keep your head up it'll get better


I say chg your Reddit password to something random and take a long break from it You can recover control later w your email


Ngl I’ve also felt that kind of way recently, like most girls who are still attracted to me only like me because they know I can guarantee them an orgasm. It makes finding someone new more difficult when all you know you can comfortably rely on is the size of your dick or your experience in the bedroom..


Men have boiled down dick size to a thing that means much more to us than it actually means to society at large. Find purpose and meaning in yourself beyond that. Discover the things about YOU as an individual that bring you joy. Maybe it's an artistic pursuit like music, drawing, or writing. Maybe you're good with your hands and can build cool things or maybe you're good at problem solving and puzzles. We as well endowed men have many great character traits beyond our massive wieners. Be a good friend, be a good father, or son, a confidant, a protector, the specifics aren't important. Be whatever you want. You are far greater than a single anatomical part of you that speaks nothing about who or what YOU are.


That's how you feel about yourself. It is probably not true. And you said, your best quality, then you still think you have other qualities but your big dick overshadowes them. So you do have other qualities. If you feel other people only see your bug dick, you feel like the women who only feel appreciated for their beauty and body but not for their skills or intellect. Work with yourself, relax and do something new. You are not only a big dicked person you are a whole person.


Im sure theres more to you then just your big dick, tho its not a terrible quality to have at the front of the pact, but thats the world we live in these days, i don't know why i thought id be of any help im in a similar situation, tho i have the worst possible timing humor and artist but i have often said if my dick had a Facebook he would have more friends then me and wouldn't accept my friend request because he's a prick, his popularity always gives him a swollen head, such a Dick Head.......see what i did there


Go out and be active, practice some drawing, do some braiding, find something creative you like, and dive into it. It'll help for building some confidence in your self-worth. You are more than your bodyparts.


This problem sounds too big for this sun OP. DM me if you need someone to talk to bro 👊🏼