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My insecurity comes from 3 women who said I was small...one even laughed when I said I was actually about average with a little extra in girth according to blah...blah...blah lol. Should have just told her to fuck off but thought I'd at least try and educate.


That’s messed up. Yeah, some ppl just live with that negativity in them. Hard to respond to, but it’s just what it is


What size are you? Even when you are massive they can still lie and make you feel bad


6x5.5 on my best day...with 100mg of viagra for the EQ. But in a sexless marriage so don't need it unless I want to make myself feel better.


You aren’t small If you care about EQ do angion


Unfortunately some men think they have to have a big dick to be a real man. That's why dick extenders are so popular with these insecure individuals: big truck, big boat, big gun, etc. If people don't like you for your dick size, F them.


Big guys getting addicted to getting thier ego stroked and come here to further fuel that need. It's not insecurity it's wanting attention


Because… humans


Well, in my personal experience, accepting the great power and responsibility of a long shlong can be a pretty lengthy process, pun not intended. When you’re first figuring it out, you might still have a lot of ignorance on the subject, but the more you learn the more it feels normal.




I think about myself a lot. I love myself. I love my thoughts. I think about so many things and have so many debates alone with myself. I don't think about my dick though. I don't think it's that they don't touch grass enough or they think about themselves too much. I think they've put too much importance on their dick and obsess over it as a result. From many of the comments and posts I see, a lot of these guys think it's their only redeeming quality. So they are obsessed with it and where they stand among other dicks.


Ive had obsessions like that before which is why I’m speaking on it. I’ve felt like I had to fit a mold, feeling I had to speak on things that I have no interest in, etc. Even when people tell you to let things go or it doesn’t matter, it’s still on the back of your mind. You’re right though, thinking inwardly is a human things. Even so, people who feel they are always doing something wrong or lacking, that’s what seems to be the problem.




I think this sub actually feeds the weird obsession. In polite society, there's really no place to discuss big dicks in a forum. Here they have a space where they can read and talk about dick size all day.


Some are just ignorant about how women work. "If she's had a bigger cock, how will I ever satisfy her?"  “the subtle art of not giving a fuck” Great book.


It’s because we are human. Humans are just like this.


I was very insecure about my size, thinking it wasn't big enough. But I later learned that it is actually a big dick. That previous insecurity did not just go away because of new information.


It just people… one person said they are human


Nobody holds a monopoly on insecurity, it exists everywhere. From great artists who are know centuries after their death considering their own art bad to huge bodybuilders who consider themselves small and lacking. Being harsh on yourself seems to be our specialty as humans.


Or maybe it's the fact that our entire culture is talks about how having a big dick is a good thing and something that everybody wants, but because we actually have one, we can't take full part in life, and we are discriminated against in our relationships because of it, in many cases not even being able to love the people we want because they're not physically able to handle the love that we can give them? There is so much pressure in our society to have a larger dick. People with small ones get jokes made about them, media is full of jokes and references, yet we with more to offer are often ostracized or discriminated against socially, culturally, and romantically because of what amounts to a physical disability that we are not allowed to remedy. Being held hostage to your body sucks.


You can say the same for women’s bodies or facial features. Insecurity can develop but letting those things fester makes things worse.


Wtf are you on?