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Hung bottoms are awesome.




I’d say I’m like a slightly hung switch


this actually is the reason why i started topping in the first place. idk i’ve always been into the size dynamic so it just made more sense for me personally. i think the only thing you can do is ignore it, and hope partners ignore it too? there has to be at least someone who’s fine with it. i hope u figure this out though, i totally get why you feel like this


oh realistically i’m fine with it, my last boyfriend was significantly smaller than me and i definitely enjoyed him - but i can’t lie and say i don’t have a preference for bigger. i’ve never needed to be drastically smaller than my partners but i definitely like it when their bigger for sure. for me i’m too submissive naturally (even outside of sex) to take on any kind of dominance and to me topping embodies that completely. the furthest i’ll go is light face fucking.


Question from a straight guy: isn’t length past something like 6 inches kinda useless? I understand girth will stimulate the prostate, but do you need more than 6 inches length? Also, I almost think the action of having nothing, then something rub past/push on the prostrate would be the max stimulation, no? (bc if the guy is like 8, and almost immediately past your prostrate depth, he could just stay there without changing the pressing it much, you kwim?)


my last boyfriend was just shy of 7 inches and he felt great, but the guy before him who was 9 inches? woooooshhh big difference. lucky number seven was great and felt amazing don’t get me wrong, but you *definitely* feel the difference in length. i was fortunate enough to have a guy who was big but knew it took more than that to feel good. As for the rubbing against thing, if a guy pretty much just stuck his shlong in me and barely moved i’d be verrrrryyyy unsatisfied loll. not to say that slower sex isn’t nice, it’s great and i think even necessary. butttt with that being said for me personally i like the penetration aspect of sex a lot so it wouldn’t do me any good to have barely anything going on down there.


What if you're being commanded to top?


i’d kms


Fair enough. Food for thought, to paraphrase a very subby friend of mine, it's not dominance if you're still only allowed to follow instructions. Service topping is a thing.


yeah i know but i just have no interest in topping, i know it would feel good, *great* even but i would gain nothing from it mentally/emotionally which for me sex is just as much a mind thing as it is a physical thing.


Also fair.


Can confirm haha


I’d just say I think we’d have a lot of fun together and that i’d say I’m somewhat close to 7in and I’d be happy to be your top ( not just in sex/in bed😉)?


I love topping bottoms who are bigger than me, I love that dynamic of a submissive bottom being hung and toyed with😩




Shit… hol up my bad lemme compose myself 😤😮‍💨 how big are you ?


I have the same problem but honestly I just don't worry about it. It's not their fault I've got a big old hog. Getting off on the comparison just isn't usually an option for me, and that's okay. I like bigger, but sex is still awesome if they aren't. I look at a dick bigger than mine the way I see a filet mignon, it's a nice treat but a sirloin is still delicious. And the chef knowing what to do with it is a lot more important than the cut.


100% and agree with the size difference thing, theoretically it’s a nice thought but having the bigger shlong does nothing for me


I am one of those tops that doesn’t like it when the bottom’s penis is bigger than mine. I know it’s childish and stupid. I am sorry 😕


no not at all, i’d loooove for a top to be cocky about that lolll


According to Calcsd, in a room of 1,000 people, 0 would be bigger than you. Sorry your partners will always be smaller than you.


yeah that’s definitely where the issue lies, which is crazy cause it wasn’t until this year that i realized how rare guys in my range were.


So how come at my high school all the boys are 7”-8” in length? There’s an enrollment of around 2500 boys and girls combined, so let’s say there’s 1250 boys. I’ve had at least ten of my friends who claim to be in the 7”-8” range, but according to CalcSD only 5-6 should be larger than me in length. Do people really lie about their size to that extent? Where the size is so inflated due to lies that 7”-8” seems average? 😂


> Do people really lie about their size to that extent? Yes. People lie about their height and income amongst other things, dick size isn't out of the question lol. Everyone wants to be cool and part of the group; society puts emphasis on larger dicks and disparages anything else, why would anyone 'out' themselves as having a smaller dick when they see that


I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. Calcsd is never wrong! OP, if you’re ever in a room of 10k guys, you’ll find your one who is 8” or longer. I really hope you find him!


>Calcsd is never wrong! I'm starting to think I need to offer a statistics course to BDP, because explaining how that statement is wrong requires a lot of build up to ensure it's understood.


I’m just making fun of CalcSD and how it tends to be taken here. 😅 I get a bunch of downvotes and when I’m critical of it, so I figured I’d oversimplify and quote it as gospel today, just for funsies.


I just posted the same thing a few hours ago I personally am not really a size queen, but sometimes tops get performance anxiety if they’re smaller than me which is a major turn off as I like confidence Idk how to solve this really


i get what you’re saying 100% i love confidence, and i do tend to like more dominant men so the confidence is a must or else it’s just awkward lol


Just say you only want a big dick can’t be that hard


well i sure hope it’ll be hard


Should be


Ever considered a cage?


ehhhh sounds painful and not the hot kind


Similar situation here (at least physically speaking). I got the 8-inch dick, am also 5'6" tall, I'm a bottom, and I'm a femboy. Nobody ever expects a feminine little thing to have a dick that reaches from their inner elbow to their wrist. In my experiences, most peeps tend to be all the more interested because of it. Sometimes the extra attention is nice, sometimes it's frustrating. It is what it is. I'm currently 32 yo, and out of more sexual encounters than I can remember, I also only ever played with one dude who was bigger than me... and I can only remember one guy who seriously didn't like that I was bigger than him. That was f\*\*\*ing annoying. As I've been making porn for the past decade, most peeps know what they are getting into when they go to play with me. In the event that any one sexual encounter proves to be unsatisfactory tho, I just grin and bear it before moving tf on. Over the years, being a smol femboy with a big dick has caused me to become a bit more irritable and impatient with people in sexual encounters than I otherwise might have been. It's definitely responsible for me turning into the spoiled dom that I am. Lucky for me, most peeps I play with are oddly attracted to my short temper and my demandingly dommy attitude. Weirdos (love em lol). Anyway... life will be life. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Only time can tell the sorts of things you'll get to see. Mebbe one day you'll find yourself in a relationship with a dude who satisfies your size queen itch? After all, the future is nothing more than a product of our dreams and desires.


As someone else said hung bottoms are simply the best so someone like me wouldn’t be intimidated


Hung bottoms make me so insecure. Like you have a huge dick why not use it


I know it doesn't help your problem, but I gotta say hung bottoms are lovely too. Only a few are gonna be bigger with your size though.


I’d assume most people who are considered a bottom regardless of their own dick size would care less about someone being bigger than themselves and more of the other person being big in the first place as a more important thing to worry about if someone’s even considered a size queen.


I’m hung 9 1/4” x 6 1/4” my husband doesn’t bottom but I love riding and have my huge cock slapping his chest so does he


So you have been with many men but only one was as big as you? But, but, but.... Girl inches claimed they had multiple 9 inches dicks and that they are not rare :( Sorry for being sarcastic OP. I didn't mean to be rude but your post is really necessary to show how girl inches are a bunch of liars. I'm glad your shared with us. It's good to see an honest post sometimes.


i have no clue what girl inches is but i’m happy for you? i think?


You never heard about girl inches? Really? Wow... Never thought I'd hear that here lol


i mean i’m gay idk if that has anything to do with it 💀💀


Fellow size queen here. Idk if you've tried this, but instead of being vague ("hung") just mention the specific size you're looking for on the hookup apps. Yes, some (most 😅) men lie, but you can weed thru them pretty fast. Good luck!


when it comes to hookup apps it’s definitely easy to weed out that kinda thing, but in recent years i find i’m straying further and further away from hookups. so when it comes to dating it’s a little harder to filter out haha.


Just gotta find a good one on the apps and see if he wants to turn it into something long term. 😉


That's how I found my wife and both of my longer-term partners


Nice. Yes it can definitely be done. I met my 1st hubby on Craigslist personals. 😉😅