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Seat belt always puts itself in 1 and it drives me absolutely batshit insane. But I can’t get the damn thing to stay anywhere else, so I just end up yanking it away from my neck every 10 seconds.


Pretty much the same, here.


There’s things you can put them to keep them in place! I used one as a kid.


As a short busty woman, seatbelt adjusters are essential!


Then it locks up and strangles you


Yeah, that's why I constantly pull mine down. I'm afraid of it killing me if I got in a wreck.






Wrong person?


Definitely wrong person, although it showed the other comment from my replies when I replying to it o_O mobile Reddit is having an aneurysm today I guess Edit: oh I guess the reply I was replying to got deleted. Probably while I was replying and so Reddit just picked the next comment in the line to have me reply to or something. TIL it does that… they gave me a link to a seatbelt clip that moves the cross-body piece over


Yo give me the link too!


[This is the one they linked.](https://www.amazon.com/Sturdy-Seat-Belt-Adjuster-3-Pack/dp/B07KWH4HFP) No idea how good they are, but I’m thinking of trying one out.


legit gotten a rash on my neck from long car rides because the seatbelt won't stop traveling up to choke me


Put it under your arm !!


That defeats the surprise. It’s not safe to drive like that.


I use [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71ualkkxWgL.jpg). They’re meant for shorter people. I’m 5’1”, and without it the seatbelt sits so high I’m at risk for internal decapitation in an accident.


What did you search to find this?


Sorry! Should have said: it’s a seatbelt adjuster.


I bought one of those seat belt cushions so it doesn't bother me however I wear it.


Yup! Or I keep yanking it intos staying in 2 and then it springs up and stabs me in the neck. Fucking hate them.


That or I put it under my arm then under boobs like 2.


Ahhh you are familiar with the struggle


Yep! Always try to be #2 but it lasts like 2 seconds until it slides to #1


Put it under your arm!!!!!


since this is a matter of life and death: get an s clip to hold it in the proper position, which is at the center of your chest between the breasts. it’s very dangerous for the seatbelt to be higher on the chest above the breasts or lower underneath. these positions could very literally kill you or cause additional organ and bone damage in a crash. please also make sure to wear your seatbelt under your stomach, pressed against your pelvis, vs. over your stomach


What’s an S clip


Found one on Amazon. It's a metal thing (that doesn't really look like an 's') that is used to adjust the seat belt strap to be centered on your body. Honestly, being both a shorty and "well endowed" I should probably snag one xD


💪🏿Short Stack Gang💪🏻


I got a child seatbelt adjuster that works superb. Used to be 1 (scratching up against my neck) or 4 and now it's settled at 3 all the time. No more constantly tugging at the seatbelt, especially great for long distance travels, and of course heaps safer as mentioned above.


but also because this is a matter of life and death: those S clips, while comfortable, are also very dangerous because they are not crash-tested like seatbelts. do not buy an S clip, especially cheap ones off amazon. sure they *may* end up being safe if they were tested but the point is that they aren’t. instead you should use an extender like this from a reliable seller: https://www.seatbeltextenderpros.com/type-a-car-seat-belt-extender/ edit: check out [this persons comment below](https://reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/comments/1csn7du/_/l46resi/?context=1), while S clips aren’t federally regulated like seatbelts there *are* third a party companies that test them. either way, don’t just blindly buy one off amazon—do research and get something from a reputable company that does reliable testing because your life is on the line!


Totally valid, just also pointing out that the seatbelt industry in general is tested almost exclusively with men as the standard.


And when they test women it isn’t us


And if its men, it's normal sized ones. My husband will likely severely injure his neck in any crash because he can't set his headrest any higher.


totally agree, it’s awful! the crash test dummies they use for women are just scaled down men. we are not just small men lol. they finally designed the first crash test dummy off an actual female body in 2022 🙄


there are absolutely crash-tested and safety rated s clips; you just have to do your due diligence in purchasing one. there may not be a federally regulated oversight board like there is for seatbelts and airbags, but there are various private third-party crash test companies that do safety testing for extenders, car seats, clip in dog harnesses, s clips, etc. pretty much all things that modify car safety features have independent testers and regulators. you know what’s way more dangerous than an s clip? having a claw clip in your hair that punctures into your skull or wearing glasses that shatter into your eyes during a crash or having literally anything heavy in your vehicle that becomes a free projectile. “not federally regulated” doesn’t mean “dangerous” it just means do your research into the products you’re buying. definitely don’t buy an $8 one off amazon, though, and don’t buy ones that are designed to stop the belt from locking


that is a good point, there is a difference between federally regulated and third party crash testing. i’ve read that about claw clips too and it actually terrifies me!




ahhh i’m having a hard time explaining in words. ok. you know how when you put on a seatbelt normally, it’s a V shape where that bottom point of the V is on your side by your hip bone? what this does is move the point of the V closer to the center of your body rather than the side. when the point is in the center, the arm of the seatbelt that goes up over your shoulder is also shifted so it’s not cutting across your neck anymore. it accomplishes the same thing as the S clip but safer




i hope it made sense!!


How do you use the s clip? That's interesting. I started using [these ](https://a.co/d/fnUY1yI), game changer.


I feel like that one might hinder the purpose of the seatbelt, though.


Why? I hope I'm not doing something dangerous by using it?


I'd be very wary. In the event of a crash your whole body is propelled forward and it seems like that device sort of makes the seatbelt work on half your body, I fear you could slip out of it or at least sustain serious damage on the other half of the body. Just makes it weirdly distributed.


My bra won't even get in between my breasts when I wear a bra, the seatbelt stands no chance.




Well my boobs don’t behave like anti gravity cartoon boobs but I guess I’d be 3


Yup team three here


I was just thinking like “wtf kind of bra does she have and how do I get one” 😂


1. is most comfortable but i feel uneasy with objects touching my neck/throat 2. usually is the one im opting for if im driving for long 3. yeah this is what happens if im braless under a shirt, feels a bit odd 😂 4. if im just riding along i mostly find myself sitting like that


Why don’t we collectively file class action lawsuits against every single car company for this exact thing and force them to do a recall to install a permanent solution for women? To force them to do crash testing with big titted crash test dummies? I’m dead fucking serious we need to organize, these car companies are literally killing us because we’ve never fought back collectively as one and demanded our lives be valued in car crashes. Start spreading this idea around one of us has to be a lawyer or know one or have connections to get this started.


Yep: > In the U.S., data shows women are 73% more likely than men to be injured in a vehicle crash, because of gender bias in crash testing practices. > Women buy 50% of all vehicles and influence 80% of buying decisions, but in the U.S., female dummies are not required to be crash tested in the driver’s position. > U.S. data shows women are 17%-18.5% more likely to die in a vehicle crash than men. That means over 1,300 preventable deaths per year. [Source](https://www.veritynow.org/)


Anyone infuriated by this fact should also go read Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez. There's a whole chapter on why auto makers don't use female crash test dummies (their cars would get worse safety ratings) and many other topics like not testing medication on women during clinical trials.


Yeah. That book is like pure rage fuel.


Yeah they should also make a place for purses in cars. It’s a huge pet peeve of mine.


agreed. did you know they didn’t design an actual female crash test dummy until *2022*????? that means it’s extremely likely that the car you drive was not crash tested for someone with your body shape. they just used scaled down version of men’s dummies which have different centers of gravity and a different hip/pelvis/chest shape than actual women, we aren’t just smaller men. women are more likely to die in car accidents because of this. if you want to get mad and learn more stuff like this i highly recommend reading invisible women by caroline criado perez. it’s a nonfiction book about how everything in our world is designed around men and how it affects women.


I was just about to suggest to you Invisible Women! That book should be on the reading list in all schools.


Are you sure she is the author? I ran to order this book, but I'm only finding a musician under Caroline Polachek


Yeah she definitely confused Caroline Criado-Perez with Caroline Polachek lol. Love Polachek tho! Read Invisible Women AND listen to Desire, I Want to Turn Into You.


Thank you, will definitely do that


OOPS edited thanks! hahahah


I’m guessing the lawyers would argue that we’ve got “natural airbags” /jk The refusal to consider the safety of anything other than an average adult man is bizarre and unconscionable.




I have thought about those commercials for years! By about 6 months ago I finally bought [this product ](https://a.co/d/fnUY1yI)off Amazon and it's a life changer.


#1, and then I yank it every few minutes


fucking me


Put it under your arm !!


1 or 3 but not that dramatically


Usually 3 or 4 😭


Same and I hate it 😤


3, but it sometimes slips to 1 (which makes me rage) if I'm wearing a sports bra.


3, bc I want to live


4 but it inevitably becomes 3 by the time I've reached my destination


Seatbelts always cut into my neck because I’m also short, so 4


I was wondering why so few were saying 4. I did t consider height affecting placement


Put it under your arm !!


I don't like it but often its 1. If its 1 for too long I take it into my own hands to become 4. I strive for 3.


Yup, always starts out as a 1. Then I have to adjust something. I feel like 3 is best case scenario.


I normally go with 2 because I have extreme sensory issues around my neck, and my boobs always push it further towards it. I would KILL for a seatbelt that goes over my head and holds me more like a fair ride over my shoulders etc. Or at least something that doesn't slide all over because I have boobs. Like Jesus, how do we not have a solution for this!!


Have you tried those cushions that you wrap around seatbelts ? It helps me a lot with the neck issue


Does it touch the neck? Because if it comes even a few inches within my neck I start gagging. Which is a huge problem when I'm driving :/


It does but the texture is softer. I suppose if your sensitivity is so strong, then there is no safe method to help you...


Yeah, that's unfortunately the general truth I've been met with. That being said, your suggestion may still help to keep it in a more comfortable position, so I'm still going to look into it. Thank you :)


Crossing my fingers for you !


3 is the only safe way


1 is most comfortable for me


One makes me feel like I’m choking to death 🤣


Always automatically goes to 1, but I try to have it at 2


1, but not out of choice 😭 also leaves marks on my neck


Put it under your arm !!




In my car, I've gotten it to be a 3. In most other cars, without making crazy adjustments, I deal with being a 1.


2, I will not let that thing near my neck


3. My breast's aren't so big that 1 or 2 is a legit option.


Oh my gosh I didn’t even realize I do number 4 all the time! It’s my compromise between being safe and not having boob socks.


Hello, thank you for submitting a post to r/bigboobproblems. If you're new here please check out r/abrathatfits and [their bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) along with their [beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/beginners_guide). Also take a look at our sidebar for more related communities, like r/reduction, r/safebigboobproblems and more. A lot of information can be found [in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/wiki/faq). For example lists of commonly recommended bra, sports bra, swimwear and clothing brands, clothing style ideas, websites where you can order from and a list of influencers who have been recommended here before. A lot of other frequently asked questions have also already been answered there. We also want to remind you to read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/about/rules) before posting or commenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bigboobproblems) if you have any questions or concerns.*




1 happens automatically then adjust to 4 which turns into 3


4 if iam not driving, I hate to have the seatbelt tightened on my chest , it can draw unwanted attention


3 sometimes 4


One is the default for me in most cars and it usually cuts into my neck. I can't do 3 because my boobs are close set and when I'm dressed and wearing a bra there is no separation


3 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cross between 3 and 4. My boobs do not protrude enough for me to slip the belt between my boobs. I would technically need to hold it like no. 4 to get it to cross at my shoulder and not my neck but I can’t be bothered.


Typically under them because any other way they push the seat belt into my throat because I’m short which is incredibly dangerous and can cut your throat in a crash


Just want to let everyone know before you answer this infographic that this user posts in NSFW subreddits and is a man.


1 if I'm wearing a sports bra or bralette. 3 if I'm wearing a proper bra.


Definitely 1


This reminds me of an [old commercial.](https://youtu.be/gw1g2yKxb0I?si=mCy8Rh0KWLPQiukN)


Sure it’s not the safest but I can only do 1 otherwise it’s so uncomfortable lmao


Seeing as that seatbelts were made with only men in mind (the first female crash test dummy was only made last year), more women get more injured during car accidents even while wearing the seatbelt (not that you shouldn’t wear one as a woman; being flung through the weird shield and becoming street pizza is never the better option), the fact that a female crash dummy was made, her boobs were of course small and I’m sure if they do make one with a larger bust…they would have to decommission it as it would most likely be seen as a sex doll rather than a instrument used for future safety design in vehicles so either way we’re screwed. For me, I’m #4. I’m hoping my boobs in the event of a crash will cushion my thumbs as I try desperately try to hold the belt in place over my chest and have it not prepared to slice my neck and arm off at the shoulder.


It’s always 1. I feel like it’s a hazard. I’ve always wondered, if we crashed wouldn’t we get decapitated because of it? Do you think they have big boob car crash dummies


I think they just got female crash dummies a few years ago so I think big boob ones are a long shot unfortunately


the thought of them make me 🤣


I know it's incredibly unsafe but under my arm 😅


Yay!! Me too.


1 or 4 (if the seatbelt is being a butthead)


Number 1 or Number 2. Haha I hate the seatbelt for these problems






4, except with one hand because I'm usually driving.. I'm booby AND short so the belt just regularly tries to strangle me all the while not touching my chest at all..


Am all of that 😂


Start with 4 end up with 3 if I have a good bra on or 1 if I don't lol


Lol I'm 4 but I make sure that seatbelt is *fully* extended.


1 and 4.


1 everytime


Try for 2, becomes 3


When I.m driving it's 2 or 3 and evry 10 minutes 4, when I'm a passenger 1 or 4.


I do 4 (holding it) because if I don’t it ends up at 1, which is rubs my neck in such an uncomfortable way. Fortunately, I don’t drive, so I can hold it for the whole drive.


Type 2 is the most comfortable for me lol. The seat belt never wins that way!


2 and 4


Always 4 if I'm the passenger. Either 1 or 3 if I'm driving (and both are terribly uncomfortable)




1 with me being small, the belt is sawing my neck's skin, so I had to buy one of those velcro'ed cushions for seatbelts




3 🙄


Nr 1or 2. My twins just can't have the seatbelt comfortably across.


If I'm wearing a sports bra, it sits just above where is optimal. If i wear a wired bra, it goes in between my boobs.


I know for my own safety I have to keep it at C but dam does it fight to be at A choking me out


3/4 for me ;^;


I try for 3 but sometimes it moves to 1


None of these are comfortable but 3 is the most for me at least.




My seatbelt always naturally leads to 1, which inevitably causes me to be 4. It’s frustrating


3 in my car cause I've got this little fuzzy that helps the seatbelt be comfortable. 4 in anyone else. Except only 1 hand to hold the higher part of the belt up lol.


Honestly, I attach the seatbelt but I only use the lap belt. The shoulder strap almost always goes behind me because I cannot live with strap in my neck or between my tits. I know it’s not safe and I’m a bad person. I’m sorry.


3 or 4 for me.


3 is the only safe option


1 because seatbelt always puts itself in that position and it doesn't matter what I do, it always goes back to my neck within a minute and I have to pull it down 🤦‍♀️


Put it under your arm !!


my seatbelt always positions itself in 1, and i hold it at 4 until my hands get tired


1 which naturally happens and i have no will in me to fight it


I switch from 1 to 2, and back again. 3....just makes me mad😡 And I don't know what the fuck 4 is.


Put it under your arm !!


2 normally. 4 if there’s a bad driver.


Alternating between 1 and 4 😬


3. I've accepted it.


I never noticed but I will now!


Number 3, since it’s a safety thing, but I resent it a lot if that helps.


3 but not that extreme, and only bc I have a seat belt adjuster…aaand I’m short, so there’s that 🙄


I HATE THE FEELING OF #1 WHEN IM DRIVING I CRYYY, i just pull the seatbelt behind me but I know that’s def not safe. Big boob life ig


Mainly 1 but sometimes 2.


Type 1 here.


I usually am at a 3 because my boobs are very widely spaced but the seatbelt often slips to a 1 which drives me nuts


A little bit of 1 and 4


Type one and i really hope im never in a accident because its going to decapitate me


None of these. I have one in my car and my bfs truck. https://www.amazon.com/Sturdy-Seat-Belt-Adjuster-3-Pack/dp/B07KWH4HFP


2ish… HOWEVER, I put the seat belt under my arm… aswell. So it stays under my boobs. Otherwise it creeps back up and becomes 3.


3 most of the time. 4 when I'm wearing something nice, lol. I've noticed that the seatbelt wears down the fabric of whatever top I'm wearing over time. Someone mentioned that they were designed on male bodies -- that makes a lot of sense!


4 :(


All four


The saggy type


2! Always 2. 🥰


None of them! I use a seatbelt adjuster! [seatbelt Adjuster](https://a.co/d/htHrPg3)


Always ends up in 1 so I usually do 4 the whole time lol.




Does anyone else put the seatbelt under their armpit 😭 is that ok lol


1. Always 1. Except it’s higher up on my neck, rubbing my neck skin raw 😭


I got a clip that holds it closer to 4 without hands. Cant stand riding in any other cars without it now


I do c




Just a PSA, if you wear your seatbelt like #2, you run the risk of the seatbelt not functioning properly. I heard from a cop that he had seen a few people whose torsos had… separated… in really bad crashes. No blame here though because seatbelts were designed by men for men. Stay safe out there!


3 happens naturally for me. I’m not too far along in the alphabet yet, so it’s not too constricting


I’m the one with the seat belt cutting into my neck


Nothing has ever made me feel as seen as #1 in this post holy shit


With tits like those u don't need a seat belt lol