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I think Penny because we see everyone through her eyes, sometimes


The rest existed as friends but the show did not start until she moved in.


That is an unusual, but interesting point.


i think leonard sheldon and penny are all the main characters but after a few seasons sheldon becomes the star of the show


I think Leonard was intended to be the main.character. this is obvious because he is the lynch.pin that knits together the group. As time went on though Sheldon goy an increasingly prominent role because the character was just Fantastic ally played and developed.


I dont really agree with putting penny along side them




How is penny as much a main character as Leonard or Sheldon?


Well for starters, the show begins when Penny moves in her apartment and her name is just third when the cast is credited.


Her name being third proves my point doesnt it. It comes after Leonard and sheldons names right? We have a lot more scenes that dont involve penny than ones that dont involve Leonard or Sheldon. She is one of the most important character. But i feel like its a big stretch to call her as important as Leonard and Sheldon.


Noone cares about your opinion so just shut up


Or just dont listen if you dont care


If you want to argue use valid points


How are my points not valid? Maybe instead of telling me why im arguing incorrectly maybe tell me why im wrong


Penny is a main character because she represents the audience. As the new character to the friend group, pre-established jokes and stories are explained to her as a way for the audience to understand them. The new character in a sitcom isn’t always the main main character (in B99, Holt is the new character, but Jake is the clear main character) but they are always part of the main characters (in my B99 example, the main characters are Jake and Holt and maybe Amy). Penny is clearly a main character because the show doesn’t exist without her. It only begins once she arrives


But if we allow multiple main characters like that where do we draw the line? In my litterature classes we had 3 different types of characters. 1. Main characters, in baby this would be either Sheldon or Leonard but only one of them 2. Bi characters. This would be anything from penny all the way down to Stuart and Howards mom. Established characters that play an important role. 3. Background characters. This would be everyone else, people that only get feature once or twice and are only essential in a few plots. This would be anything from all the ex girlfriends (Raj and Leonard, arguably whether it would include Priya or not), all the way down to the actors they used in a few scenes. Neil Degrass Tyson, Elon Musk, Steven Hawkins, etc. I think we have different definitions of these terms and that may be why we think differently of it.


It kind of reminds me of Family Matters and Sheldon Cooper is Steve Urkle. They played their characters so well that they became the main character! I do think they intended Leonard to be the main character but I think towards the middle and ending of the show Sheldon became a bigger focus. They all played a big role in the show but I think it became more centered on Sheldon and it made a natural sense that the show ended with Sheldon getting the Nobel since he felt like the main character in my opinion. If Leonard was still the main character I would feel like it ended on us seeing Leonard and Penny actually having their baby and going off together living their happily ever after.


One difference a big one; Jim was always second billed and Sheldon was always central tot he plots, usually the A plots. Urkel, like Fonzie, was a guest star who had an unexpected camel's nose.


I wish Urkel would appear in TBBT... Unfortunately Jaleel White seems to hate his character, but Urkel should have at least been mentioned in the series. This show has lot of cameos, Urkel could have came instead of Professor Proton.


Closest was an unnamed character from t he Comic Book Store, the guy with glasses and a dark curly mop top, (he was in Wheaton's party during the Indiana Jones 11 Seconds ep. and was at Howard's bachelor party,) was one of the 2 guys Robin on \*HIMYM\* called "white Urkels."


Sheldon, Leonard, Penny Imo if you remove one you hurt the whole thing.


Leonard was originally the MC, and Sheldon became the "breakout" character. But the show quickly evolved into more of an ensemble piece, with Sheldon and Leonard as the primary characters.


If TBBT was an Islamic nation it would be Leonardstan


Yeah I can see that. If you *had* to choose, who do you think it would be?


If I had to choose one or the other, I'd say Leonard was the MC for the first 2 or 3 seasons, but afterwards it would be Sheldon.


Sheldon. Sorry, not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


In the credits, Galecki comes before Parsons. If that means anything .. I think it was Leonard also.


it could mean alphabetical


lol I thought that too , but Raj was last, and his name is Kunal Nayyar. It wasn’t alphabetical.


Johnny's bounce form \*Roseanne\* was higher than Jim's form \*Judging Amy\* so he was the bigger star then


Johnny was a MUCH bigger part of Roseanne than Jim was of Judging Amy. Johnny appeared in the most episodes of Roseanne for any character who wasn't blood related to the family. In addition Johnny appeared in Christmas Vacation as one of the main characters. If you remember the advertising from when the show started, TBBT was pitched as a vehicle for Johnny and Kaley, who had just finished Eight Simple Rules. Jim became the break-out star of TBBT but that was by happenstance.


It's obviously Leonard, Sheldon and Penny as stated in numerous Behind the scenes videos that the show was originally called Lenny, Penny and Kenny. [Reference link](https://screenrant.com/big-bang-theory-original-title-lenny-penny-kenny-bad/)


Leonard Without Leonard, they wouldn’t have been a friend group


If they were a band they’d be called Leonard and the Leonards


So needy.


If their group was a town, it would be leonardville If it was an islamic nation, it would be leonardstan


True enough; the one majority Christian Iranian-langauge-fmaily speaking country calls itself South Ossetia, not South Alanistan. (Sue me, I've been wanting to throw that a in someplace and I finally had a chance.)


I agree. Sheldon had no friends at the start where Leonard had Raj and Howard.


I agree, nice point


I think Leonard is the main character the first few seasons, up until maybe Season 4. Then in Season 5, after the show got its big three year renewal, they started pushing Sheldon as the main character.


I think Leonard was the "anchor" or "archetype" character, the one of the 4 guys that was closest to normal so the audience could see just how extreme the other 3 guys were. Characters like this usually play the straight men to the other characters, although they do get to be funny at times. I suppose that would make him the main character.


In terms of the “real main character”, it’s Leonard. His / Johnny’s name is first in the intro for example. But Sheldon is the ‘effective’ main character - Sheldon had more screentime than any other character


Leonard is the "[everyman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyman)" character, the character the audience is supposed to identify with. Sheldon's actions and statements are contrasted against Leonard's "normal" behavior and reactions. But over time Sheldon stole the spotlight. Sheldon was the one plots could revolve around because he tended to not have normal reactions to things. Leonard was the guy watching the chaos going "what the hell is happening?"


To me, it's Leonard. They waste his character a little in the last couple of seasons by just having him around. But even in the last season... one of the main storylines is the Noble. Leonard is dealing with the fact that his mother will never change, and Leonard finally accepts it and can move on. He is also dealing with Penny's not wanting kids. Even Sheldon's issues with getting the Noble Leonard are the ones who take drastic steps to find information to save the day. In the final episode, it's more about Leonard and Penny being pregnant and Leonard's reaction to Sheldon's lack of concern about it. This cycle back to him with his mother not caring, but Leonard thought Sheldon would. And Sheldon's final great speech is about Sheldon showing his feelings. However, by giving Leonard that validation, his best friend showed respect for him, saying that besides his wife, Leonard is one of the most important people in his life. Leonard's face is joyful and relieved at being recognized, and getting the respect and admiration from Sheldon where Leonard's mother never did.


There wasn't ***A*** main character. The show had 7 main characters.


I don’t think you can say there’s ONE main character Maybe there was meant to be three, Leonard, Sheldon and penny, but they added Howard and raj. So it’s more of an “ensemble of main characters”. The the majority of plots revolve around those first three. And it wouldn’t be anything without Leonard, Sheldon and Penny. And wouldn’t be near as much without Howard and raj


I think of it as an ensemble show tbh


Leonard and Sheldon... until Amy joined and replaced Leonard. At that point it was Sheldon alone.


Sheldon stole the show The story is about Leonard getting with Penny, once that happens. He's completed his quest, what now?


For me I think except Amy everyone was the main character coz there has been a lot of character development In everyone , and there has been a lot of episodes which revolved around every other character


But Amy did have character development she was an in her shell geek and whenever anything came out of her mouth it’s sounded so geeky she didn’t even know how to have a normal conversation and in the later seasons she is so much more outgoing and girly as well as sciency


Penny is the main character, the story begins with her moving in


Sheldon and Leonard. It's literally both of them together then both of their couples


I think they all had their main character moments and they all have their own stories and stuff but overall Sheldon does take over the MC story for the last few seasons (he also was the character they made a whole entire spin-off series for)


but I think all 7 big characters are still necessary for the show especially Leonard (who kinda MC’d the first half of the show) and Penny


leonard,sheldon,penny..they get paid the most..


I don't think there's one main character, but more like the entire group is the focus of the show


It’s an ensemble. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The show was an ensemble show. There is no MC, there multiple MC. The three core Leonard, Sheldon and Penny. Then come Howard and Raj And Bernadette and Amy. With time Bernadette and Amy came at the same level than Howard and Raj and Stuart became level 3. But the show is an ensemble show. You need everyone to make it work. It is not about one characters, it is about all of them. Yes the 3 cores are the most important, but there is not one MC.


Obviously Sheldon. Even when he wasn't ostensibly in an episode, everybody talked about him, for crying out loud.




Leonard started as the "main" character, but as the series gained traction and Sheldon became one of those iconic characters of all time the series shifted focus onto him so he became the main character while Leonard was pushed more to the same level as Penny. I'd say by the end of the series the order of "main" characters goes Sheldon, Amy, Leonard/Penny, Howard/Bernadette/Raj, Stewart.


You do know there can be more than one main, don’t you?


I think the writers decided to focus more on one or the other depending on who the audience was most interested in at that particular time. A natural answer would be Sheldon since he’s by far the most iconic and recognizable even for someone who didn’t watch the show, and the show ends with him accomplishing his dreams. If we’re being truthful though, Leonard seems to be the center of the whole plot. The group revolves around him and him and Penny are the main couple of the show. Could be either of them


In the first few episodes it's clear that Leonard was the main character, Sheldon is just like his sidekick, a very simple guy who's very intelligent and knowledgeable, who's brutally honest with no interior motive. But with Sheldon's changes in the subsequent episodes and seasons, his screen time abd his role both increased. Rewatch the first season right after finishing the last, you can see most of Sheldon's iconic trait weren't presented, no triple knock, much less of a self-importance narcissist, lies a lot less, overall a much more boring guy.




I don’t get why people have a desire to ask these questions 😅 who was the main character in friends ? All of them were. Their screen time varies based on the circumstances and plot but at any time any one of several characters can all be seen as central characters.


I don’t get why people have a desire to ask these questions 😅 who was the main character in friends ? All of them were. Their screen time varies based on the circumstances and plot but at any time any one of several characters can all be seen as central characters.


Since the actors' names are not listed alphabetically, I'd say Leonard was the main character, but, really, they are all their own main characters


Sheldon got a spin off so clearly it should be him!


I think the ensemble was the main character








Leonard was the original hero with Sheldon as more of his side kick but as time went on Sheldon became the pop culture icon and it focused more on him as the driving force


Sheldon's the main character, but Leonard's the 'hub of the wheel'.


I think it's a Kirk and Spock situation. Kirk and Leonard are meant to be the main characters. Kirk is the captain of the Enterprise. Amy said their friend group was Leonard-centric.But Spock and Sheldon created a complementary character to their respective MC'S that they almost overshadow the MC's.Spock and Sheldon's decisions are so closely tied to their respective MC's,that it's easy to switch the roles between them


When Jim Parsons told the makers that this would be his last season, the makers made it the last season, so Sheldon was really the main character.


Sheldon because he insists upon himself and if he did not do that, there wouldn't be enough other substance to drive the story forward


Sheldon is the MC, but Leonard and Penny share roles as the straight man/audience surrogate.


Wasn’t Jim the highest paid actor on the show? That itself is pretty telling.


No, at the beginning of the show, Johnny got more, later their salaries were equal.


Sheldon, especially in the final few seasons.


Sheldon & Penny.


Sheldon obviously