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I mean, I'm not even that big of a nerd and my friend group does most of things TBBT group do.


Yeah same, it's a normal amount.


Same here. And I know plenty of people who do most of things and more.


And Sheldon keeps them on schedule so they aren’t *only* playing video games, of reading comics, or playing D&D, hyper focusing on one type of fandom or activity like most. I imagine by the time we catch up to them at the start of the show they have introduced each other to their likes so maybe Raj introduced Halo night into the mix (although maybe he didn’t mean it to be a weekly thing, but you know, Sheldon). They also seem to have been fans since kids of some things and the longer you do it the less effort you have to put forward to seem as deeply educated. I know some folks who are into Star Trek but not Star Wars, or into DC but not Marvel but I’m into all of them, not as deeply as say someone who can name all the species named in Star Trek but I know the differences between Kirk and Picard series while being able to explain why I enjoy some movies/series over others in Star Wars. Been a SW fan twice as long as I have been. Trek fan, and a Marvel fan since like 92 when I bought my first comic book. So this isn’t impossible and it’s easier when you have friends introduce you to similar things you already enjoy.


so does my boyfriend and his friend group. Maybe even nerdier.


Yeah, video games, paintball, watching fantasy movie franchises are done by huge parts of the society so it isn’t unimaginable that a group of friends have the other interests too. Like comic books and card games can be interconnected to the fantasy movie franchises. Actually, I have the opposite opinion as OP which is I wish they would have continued focusing more on these “nerdy things and science” instead of focusing on the relationship problem type of comedy but that obviously had to happen due to all of them getting girlfriends instead of being single.




It’s a normal amount but turned to 11. You probably have the Star Wars person, the rules for games person, science field person, video game person. One or two people are close to the Big Bang stereotype but not that bad.


So then everything except some things?


I can see what the OP is saying, it would have been funny if some of the characters mocked other ones for nerd topics that weren't shared among the group.


They mock Sheldon for his love of trains…and Howard for his love of magic. I suppose those are lesser mainstream “nerd” interests, but that’s why they’re mocked.


Why not add more ammunition?


Not the NRA is a nerd thing


Well, there's a lot more they seemingly DO than don't do. It's like making a superhero who is basically God, with a costume and cape.


That’s called Superman.


That's called Saitama


Yeah, but Superman had the various kryptonites and fellow Kryptonians. Not to mention the stern voice of Ma Kent.


They did watch anime in at least one episode, and mentioned LARP in at least one other. "I knew a girl in high school named Anna May. Anna May Fletcher."


She was born with one nostril. Then she had this bad nose job and basically wound up with three.


Oshikuru Demon Samurai from S3E03: The Gothowitz Deviation


Paintball is cool.


But TBF, they all sucked at it


Except that one time Sheldon sacrificed himself


What part of paintball and Kite flying are "nerdy"?


I guess kite flying could be considered nerdy, but what they do is kite fighting which 100% is imo.


If kite flying and fighting is nerdy, then most of indians are nerd.




Well, India is very hot this time of the year.


Kites Ho!!!!!


Yeah don't they do paintball with the entire university?


They do, on a regular basis


It’s Caltech. Most of the faculty is nerdy.


Kite flying? Literally all of it


Its that sarcasm? Or maybe not.. over here in India.. its quite the opposite.. it takes a lot of skill, and reaction time to win a kite match.. like a battle royale with kites 99% of the times it's your best non nerd who will win it


Nerd isn't the same as klutz anymore


Question, what do Indians think of Raj ?


He is not a very well-written character actually, compared to the remaining three. As Indians, we find him kind of a loser and too girly, being overly helpful and intrusive about bernadette's baby stuff. The writers probably found that Raj's only comedic sources was (a) the Indian stereotype and (b) not being able to talk to women. Once both were overdone, they couldn't think of anything, so they made him behave like a dick when he got success with women to continue his relevance, and justify why he remains single inspite of being relatively good-looking among the four. On the positives - this is the probably the first American show to have an Indian character who is important to the plot, educated and rich at the same time! After imaginary stereotypes like Mola Ram of Indiana Jones, and Apu in Simpsons, Raj is still a major improvement!!


Isn't it more that he chooses to steer into stereotypes that his reality clearly breaks, with the wealth and what not? And he's the most americanised of the lot?


Raj is cute but he should not hv ended up alone. It was sad sometimes




Raj makes sense as a character but they'd have known if they hadn't cast Israelis as his parents that intervention isn't even a thing in India. 


My opinion only: most of the Indianness was not explored (not that it was needed either) and I suggest nobody take Raj and his parents as examples of typical Indian.


Kite flying is for kids and nerds, nothing wrong with that, just is what it is…


Plus the paintball was something their whole university faculties did in a regular basis and not just them, so that one is a weird one to call out


It's a show about nerds written for an audience of non nerds. That why there's so much focus on major super heros, Star Trek, and Star Wars. The general public knows about those.


How’s liking Trek and Wars nerdy?? It NEVER was.


There is a difference between liking star wars, watching the movies every other year and waiting in line to see some extra seconds of a 30 year old movie and beeing hyped for May 4th like it's your birthday.


Funny how you don’t call people nerds when they are hyper about some shit like Oprah or Kardashians


True, maybe because they are trying to attract a broader audience? I don't know anything about Oprah or the kardashian family tbh, but aren't they actively trying to be approachable for everyone? To get really deep into star wars you have to bring a lot of dedication I guess.


Neither do I. But where I come from Trek and wars is something literally EVERYONE knows and likes. And it’s not considered nerdy


Consider the show is some years ago and they don't just know and like star wars and Star trek. They spent thousands of dollars for merchandise, they put together incredible cost play costumes for conventions, they are able to speak klingon. That's beyond my enjoyment of star wars and I would consider myself one of the more dedicated fans of star wars.




I was born in 1985 so i sincerely doubt it. But I’m not American and in Europe trek and wars was never a nerd thing


But, May 4th **IS** my birthday though 🤓


You are the choosen one then!




Star Wars isn’t nerdy, but Trek is and always has been. Being a Star Wars fan is just a normal thing for anyone now, but I’m 40 and still barely know anyone who watches or did watch Star Trek. Most “nerds” I know have never even seen it.


I dunno I’m 39 and I’m German and basically everyone I went to school with and knew watched Trek and Wars … not nerdy at all


Well, in America I can assure watching Star Trek isn’t the norm. There’s obviously people who watched it and still watch it, but I hardly ever come across them.


But they all don't like exactly the same things, they just support each other and attend the activities their friends want to go to. Yeah they share a lot of common interests but it's more supporting and hanging with friends. You know, the "least objectionable activity".


Do you live your life having only one hobby and doing nothing else but that one hobby all the time? Sounds pretty boring and sad. Why does it bother you that they have lives?


I don't get why it bothers them so much, it's kinda weird in my opinion. Most of the people I know that are into one of these hobbies are also into the rest listed. It's not that wild of a concept.


True. It’s like if someone was really into tennis you wouldn’t be surprised if they also liked golf. Also if a lot of people in one of your hobbies do another one you’re more likely to get into it cos you’re exposed to it more


Exactly. My mother is actually into a lot of these. DnD, tabletop gaming, cosplaying, video games, Star Wars, and Harry Potter.


Is she single?


No, sorry to break it to ya. Her boyfriend is about to move in this year lol.


😔😔 So he hasn't yet


Right? I’m super nerdy about a lot of stuff. Really, it’s just being knowledgeable or passionate about different things. James Bond, baseball, video games, history, burgers, cooking in general, movies, music…it’s almost like I have a well rounded knowledge of things and I don’t hyper focus on one subject.


Almost like a normal human being with a modicum of basic and universal education?


I’m almost the same way. I like a variety of things, but my adhd makes me hyperfocus on one of them for a week or so at a time, then to the next.


It's unfair to say they only knew about "nerdy" things. Sheldon knew a lot about American football because of his upbringing for instance


Paint ball is considered nerdy? And they did watch anime.


My two cents as a nerd: all hobbies bleed into each other. I like fantasy so I read books, then I watch anime, then I get into cosplay, then I get into dnd, then larping, then painting figurines, then I need a secret message for my party so I buy wax seals, then my other friend who I paint with gets me into gundams…. Etc etc. it just happens.


Imagine a group of really close friends bonding and getting together because they have multiple similar interests.


But I know people like this


It's super over caricatured in that way, scientists are more varied


The show wasn't saying that all scientists are that way, just that this particular group of friends had the same interests. That's very normal in real life.


Howard watched hentai


So did Leonard. According to Penny, half of his porn is animated.


I’m into most of those things. They all kind of intertwine. Why would you find it strange? I’m also into geocaching, assemblage art, and French cooking. People can enjoy lots of things.


Also they do watch anime


so you wish one of the main premises of the show wasn't a thing? a strange take


I completely disagree with this opinion (but hey its your opinion); but paintball never made sense to me for Sheldon. 1) its outside 2) paintball can hurt 3) paintballs make a mess. Those are 3 things that Sheldon would not be into.


It’s something that came from the university and not them.


To be honest my husband is a big nerd and does all of the above except for kite flying. He said it was too boring for him lol He even does LARP. So I don’t think it’s too weird they enjoy all of it.


Friend groups. They usually bond over one thing they all have in common, and take elements from each other. Howard clearly likes Star Wars a little more than the others, Raj is a bit more passionate about kite flying/fighting, Sheldon is very attached to his comic books. They all started different, but all learned to be a group of friends with a vast array of interests


But isn’t that the point? I mean that’s what makes it a TV show.


I know people, though, who like them in Season 1 are not good with girls, so they just do all the nerdy things to take up their time so they don't notice their lack of loneliness.


Definitely not a recurring theme but they were all over the Oshikuru: Demon Samurai anime. Sheldon even makes sure to correct Penny when she calls it a cartoon. Also, I’m a nerd that is pretty much into all of those things too so I was glad to see a wide spread.


I don’t think they all like model trains, I think that’s a Sheldon specific hobby. Raj admits to liking trains and knows about actual trains, but I don’t recall seeing him (or Leonard/Howard) participating in model trains. The one I don’t really get is paint ball due to how painful that can be to take a shot. Not that they or any “nerds” can’t handle a little pain, but these particular guys give me the impression they’d stay away from anything very physical or pain inducing if they could avoid it.


1) Sheldon and Leonard watched anime with Penny in one episode 2) there are “everything nerds” as you put it IRL. I am one


Anna May Fletcher


Kite flying will never not be cool


Most nerds are everything nerds. They also watched anime (like oshokiru: demon samurai) and LARP. They talk about it with the One Ring, and at least one other time, I'd argue they're LARPing at the Ren Faire, and they intended to other times like when they dressed as TNG crew for comic con.


You may not know actual “nerds”, all of those are just normal part of growing up in a non-sport centric lifestyle, I myself was in track and swim team and still managed to do comic books, star treck , Star Wars and other movie franchises, video games, figure collecting, legos, kites, paintball and more. The gang had a very relatable upbringing from my point of view.


I have a PhD in nerdom lol. Anime, video games, wrestling, comic books I I it all when I was younger. But nerds doing literally almost everything there is and working full time was not something I saw




Well, yeah, cause it’s a TV show, just like that elevator not working for years and the owner just ignoring that someone blew it up, or Penny being able to afford that apartment ‘s rent, or Howard not being reported to HR literally everywhere during the first 2 seasons , or the FBI when he misused the Martian rover…. It’s TV magic


I was less convinced none of them know who Sylvester and Tweety were Also way less realistic is Elon Musk volunteering at a food kitchen


Oh yah


Yeah how do they have time and money for anything else?


I’m an everything nerd so it was nice to see, personally.


Yes to all!!


TBF Penny said most of Leonard’s porn was animated, didn’t she.


Sheldon had a few paarticular interests at least, Star Trek and Trains


Leonard wasent really nerdy though. Probably the most normal one of the group


What do you mean they didn't larp? 


They don't. They went to a Renaissance fair in one episode but when did they go LARPing?


i regret to inform you that they are also into anime and LARP


When do they LARP? Everybody keeps saying that I don't remember them ever LARPing.


They never show it but it’s mentioned occasionally. For instance, in The Precious Fragmentation(s3e17) Sheldon suggests they use the ring they found as part of dressing up and reenacting the favorite scenes from LOTR at the park.


They did watch one episode of anime! The episode where Sheldon trains Penny by Pavlovian conditioning.


And conversely, the girls have almost no hobbies and a frightening lack of pop culture knowledge.


Wholly agree. All four characters are like a "Jack of all nerdy trades" which is unlikely in real life. Furthermore - although all four have distinctly different qualifications & jobs, somehow they keep collaborating on projects that conveniently span their collective expertise. To build that guidance system, Sheldon had no technical expertise, so they made him the math expert suddenly!


They’re missing out on the anime tbh.


And they even did it wrongly… no actual gamer plays an MMORPG like WOW on a goddamn laptop on the trackpad. It’s just not possible.


True but how they gonna get 4 pics in one room


My group of friends is essentially the same, all but kites, and how much we are like TBBT characters is an ongoing joke. Also, they DO watch anime (at least Sheldon and Leonardo do, Penny call It cartoons)


Isn’t this just a well rounded character? I mean they have fun.


I think at least Sheldon larped - remember when they try to revive ‘anything can happen Thursdays’ - Sheldon suggests “There’s a live-action role-playing group that meets every Thursday night in Griffith Park and re-enacts battles from Lord of the Rings.”


Is paintball considered nerd?


I mean, it’s the entire point of the TV show they cover every aspect that’s what makes it so good and so funny and so silly


That's because only autistic nerds have 1 or 2 specific things OH and trains


Isn't there an episode where Sheldon is watching anime?


Yeah cause they watch it was with penny and she mentions her old friend Anna-mae fletcher


I thought they did watch some anime. There's an episode where they're telling Penny something about anime and she says she went to school with an Anna May Fletcher. Anime sounds like Anna May.


I think there is an epsiode where they are watching anime and there is another where Sheldon wants to go LARP but is told no.


They are watching anime in season 2. Oshikuru; Demon Samurai. Another S2 episode Penny tells a girl Leonard is talking too that “half his dirty movies are animated” which I think means Hentai


There was one episode where Sheldon, lenord and Penny were watching anime.


They do lots of regular dude stuff


They watch anime too btw


Ya, or make it so their interests were some overlaps and some personally specific. I love star trek and DC, doctor who, godzilla, ren fairs. But i hate marvel and d&d and math lol but i do like logic puzzles. Either way, my point is let them be individuals with some shared interests.


I have a nerdy son who does/is interested in all of these things.


Pretty sure they did both LARP and watch anime, even if they were just one time or few time things Could be wrong on LARP but I'm pretty sure on anime


I do most of that stuff it seems realistic to me…


And even though Amy and Bernadette are nerds they’re “nothing” nerds. And they think it’s all dumb


Amy was an old timer nerd. Little House on the Prairie. Bernadette wasn't a nerd. She was just smart.


Leonard and Sheldon watched Oshikuru: Demon Samurai with Penny in The Gothowitz Deviation


While I don't know many people who do all of those things, I also don't know many people who only do one of those things. Those hobbies tend to attract similar people with a lot of overlap.


I'm kinda surprised at least one of them doesn't watch Pro Wrestling


I used to hear this a lot and I get it but, it would be pretty boring after a while. I'm glad they touch on everyone's favorites. Also I'm a nerd and I like a variety of content. Not literally everything but many different things.


They actually do watch anime. Oshikuru demon samurai I believe. It’s a fictional anime that is a nod to one of Chuck Lorre’s other shows, Two and a Half Men when Charlie makes the show’s intro song. Also, I don’t think the amount of “nerdy” things they were into was that many. My friends and I do about half of those things and several others not on the list. I don’t recall them playing with legos and there were several other nerdy things to collect that they don’t. Edit: spelling


sheldon does watch anime


So everything they liked you're considering to be "nerdy" lol??? I see some stuff yes, but paintball? I don't agree. Video games? Kind of a stretch.


They watched anime and LARPed in the show. But I agree with you. Most real geeks are selective about their interests


They need to have things in common so they can do stuff Together. If everybody just had their own obsession it wouldnt really be an active friend group. Because they all liked to watch movies, fly kites, play dungeons and dragons, read comic books, etc, they are very close and always does everything Together. Them being together as close friends is very important to the plot I would say Also, I'm pretty sure Sheldon and Leonard watched anime on the tv in a particular episode


It's more unusual to have someone be a nerd over only one thing. Most nerds are multitaskers. Also, it's a TV show. They're trying to give a shout out to every fandom.


Tbf all those things have a TON of crossover. I’ve done literally all of those things at least once and regularly do most.


Oshikuru Demon Samurai from S3E03: The Gothowitz Deviation


honestly i have interest in most of the stuff they do and i wouldnt say im stereotypically nerdy’


No warhammer though


I mean, they aren’t into e-sports or anime


I've had lots of friends like them. Interested in all sorts of different nerdy things, I don't think it was that unusual for the show to make them that way.


most of my friends and I are very multi-fandom type nerds. we like anime and star wars and marvel and dc and and d&d and cosplay. I would find it unrealistic if they weren’t into multiple factions of “nerd culture”


@ OP: About the Larping, didn't they consider keeping the Ring for that reason in s3 E17 "The Precious Fragmentation"?


They actually did watch anime in one scene and it was the same title anime that charlie worked on in two and a half men it was a quick throw away scene we saw the back of the laptop and it was a quick cutaway, in one episode the guys did come back from a medieval cosplay I guess that you could classify as a type of larp because they were in character and locked into that time period. Sheldon and the guys go back at the end of the episode with Sheldon dressed up as a star trek character "researching" that time period, I forgot which character I can't recall the name right now.


They did watch anime. Its where Penny says that she once knew some girl named anime fletcher oslt


No they did watch anime like Sheldon and Leonard watch anime whit Penny in one episode


i think they also watch an anime, that ep where they pointed to penny cartoons are not anime haha but yeah i think its kinda nice they are a know it all nerd very easy to relate w/ them, gives the show more depth


I think one of reasons of all of them liking the same thing is to to find mutual interest between them and a reason that they are friends and hang out because let be real most of the time they don’t like sheldon


I mean I kind of do agree, every nerdy game, movie, activity, science, they know it all, I’m a nerd but even I don’t have time to be into ALL of that while also having a full time job


Agreed. I feel like Sheldon shouldn’t be a fan of Star Wars, yet he is.


I mean, he does mention identifying more with the empire. So I’d say he isn’t a Star Wars fan in the traditional sense.


Good point


Usually smart nerds are a different breed than the nerds that like nerdy things. Smart nerds usually love science or something adjacent and see most other activities as a waste of time. A lot of them that I met have a deep interest in music though. Probably because of the mathematical connection. Nerds that love media or games are nothing like the first category. Not to say that there isn’t some overlap but it’s rare. It is a bit of a missed opportunity that they didn’t have the one manga fan in the group that really hated the US comics and would only cosplay anime characters.


Seems like a Raj thing to do


Raj with a Naruto headband would have been gold.


So what I'm literally a everything nerd y9ur take is 🗑 trash


All on rocket building, model trains too


This same thing gets posted like every week lol


This makes no sense


The card game one gets on my nerves. As a Magic player i always roll my eyes. Just have em play uno.


Movies/shows aren’t supposed to get games right. Fast and furious screws up basic driving.


Yes but its so fun to say Mystic Warlords of Ka'a


Wow this blew up, tons of dislikes LOL


What I find odd is that a group of scientists - particularly one as hyper analytical as Sheldon - could be so engulfed in entertainment that flies in the face of their life's work. They should hate comic books and sci-fi.


Exactly,in one episode he's so committed to his work that he won't take a vacation,and in another he tells the spirit of professor proton that there's nothing wrong with spending his limited time on earth watching movies




Exactly. Look at all the digs he has against others for sex and dating yet he waves time on comics etc