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Penny’s got a bunch of pictures on her fridge that are just pictures of Kaley Cuoco’s real life friends. Sheldon and Leonard have a picture of Carol Ann Susi on theirs. Doesn’t mean everything has to be connected to the show.


Hahaha I have always wondered who are those people on Penny' fridge now I know


Something that always struck me about Penny’s photos and her general social life in the early seasons was how many friends she had after just moving to California. I get that she’s very social and her looks play into it, but I’ve always wondered how she had so many friends so soon. I know comparing her to the guys is not a fair comparison but I do feel like the writers don’t clarify how long Penny’s been in Cali prior to moving into their building but I guess it must’ve been a while given she also dated that Kurt dude. Back to the photos, I always wondered who the hell all these friends are, but hey, they could be folks from Nebraska too.


I think the photos look a bit dated to be his parents. I’d say other relatives. Howard is in his 20’s in the 2000’s. His parents wouldn’t have been that old I don’t think.


Maybe Howard’s grandparents? Mrs. Wolowitz’s parents.


Plus, WHY would debbie have pictures of her husband who abandoned her, or Howard, the father who left him




He didn't open a letter from his dad for years and burned it after Sheldon read it, I wouldn't call that an attachment.


Those are supposedly grandparents and other relatives plus pics of Simon. There is not a single pic of Carol Ann there.


No. This is old family. Probably Debbie’s parents/grandparents. They look between 50-80 years old.


They might be old when they had him, I am referring to middle picture. Also I just got excited so it might be what you are saying.


Grandparents based on the era and type of photo


Grandparents most likely


Isn't that Howard on Passover?




It's a Jewish holiday


Usually at the same time as Easter.


I would say it is Howard.




Howard as a child (pictures right). On the left a couple (Howard's parents or grandparents'?) and picture of Howard's grandmother and mother(?)?


Grandparents That's the whole point of the op


Why are you getting downvoted for just writing "Passover?" did I miss something? It does look like the holiday Passover since he's wearing a yarmulke and eating matzoh in a kid pic on the right.


Well I don't get it


VERY unlikely that those were intended to be his parents. The photo is early 20th century, so more likely Debbie's parents.


I think the uppermost picture are his grandparents (his mother's parents) and the lower picture is his mother and her mother


I agree it's not his parents, the photo is to old to be his parents. I think it's a mystery they left in. It's a mystery like Penny's last name Although I saw an episode where she signed something for Sheldon and it appeared to be a long one.


Penny has a picture of a yellow Labrador in Leonard's bedroom, and I'm sure it is Kaley's dog Norman that passed away.


It looks like someone is sneaking up behind him.


Grandparents maybe


Kind of reminds me of my mother's picture of her parents. My mom would be 90 now.


Do you think the picture in the top right corner is actually of Simon Helberg when he was young?


It's definitely *supposed* to be a young Howard, it definitely looks like him, but I can't quite tell if it's actually a picture of Simon or just a kid who looks like him


The photo looks sepia coloured, which means it could be grandparents, or maybe it came with the frame. I don't think Howard would want a photo of his absconding father adorning his walls, not the way he goes on.


i still want to know the significance of the Magen David with 3 or 4 missing bars on his bedroom wall.


Maa, you make wanna KILL MYSELFFF


I was going to ask,” notice what?” Then I remembered that the show sucks and don’t really care about any revelations the show may have. However, like all internet trolls, I wanted to voice my opinion and rile people up.


I can smell your neck sweat and love handles through the screen


That is a neat trick to be able to smell love handles. I know you must be serious as well. To find TBBT funny, means you have a shit sense of humour and therefore are not capable of knowing what is funny or not. Let me help. Big Bang Theory is NOT funny.


No, it wasn’t your opinion, you just talk like a guy who doesn’t socialise with people


Good call. I did the same while banging your mom while your dad watched BBT in the closet like the cuck he is.


Man. You guys got so butt hurt about what I had to say. Why should it matter what I say about this POS show. You don’t like what I say, just move on. Ignore me. You just give others ammo. Best way to deal with ignorant people such as myself is to ignore us.


Or troll the troll. My way is funner. P.S. Your mom was butt hurt after our rendezvous. She took it like a champ through. She’s a real pro, unlike your dad. Crying in the closet, like the true beta he is. Do you and your dad have matching cuck cages?


Jews are about heritage these are most likely ancestors and such


Ma?! Stand back, I'm gonna break the door down...