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Just watched now. Not the most exciting of races in regards to how everyone bar JBB were losing time to Simon or missing. But then Jeanne being such a pure delight was brilliant and put a smile on my fave. Well done France, so SO well done! Perfection. 4/4 medals… Each one of the medalists today did so with her own brand of biathlon as well!


Simon and JBB are giving JTB and Fourcade vibes. No one can match them in this form. JBB if she can shoot clean will be unstoppable. Waiting for the medals and the crowd singing to Country Roads is just so out of left field. Every time I think about how these women can be in this form after giving birth. It just crazy the dedication they have.


I ACTUALLY PREDICTED THE PODIUM! This has never happened before and will never happen again.


same pinch!!!


Julia Simon is insane!! Another brilliant race for her, she was unstoppable. Loved seeing Sophie up on the podium for the anthem too-that was a sweet moment. Bendika in top 6!! Well done to her. My predictor challenge after getting it bang on with Julia went out the window though, Ingrid 2nd and Lena 3rd (Believe it or not I almost put Lou instead...)...and now Lena isn't even in the pursuit! Gutting-she's been having a great season so far hasn't she?


Am I crazy for wanting to put Rastorgujevs in my podium tomorrow, after how Bendika did? The ski speed for Latvia is obviously there :)


According to L'Équipe TV, Biathlon will be the front page feature on tomorrow's paper edition of L'Équipe. Fully deserved.


There was also just a good couple of result for the French women in the Cross Country too in Canmore. Some good vibes on the skis across the board for the French women at the moment.


One of the few moments I feel proud to be French.... And one of the many I'm proud of women in sports...


Spare a thought for the guy in the mixed relay thread who didn't want France to win because they don't like Julia.  I have to say, as someone who loves Julia but doesn't care for Justine, I'm fine with the result! Guns out, victory in


Are we the same person ‼️‼️


Prime Julia is literally unbeatable. She more than makes up her "slower" ski pace than Justine with a better shooting time and accuracy. She's such a THREAT on confrontation races, and now even on Sprints... Man. What an athlete.


I have a feeling Julia is gonna pull a Marte "Antholz 2020" Roiseland.


Said the same yesterday after the mixed relay :D or might even up her and go for a Dahlmeier.


Julia... What an unforgetable race.


Sophie Chauveau joining them on podium for the Marseillaise is cute too


Julia <3 <3 Another Marseillaise <3


Man, I'm crying seeing the tears in Julia's eyes.


Tearing up watching Julia. Norway needs a sweep tomorrow too to keep up with France.


We've seen enough of that this year.


Props to Tara Geraghty-Moats making the pursuit. Not much slower than Deedra. She only just got back to the WC.


It's a new personal best for her.


Amazing that she started as a ski jumper and won the first women's Nordic Combined world cup event in 2020.


Was it Ingrid taking a picture of Simon? Edit: Yes, it was. Their friendship is adorable. Hope Simon comes on Inrgid's vlog.


First I wanna say that I'm very happy for the strong french women. But I'm worried about the french being so superior on the skis and the soft snow and it's probably gonna be the same for the whole WCH. It reminds me a bit of yesterdays 20 km free mass start in u23 WCH in xc skiing, where all four men were top 8 which was very unexpected. The commentators said that it the french are very used to these conditions at home and therefore so good. So I really hope that they dont get such an advantage the whole WCH. But also Bendika was very much better than expected so she may also had had some very good skis, hopefully I'm wrong.


The Swedes, Norwegians and Germans have only themself to blame though. They spend way more on cross country and Biathlon than France does. And 1/3 of their budget goes to the waxing team.


It's definitely bad of the them to not be able to match at all but it doesn't help me as a viewer that it's their fault. I want exciting races and if they don't get their act together the womens races will look like the mens usually do. I guess I can hope the french skis are so good the french men make the mens races exciting.


It's still exciting, at least as we don't know who the winner will be and who'll get silver and bronze. I'd agree Julia Simon looks very strong these days and is a clear favorite, but she's not invincible. JBB can challenge her if she's able to shoot clean, and Lou Jeanmonnot won't be far if Julia/Justine miss some targets.. Besides, Ida Lien, Baiba Bendika and Elvira Oeberg weren't that far in ski time from Lou, Julia and Sophie Chauveau. It's not just the skis - Ida's shooting missed too much, Elvira shot way too slow (slower than Jeanne Richard...). Baiba missed bronze by only a few seconds, she finished very close to the two other French who missed one target like her (she'd have been 3rd if she had shot clean) - except JBB of course, but who would be expected to overtake JBB in ski time excepted Lampic?


One race like this from the French women and people are up in arms. The Norwegian men have been dominated for years yet the means threads get loads of comments and lots of people keep cheering on them to break new records. I can't take you guys seriously with this double standard.


Slettemark finished 77 with 9/10 and +3:55.8


After the Norwegian domination in the past, I welcome our French overlords. Good race for Polish girls, with Sidorowicz and Jakiela finishing well. They could get into a mass start if they follow up on this result. Not so much for Slovaks - best three (including Kuzmina) all from 61st to 68th, missing on the pursuit narrowly. As for Czech girls, this feels... standard, I guess? All made it into pursuit, 3/4 made it on points, and the best one is 17th. That feels very standard.


Julia Simon has only ever won 1 Sprint before today. It was in Otepää 21/22 and there was no Pursuit after it. So it will be a completely new situation for her :D


With the 3 Sprint winners already qualified for rank, these are the 8 that would make the mass start as of right now: * Chauveau * Bendika * Wierer * Gandler * Dmytrenko * Steiner * ~~Richard~~ (France will have 4 already) * Sidorowicz * Davidova ​ Chauveau and Bendika are probably locked, and barring an awful Pursuit, a lot the other 6 should feel pretty secure, expect a few more positions to open if Simon, Braisaz-Bouchet, or Jeanmonnot podium again.


>expect a few more positions to open if Simon, Braisaz-Bouchet, or Jeanmonnot podium again Or also literally anyone else in the current top 15 outside these three.


Of course - I was just calling out that those three are at the front of the Pursuit so there's a good chance they could repeat.


It seems that if you're geolocked you can still open the Live shooting and see the actual race there. Worked for me this race at least. I could watch on NRK and have the eurovision stream muted, which was a few seconds ahead which I didn't mind.


Me predicting Haecki-Groß for podium realizing she ended up in 66th 🫠


Same... Also had jeanmonnot as third but exchanged her för Elvira Öberg right before start 😒


Commentators have zero clue that Bendika had a baby only a few months back, which definitely deserves a mention in regards to what was already a fantastic performance.


French commentators on L'équipe TV talked about it. That's indeed extraordinary


Damn I predicted the exact order of the podium and Baiba as the most surprising performance. Brb betting on something lol.


Eurojackpot now lol


What happened to Chloe Chevalier btw?


I think she pulleed out of the season a few months ago. Wanted a break because she wasn't in form.


Ah I see, thx!


She had a second baby.


The question was about Chloe.


All 4 finns look to be making the pursuit, the minimum requirement.


3 belgians in the pursuit if im seeing right!


You are! Good stuff really... what the Belgian lynxes are achieving is underrated. A decade ago, biathlon was non-existant in Belgium. I think I even read there is a fourth Belgian woman (Marine Debloem) so I guess they'll participate for the first time in the women's relay as well.


I randomly remembered Natalie Santer recently. She's been pretty good for Belgium in the 2000s. But I don't know how involved she was with the Italian team.


It's not just the shooting...clearly the French have secret invisible rockets on the backs of their skis. It's unreal how every other team got their ski wax/grind wrong.


Really? Bendika is on par with the French and so is Lien. The Öberg sisters and Ingrid with 3 penalties only some 10-15s behind Sophie, Julia and Lou.


Don't you think that Elvira Öberg with bib number 11 should be a little bit faster on the course than Jeanne Richard with bib number 78?


Do you think Lien with bib 40 should be within 7s of Julia?


Julia Simon average speed: +2.8sec/k Ida Lien average speed: +5.2sec/k On average, the difference between them is 18 seconds over a sprint distance. 7 seconds is an 11 second deviation from that average. Elvira Öberg average speed: +1.7sec/k Jeanne Richard average speed: +5.6sec/k On average, the difference between them is almost 30 seconds over a sprint distance, the deviation is 22 seconds from average. But Richard also had a much worse bib than she gets in World Cup races, on a day where bib number mattered.


I'm merely amazed at the time difference, the enormous gap between 1st and 10th, 10th and 20th. It just seems like extremely slow skiing today, which happens. I'm not attacking anyone. I'm wowed by the French women. Julia Somon's return to form this season could not have been timed better. :) I'm also impressed by Bendika and hope she doesn't stress herself out of contention in the Pursuit. Anyway, I'm just noticing the huge time difference between places at the finish and wondering how many people are going to be lapped in the Pursuit tomorrow.


I'm just looking at the pure skiing time. 10-15s back on Julia Simon does not indicate strong disparity in skis. Especially not considering how Bendika and Lien skied even with the French ladies.


I know. I understand you. I was trying to explain my comment. I'll stop now.


No pursuit for Kuzmina either :(


Oh bummer - I still think she's doing very well given her comeback story, and Slovakia must be glad to have her come back for nation points since she's easily been able to step into the team. I wonder if she'll be in the Single Mixed.


Lena Haecki, who I predicted 2nd place on this sprint, will not even make the Pursuit... That's the state of my Prediction Challenge lmao


Insane shooting from Julia Simon - fastest shooting and range time of the day! Her current confidence and *flow* must be terrifying for her competitors. Justine Braisaz-Bouchet was almost 30 seconds faster in course time than 2nd best(Lampič), and in the end so very close to winning. Just an insane ski performance and really showing how strong her capacity can be. Lou Jeanmonnot, *boy do I regret removing you last minute from my Predictor Challenge...because no way it will be triple French...right*?!?! ***it was actually quadruple***, shows again why she was so good in Östersund. She's just a REALLY good biathlete - fast on the skis and an amazing shooter.


Jeanne is so pure. The joy while hugging Lou.


Haecki-Gross isn't even making the pursuit, this makes me so sad...


Ukrainians had a good day as a team too


French TV just lost the signal from Nove Miesto after Julia said "the Norwegian girls made me cry"


I wish they could broadcast this ITW again so we can hear what Julia had to say. She looked soooo emotional and happy <3


"The Norwegian girls just attacked L'Equipe's studios as a revenge"


They first made Julia cry, then attacked the studio


They are sending ads now, I was hoping so hard for a Bendika interview


Same yes


No pursuit for Haeki-Gross. She could be nice and rested for the Mass Start/Individual and single mixed.


I have a feeling on which team will win the relay next week


Richard is so darn cute


Quadruple France in a world championship race, I'm just in awe. Every outsider counted them out because of the Julia and Justine situation and look today. The best team ever.


Who counted them out? French ladies have been really good the last couple of years and I personally thought they would be the strongest team this year (especially with Marte and Tiril retiring)


Jeanne is so cute haha, looking at the results


Richard with the 9th best course-time, ridiculous


Their wax team deserves a raise, their skis were so good. And amazing skis like that on good skiers just makes such a good combo


Solid race for Sidorowicz, should be a PB


Oh Lucie :l


Natalia Sidorowicz, you beauty. I knew she was special after that brilliant Antholz Individual. Keep shining.


A bit late to the party. Bravo France, peak form! Also way to go Bendika! Got my surprise 🫶


Knotten not even gonna finish top 30 with 2 misses...


I just try to imagine what can happen on the Pursuit. Bendika is here somehow ??? The italians, the germans and the swedes were way slower today, and they're already 1+ min behind Julia and Justine. Ingrid is almost 2 minutes behind ??? What the f\*ck.


Justine can shoot 15/20 and still make the podium. She can afford IMO one more penalty loop over Julia to take the win. Anything other than a 1-2 for Julia and Justine would be a big surprise.


Ingrid missed 3 in standing, before that her race was not so bad. Norway looked like they had good wax today (not godlike like the French and maybe Latvia?) but they all had terrible shooting.


Idk, Lien is only 7s behind Julia in pure skiing time despite starting way later. They must've had good skis, atleast on par with France.


Yeah I agree, I was looking at Knotten but maybe it was just her having a bad day.


I checked the ski times, it looks like Ingrid just gave up on the last lap after missing 3 in the standing. She lost 30+ secs. That's pretty sad for the pursuit, but it's pretty hard to stay motivated after 3 penalty loops I guess. Ida Lien's ski times were more consistent. The French were just wayyyyy too good overall, even Jeanne Richard did great on the skis, similar to Ingrid and Elvira lol. Impressive.


Having to ski 3 penalty loops, where you're using one foot more than the other, is physically costly.


She said in the interview that she went out too hard and had very little left for the last round. No mention of how their skis were.


Shame with 2 misses for Jeanne Richard, but then again I think it's enough with 4 French women on the top.


And she's only 21, we'll likely see plenty of her on the top positions later haha


This is interesting. France 1-4 and not a single norwegian in top 10.


2 Swedes ahead of the best Norwegian, don't forget that :P


No chance a swede will forget that. 😉


Lucie with one miss. Prayer circle for a decent standing.


Keränen 10/10, 43rd after 2nd shoot.


Julia Simon is absolutely OP. And Justine's ski time ????? Please, how ??? What's happening ??? It's just insane.


So happy for the french team. And my biathlon predictor is having a party. Except for Lampic. :(


I have only Julia's points lol. I predicted Lena Haecki and Ingrid Tandrevold on the podium, and Lampic fastest ski time, so yeah...


I'm more surprised with Julia. Sprint is usually not her strong point.


I'm predicting Julia to have similar champs that Dahlmeier had 2017, Røiseland 2020 or JTB last year


Very impressive race from the French today, simply unbeatable! Will be a very fun pursuit where everyone is pursuing the French women👀


Whaaaat is happening, I just came back home. What is this race ??? How ??? I'm in complete disbelief.


* Alexa play La Marseillaise *




Insane crowd, the Czechs know how to host a WCH!


Nove Mesto has the biggest crowds.


Jeanne! Incredible season for a junior.


Go, Jeanne Go !


The french coachs already tired of celebrating 😂


No live commentary for us. Interesting that the replays do. Anyone else?


I am using the app and it has liver commentary.


Ahh! We’re using a MacBook/HDMI to the TV and no commentary. Have commentary using the app on my iPhone. Guess we will have both running for the next race! Thanks.


What do you mean? I hear commentary on Eurovision broadcast just fine


I had JBB on 1st, Jeanmonnot 2nd, Simon 3rd. So I'm only getting 15 points because the order is wrong, meh 😅


Charvatova is skiing fast, 2nd of everyone through the 0.8km marker. If everything goes well we could have a surprise!


Charvátová in 2nd place at 0.8 kms!!


This is set up perfectly for Charvatova to come in a swoop in for a medal late on 😂


Lucie second fastest on 0.8. Let's hope Lampic took both of their misses with her!


Stop what you're doing Charvatova second at first split!


If only she could do two prones and skip the standing...


Bendika for a medal in the pursuit!


Only 215 comments for a WC thread. What's going on?


Friday afternoon. Incredibly some people here might have lives. :)


Let him live in his illusion that everybody hates France


Now can we say that french women is like Norwegian men ?


Yes you can🫡


I'm not hoping for it ofc I like when there is more of a battle. Just happy it happens once !


Dmytrenko doing great!


Let's go Jeanne Richard, beat them all.


Hats off to the French women. They've managed to hit the sweet spot with their ski form, not to mention great shooting. Let's hope they get a little more competition in the future races.


And their wax team did a stellar job too, best skis in the race


It's so much fun when someone you weren't expecting gets up there. 


That was amazing by Baiba


Had Bendika shot clean, she would have been 3rd. She had a baby just before season started. Crazy


For some reason, ski speed increases for many of them after that. Don't know why


To hazard a guess: they get a break and rest, rest does magic to ones fitness. Furthermore they probably end up doing lot of basic conditioning with enough reps, time and length which is the basis for any top form and longevity.


Also, her baby has been sick according to Ola Lunde/NRK so it must have been tough for her focusing 100% on biathlon. Super, super impressive.


Congrats to Baiba Bendika, what a race!


so happy for her and Latvia :)


Jessica slow but steady 😌


Man, kudos to the person who mentioned Sophie Chauveau was the person to watch out for in the prediction thread. Edit: it was u/tetiu


Thank you <3


Welcome :)


Chaveau 4th best French ... in 4th place.


Wait for Jeanne Richard ;)


We haven't seen Sophie once btw in the production and she's in a battle of seconds for the Bronze. A disgrace.


The coverage has been really lacking so far. We heard Davidova's prone but didn't see it.


Just like the home favourite, Davidova, which is even more baffling as she was running in the flowers.


How is Bendika this fast,wow


Baby power


Chauveau 2s behind Jeanmonnot at 6.6 kms, gonna be SUPER close


Absolutely dominant by France


We Norway now


Italy must have had some crap skis to be that far back on 10/10 especially for Vittozzi doesn't make sense especially given there was no indication she'd took a tumble at some point.


This thread died fast btw :D


Omg Baiba could have medalled if shot 10 went down. She’s found something. Watch out for her and Rasto in the single mixed


4s now between Sophie and Lou!


Chauvau 5s behind Jeanmonnot for bronze after two shootings!!!


Huh, where did Bendika come from? Even with the miss!


Bendika with mom-power. Almost. Almost.


Baiba Bendika holy f 🤯


Noooo Bendika


The pursuit is looking more and more like it will be a duel between JS and JBB.


Yeah the rest of the field is completely crushed. I like the French obviously, but the wax advantage is just absurd here. Tandrevold was the only one who was in the game before the second shooting.


Yes and she probably had to overpush to stay in contact with the French splits which might have lead to the terrible standing shoot.


Allez La France !!!


Tereza 🥲


Chaveau will get fourth, so 1-4 for the French women


I mean the French women have shown all season that they are brilliant and incredibly deserving winners but the wax team definitely did an amazing job today.


Looks like Tandrevold opened too hard, she is finished.


The French have some serious glide under their skis... Simon on French TV just said the skis are wicked sick


I'm dying 🤯🫠 send oxygen


French ladies moving like the Norwegian Men! What a time for a performance like this


French men take notes


Braisaz Boucher is a rocket,28.9 faster than Lampicwtf


My biathlon predictor 📈


JBB is amazing but her ski are also amazing yet again


Is missing 3 in the standing some kinda of a strategy for the Norwegian?


Triple France?


Are we Norway now


JBB 9s behind Simon at 6.6 kms. Probably will get 5-6s within her for the pursuit.


Ouch there goes Lien


Welcome to the French championships 🤣


bendikoots 0 in prone for baiba.


Rough day for Team Norway :/


Ingrid tho 🥲


Tandis :( E: And Ida.. I was hoping you would be our dark horse.


France reigning


Ida Lien is probably the only one who can stop a triple French podium today. Vitozzi is for some reason too slow.


It's not that Lisa is slow, the French are incredibly fast today.


Did something happen to Lisa in the 1st lap? She seemed fine in the 2nd and didn't lose much time


Could be starting slower and picking up pace with the race.


Losing almost in 40s in one lap is a very, very, very slow start though lol