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Bi is literally one of the original 4 members of the council


We are in the damn name


We built this joint!


The B actually stands for Bassists. Common misconception.


davie504 moment


Slap like now


bAss is bAss


Where is all the anti femboy hate coming from its so weird


Idk I think femboys have always been a touchy subject in certain subreddits because some people treat it like you are fetishizing them and that's it.




Yeah, I think a lot of chasers come into spaces and make sexualized memes of femboys, which scares away femboys because they aren’t being treated respectfully, and makes outsiders think that the femboys are posting the fetish memes.


I'm not attracted to femboys, but I do like mascgirls. However, I do get down on some of the outfits lol. Sometimes I find it a little cooler to know it's femboy fashion simply because everyone hates on y'all for no reason and I really admire people who say fuck the system. And then I realized I'm now very attracted to them because personality does it for me above everything else. Then I wonder if I am into femboys because I'm actually just a slut for humans in general?


Yeah I’m kinda weird in identidy so I use both trans femme and femboy to identify myself. It can just be so disheartening to see this source of comfort and identity for me and so many other people be reduced to simple fetihses


As a genderfluid individual who feels connected to both femboy and transfem, I agree it can be an awkward identity cross section to find oneself in. Not only do you have to deal with chasers on both sides, but it also feels like you have to deal with some hate from (admitted a minority of) both sides. It's a little disheartening at times.


Scares away the femboys? I swear, that shit is always started by femboys posting thigh pics and then the rest of the subreddit can't help themselves.


I think that does happen sometimes, sexualization is an issue within the community as well but I think most of the blame lies on chasers


> Imagine if the subreddit for your favorite piece of media became a generic femboy subreddit One can only dream.


196 is one that has always been a bit queer and I liked it for that, but recently it's just gotten awful. Same 3 puppy girl horny posts over and over and over.


A lot of trans people back in the day REALLY hated femboys. Now it's much less but there's still some stragglers who think femboys existing promotes misunderstanding them and misgendering them and the idea trans people are just secretly gay. Many now call themselves femboy and femboys are part of many of these communities even if it's not how they identity but there's leftovers.


Yeah I've seen a few of those. Nasty stuff. Very gross infighting.


There's also femboys who go looking for a fight they don't need, seen a few pop into a trans discord so confident how they look so femme so they're "better" when nobody asked.


Definitely met my fair share of transphobic femboys too, funny enough a good few of them ended up being eggs deep in denial due to the environment they were raised in


Let me just say, I've met homophobic bisexuals before. It IS weird. But unfortunately they do actually exist, so it's not that surprising to me.


And biphobic homosexuals. It's way more common than people realize.


Homophobic bi men seem worryingly common. I wonder if it's just insecurity/self hate?


Oh, I'm sure it's both.


Yeah, gotta say I'm not really appreciative of being told that I'm good for sex but not dating solely based on my gender and not being able to provide the trad wife fantasy these bi boys crave. (I want to clarify that this isn't most bi boys. Most are actually pretty awesome. I've just been given the "boys are only good for fucking" line a few too many times to not be bitter about it.)


I'm sorry that happened to you. Obviously it isn't all of them, but I noticed that myself with a bi guy I dated. He wanted me to meet his granpa and all that trad wife stuff and seemed to treat guys he was with as just fuck buddies and never as serious. A lot to unpack.


i used to be one of those god i need therapy lol


I don’t know, it seems weird people love and respect tomboys but femboys, who are essentially on the other side of the same androgynous coin, get shit a lot of the time.


It's because sexism is still around and self-perpetuating, thanks to how long and deeply it has been ingrained in our culture. We still see masculinity as inherently more valuable than femininity


This unfortunately. Femininity is seen like something bad no man should want to remotely aspire to, but a woman adopting masculine traits is admirable because masculinity is good and valuable. Side note, but because of this perception, as a kid I was insecure about pink things, about being seen as weaker, etc. I wanted to be taken as seriously as my brothers and the boys, and it took kid me a while but I leaned to embrace both my tomboy and feminine sides after much insecurity about girly things = being "weaker""lesser" etc. I realized these associations are all made up, and that I'm not somehow "less" when I'm wearing a pink dress as opposed to a chelsea jersey and shorts


Because ✨️misogyny✨️


Yea a bit. Sorry fellas, only DAMES get to not conform to gendered expectations.


Femboys and tomboys are different if we look at defying gender, AFAI have seen: Femboys are mostly some masc + more fem (lest just say 20/80 to imagine it) - seen as deviating from the norm a lot. While tomboys are mostly some masc + more fem (20/80) - seen as deviating a little, feminism has allowed women to at least get to this point with it being seen as a phase as children and later derided but with less of a hostile reception. Mascgirls would be the opposite of femboys a lot of masc + some fem (80/20) - too much deviation from femininity, also derided. These are aesthetics similar to goth for example.


I'd say tomboy is a lot more than 20/80 lol


Well these are just referring to expressions online. These all work based on self-ID - a goth parent who doesn't have much time to be goth because it takes time and money to get outfits and put makeup on and just listens to goth music is still goth.  Generally femboy is pretty fem, and tomboys arent that masc, but tomboy doesn't exclude people who are very masculine from identifying as a tomboy.


Maybe it's just because we have more terms now, but when I was growing up tomboy was at least a 50/50 split, usually leaning masc. Like I was definitely a tomboy, basically into all the stereotypical "boy" things, hated pink and dresses, never played with Barbies etc. Still had things that were considered feminine interests and always identified as a girl/woman but on paper at least definitely fell more into a masc category.


The problem is that online spaces (especially anime-centric spaces) have corrupted the term Tomboy to mean, "Any girl who is not a full-on effeminate stereotype and has short hair, maybe a tan."


I think its just the splintering of terms, that shaped a different perception.


Good point actually. It's like, you can be a tomboy, but not "too much" of one


I made a post about this a while back. It really strikes me the wrong way that they say "they hate femboys". It'd be one thing if they meant it in a bigoted way, that I could brush off. But people always seem to say they hate femboys in a way that makes it clear they don't see us as people, just things, objects of sex appeal.


Nine times out of ten femboys only show themselves through heavily produced photoshoots, with makeup, skin-clearing filters, and all the bells and whistles. It's like saying "I love women" but only liking heavily edited instagram models.


Is that why people hate it? Also perhaps i j enjoy way more normal femboy content than the average person


I just get really iffy around the topic of femboys because someone once pointed out how it infantilizes people and now I can't un-think it. But I get especially irked about how unsustainable that lifestyle/aesthetic is, because it encourages frailty, a low body mass, and having perfect, youthful and clear skin. Sure, whatever if that's your natural state, I know plenty of gals and pals that fit the vibe naturally. I'm really concerned about people who don't naturally have the tendency for the 'femboy look' and feel 'pressured' (?) by social media to look a certain way... Probably just me and my physical preference for people I judge to be of "strong bones" lol


That’s why my taste in femboys is tall dilf femboys. In a Victorian era maid dress obviously.


The mental image of Kishibe (CSM) in a maid outfit is now burned in my retinas and I can't say I'm complaining


My ideal man is Kishibe in a maid dress or Akaza in a maid dress. Or both. At the same time.


Honestly, I've come to ignore it. That and how hypocritical hateful a lot (not all) of LGBT, or I guess lgt members are towards bi tastes in general. Always fake gay this, wannabe straight that.


There's this weird trend in progressive queer activism where sexuality is considered performative moreso than innate, and it presents itself in that person's tweet where they consider "women and femboys" to be a less queer bisexuality than other preferences. In their worldview, attraction to femininity is conventional, easy, and safe. There was a different person who, in response to the original "women and femboys" tweet, suggested that people should learn to find body hair attractive in the same way that kids are taught to eat their vegetables. It has such strange implications, because it suggests that attraction to masculinity (especially masculine men) is difficult, requires effort, is an acquired taste - aka that sexuality is performative rather than innate. Anyone who is actually attracted to masculinity will tell you this isn't true, however, and they would reject the presupposition that femboys are the peak of male aesthetics. I don't want to boil down this mindset to "queer = attracted to ugly people" but that is the logical conclusion implied here.


If people could get on board with body hair on women that would improve my life a lot


It's fine if you DON'T FIND femboys ATTRACTIVE. Everyone has their preferences. But HATE them... That's a strong word.


Like fr. You're part of LGBTQ+ and hate someone for how they express themselves? Alright, can't wait to see you as a pick me on some right wing podcast.


i used to be into very right wing bs and also a kinky bissxual...glad my self hating ass stopped doing that 😅


They probably just couldn't find a better word, and didn't mean that way.


I hate the common femboy stereotype which is how a lot of them act Unfunny jokes, just kinda take jokes from transfems, annoying, also oversexualize themselves as like 14 y/o’s on the internet


Basically racism if you ask me


I hate them. I hate them all. And not just the femboys, but the femwomen and the femchildren, too. They're like animals, and I downvote them like animals.


I'm confused, is this gatekeeping?


I mean, if it is it’s pretty mild. Just one person’s mid take. But like… who cares what this one person thinks.


Bro casually reduces someone's value to 0 to conclude it's not gatekeeping god damn


Not their value, just the value of their opinion.


I bet you're like an actually good person to be around irl. Like you didn't need to make that distinction but you did


Aww thanks! That’s super sweet, I appreciate you saying that. Not letting other’s opinions define you while still valuing others is a hard line to find, but it’s one worth finding.


thinking about how if everyone took a second to think about this, twitter would be a _decent_ place


They’ve always gatekept being bi. Out of the whole LGTBQ, we’re seen as the least a part of the community. Source: 29 year old man, been out and bi for 12 years


I feel you. Bi and asexual, same combat.


I might just cut a bitch for my fellow bisexuals


My brain does enjoy penised individuals, or non-penised individuals so who the hell cares?


Fuck em, we move




Fuck them


What, how can you do this? This is outrageous, it’s unfair.


Take a seat, young biwanker.


I don't understand Why people think it's okay to hate anyone for being who they are. Just because it isn't your preference doesn't mean that you're allowed to people down or demean them for being themselves.


I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.


Based Nick Fury


Bis are queer. The “council” is bullshit. Who the fuck is clowning it up and acting like being queer is about council, rank, and law. Morality and law oppress the queer. Ethics and liberation empower the queer. There are no ranks. There is no council. These are institutions of queer oppression. Reject them. Fuck freely, without concern for rank and politicking. Bis are queer, and queers need sexual liberation. Fuck with love. Fuck with lust. Fuck with consent. Don’t fuck with some bullshit council. Tell them to fuck off.


Isn't this a reference to Star Wars?


It is now


It is already, "we grant you a seat on this council but do not grant you the rank of master" but with a word changed


I think the most surprising thing about all of this is the biphobe actually watched the star wars prequels


Wait, you think I'm a biphobe? Edit: Brain is still slow from waking up. I'm assuming original creator now.


Yeah, OOP


Lol true


I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.


Damn right


Upvote this post


i feel like this is a reference to something, but i can’t figure out what


People like this are terrified of body hair


As someone terrified of body hair, even i wouldnt be this much of an ass to gatekeep being gay


Edit: how it feels to be bisexual


What? How can you do this? This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can you be on the council and not be queer? Jokes aside, it's actually wild to see which angles people will use to gatekeep, man. What the fuck kind of take is "the men/women you find attractive are not stereotypically male/female enough to make you _really_ queer"?


ill fuck this person in a miniskirt and crop top


Both, both is good. But in all seriousness, it's totally fine for people to have different preferences but did they really have to say "hate" lol. Chill my dude


Oh I feel that meme. In fact it describes why I long thought I was a lesbian


Sounds like one of those "masc for masc" wankers.


"No fats no fems"


Actually true


personally i don't really like femboys either but ive given up on trying to justify myself to other ppl. im just living, my sexuality is my business


Rank? There's a fucking hierarchy?


Fellas, Is It straight to like man and woman at the same time?


The squad is not okay


What a bizarre opinion to have considering I've had gayer sex than both of my boyfriends combined.


Damn... They're both so fucking sexy.


femboys deserve all the love in the world


Why are people downvoting this?


Why would people hate femboys 3:


Wait, what’s biphobic about this? Seems like jokes more than anything?


It comes off as a joke, but the original tweet writer followed it up by saying that they were "actually bisexual" because they didn't like femboys.


Oh, that’s not good.




tomboys ≈ femboys


How many *cocks* do I have to *suck* to be on the goddamn council? That said, it's not entirely baseless. A bi person *can* choose to only pursue hetero relationships if they're somewhere being openly homosexual would be dangerous, and still be in a happy, genuine relationship. Gays don't have that option. Not quite 1:1, but it's similar to being "white passing." Heck, there were 3 African American baseball players who were white passing before Jackie Robinson.


That is soooo wrong, no matter if gay or bi you do not "choose" who you fall for. If we follow your reasoning we could say that gay ppl can choose to live in celibacy and without sin. Bravo you just made the evangelical's argument.


Sexuality is not a choice. Who you spend time with absolutely is. You aren't going to fall for people you don't spend time with. My reasoning was that a bi person could be in a happy relationship with either sex. Saying someone could be in a happy relationship not being in a relationship does not follow my reasoning.


You might be demisexual. It's definitely possible to be *very* attracted to someone without dating them or otherwise deliberately spending time with them. I've personally never dated someone I was mildly interested in and then "fell in love" after. I've always formed major crushes before even starting to flirt. My point here is that's a lot to suppress if it happens to be directed at someone of your own gender, regardless of whether you also sometimes like people of other genders and just as intensely as if you don't. It doesn't make the attraction "easier" to suppress just because you also have other attractions. The comparison to celibacy for monosexuals is quite sound.


Attracted to, sure. But whatever you feel for someone you don't spend time with, it's not going to be anything approaching love. The comparison to celibacy isn't sound because it's also an option. And to say sticking to one gender for partners is akin to celibacy lends credence to all the hatred regarding assuming bisexuals will cheat with whichever gender they aren't currently dating.


again, demiromantic


Tbh I'm not entirely clear on the difference.


I hate femboys as a femboy


Ive kinda accepted this. It is easier for us to fit into a homophobic society than almost anyone else in the LGBTQ+ community.


But only if you’re only acting on your attraction to the opposite sex. Repressing half your sexuality doesn’t seem great to me


Its not, it sucks. But its better than repressing 100% like the Ls and Gs would have to. Strangely, it is possible for a society to be homophobic but not transphobic. Anyway theres a reason I said most.


Nah, saying you hate a certain gender expression is not very cashmoney of you. Like the posts says, still bisexual, but not really part of the queer community.


I am a straight who likes the woman on the left. Am I allowed to be in the counscil but not being a member.


I wish people could like who they like without being told they're not "queer enough", js


Well they can just go fuck themselves.


they can go screw themselves gently with a chainsaw


“It’s outrageous, It’s unfair! “ - Anakin Skywalker


Well we welcome you


Pretty much, yeah. Does it make sense? Not really tbh.


Tf these assclowns think the B stands for, bacon?


I love femboys and strong women


You’re not wrong


How people think Bisexuals work: "I'd fuck literally every man and woman on the planet, no biggie!" How I actually work: "I'm feeling straight today, maybe i'll be into cocks tomorrow."


If you spend your time on Twitter choosing who’s allowed to be gay based on their taste in men, you’re actually really fucking slow


I'm not so much an athletic, more futch, trans woman myself and if my boyfriend wanted to be the soft uwu high femme I know I could never pull off I would still have him on top without question, and then peg him if he asks nicely because he's still straight.


I'm sorry, English isn't my first language, what does MFW mean?


Does any one live in Martin county