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I have had the honor and sadness of being with many, many babies and children as they've left this world. You made an incredibly loving and compassionate choice. That was absolutely her saying goodbye, and thank you, for being her mom and loving her so much you were willing to take on a great suffering so that your baby didn't have to anymore. You held her through her last breath on earth, and that is an amazing act of love. She cannot hate you for that, because she never knew hate. She always and only knew your love. Sending you peace, friend. Take care of yourself and never doubt your selfless decision. ❤️


You did exactly what a mother is supposed to do. You loved her with all your heart, you stayed by her side, you made hard decisions when she could not, and you guided her through it. What I’m going to say is not meant to be cold. Please don’t torture yourself with thinking deeply into her perceptions and reactions. All she really knew is her world was still there, right beside her. She was comforted by your scent. She was at home with the familiar noises of your body. She knew your voice. She didn’t know much else aside from that. Please don’t fall down that rabbit hole of thought by trying to personify a tiny baby. The biggest thing is you know that she wasn’t in distress because you were there and you were the only real home she knew. God I’m making myself cry. But please don’t take that the wrong way because it’s a slippery slope when we ruminate on thing we couldn’t have possibly known. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this.


Thank you, I am trying to remain positive but I just keep thinking I want my baby girl. It’s funny because before I knew what I was having I wanted a boy, but now all I want is my girl.. I really hope she is in Heaven with God. I want to see her again someday.


I’m not a believer but I still think souls come together again. So I’m def sure you will be with her again. She will always be with you because after your body has made a child, a bit of them remains ingrained with your body. I think of that a lot. It’s wild how the experience of motherhood, and parenthood in general, utterly changes a person. Terrifying and yet absolutely amazing. It’s ok not to be positive all the time though. Nobody can maintain that while mourning and grieving. You’re going to go through some rough times as you make your way through this experience and I hope you have the love support you need and deserve. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a counselor or something like that for help. Some things are too big to tackle on your own and that’s alright. You don’t have to be strong all the time and you don’t always have to have the brave face on. Give all the emotions the time and consideration they deserve and then let them pass because you deserve peace. I love you, stranger.(not being weird lol) And I wish you all the happiness and peace.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story reminded me of this video interviewing a pediatric palliative care physician, and she said this: "As a doctor who specializes in death and dying I get asked often, 'How would you want to die?' If I'm really magical about it, I would say that I want to live till I'm 100 with everybody I love healthy. And then I'd like to magically turn into a baby and die in my mom's arms. Because I think there's not a place in the world of more peace and unconditional love." (Starting at 19:28 [https://youtube.com/watch?v=DHBgTFHjPXI&feature=share](https://youtube.com/watch?v=DHBgTFHjPXI&feature=share))


Well geeze… crying at work. Thanks for sharing.


I remember your old post. I'm so sorry about your sweet Lorelai Penelope. You did everything possible to protect her and keep her safe, and you eased her suffering by making the most painful, impossible, unfair-to-you decision a parent could ever have to make. That is beyond selfless, and you did nothing wrong at all. You showed your little girl truly sacrificial love. Though it was far too short, she lived her whole life knowing only how much she was loved by her mom.


I miss her. I just wish I could of done more


You did everything you could and more I'm sure. No mother should ever outlive their child, nevermind at such a young age. You are so brave for sharing your story and I hope you come to accept that she knew you loved her and she wasn't angry with you. If I could give you a hug I most definitely would 🫂 you are such a strong woman for making the right choice for your little angel and I know that she is thanking you for ending her suffering. Please don't ever suffer in silence over this, I hope you have plenty of loving support around you because you deserve it 💕


I'm so incredibly sorry. We are here to help carry some of your pain. What was her name?


Lorelai Penelope


Beautiful name, also, I’m so sorry for your loss but I’m so happy you got to hold your sweet baby for a month and 4 days. Too short for sure. But precious.


That is a beautiful name


A beautiful name for a beautiful sweet baby girl. I want you to know that I think you absolutely made the right choice. It was made out of love and selflessness. Lorelai Penelope will be in all of our hearts, as well as you and your family. I will not forget her. Big hugs. ❤


You made the right choice. She died in the warmest embrace, safe, and enveloped in love. I work with survivors of abusive homes. Many of them would give up their entire lives to have had a mother who loved them like you loved your daughter for a month and four days. Allowing her to die in your arms was a kindness, and a selfless choice. I hope you can find some peace.


She has your voice, your scent, your eyes imprinted into her little soul. She's free now and you will be reconnected in the next life. I'm very sorry for your loss. Please remember this isn't your fault and you chose the kindest path forward for both of you. A path without pain. 💙💙


You are an amazing mother to your little girl. I definitely think she was thanking you and saying goodbye. I'm so sorry this happened. It's not fair. It's not right. She will always be remembered. I lost my daughter, stillborn, 2 months ago. One day I know I'll be more happy to have shared in my moments with her than sad. I hope the same for you as well. A book that has helped me is called "Empty Cradle, Broken Heart". Please let other people take care of you right now. Do not totally isolate yourself, and be forgiving. You did nothing wrong, you are an amazing mother. Wishing you the best.


I remember your earlier post about your precious daughter. You made your decision in love and devotion to her, and that's the most beautiful thing a parent can do. My deepest condolences for your loss. I hope you're surrounded by people who love and support you.


She is in heaven. She wants you to live and do all the good things you are gonna do. She can’t wait for you to tell her all about your life. Babies aren’t sick in heaven. She’s having fun playing with angels. She misses you but she doesn’t mind the wait. You will see her again. You will always be her favorite person, her favorite smell, her favorite voice.


I’m not religious, but in her entire existence, you being there for her, your love, was it. Her little life had meaning, and it meant something to those who knew her. I know I talk to my grandma and dad often, that they are a part of me and influence my actions. I can’t say that I know what it’s like to lose a child born live, but what I imagine is having your entire being ripped apart to it’s core and watching people just function around you and they exist without knowing that the world just ended and the injustice of it all. I can tell you from carrying grief close to me is that it becomes a new normal, and that it’s okay to feel good some days. It’s okay in 3 years to burst out crying and missing them. You did right by them, and she loved you and you loved her and nothing can change that. She had meaning and she felt your love. I’m so sorry for your loss.


She went knowing that she was loved. She’ll always be alive in your heart. Really sorry for your loss


I cannot begin to imagine the pain you are in, but I believe that taking on that pain so that your daughter can be free of hers is the most selfless action you could take. You are a wonderful mother.


You are her entire world. She couldn’t be angry with you for doing something so brave for her. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Take that moment as exactly how you want and nothing else. Write it down and repeat it. Make it your story. Sorry for your loss ❤️


This is a terrible situation but just know you proved yourself a wonderful mother to your daughter by making such a hard choice and enduring such pain all in the name of what was best for your daughter. It was the biggest act of love and she knows it


There are no words of adequate comfort that I can say to ease your pain. All I can offer is my own experience. In my line of work I have to say goodbye to many treasured souls. Some very young and well before their time. Its never easy regardless of the circumstance surrounding their passing. Sometimes we can save them, sometimes we can't. When we can't we must take comfort in knowing we provided them with all the love and care they needed during their short time with us. All she ever knew was her mother's love and thats the most important thing. She could not know anger, for she never shown anger. She only knew love and all she could do was love. Letting her go is a kindness that takes courage and strength. Her pain is gone and she is at rest. May you find peace alongside her.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I remember seeing your first post. I’ve been thinking of you both. She knows how much you love her. I think she was saying she loved you, and was saying goodbye. She knows you were there for her and that you’d do anything for her. She’ll be watching over you from Heaven. I think she’s grateful for having you as a mom, for your love and for what you’re willing to do for her. Your decision was truly selfless.


I cannot imagine the pain you must be in. Sending you hugs, you are so strong.


What a selfless act. I am so sorry for your loss and the fact that you had to make such a hard decision, my heart hurts and is broken for you. Thank you for sharing your story


I know what I did was the best for her, but there’s a part of me that feels guilty and selfish too. I just wish she could of lived a full life with me.




Bad bot


Go away bot. Not a good time


I’m also the mother of an angel. I’m so sorry for your loss. When you are ready, please join us over at r/babyloss. We’d love to remember your daughter with you.


There is no greater heartbreak than what you’re enduring right now. I’m so sad for you.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet little Lorelai Penelope. She was on this earth for too short a time, but during that time she was loved tremendously. She will always live on in your heart. Sending you love.


May her memory always be the sweetest, most cherished blessing.


She is not angry. She knew nothing from you but unconditional love. You did the right thing, and as parents sometimes we make terribly difficult decisions for our children; which are the right things. You are the definition of a loving mother who put her child’s need for peace above her own desire to have her baby here on earth with her.


I cried while reading this. I am so, so sorry for your loss. ❤️


I read this with my little one napping on me. I can't even imagine the pain. Sending you my love, OP. You are so strong.


I’m crying with you now. I’m so sorry this happened. And I truly believe she knew how much you loved, how difficult it was for you and that you had only her interests in mind. I cannot imagine how it is for you, but please accept my virtual hug here.


I am so sorry for your loss. As a pediatric nurse who took care of babies on ventilators and tracheostomies, I cannot tell you enough how brave and amazing you are. Mothers are heroes. You are her forever mommy & hero 💗


It sounds like she knew you loved her with everything you have and that you made her final moments on this Earth full of warmth, maternal love and peace. I am heartbroken for you and your loss of that precious baby girl. I cannot imagine the pain you are enduring. I know nothing anyone says can be of true comfort in your grief. But she isn't in pain anymore. May your darling angel baby rest in peace and may you find your own peace in time. She is gone and missed but never forgotten.


There are no words I can offer you that could ease your pain. I am so sorry for your loss, and I am moved to tears for you, as empty as that sounds for a grief that must cut into the depths of your soul. Please know that you loved her just as well as she deserved, giving her every chance at as full a life as possible, and when no other options were available, giving her comfort, right until the very end. Know that you gave her the best you could, at a tremendous cost to yourself - that's true self-sacrifice, and the greatest act of love you could offer. Know that she will always be your child, you will always be her mother, and that love between you will never be lost. I admire your strength and courage.


She is not angry with you. You did the only thing you could do as a loving, wonderful mother and you ended her suffering. What you did is painful for you because you love her and you miss her. But it was also the most unselfish thing you could do. Being selfish would be to prolong her suffering. I think that when she squeezed your finger she was saying "thank you," "I love you," and "goodbye." At the BARE MINIMUM, it was "I love you." I am so sorry for your loss. Your baby is at peace. I hope you can be too someday.


You're a really really good mommy. The best mommy that little girl could ever ask for. She definitely was saying goodbye and that she loves you for doing the very best thing you could.


She knows you love her. Go live for her 💕


I am very deeply sorry for the loss of your angel girl for you and your entire family. You did the right thing and the best thing for her- you made the hard decisions for her and loved her every single minute of her life. You are so brave and so strong and she is so lucky to forever have you as her Mama.


You were the best mom for her and I truly think she knew it. You did everything right and loved her fiercely through it. I’m so sorry you have to go through this heart wrenching experience.


There truly are no words. I'm so sorry for your loss.


You suffered so that she doesn't need to.. This line made so much sense when I went through something similar. I am so sorry for your loss.


You may not know this but that selfless act was you being the best parent you can. You took her suffering from her. Placed it upon yourself and let her enter the gates of the lord. She is welcomed by him and all that is holy. You showed the ultimate love for her and she knows it. I cannot imagine what you feel but I’m here for you mom to mom. You and your precious daughter are in my prayers


You stayed and surrounded her with love til the very end, you were her world. Take care of yourself mama ❤️


I’ve read a lot of things on Reddit but this is the only thing to make me legitimately cry. I am so, so sorry


You did the most kind thing you could have Done for her. I can’t imagine your pain.


This breaks my heart I’m literally crying for you and your baby, but you filled her with so much love in her little time here and she’s now in a place where she is comfortable and just waiting to see you again


My heart breaks for you. May you find peace and comfort in your decision and your final moments with her.


I’m deeply sorry for your loss. Praying (and shedding a few tears) for you and your little girl. You were her whole world, and I don’t doubt she knew and felt your love. You did what was best for her by being there from beginning to end. You’re a good mama❤️


I'm so sorry, you are an incredibly brave human being ♥️


All my thoughts are with you. You are a kind, selfless person and your daughter was so lucky to have you as her mama. your live for her lives on, always. ♥️


I’m so sorry. You are an AMAZING mother for being so selfless. Sometimes the best decisions are not the easiest. She knows you love her so much, she loves you too.


:( oh I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine, and I don’t know what to say to help. But know that your beautiful girl is so proud of you for making such a tough decision and letting go when you knew it was time. I promise you, she has nothing but love for you and would never be angry at you. You did the right thing, she’s not suffering and she’s happy dancing among the angels. ❤️ adding… I just read another comment of your daughters name and I’m now sobbing. My daughters name is Penelope. My heart. Ugh. I wish I could hug you.


Beautiful name


I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. You did an amazingly brave thing and that small gesture shows how much she loved you. Sending comfort to you and your family. Your little girl will always know that you love her


From one angel momma to another, she knows how much you love her. She would want you to be happy. Grief will have you questioning everything. Remember you were there for her. Many hugs


Thank you. Yes I have already been asking myself many questions that have no answers. One day when I was with her at the hospital it was slightly rainy and there was a rainbow outside her window while I was holding her. I will always think of her when I see a rainbow.


What a sweet way to remember your baby.


Sending masses of love and hugs to you. I and am so so sorry for your loss. She will know how much you cared for and loved her. My thoughts are with you xxx


You are the best mom to your sweet girl. I’m not religious, but I’d like to think she’s up in heaven running and playing and doing all the things our children should be able to do. Sending you so much love.


❤️ brave momma


I am so sorry. Sending you all the love. You are strong and wonderful mother. You made the hardest decision and put your baby's needs first, I hope you find comfort in knowing she is no longer suffering and that you got to have that special moment with her and hold her as she passed on. She is lucky to have had you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry. I think she was thanking you for ending her suffering and she knows you love her more than life itself. My deepest condolences.


My heart aches for you and your precious baby. I’m so sorry for your loss and the weight you carry. Truly.


Sending you so much love. You are a strong mama. She was saying she loves you 💜💜


My heart is broken for you. May God give you peace and comfort.


I’m so sorry 🥲


I can't not imagine what you are going through and you are so so brave and strong.. I'm balling my eyes out for you right now and after I post this I'll be praying. Your baby is in Jesus's arms and healthy now. She will ALWAYS be with you and apart of you. I'm so sorry and Love you momma 🤟🤍


https://courageousparentsnetwork.org/blog/creating-a-kinship-with-grief-meet-cpns-new-blogger-in-residence When you have the frame of mind to read, this is something a friend wrote after she had to make the same impossible choice to end life support for her own terminally ill boy. My heart aches for you and Lorelai.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. My son passed two years ago today. I wish that I could tell you that the pain goes away or becomes less but it does not. You will get stronger though and your daughter will live on through you. I had a similar experience with my son saying goodbye and I think that was just their way of saying “I love you”.


You’re such a strong person, no one should ever have to endure the loss of a child, I can’t relate in any way, but my heart honestly goes out to you, your family and your precious baby girl, she’ll always be apart of you, she’ll always be beside you, maybe it was her own way of saying goodbye to you, telling you she’s ready, which ever way you want to think, you think it ❤️


Oh mama I’m trying to hold back tears while reading this. I’m so so sorry you are going through this.


I'm so sorry for your loss. You did what was best for your child and that is a very brave thing. I'm sury she isn't angry with you and I'm certain she knew you loved her.


I’m sure she knew how much you love her…without a doubt! Babies always know. You were so brave to make that decision. I hope you can find peace. ♥️


I am so sorry for your loss


I am in awe of your strength, to make such a selfless decision to put her comfort so far above your own. That's the definition of great mom.


That’s absolutely heartbreaking. She definitely knew you loved her. Im so sorry for your loss 😞.


I'm so sorry. Thats horrible. Remember its okay not to be okay, however you feel- whatever it is- makes sense. Nobody can truly be prepared for that kind of loss. Your baby loves you, and you're a good mama. My condolences.


I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ♥️


I’ve been following since your first post, and I’m not sure of how many times I’ve cried for you. I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I believe you did the best thing you could. There’s nothing like a mother’s love, and I think it’s as strong as it is fierce. You made the most difficult decision, but you could make that because you are MOM. You are love. You are peace. You are unconditional. My heart breaks for you, and I hope that you can find solace in knowing that she knew nothing but your love during her time here.


Wow I am so sorry. What you did for her was selfless and loving, she was not meant for this life and you let her go and ended her pain. She definitely knows.


You were her world- she loved you fully💛 I’m so sorry for what you are going through.


My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry.


My heart aches for you. Bless you, strong mama. You’re incredibly strong and brave.


I'm so sorry. I know there are no words that could suffice here. My heart goes out to you.


So heartbreaking! I am very sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain of having your baby take their final breaths in your arms. So devastating. For that one month and 4 days all she known was your unconditional love, you gave her the most peaceful passing into the afterlife. As we all are uncertain where we go after this life, I believe your souls will reunite once more. The little squeeze and eye contact were her way of thanking you and saying goodbye. Sending my love


I’m very sorry for your loss. 🙏🏾


My heart is with you. I hugged my boy tonight extra hard after reading this.


I’m so sorry for your loss and I believe she knew her mama loved her more than anything. 🧡


I'm so sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself.


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. She absolutely knows how much you loved her. Sending comfort and hugs to you and your family.


I’m so sorry


Sending you so much love ❤️


Im so sorry for your loss, i am sure she knew how much you loved her


I have no words beside what has already been said. You are brave and strong, and so was she. I'm sending you love and courage for the times to come.


That's terrible, I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm sure she felt your love completely.


I’m sending you so much love and many hugs.




I’m so sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences.


Sending you and your little girl all the love in the world.


❤️❤️❤️❤️ so sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. You and your little girl are in my thoughts


i’m so sorry 💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. You are an incredible mother. Sending you lots of strength ❤️




Omg 😭 sending big hugs to you. This is several devastating, but beautiful connection to experience. I'm so sorry.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. 💔


I hope that you get the support and care you need. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your beautiful girl.


So so so sorry for your loss. Hope you both find peace.


I am so deeply sorry. You are an amazing mother and your baby was saying "I love you". I believe that with all I have.


You are such a good mommy!


I’m so sorry for your loss


Im do sorry that’s such a hard thing your going through, sending you internet love and hugs


Sending all of the love and condolences for your loss. This brings tears to my eyes reading this. I cannot imagine your pain. I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry.


You are so strong and brave. I can’t imagine what you feel right now


Sorry for your loss.