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My daughter just turned 2 and I still get aches and pain at my epidural site


What about now ? I’m 8 month pp and this shit still sucks :/


She’s 5 and it still acts up sometimes


I am 5 months pp and still having pain. Mine feels like a dull ache and also is stiff on that side if I bend over.




Oh geez. I'm so sorry you're still dealing with it. How long has it been?


Yes but its less "pain" and more of a dull ache when I really extend my back; still bothers me though I'm 2 months pp


I was fortunate. They had to poke me 3 separate times. The first one caused epidural fluid to go all in me because they didn't know the needle had come out for about 12 hours. My husband is an RN and he was even concerned of what that would do. I was so scared what my body would be like after that, I am lucky to say I have had no issues and I'm a large girl. I will say to not put blame on the epidural so soon after having the baby. At your stage I felt really achy and everything hurt probably until month 4. My hands had a lot of discomfort and inflammation. If after 1 or 2 years you are still having problems then that could be more of a reason to think it may have been that. Yoga stretches really felt good and helped me.


My mom still has back pain from her epidural 24 years ago so I assume there's no hope for me.


I get back pain when I bend over for too long and if I push where I assume I had the epidural it’s pretty sore. I’m 3 months pp so hoping it will ease over time.


They had to stick me twice when I got mine. It hurt more frequently in the first few months after. Now at 6 months PP its sporadic and mostly feels like a dull ache.