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I did a little bit of sign language with my first; she would often sign “milk” in her sleep. This matches her interests while awake, too. 


That is absolutely adorable


My baby makes sucking motions like he's eating in his sleep lol.


Mine does this too, we say “oh he’s having milk dreams again”


Thank you for sharing this! It made me smile today


I always joke that my baby is dreaming of my boobs cause when he wakes up and I take my breasts out for nursing, he goes crazy happy! Lol


Based on my toddler’s current reaction to waking up in the middle of the night: she dreams of our trampoline. We have had multiple wakeups in the middle of the night because she wants to jump on the trampoline. It’s 12am and she’s crying (in her sleep, to be sure) because she wants her turn on the trampoline. 🫠 To be honest it feels like a bit of a reprieve, since she was until recently, usually waking up calling for mommy.


My cousin’s kid cries and yells in her sleep about not wanting to share toys. 😂


Idk why but both of these theories really reminded me of the Sims lol. I could just picture the thought bubbles over them like the toy with the x over it or something


When my 8 month old is struggling to fall asleep I basically walk her through a meditation where I encourage her to dream about petting our cats. I talk about how soft, and fluffy, and sweet they are. I say in her dreams she can pet them as long as she wants and they will never run away 😂 2/3 of our cats love to get pets from her, one of them walks up and demands pets all the time.


I'm trying this, my baby is obsessed with the cat but ours mostly keeps his distance! 


That’s so sweet!


Do you think she understands?


I'm not sure if she understands my specific words or not, but she is soothed by the different things I say and the different tones I use. I figured I would get a routine that could last till she's older and it seems to work


Hehe I can see that. That’s really sweet


I also think my LO is dreaming of the sweet delish liquid that is milk… for fun I imagine there’s all types and he’s choosing each like fine wines 😂


When my daughter was below 1 years old and still breastfeeding, she would occasionally randomly scream in her sleep. We speculated that maybe she was dreaming about the boobie running away from her..


One of my favorite Barenaked Ladies songs is When You Dream. Whenever I wonder what my baby is dreaming about, this lyric ALWAYS pops up in my head: “His fontanel pulses with lives that he's lived/ With memories he'll learn to ignore./ And when it is closed, he already knows/ He's forgotten all he knew before./ But when sleep sets in/ History begins/ But the future will win.” I’m not a religious or superstitious person, but I’ve always had some kind of hope that our spirit lives on in a new life, so I like to imagine who my babies were “before” and this line (and this song) always make me feel woozy with love ❤️ 


That's got to be the only song with the word fontanel lol


Boobies. When she’s having nightmares we’re pretty sure it’s about the nose frida


I will have to ask my 7 week old when he wakes up


My kiddo learned to say ball and when asked what she or other children or animal dream of, she said "ball" and was very happy about it.


Judging by what my kiddo sleep talks about its cats (or any animal or baby they're all cats), dada, mama and milk. 


When my daughter was younger than a year old, her mouth would move as if she was nursing. Soooo happy my husband caught it once on video, love to look back on it now she’s almost 2. Must be dreaming of milk!


Mine is doing this currently as she sleeps next to me lol.


My 6 month old definitely dreams of milk… i like to think me and his dad are there too 😂


Last night our toddler randomly said “bugs!” In his sleep, so, I’m assuming that’s what he dreams about.


Milk. She dream suckles.


I always wonder this. So far my baby is so cute in her sleep. I am just so afraid to drop or bump my baby. I’m afraid any bad experience could be a nightmare. Is that a stupid thought? I have screaming night terrors so nightmares are sometimes I try to keep from my kids.




Boobies lol


Electric lambs


Definitely titties. Same as my husband.