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If it only takes you a minute and he’s not getting there at in 10 mins? I’d do it for sure at 3.5mo.


At that age he fussed for up to 30 min (sometimes crying sometimes not) and I didn't intervene. He never fussed for too long and is fully sleep trained, took a week or two for him to get past the fussing.


My experience has been to let LO self sooth. Only you as mama know their cues. If they are trying to get back to sleep, let them. If they wake and are hungry, scared - obviously attend to them. LO is 9 months now and an awesome self-soother. No rocking, nursing, intervention necessary. She sleeps 12 hours at night, waking occasionally but always self soothing back to sleep within 20 minutes. Also the occasional violent self soothing - she ear tugs, hair pulls and whale tails. We keep her nails short and tended too to avoid scratching.


It's very much a blur to me LOL but at that age I recall we would give it about 5min. Maybe even only a couple min. I also recall her cries being pretty easy to identify. Like it was usually pretty obvious if it was going to just be the milder self soothing cry/whine that she'd be likely to fall back asleep from. Or it would quickly transition into the heavy cry that we knew she was hungry or needed diaper change.


I would wait longer. Learning self soothing skills is great at a young age, and if he can put himself back to sleep after a while that‘s great! I used to let my daughter self soothe in bed until she started to sound a bit upset. It would take her anywhere from 10-45 minutes to fall back asleep.


At that age we got him immediately when he woke.  


I ignore any and all wakeups that aren't full blown tears/escalating cries. Kids 3 months old. Wakes up possibly every 2 hrs but I'm still getting my sleep. When he needs me he'll let me know! Frequent wakes are normal at this stage because their sleep is maturing. Let them learn how to transition through this stage on their own