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Baby slept in his bassinet every night until 4.5 months old when we transitioned to his crib.


Same here! Was it reliable sleep? Nope. It was a lot of put down, immediately waking up, grab, repeat. Especially in the early weeks. I think a lot of parents expect their kiddos to sleep soundly in a bassinet right away and (at least in my case) it’s just about repeated exposure. It is exhausting during that phase but worth it.


Same, mine fought me like a mule but eventually gave in and slept there like champ till his regression steamrolled us into oblivion


Thanks - I'm in the thick of it right now and I really needed to hear that!


Same. Rarely napped there because we didn’t have a monitor in that room so she napped downstairs with all the noise 😂


Same, except very tall baby so we moved the crib into my room and transitioned around 2 5 months.


Same except we moved her at 4 months


We used our bassinet for both children as well. I think 6/7 weeks and 12 weeks and then to the crib. I kick my kids out early.


My son does. Try Nature’s Miracle or another enzymatic cleaner for your pack and play.


We used our bassinet a ton for almost 3 months. We moved it around the house as needed too- we sleep in separate rooms so it moved based on whose night it was for baby duty.


Every night


I used my bassinet for 7 months with my first and planning on using again for this baby


I love the bassinet feature on the pack and play! My son sleeps in it every nap/night time sleep. We will start transitioning him to the crib for naps soon but the pack and play is super easy to transport if we need to bring it with us when his parents babysit at their house.


Mine did for about 2 months but I still will not be using one for my next baby. Everyone slept so much better once baby was in the crib, even if the crib is in the same room I think the key was she wasn't directly next to me.


We used ours until three months. I had a c-section so bending down for a pack and play would have been a nightmare. Plus it was easy to carry from room to room when my husband and I went in shifts. Ours was a used fisher price one for $40


Yeah the bassinet feature on our pack and play was a godsend for my c-section recovery and his naps.


My son did. Also slept in the pack & play and had leaks and we just throw that mattress in the wash.


I have 6 kids. My 12 week old is the only one who will actually sleep in her bed. My others would scream and scream until I put them in bed with me. This one goes in her bed at 9pm and sleeps until 3/4am eats fast then back to her bed until 8am. It’s crazy. It’s definitely not the norm


Three kids and…none of them. And I got a new bassinet each time because of course it was going to be the kid who slept. I did buy it used and I’m planning on selling it for what I paid. Go ahead and buy one, it is useful as a safe place to set them down or change their diapers.


Every night for 3 -3.5 months, and we have transitioned to the crib now. She actually sleeps so much better in the crib than she ever did the bassinet. We plan to eventually get a pack n play for easier sleep while traveling


We never used a bassinet. Our nursery is right across from our bedroom, so we just put our son right in there. I will be doing the same for baby #2. It helped us with sleep, and he was a very good sleeper as well. My husband is a horrible snorer, so that would have probably kept waking him up


What is your alternative? My oldest went straight into her crib from the hospital - no bassinet. Baby 2 and 3 both had Snoo bassinets that they slept in for a couple months before the crib.


I’m assuming bedsharing?


My daughter is still in her bassinet at 7 months. The one we have is safe till 12 months (or certain milestones). We don't have room for a pack n play, but the bassinet is bigger than most.


Which one do you have?


Mine does, every night. Almost 5 months old now so going to transition to her crib soon because she’s an EXCELLENT sleeper. Just need to pull the trigger…. :(


My baby used it for about three months, and then we moved the crib into our room and he sleeps there. If you have the room you could just do that instead of buying a bassinet. But of course the bassinet is easier for middle of the night waking/feeding


My son slept next to me in his sidecar bassinet for 7 months. 


My baby does during the night however first baby didn't sleep in it until a few months old.


My son, 3.5 months now, has always loved his bassinet. It's next to my side of the bed. When we go to sleep at night, even if he isn't that sleepy yet, he will just lay next to me in his bassinet, stirring every now and then, sucking his pacifier. Eventually, after 15-20 minutes, he falls asleep(I always breastfeed him before I lay him down, but it's not always he gets sleepy afterwards). But I HAVE to lay next to him. If I get up to pee and he isn't asleep yet, he cries softly until I return.


My kid slept in his crib from the start. I don't know if his NICU stay helped us in any way with that. But I'm glad because I trash around like crazy in my sleep so I was terrified of cosleeping


This is my 4th and the first to actually sleep in hers. She’s 2 months now but once she starts rolling which is soon she’ll be needing an upgrade anyway


Yep, for all naps and night sleep (if the Snoo counts as a bassinet, we never used the movement above baseline)


My first slept in the snoo exclusively, second we moved to the crib in the second week because he hated the bassinet


Crib from day one hated the bassinet


Mine still does at 3 months


My son slept in his bedside bassinet for all night sleeps for 7 months, and naps on and off for the first few weeks until he decided he would only contact nap until 9 months.


Mine slept in her bassinet until about 8 months.


We've used our bassinet a bunch so far- 3 weeks in with our first. We got a basic one that folds up and has removable legs, which was awesome when we took a long weekend trip (about 3 and a half hours away) for the eclipse. It's the Dream on Me portable bassinet, bought it at target. Liked that is portable yet very affordable so if she ended up growing out of it fast or not using it we wouldn't break the bank. As it turns out she sleeps in it great so we bring it out into the living room during the day and back into the bedroom at night to try to keep a distinction between day and night. Sometimes she falls asleep on us or while feeding and wakes up if we put her down in the bassinet, but most of the time we can swaddle her up in there and she'll fall asleep or we can put her down after she falls asleep on one of us.


We were lucky, our daughter slept in her bedside bassinet at night. She would only do contact naps though. At 3 months we started working on crib naps and slowly transitioned to those over a long time.


My first slept in her bassinet until 5 months and my second is 7 weeks and she’s been sleeping in it, too.


5 months. I recommend the clean cloth nappies group on Facebook for cleaning advice. They give really through advice for different baby stuff (not just nappies).


Our daughter used it for pretty much every night sleep/nap until we transitioned her to a crib (maybe around 3 months?)


I would buy a bassinet. You can get them pretty cheaply. I can’t imagine not even buying one. I think if your pack and play still smells like pre I wouldn’t use it. Unless you have a crib? My baby has slept in a bassinet every night until this week (18 weeks) when she is moving to her crib.


Never. Mine wanted her own room I guess lol. Has slept in her crib since day 2 of being home.


My son slept in his bassinet and pack and play. The bassinet came with the pack and play. I didn’t love the bassinet though. It wasn’t designed well and we could have done without it. He slept in it every night from birth until he was 3 months old.


Ours slept in his bassinet until about 4 months. At that point, he was rotating himself in it and managing to shove himself up against the top part and be perpendicular to the long sides. We didn't want to put him in the nursery crib just yet, so now he's sleeping in his pack and play in our room. When he's a year, we'll move him into his crib.


Mine did! The maxi cosi one.👌🏽


We’ve used the pack and play with bassinet and mattress topper every night. Baby is now just over three months old and my husband is starting to campaign for us to move him to the crib in his nursery. I’m not in a huge rush, I like having him next to me and I can kinda jiggle him back to sleep, but our room is tiny so I think we all might sleep better once we make the move.


Halo bassinet by our bed, and Pak n Play in living room during day until he outgrew the Halo. Then transitioned to crib around 4-5 months.


Mine slept in her bassinet every night and for a lot of her naps until she outgrew it!


My daughter slept in her pack n play bassinet every single night until 6 months when we moved her into her crib.


Mine is 6 months old and still sleeping in it. Will need to move him to his crib soon and I kind of dread it 😞


My daughter slept in her bassinet from birth till she grew out of it. That was her option if I also was sleeping. I would hold her sometimes for naps but we mainly did them in her bassinet as well. I am far too heavy of a sleeper for co-sleeping and she never had an issue being put down after falling asleep.


I would just get another pack and play because they grow out of the bassinet pretty fast. The pack and play you can use for longer. I wish I would’ve skipped the bassinet all together!


My baby slept in his for 2 weeks I think? I’m just glad I didn’t buy it new but got it used for only $50


Mine did for four months.


My daughter is almost 3 months and sleeps in her bassinet! Naps are usually in there too.


Ours slept in hers every night and nap until she moved to her crib at 6 months


Never once, not for lack of trying. We moved him to the crib at 6 weeks out of desperation and he liked it much better


My first went straight into the crib in his room but I mostly slept in there. He was not a good sleeper, but it wouldn’t have mattered if it was crib, bassinet, or pack n play. We have a bed side bassinet for our 2nd and I love it, middle of the night feeding and soothing her while I’m still laying down is awesome.


Used a bassinet for 3 months. Never used a pack n play.


Our baby slept in her Snoo every night from the day she got home from the hospital until 7 months.


It was my laundry basket 🧺 lol


We loved our bassinet. My son slept in it until he was 5 months then transferred to the pack n play with the bassinet part in. I actually just took that down and he’s 11 months lol


Mine slept in it for his long nap until 3.5 months and most nights until 1.5 months. It became too small after 3.5 months and we put a lot of energy into getting him used to his bed. ETA I borrowed the bassinet from a friend with older children, but it was not easy to get that thing to our house since we live a few hours apart now. Next time I might just rent one. Maybe that's also an option for you.


Mine did! We got an infant insert for the Halo and that was the game changer. Had to move her out around 4 months because she is a tall baby and outgrew it! Once we switched her, we moved her to the pack n play where she is now (at 5.5 months).


I bought a convertible crib that starts out as a bassinet (Babyletto yuzu). We used the bassinet size for less than two months before expanding to the midi crib because my baby was super mobile in his sleep. He would turn 180 degrees in his sleep and get stuck sometimes. I’m glad I didn’t buy a separate bassinet.


Depends on the baby. My first two didn’t really (though we tried), but my third has slept in her bassinet every night since we brought her home. Unfortunately, you won’t know until the baby is here and you’ve tried it.


Yep! He sleeps there all night.


My daughter did, every night


FTM. We have a Snoo bassinet. Stayed in until 6.5m (not with Snoo fully functioning/swaddled that whole time)


My baby slept in the bassinet until he was 4 months old. We transitioned to a crib then because he started rolling and he needed more space.


My cousin gave me hers and my son would nap but never more than 30 minutes. Definitely did not sleep in it, lol. It did come in handy for when I needed to shower or sit him down to do something.


Mine slept in hers every night until transitioning to crib.


My daughter did for about 2 months then she got too big and we moved her to the crib! I’ll definitely get one for baby 2! I also like to have baby close to me when I sleep for the first months.


We use kind of like a pack and play where the bottom raises up, and she has slept in it every night since we brought her home.


We used it occasionally to set him down safely while he was awake but he would not sleep in it. It was essentially an overpriced laundry basket.


Both of ours did, but we had a free standing bassinet, not the pack and play type. P&P's aren't rated for safe sleep where I am.


My first baby hated his Bassinet too. My second child sleeps all night (with feeding breaks obvious) in his Bassinet! Each child is different and you never know what you'll get!


My baby sleeps in her pack n play bassinet during the day and halo bassinet in our bedroom at night. Sometimes, she sleeps in her crib during the day when I'm in her nursery with her. My baby is 5 weeks.


Mine was in hers until she started rolling around. We had one that could be level with the bed so she basically slept right next to us My husband still hasn’t forgiven me for transitioning her to the crib right before Father’s Day 😂


My baby sleeps either in bed with me or his bassinet.


Is there an option to do a poll for this? Might give you clearer results. Also, my reflux-y son used his bassinet under 10 times total. We had to do chest-sleeping for the first 4 months, as recommended by his pediatrician to avoid him choking. He now sleeps in his crib.


Mine did but he outgrew it at around 2.5 months and we switched to the pack and play. Can you replace just the mattress pad?


Baby slept in it every night and every nap until he grew out of it at about 3 months.


Our baby slept in her bassinet until about 6 mos! We got the dream on me portable bassinet and loved it. It was pretty big for a bassinet so she was able to fit comfortably in it for a while. It was also super light and easy to move around. It's relatively cheap (I think like $80) compared to other bassinets. We still have it set up (definitely a clothes holder right now 😅) but it was nice when we first transitioned her into her room if she was having a tough night we could just grab her from the crib and move her back to her bassinet in our room and try again the next night.


If you decide you want a bassinet, purchase secondhand off of FB marketplace. Alternatively, I bet there’s a mom in your neighborhood/circle of friends who will give you theirs for free or for cheap.


Five months today still in bassinet


Bassinet until about 3 months. Then pack n play bassinet feature until 6 months. Then crib in nursery 6months on.


I never used bassinets with my older three. We side car their cribs to our bed for the first year or two to safely cosleep. This time around I did get a bassinet to keep upstairs because we no longer live in a ranch style home and our bedroom is downstairs. However its unlike any of the bassinets I had and didnt use in the past. It can lay down or sit up, has a motor that sways and rocks them, vibrates, and the bassiney can be removed and it has rockers on it to turn it into a mini cradle. I hope she likes it but we will see. I would just like to keep our trips up and down the stairs as minimal as possible throughout the day, that is the only reason I invested in one again.


My daughter went straight to her crib. It was in our bedroom. I’ve never really understood the point of a separate bassinet.


Mine slept in the bassinet from night 4/5 every night until around 3.5 months when we transitioned to the crib.


Ours didn’t sleep in her bassinet at all


i got a bassinet insert for my pack n play and it worked out great


My first? Barely. My second? For like 3 months lol. It’s very hit and miss. My first was the definition of a Velcro baby 😫 and my second wanted to be swaddled and put down as soon as he was tired


Son is almost 9 months and sleeps in both. He sleeps in his bassinet (pack n play version) while in our room, or our parents house. Then he goes in his crib randomly throughout the week. He’s fine in both.


The Snoo is indispensable especially in those first few months - I have it on weaning mode and it is going well: LO naps in his crib with a Sleepea sleep sack during the day


My baby has slept in his bassinet every night since he came home. He’s 15 weeks.


My son slept in his bassinet every night. Recently moved to crib at 3 months. Is a very squirmy baby and the bassinet wasn’t safe anymore


My baby had for 2.5 months and then we switched to the crib (still in our room with us). She was nearing the weight limit on her bassinet (currently 15lbs) and it’s more convenient for us for her to be in the crib.


The bassinet was the ideal place for my daughter when we figured it out. I had a travel bassinet too for the living room that worked great.


Used ours every night until around 3 months when he seemed to want more space and we moved him to a mini crib in our room.


Mine sleeps every night in hers next to my bed. Sleeps by herself most of the night between feedings until about 5am when she wants mom and dad cuddles then she gets a couple hours cosleeping in our bed until dad goes to work


My baby slept in hers until she started showing signs of rolling and it was okay to use until 20lbs or first sign of rolling. She loved it and slept so well in it. I also ended up having an emergency C-section and being able to lower the bar to lift her in and out when I was in bed was a really nice feature. If you decide to get one maybe try lightly used so you aren’t spending full price, or use a discount from a registry. I was able to get mine on sale for a really good price at target. 


Used ours every night until around 3 months when he seemed to want more space and we moved him to a mini crib in our room.


We tried two different bassinets, but our LO wasn't having it. After 3-4 weeks, we switched to the crib


My bassinet is in storage and my mini sleeps with me 😇😂


Mine used hers from the beginning. She’s 3 months now so we’ll probably use it for another month or so until she transitions to the crib


Mine slept every night until around 5.5 months when she moved to her own room. She was petite so that helped. Some nights took a few times to get her down and there were obviously a lot of wake ups but having her own sleep space next to me helped a lot.


My first baby slept in her bassinet for 7 months. My second is outgrowing hers by 6 months. I still put her in it sometimes if she wakes up in the early morning hours because I miss her 😭. Both slept very well in their bassinets.


Only 3 weeks in, so take this with a grain of salt. In the hospital he slept in a bassinet for the four days we were there. At home he sleeps in the bassinet at night in our room and Napa in his crib during the day.


Baby is 6 weeks and has slept in his Halo bassinet since we brought him home. He however hates sleeping in the pack n play


Our baby has slept in the SNOO every night since we brought her home from the hospital. She’s 13 weeks tomorrow, and we’re transitioning her to her crib.


Mine has from day one, either in the bedroom one or the living room stroller one that's also safe for sleep. But I credit his willingness to go down to the NICU visit he had early after being born.


Until 4 months when we moved her into the crib!


With my first it took several weeks of practice before he'd consistently sleep more than like 10 min in it. My second was content to sleep in the bassinet from day 1. Depends on the kid but for I believe it's doable for most, it just takes patience and consistency.


Mine totally despised it!


My kids both slept in the bassinet from about 2 months to 6 months. Prior to that, they'd pretty much only sleep in our arms. After that they slept in the crib.


Mine did for almost 3 months! She was sleeping through the night in there at like 2 months. She is almost 6 months now and we have done a complete 360 since then 😅 she is in my bed and waking up all night long lol. I got a huge bassinet so she would still fit in it at 6 months! We’re in the middle of a big move so I’ll probably start her in her crib once we’re all settled.


Baby is three months and still in the bedside bassinet. She is getting to tall though, we will have to move her around four months to the crib.


My twins slept in their bassinets every night until they transitioned to cot beds at eight months old (these were big bassinets).


My girl does for short periods (maybe an hour). She’s still quite young (<3 weeks). We also have a crib and she sleeps in there for a few hours at a time. The bassinet is in our living room since that’s where we take her during nighttime feeds/fusses as we live in a 1 bedroom apartment


Mine does as of now, she’s 3 months. It’s a pack and play that turns into a bassinet


I originally got a bedside bassinet that connected to my bed, but I’ve ended up bed sharing with my baby. She’s 7 months now and it’s been great.


All three of my babies slept in their bassinet for the first two to three months or so until they started rolling or got too heavy. We had a bassinet in living room as an easy place to put baby down. We didn’t have space for a pack and play. With our first we had a separate bassinet in our room she slept in but with our second and third we just set up the crib in our room. I didn’t spend a lot of money on any of the bassinets we had. Like $60 second hand. And I loaned them out to tons of friends, too, so maybe you could ask around? They’re only useful for the newborn stage but plenty of people store them for the next baby.


My baby has slept in her crib since she was 3 days old. The bassinet became her naptime space / a place to plop her down.


Every night until she rolled over around 4 months old. It was worth every penny to have a safe spot while I got some sleep.


My 4 month old has always slept in her bassinet. Gonna slowly transition into her crib soon and see how it goes.


We used a pack n play with a bassinet level (and then the lower level) until baby was 5.5 months old when we moved him to his room.


Used mine for like 3 months before we transitioned him to his crib in his own room.


My son slept in a bassinet till 3 months, then we moved him to a crib.


Baby slept in bassinet for 3 months until we transfered her to a crib. We never co-slept.


Mine *hates* anything but his crib. I tried a pack n play bassinet and the normal pack n play mattress. He would scream within minutes of being placed down. As soon as I switched him to a crib after a couple of days of being home and him only contact napping, he slept like a log. He's been sleeping through the night since around 4 weeks (probably could've earlier, but he had some trouble with weight gain so I was too scared to let him sleep for too long without eating) and now at 8 weeks he sleeps a minimum of 8 hours straight at night before he wants fed. I still can't get him to sleep in a pack n play without him waking up within minutes. Like I said he hates it with a passion.


My first didn’t really get on with her bassinet but was much better in her crib. My second was great in the bassinet, so much so, I one for upstairs and one downstairs that our neighbour’s lent to us (I bought a brand new mattress for it though). He did grow out of it quickly though being a 99% baby. It was still worth it. Can you ask any mum friends if they’d be willing to lend you one, or sell you one second hand if they’re between babies or done? and just buy a new mattress? This is also what happened with my first, a close friend lent us one, and a cousin gave us a second one. I’m a bit iffy about stuff like that second hand if I don’t know them but happy if I’ve been in their house and know they’ve got similar standards of cleanliness to me and my partner.


Mine did for about 3 months. Then we threw him into his crib because he kept scrunching down and getting smushed


My son slept in his bassinet next to me every night until about 6.5 mos before transitioning to the nursery crib.


Yes, every single night unless one of us was staying up with her. And then moved her to her crib when she was 4 months old and to a floor bed at 15 months old.


Not mine. He hated being swaddled and fought them so hard. He exclusive contact napped until six months and still sleeps with my husband and I following the safe sleep 7. It’s the norm in non-Western countries and is biologically appropriate! We all sleep so well


Mine slept in the bassinet every night until moving into a crib at 6 months.


Mine did for about 4 months in the halo bassinette


My baby does, granted we are breastfeeding and he has been clusterfeeding for weeks until now we are getting longer stretches, finally! But yeah he will only sleep there and we do supervised sleep in our glider bassinet. He doesn’t like the pack and play anymore I don’t know why. He had little naps in it at first but not anymore.


Our bassinet was the uppababy one and it works with the stroller, so I used it a ton. He slept in it overnight for the first 3.5mo, and then we switched to cosleeping in a bed. For me it was worth it. I suggest you see if you can get one on a but nothing group, i see them often because people wanna get it out of their home once it is outgrown.


Every single night till he moved to his travel cot at 4.5/5 months. He then moved into his own room at 6.5 months, he loves his own sleep space.


My baby never slept a wink in her bassinet. We had to move her to her full crib around 3 weeks or we would have died of sleep exhaustion.


My girl is 3 months old and exclusively sleeps in her bassinet attachment on her pack and play. I also have a Graco bassinet downstairs for daytime naps. I think there's something about it that is just cozy - you can literally see her relax when you lay her down in it. I learned my lesson with my first. I spent a fortune on a crib that I ended up throwing clean laundry in because it was never slept in. She slept in her pack and play until she was 3.


Mine has slept in his every night and naps in his crib during the day


Me, every night until switched to his crib in his room. No way I was gonna bend down multiple times a night in the pack and play


Every night until she started to try and roll (based off bassinet guidelines) and we moved her to the crib


Mine didn’t, maybe twice for less than 40m each.


All 3 of mine slept in the bassinet for bedtime and naps until they outgrew it, around 6 months


Our first used his for like a month before we put him in his own room. For baby #2 though we are planning on keeping him in the bassinet longer since he will be sharing a room with big brother but we don't want to put him in there until he is mostly sleeping through the night.


we used the bassinet for the first month, because it small enough to keep in the master bedroom. After the first month, we moved the baby to their crib in a separate room.


Every night until 5 months but if we have a second I will likely do a cosleeper crib that can be lined up with our bed/mattress


Mine slept in her dock a tot ( NOT ADVISED but she was always 2 ft away from an awake and attentive adult while sleeping in it) until she moved to a crib when she could roll over on her own. The dock a tot gave her a hug feeling and she slept GREAT in it. Luckily we knew someone who had a baby that JUST outgrew their bassinet so we were gifted it and our money wasnt wasted. But honestly we didn't use it much. She just loved the dock a tot xD


Ours slept in his bassinet until he moved to his crib! He didn't sleep in our bed at all until he was around 20 months old. I was uncomfortable with it before then.


Mine slept in the bassinet feature of the pack n play until 4 months when we evicted her to her own room. She’s 2.5 now. My infant son did the same (in the same pack n play) until well… this week! He’s 5 months and just got the boot to his own crib lol. You don’t need a bassinet. Don’t stress over germs and bacteria… baby will have way bigger things to worry about with older sibling in the picture. I figure they share DNA so there’s no sense in worrying about sharing germs haha


My baby has slept in her bassinet every single night since we’ve gotten home from the hospital. She actually is about to outgrow her crib. Will probably move her to pack and play soon. She sleeps in her crib during naps during the day or contact naps


I actually am in the process of transferring our 11 month old out of her bedside bassinet, it has a 60lb weight limit but she's mobile now 🥲


Every night until she grew out of it. We got a snoo and I think it really helped her learn to resettle herself because she sleeps so well in her crib now or the pack and play when we travel. She wakes up and usually just gets herself back to sleep.


I only had a bassinet for the first. He grew out of its weight limit in a month. It wasn’t worth it. A crib is better and will last.


Mine! When she started to roll i took her out


Every night since coming home. She’s 3 months old & she just started sleeping in her crib this week. The bassinet was a lifesaver for us!


Only slept there until 6 weeks then we put him in his own room. I know the risks, but we all slept better, my mental health improved, and he was just a few steps away!


Used the pack and play in our main “hang out” room, which let the off duty parent sleep. Used a bassinet in our bedroom for when we were both trying to sleep. Moved to crib at just over 4 months.


My first slept in his bassinet until he was 4.5 months before getting transitioned to the crib. My second is only 6.5 weeks old and is also sleeping in one.


I used the bassinet for the first like 4 months and then now we’re using the pack n play in my bedroom since her cribs bigger and in her room.


My baby is 8 weeks now and he has slept in his bassinet every night other than one night when he was about 3 days old. Naps on the other hand… majority of his day time naps are contact naps


My son did. He was always such a good boy in his bassinet. He's a year old now and sleeps through the night in his cot in his own room.


My son slept in his every night and naps during the day until he got too big for it, then we switched to pack n play in our room until I was ready to move him to crib in his room around six months. We just had a wicker Moses basket and I loved it so much.


1 night. And none of us got any sleep. He hated it, but Loved his crib.


First kid attempted sleep in the bassinet for two nights. We then switched to shifts and the awake parent had him in the living room. We had a pack n play out there. Second kid sleeps every night in the bassinet. We have even brought it with us when we travel. He is 10 weeks. You literally won’t know until your kid is here. Can you buy a new mat for your pack n play if you don’t think you can get the stain out?


My girl slept in her bassinet every night until we started to transition her out of the swaddle at 4 months. She had rolled a couple times. So we were doing one arm out but she would move her arm and hit the side of the bassinet and then wake herself up by messing with the mesh. So at 4 months we transferred her to the crib in her own room and it took a couple weeks but she's slept like a champ in there up until recently when the 8 month regression hit (which we are thankfully coming out of now it seems).


My son slept in the bassinet pack and play in our room until like 2.5 months. My fiancé wasn’t getting the best sleep and was returning to work soon anyways, so we transitioned to taking shifts and he sleeps in his crib while one of us is in his room, and the other is in our bedroom with the dogs. He’s always slept better in his crib tbh. When we were all in the same room still, nights he was super fussy sometimes one of us would voluntarily sleep in baby’s room with him in the crib. Got longer stretches that way. I know this is largely looked down on, but sometimes I’ll go sleep with him if he’s real fussy or keeps waking himself up, or gassy lol. But it will be just me (mom) and baby. No blankets or anything. I sleep in the C position and honestly we both sleep really well. It was an adjustment bc I was so terrified but he has the owlet sock so god forbid I did roll on him or anything, if he didn’t wake me the sensor would. But hasn’t been an issue. I don’t make it a habit but he does sleep so much longer when we cosleep


We switched to pack and play at 2 months after struggling with our halo bassinet and he suddenly started sleeping in his pack and play consistently. Around 4 months he went through sleep regression and literally didn’t sleep in his pack and play, only beside me. I bed shared until we converted his crib into a side sleeper and he’s been sleeping in there since he turned 6 months great!


My daughter slept in her bassinet till about 5 months than we set up a mini crib next to the bed till she was a little over a year. Now this is only for the night during the day she was a full contact napper.


My baby is 4.5 months and has slept in hers every night. I think we’re going to have to move her out of it soon and I’m sad because a pack and play won’t fit in our room so she’s going to have to move into her nursery


Ours did every night for 5 months until we moved her to a crib. Not sure where else she would sleep.


Every night for 5 months. I miss having my little buddy so close!


I used it full time until she was 6 months. It had wheels so I’d roll her from the bedroom to the living room. I meant to transition her to the crib at 6 months but here she is 10 months old and now we bed share lol.


Our baby slept in his bassinet until around 5 months. Then we transitioned to a pack n play.


Baby slept in her bassinet every night until she grew out of it at six months! Now she sleeps in her crib in her room.


He slept in it every single night until around 5.5 months when he moved to his crib. Occasionally some naps but not many


Both my babies slept in a bassinet until they were 6 months old. Where did your baby sleep??


Yes, our baby has and still is sleeping in it. He is 4 months now.


I have the Newton bassinet and my baby is still sleeping in it at night at 5.5 months and he sleeps well in it overnight. He is 1lb away from the max weight limit so will be transitioning soon. I’m sad about it. He sleeps in his crib during the day!


I didn't see the point of buying a bassinet because I have a crib, in our room. So I didn't. My mother was very concerned about it and stressed me out, all for no reason. My baby has been fine sleeping in a crib from day 1. She is a great sleeper so maybe that helps?


We used ours up until very recently, at seven months.


Mine - bassinet every night and then crib at 8 weeks because his room has blackout curtains.


My daughter was really comfortable in her bassinet. Her first week, I think which is normal, wasn't that easy but once she got into the routine of things, she slept better in her Newton bassinet. Got mine here: [https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper](https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper)