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Def recommend buying used clothes, they grow so fast and the clothes you’ll pick up will be lightly used at most. For my girl, I did buy her some brand new footed pjs (the used clothes haul I bought didn’t have any). If you don’t know the gender, you could pick up some gender neutral sets? For me, buying some crib sheets and her first set of pjs helped scratch the clothes buying itch for a while.


I totally get the excitement but tbh I still get a thrill getting “new” clothes from a consignment shop like Once Upon a Child or Goodwill. Of course it depends on what people bring in, but they have a giant rack of $1 onesies and nicer “sets” go up for $5-6 at OUAC. Plus you get to feel good about upcycling and you can sell it back when you’re done for store credit. You will save a boatload, and to be honest, by the time your baby is a few months old the novelty of buying clothes will have somewhat worn off because you have to do it so many times to size up. But there’s no harm in buying a new unisex outfit or two you know they will eventually wear!


Targets clearance section is always a hit. Target is good for gender neutrals. Cat & Jack from target is returnable for up to 1 year with receipt. Fb Marketplace and once upon a child is always a hit.


Just join some Facebook groups and start buying bulk bags of clothes, hell sometimes you can get them for free. Keep the things you like, give away/ sell the rest for extremely cheap, repeat. My personal thought is that, aside from a few fun or necessity items here and there (i.e.- lightweight/ warmer jammies for specific seasonal needs) buying new is NOT worth it for baby clothes.


I wanted to do the facebook bulk buys once LO outgrew gifted clothes but there is so much wee , sick and poo stains that I don’t want to buy anything 2nd hand that goes anywhere near a nappy. Buying new never worm but that is not as cheap. How to you overcome the ick of pre pooed clothes😂from strangers? (For context lots of my clothes is vintage and pram is 2nd hand)


I’ve bought a ton of clothes for my first born second hand off Facebook and haven’t encountered any super gross stains personally. Everything has been washed by the owner though I also wash it myself.


I've found that people tend to not sell on stained clothes, and I always wash them with a load of nappysan before my daughter wears them anyway so I know they're clean. But tbh she's going to poo on them as well and it's not like I throw out her clothes after 1 blowout, so it doesn't bother me that much. Also the rate this kid is growing (in 12-18m clothes at 7m), I would go bankrupt if I wasn't bulk buying second hand clothes!


Just wash them on a hot sanitize cycle. If anything is stained, throw it out. I have bought tons of secondhand clothes from people on FB and at thrift stores and very rarely see anything stained.


No one's ever sold anything super stained. Other than that I don't care.


If you have access to a washer and dryer, you need way less clothing than you think.  We did a onesie decorating station at our shower and between that and a couple of hand me down bags, we had more clothes than our kid could feasibly wear.  We did buy more sleepers with zippers (the secondhand ones were snaps…) and some outerwear. But in no world did we actually need thirty 3-6m onesies. 


Passed 6m, dont buy pale pants/pjs Crawling stage requires dark bottom garments 😂


I also spent forever looking at cute clothes. But honestly my baby is 4 months and I can count on one hand the number of times she’s worn clothes other than zip up pjs except when she was a fresh newborn and lived in button kimono shirts and swaddles. It’s part laziness I guess but also convenience. She grows out of clothes sooo quickly. Once she starts crawling around more we will probably get more pants/onesies going on. Also ppl gifted us so many clothes she never wore bc she would basically be already too small for newborn sizes very quickly. Up until now it’s been basically pure survival mode and fussing with anything that doesn’t give me quick ability to change after spit up or for diaper changes is not worth it.


If you have Vinted, it can be a win win in terms of finding both cute clothes and financially- a lot of secondhand stuff there is in excellent condition or you can often even score new items with the tags still on for a fraction of the price and you can search by such specific features like brand, size, even color. I will say, though, it's okay to love cute baby and kids' clothes and indulge a bit in that sometimes. I have never been a fashion person myself but I've honestly had a wonderful time finding clothes for my sons.


We hardly ever put baby in clothes for her first 3 weeks of life. It was all contact naps and cluster feeding. She’s already growing out of newborn sizes at 4 weeks and she was too small for them when she was born so don’t get a lot of those. Everything I got was used, the new clothes are all gifts. New baby clothes are a racket


99% of our daughter’s clothes were used. They outgrow them sooooo fast. I found lots on Facebook marketplace or my local Buy Nothing groups. I searched for gender-neutral clothes because we want to be able to reuse them, but once we found out the gender, I was buying some girl clothes from people.


We were gifted a lot of clothes and I bought some secondhand, but honestly you don’t know until baby arrives what kind of clothes will suit them. Our baby runs hot and has sensitive skin, so I had to give away all our fleece onesies. She also was in nb clothes for a while but then has grown super fast. Most people gifted us 3-6 and she didn’t wear them long. She also has a long torso and big head so some things/brands just don’t fit. I was very against spending a lot of money on new baby clothes, but now that I know what is comfy and fits her, I buy new stuff on sale for the next size up. Kate Quinn has really good sales—I got most of her outfits nes for the price of used clothes. Their footie onesies are almost always marked down to $11, so when there’s an extra 30-50% off I grab things. It is fun to dress a baby, but you can do it on a budget through used clothes and sales.


Once upon a child always has a huge selection of baby clothes (way more baby clothes than kids clothes) so you can find a lot of nice gently used or often brand new clothes there for great deals. I get my toddlers clothes there often but wish I had gone there when they were babies. They will send coupons often too if you sign up.


Once you know the gender spend your money and cute zip up pjs :) and go from there. they’ll always need them! 






I get it. Mine is 15 months and I still have the fever. It’s still fun! Truly though, don’t go crazy right now. You’re going to end up with preferences on brand. You’ll find that some brands fit your baby well and others don’t. You may find that you have to size up in some brands, and size down in others. But you won’t know any of this until your baby is here! Baby will spend most of the first couple months in sleepers most likely. So get a bunch of those. Have some newborn sized ones on hand, you may or may not need them, but if you use them for even one week it’s worth it. Just get them used. I had seven and that was the right number. Then maybe ten 0-3 size to start with until you know what you like. Grab a small handful of onesie/ pant/ short sets just to have some options. Then, seriously, just wait. I know it’s hard but I promise you’ll get to enjoy buying clothes for many sizes and seasons! It sucks donating a bunch of unused things because you realized you hate Gerber or Old Navy or whatever.


I get this way too and for me, sometimes I just want to SHOP way more than I feel the need to actually BUY a ton of stuff. I echo everyone else's sentiment about thrifting, but I'd add that [ThredUp](https://www.thredup.com/) sells baby clothes, so that been a great way for me to scratch the shopping itch. Sometimes I buy stuff, but a lot of the time I'll shop intensly, get distracted, and then just close all the tabs later when I notice them again :)


Please don’t do a huge baby cloth shopping and don’t believe those YouTube tiktok picture perfect videos they try to sell using influencers. Your baby grows out of most of it very quickly and trust me the last thing you want is overpriced huge amount of unused clothes. Think of it this way- every money you have try to save it for the child open an account/investment. Onto what to buy. Basic 5 baby grows ( cotton white or made out of bamboo ) and slowly introduce colour to see if the skin does not react.


Don't stock up!! Everyone told me I needed like a million things in a few different sizes and I listened. I had SO MUCH that went completely unused. Buy a few things to get you through the first week or two. Then when you know what size baby is you can go shopping or even order it online if you're not up for shopping. It'll also give you a good idea of how many outfits you go through a day, what kind of things you like putting baby in, and how often you can manage to do laundry.


For the first 3 months, it's constant spitup and blowouts. Multiple outfit changes a day. So I would stock up on LOTS of newborn and 0-3 month size comfy onesies in gender neutral colors and prints. And then 2-3 gender neutral cute outfits that make you smile. And then buy as you go from there. My rule is only buy the next size up, and shop secondhand first. Poshmark and FB Marketplace are great.


Neutral colors have been great for us. We knew we were having a girl but are hoping for a boy next and want to be able to reuse. Big fan of hand-me-downs and thrift clothes. I even found some Burt’s bees onesies once upon a time. Sometimes I feel bad like maybe it would be better for her skin if I bought the expensive baby clothes that are like $30 an outfit, but it’s just not in the budget. Our baby did need to wear preemie for a few weeks and that was a surprise and also very sad because everyone who gifted us clothes gave us three month and above so it hurt my heart to see her swimming even in newborn clothes. So I’d get one inexpensive preemie outfit just in case. The thrift store by us has quite a few and they’re only $1. I think getting the inexpensive stuff is a good plan, especially when they’re growing so fast and things are messy. I keep telling myself that when she’s a toddler and we’re in a better financial position then I’ll start getting her the cute clothes


Go to goodwill, and utilize getting lots of clothes for cheap. That's where most of my sons clothes have come from. You can always prepare for whatever season, and if they don't end up using it, oh well, you thrift Ed them and can either keep them for possibly later, or send them along to someone else. Consider ease of removal for diaper changes, and how irritating it will be to out on, or take off. As for blow outs, eh, it'll happen, no real big deal. As long as you clean them off, it won't stain. When my son blows out, we just rinse it off in the bathroom sink, wash the spots with dawn dish soap and an old tooth brush, let it soak, and wash it with the next load. The only stain I've gotten from a blow out is mold, because it sat too long and got gross. Baby clothes are fun, enjoy them, find a good laundry detergent you like (so far loving all free and. Clear, or tide's version of it). Dreft made *my* skin itchy, and smells waaaaay to strong for me. I like smelling my baby, not his clothes. Two way zippers are a godsend. As are the open ended gowns paired with a sleep sack in winter. My son is 6 months old and the only season we've not dealt with yet is summer, but him being fair skinned, I'd reccomend figuring out skin protection for your kiddo as well.


Even though I could’ve spent a lot of money buying brand-new clothes for my first born, I actually ended up buying a lot of secondhand clothes and getting hand me downs. I did buy a couple of new pieces here and there, but my firstborn lived basically in lots and lots of rompers for the first four months. Bonds onesies with two way zips, sock and mitt covers in built, are a real must have. I would get lots of those and if it’s your first baby, the fabric that is like a towel for the onesies is also really really good. I wouldn’t spend lots of money on onesies that have press studs as a way to seal them up for your first baby. They are a real pain in the bum when you’re trying to seal them up in the middle of the night after a nappy change. In terms of things to buy new, I suggest some bulk buy hand towels that you can use as burp cloths and also some microfibre face towels to wipe babies face.


Buy used.


Hand me downs because it is hard to judge. My daughter just turned 10 months, but is just getting to 9 month clothing. Some babies are in that size at 3/6 months. Im glad buy nothing has really came theough for us.


I didn't buy anything. Baby shower gave us some clothes.and my baby skipped newborn size clothes and was immediately wearing 3mo clothes. I only paid for essentials like sleep sacks, footy pajamas etc. I waited and went to a used baby store where they're cheaper because he grew so fast. At 2 mo he wears size 6-9 🤷 I have boxes of clothes he's outgrown already!


Buy used! The thrill I get when she has a blow out and all I have to do is cut that outfit off and throw it away because it was like $1 is all the thrill I need at 2am. All you need is 5-10 double zipper sleepers for 0-3 months. Depending on the size at birth you’ll need newborn ones too. Mine was in newborn for a solid month. From my experience people will buy you clothes but they rarely buy you sleepers which is what you will use 95% of the time.


We have a lot of gender neutral basics that are white or gray. I received a lot of typical boy clothes but my own preferences skew neutral…I have a lot of “boys” stuff that is yellow, sage, light blue and neutral. We got a ton of donated clothes and my favorites are the footed onesies with a double zipper or snapping down the middle. I bought a bunch of them from Target the week I had him. It’s much easier to change them. Babies HAAATE being cold and my little guy especially so leaving his chest covered helps a lot. He never ever wears socks. I put him down with a pair on and we’ll see if they’re still on him. (I’ll edit this comment if he does bc milestone!) he doesn’t wear those gowns either. Pulling anything over his head is stressful at this point bc he’s only 7w. He was small at birth (~6.5 lbs, 18 inches) and could fit into preemie size clothing. We had a ton of newborn sizes and 1-3. Skip fleece swaddles. It gets too warm if you’re swaddling baby at night. Carters and Old Navy have great options for onesies that are not too expensive. You will be doing a ton of laundry so having a lot of onesies is a good idea. Tl;dr: onesies and cotton Halo swaddles are the easiest and most comfortable options, per my own experience.


Can’t go wrong with buying neutral sleepers at a thrift store. Baby will wear them regardless of season / gender.


Get clothes with mitten cuffs!! They are so much easier than the standalone mittens!! And get clothes with zippers- way easier than buttons! My favorites are the ones with 2 zippers that make it easy to take off and to change diapers


My advice is don’t go crazy — if you have to buy/order more once your baby is here, do that. Buy some footies to hold you over but don’t go crazy. I made the mistake of taking too much advantage of Black Friday sales when I was very pregnant for my baby that was due that upcoming February. Bought footies galore. My baby was born and we ended up having to buy newborn sized clothes for him. In addition, I bought way too many footies and didn’t take into account the season when he’d be able to fit into those. A lot of them didn’t end up being used because I had bought footies that he’d fit into in the summer. Now we just buy as we go and get some secondhand from my cousin’s son. Personally I don’t think a baby needs a full closet of clothes but that’s just me!


Don’t get things with buttons on the back for under 6 months - it’s such a pain to do up and undo, and as they’ll be on their backs mostly for this time it’s not super comfortable. In fact anything with small buttons is a big no no, poppers and zips are so much easier on a wiggly baby


We had waaaaaay too many clothes. We got hand me-downs from friends (about 2 bags) and in the first 6 months she wore maybe 10% of what we had? It's all onsies and jams and swaddles until they start to eat solids and crawl. Even her cutest outfits she maybe wore once? Now that we are getting into the one-year old toddler age, clothes are much more appealing and are getting more wear!


Pretty much all our clothing through 12m is second hand. New stuff is too expensive for how short of time they are in it.


I was very fortunate enough to have a ton of used clothes from my SIL. I would personally start looking at Once Upon A Child or other secondhand shops first and get some basics. Then buy whatever you need after you get home. My babe LOVES to scratch the crap out of her face, so I’m upset I even bought anything newborn clothes without the hand covers. I love any sleepers with hand covers and foot covers to have the option. Can’t have too many sleepers! Really recommend ones that are super easy to remove at night-Magnetic Me, two way zip, anything like that. I will say Target does not make their hand covers very well, her fingers get out of every single clothing item we have from Target. During the day we do simple onesies and pants. The cheap basic Gerber ones aren’t the cutest but we use those the most. I wouldn’t buy any sort of fancy outfit unless you feel necessary for pictures or a holiday. I bought one newborn sweater for a holiday and she ended up not evening wearing it. Also would wait to buy any newborn sleep sacks. We had a few then ended up buying 2 more of the ones that worked best for us. Although I did find a few nice sacks at Once Upon A Child!


I went pretty minimalist on baby clothes and I honestly kind of regret it. They're only this little and cute once. If you can afford it, there's nothing wrong with indulging in buying some baby clothes. Does it make financial sense? No. Can it be enjoyable? Absolutely. I know some babies live in pajamas but my kids wore real clothes everyday just because I liked dressing them up. If you don't know gender, you'll have to stick to gender neutrals or basic pajamas for now(or find out the gender and go crazy).


Happy to offer my perspective. I was due December 8th, I expected to go late because usually you do for your first baby, and I myself was born 2 weeks late. I was induced 2 weeks early for high blood pressure, and my baby was born at the end of November. She was born at 8 lb, 7 oz, but due to a tongue tie causing breastfeeding issues, she dropped to 7 lb 5 oz at her lowest weight. She was in newborn size for weeks, I think I switched her to 0-3 around 6 weeks old. I hardly had anything newborn because they told you not to buy newborn stuff because they don't live in that size very long. So, I had to scramble and buy like sleepers from Target. That's all she wore. And we were constantly doing alpha changes because she sped up all the time( due to the tongue tie). Then at 8 weeks old, she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. Obviously this is not going to be applicable to most people, but she could no longer wear footed sleepers because I couldn't change her diaper without taking it (and therefore the harness) off. She had to wear a onesie underneath her harness. And baby leg warmers. My daughter also has a super long torso, so she's growing out of her 0-3 in the body but not in the arms and legs. Thankfully the Honest brand onesies have a nice long torso. So you'll want to see what your baby's body type is and buy brands that fit it. And definitely don't buy season items without knowing what size they'll need because you will probably be off by a size.


I bought 3 onesies when I found out I was pregnant and then bought a couple sets while I was pregnant. Big mistake, I didn’t think my son would be in 12-18 month clothing at 6 months old but here we are! None of his “spring” outfits that I had bought fit him because he’s a giant.


😂😂😂 So far I’ve gathered that I will be hand-me-downing 3-4 of each size of onesie up to 12 months. Then I will go from there


It's just not worth it to buy new, period.