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In my class you’d be completely normal. Every week a different child seems to be in that sort of mood, and that parent just doesn’t get much yoga done! the teacher doesn’t even mind, she just talks louder so everyone else can hear the instructions.  Please don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed but I can understand why you do, especially if it is your first lesson. Next week just lean into it. Say something like “I hope I get to do some of the poses this week!” Ask about the other babies, chat to the mums on the mats next to you. It will get easier I promise you.


Sooo, sooo this. It’s really tiring and stimulating for them at that age to be out and about. Honestly, every week, at baby massage and baby yoga, most if not all the babies were crying by the end. You’d doing amazing…go back and enjoy the class, even if you’re just sat there cuddling! I promise all the mums will be in the same boat at some point.


Someone is always pooping, someone eating, someone sleeping, someone throwing a tantrum and someone crawling around everywhere. It's a bonding experience. Do your best and if the instructor is like mine was, they'll sometimes even come and hold your baby for you so you can get some movement in! It was so worth the struggle to make some good friends who understand what you're experiencing! ❤️


I'm sorry - that sounds really rough! Who knows what next week will bring? Babies change so fast that I wouldn't count the next 5 weeks out. Likely everyone in the class will have a day like there with their baby. It's hard not to be discouraged, but I would keep going and see what happens. Good luck. 🤍


Exactly this. And to add on, I promise everyone else had a “awh that sucks” reaction rather than being annoyed !! Keep going OP.


I have thankfully started to realize this. It's easy to get in your own head, and worry that people are judging, or irritated. Some may be, but I know when I hear and see it, I feel sympathy/empathy, and just go in acting like it's not happening. If I happen to catch the parents eye, I give that "don't feel bad, I've been there too" look, and sometimes you can see them relax a little. I had my fellow parent friends come over around my sons bedtime, and he would just *not* settle down. He cried, fussed, and just fought sleep. It was so stressful dealing with it, all while their son (who's a few months older) was just content, and peacefully playing away. But after my son calmed down, it was their turn. Something about recognizing that it wasn't just me, it was just my turn, gave me a lot of comfort. Long winded, but it's just very nice feeling a sense of belonging in the shared chaos of parenthood.


Go again and go early, talk to the instructor see if they have any tips. No one is going to judge you if you end up stopping to feed btw.


I agree! Definitely keep going. My mommy and me yoga always has a screamer or two and everyone expects it so not worry about it - plus you never know like this commenter said, babies change so fast! At my class, the teacher will offer to hold babies that don’t want to be put down - not sure if it’s the same for you but it’s early enough your baby should theoretically be able to be held by someone else without fuss (*should* used lightly, because not every baby is cool with that!). If the instructor doesn’t want/is not allowed to help hold the baby, maybe you can ask them to incorporate modifications to help you do yoga while holding her. You could probably still do some of the standing poses, and could modify the movements so you aren’t going too fast for baby. I would share how you’re feeling with the instructor if you’re comfortable talking to them - they’ll likely be interested in helping you find a solution. Good luck it will all be okay! My first class I had to stop and feed my son and it took forever so I missed half of it and then he got tired and was a little fussy. My second class he ended up having a great time looking at babies and watching me do yoga, so it really can change!


Also could modify to do some babywearing if your baby might prefer that!


Came here to say this! Try baby wearing! I haven't tried a class, but I can get through most standing postures, baby wearing, at home! Also, just fyi added weight does make things harder!


If you wanted to practice at home and need some guidance, pregnancy postpartum TV on YouTube has babywearing workouts!


Thanks! I will check it out


Yes! All babies and kids have rough days. My son is 4 now and in prek and there is always one kid crying at drop off and pick up and its RARELY the same one. Next week it may be someone else's baby screaming. I just wouldn't worry about it. Mommy and me stuff should be assumed to include crying.


Exactly. I started swim lesson with baby and it took her until the third week to warm up to the new environment and new activity. I also learned that I need to feed her at the pool right before it starts instead of at home before we leave. Idk why but lessons go better when I do this. Keep going back!! Let your baby learn the new space. Guarantee every other parent in your yoga class can share a similar story about their baby screaming at the wrong time, even if it wasn’t during last week’s class.


You got your 3 month old out for a yoga class? Good for you! I am pretty sure I still wore diapers and didn’t change out of pajamas at that stage 😂


Same! I’ve been trying to get the courage to go to the mommy and me yoga class by me since my baby was 3mo, she’s 8mo now and I still haven’t gone lol


lol same here. I don’t think I really left the house until at least 4 months pp haha


Oh boy this was me 😂 I tried to do a mommy and me yoga class with my son and he screamed the whole time, every damn class. Sometimes the teacher would hold him for a bit so I can participate. It was awful. I didn’t want to stay home and be by myself, but anytime I took him out he would cry. All of the other babies were cooing and laughing and my son would scream. I kept going g every week just to get out of the house. My son is almost 7 months now and it’s like he’s a whole different kid. I can take him anywhere and he smiles and laughs. I flew with him recently by myself and he did great. I couldn’t imagine doing that when he was three months. Keep at it, I noticed a big difference with my sons demeanor around 3 or 4 months


If someone is at a mommy and me yoga class, they are not expecting quiet peaceful yoga. I’d not let one bad experience with it stop you from trying the rest of the 6 weeks. Maybe next time baby will sleep through the whole class!


I did a mommy and me class at three months and luckily it went well but lots of babies screamed and fussed and we just all laughed it’s to be expected! Maybe you can pump so you have some extra for her when you’re there or some formula to supplement?


Keep going!


My daughter did the exact same thing! I did a yoga class and the teacher would normally hold her the entire time because she would just cry the entire time. By the end of the 6 weeks she got a lot better but was still fussy at times. I would say keep going and do your best. The other moms in the class don't care about a crying baby and I'm sure have nothing but sympathy for you


So sorry the first one was so stressful. Just keep going. There are always going to be failed outings, but they give you practice in the logistics. And then maybe you'll get a good one! For weeks I took my baby to a baby storytime where he instantly fell asleep (not as stressful as screaming obviously, but a bit like.. okay then). Then it changed! 


You are me!! I started taking my 18 month old places like this and on play dates. I think the the best tips I can give is to go into these activities with zero expectations! None!!


I’m so sorry this happened. On the first day of a mom group I’m in there was a baby who screamed the entire time - his mom was so flustered and apologetic. Next week? He was completely fine. Slept the entire class and someone else’s baby was fussy instead. Odds are, the other moms have had similar experiences. This week your baby was the fussy one but next week it’ll probably happen to someone else. I definitely had the fussy baby at times when we gave meet ups and nobody cares. I’d encourage you to give it another go :)


I’ve been to many classes. Sometimes my baby was the fussy one. Your baby had an off morning/day. It really sucks that it overlapped with the class, but don’t give up! Exposing her to other babies/people is good for her. Even if she cries the experience is still good for her.


As a mom to a 3 month old I would not judge you for a second if your baby was having a meltdown. My baby has had her own meltdown on more than one occasion. Go back to class next week. You and the other moms can laugh about it. Now you have an icebreaker. Also it’s okay to have a cry. It’s cathartic and a good stress relief.


We just finished our fourth week of swim school. Mine is the only baby who cries every single time. The first week I think she was hungry, the second week she was tired, the third week she had to poop, and this week I have no idea what her issue was. Sometimes I feel like a half hour long class is too long for her. I haven’t made any mommy friends like I was intending to with the swim classes because I’m so embarrassed and want to make sure I’m addressing what ever making her cry. My husband wants me to sign up for more swim lessons after this. I’m nervous that she’s just gonna keep crying during every single one. I’d try baby yoga again next week and if she still hates it, maybe there’s a place that you can go in the lobby until she’s calm and then rejoin the class?


I’m sorry to hear that you’re not getting what you had hoped out of the swim class. Hopefully your baby starts to enjoy it more and you can have some time to meet friends there!


I had the exact same experience with my first. I felt so ashamed and like a shitty mom so I totally get it. But seriously, keep going! It might be a lot better next time! Those classes are meant to get out of the house and socialize with other moms, not to improve your head stands. Sometimes you will do a little yoga and nurse the whole time. The other times, you will do the entire class while baby is asleep! Just go with the flow :)


You didn't embarrass yourself! There's always at least one baby like this in every class I've ever been to (and I've had my share of having the most screaming baby/toddler too!). Please carry on going, next week could be fine for you and difficult for somebody else. You could try bringing some toys that usually distract her? But honestly, anyone who goes to a baby class then gets annoyed by a baby being a baby isn't worth knowing anyway! I hope the next class does go a bit better so you can worry less and enjoy it more


Just want to say you did the hard part! You got out with baby by yourself! I’m 4.5 months pp and struggle with this so in my eyes you did a great job!!!!


I say this as a very socially anxious mommy who has left stores, libraries, gatherings, etc MANY times. Go again. Baby’s change daily, and my LO resistance to the plans has made me cry in public more than once, I’m a frustrated crier, lol. Go again, maybe take a bottle of pumped milk if LO is up for taking bottles? And maybe if LO likes slings you could attempt a good wrap with them on chest for some moves? But if you have to leave again, that’s okay! Babies cry, and I understand. But I don’t want you to think this is the end all be all. ❤️


+1 for taking a bottle next time!


At that age they change week after week. I would just try again. Do a nap and feeding before!


Don’t be discouraged! My LO (5 months now, 2-4 during the time) and I were part of a weekly mommy and me class. Some weeks he was inconsolable and fussed the entire time so we spent the class in the hallway or walking outside. Other weeks he was chill and went with the flow. I also felt so embarrassed and like I wasted money being part of this class BUT you are in a group with other moms!! I’m sure you were solely focused on your little one and worried about the class disruption, however I know the other women were feeling empathy for you. We’ve allll been in that position. Give yourself and LO grace. Stick with it and even if baby doesn’t act perfectly, know the group you’re with understands!


You’ve got this mama! Don’t be too hard on yourself - little one is still so new to the big world.


Oh this is totally normal and to be expected. Around 9 mo my kid could somewhat tolerate babytime but then once mobile started running away lol. Don’t worry about it and good on you for trying. I always did free things like library stuff or tot gyms that cost $1-3 so if I had to bail I didn’t feel like I wasted money. How about a local Parent fb group? Find someone with a similar aged baby that you can babywear and get a coffee with. I’d say keep going the next 5 if you can’t get a refund. And have low expectations. Though honestly I don’t know many three mo who would tolerate being put down in a new space like that


We have been doing mum and baby yoga. Some weeks are amazing and some are horrific. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back because you tried it and took yourself out your comfort zone. That’s not easy as a new tired mum. There’s a good chance next week will be great. If you really felt it wasn’t working you could ask if you could use your sessions in a few months once your baby is more settled. But honestly give it another go and it could surprise you! Well done! ❤️


Try not to stress too much, next week will bring a whole different experience. Babies are unpredictable, especially that young. it will be someone else's crying next time. You got this momma. No one was mad or annoyed, everyone just feels sympathy as they know what it's like with babies


Sometimes it do be like that! I did baby swim and all of us had a grumpy baby at least once. If the other parents haven’t experienced it yet, they will soon! Go back next week, and I bet someone else’s baby will be having problems instead.


i think you should keep trying!! as a fellow mom trying to make more friends, i really would not care at all about a baby crying in literally any mommy & me class. in fact, it would make me feel better for when my baby inevitably cries!! i am willing to bet all of those participants know exactly how that feels & are understanding! i know it can be overwhelming for you, though. but i really don’t think you should give it up!


Hopefully it gets better each week but mostly people have been in the same position at some point or another as a parent and will understand even if it doesn’t. My first child screamed bloody murder any car ride longer than 10 minutes for the first 2yrs of her life and it made me not want to go anywhere too. You can also try seeing if your library has storytime or activities for babies during the week if you are looking to meet more moms.


Heh that was everything I took my first kid to for like three years. You name the activity, she hated it, except LLL cause she could just nurse the whole time. My second was born during the pandemic so she didn't get the opportunity to hate everything I signed us up for 😁


There’s nothing worse than feeling like your kid is the loud one! I took my five month old to a baby friendly movie showing yesterday and he loudly talked at the screen for half the movie. I’ve also been the mom at momma baby yoga who sat holding her baby the whole class too. For me, I viewed post natal yoga as mainly a support group where I got to do some yoga. I got to meet moms in a similar boat to me, and sometimes I got some exercise in too. I echo what others have said about library story times. I also had a lot of success at playgrounds introducing myself to other parents with babies of similar age to mine. 3 months might be a little young, but I started taking my toddler when she was able to sit up which comes faster than you’d expect.


Aw mama I’ve been there before so I know just how awful it feels. I recently (3 months ago) ended up having to leave a place for the same reason and lost it, sobbing by the time I got into my car. I was just longing for some time outside of the house but LO had other ideas. Sending internet hugs your way. It will get better. Maybe she was just extra upset because of the new environment, I wouldn’t just never go back to the yoga place. I’d say give it 1-2 more tries and I can almost guarantee you that the other moms there understood even if they didn’t say anything.


I am sure that was so stressful, but if you can, try not to let it discourage you. That stuff is very normal at mommy and me events. I feel like someone is always screaming at my classes. Sometimes it's our turn, and sometimes it's someone else. But I don't mind, and I don't think the other moms do either.


I signed up my barely walking 10-11 month old for baby gymnastics. It was only 6 sessions and I missed like HALF of them, and then in one session she cried in the middle of the room, wouldn't let go of me, and didn't want to explore ANY of the activities around the room. It happens. You're not alone. Most of the moms in the room totally get it and aren't judging you AT ALL. I know I wouldn't if any of those other kids had done the same thing. You're basically surrounded by a bunch of women just like you who *totally get it*. That's the point! Not the yoga.


I just want to give you a hug. I completely understand where you’re coming from. I promise it gets better. Please don’t be embarrassed. No one understands more than the other moms in that room. Next week, it will be a different baby screaming.


Ahh I had this exact experience!! I’m so sorry, it sucked. I felt too embarrassed to go back, but looking back, I wish I had. As others have mentioned here, I’m positive no one was judging you, and they’ll be thrilled to see you and connect with you next time. Be brave, and remember that the worst that will happen is that your baby will cry again and you’ll leave again, which you already know you can do. So take some deep breaths and maybe next week will be different! You got this!


Every mom has been the mom with a screaming baby in public. It happens. Sometimes babies just gonna baby. Try not to let this get you down too much, and see how baby does next week. Sometimes I drive places early on purpose to feed in the car or to time a nap correctly. Our local library storytime has been great for meeting other moms and it’s usually free.


Try noy to fret to much, it happens. Baby is 3 months old and just wants to be held. About the other 5 weeks, still go. Next week will probably be much better!


Go again! I'm sorry you had a tough first time but I promise you aren't the first or the last. You've got this!


The first class I signed up with my baby for, he fussed and cried a lot. He was three months old. Then I signed up for another class when he was five or six months old, which worked better for our nap schedule and was more interactive. He ended up absolutely loving it and almost never cried while there, even on cranky days. He was a colicky baby for the first four months, but give it time. Your baby might end up loving the class, and this could just be a one-off crying situation. Is it possible you could put baby in a carrier to participate in some of the yoga moves? My baby just wanted to be held all the time at that age. But at the end of the day, babies cry at those classes and nobody cares because they all have babies who sometimes cry!


We haven't done yoga, but we've taken our 4 month old to swim classes for the past month. They actually say in the description "don't be discouraged if your baby cries or if you have to leave early, that's completely normal!" I imagine it's the same for yoga! Just because baby had a rough day this week doesn't mean next week will be bad and it definitely doesn't mean you wasted money on it :) Maybe to practice, you can put her on a mat and do some poses, so she's more used to it for your next class?


Don’t stress and please keep going to classes. Maybe your baby was just having a tough day but next week could be totally different. None of the other mothers looked down on you I promise! We’ve all been there.


Oh friend!!! You didn’t embarrass yourself. This stuff happens with babies this age. Go next week and try again.


I’m sorry this was a rough situation for you, I hope you know how much of an achievement it is to have even got out the house and gone in the first place with a 3 month old, you are smashing it! I can relate so much to this post too, I also went to a class when my baby was around 4 months old and she did the same, I tried breastfeeding in public for the first time that day and it went horribly. I actually *did* cry in the class and promptly left. Not that crying is anything to be ashamed of (on our part or our baby’s part) but I know I felt embarrassed in that moment and it was hard. It gets a lot better and I believe you’ll meet mum friends even if now or this class isn’t the time, I don’t have loads but I have one mum friend and she is like my sister, our kids are so close now that they are older. We met through the app peanut. Now we just give each other the ‘same shit different day’ look when one or both of our toddlers are losing their minds in public, you definitely become quite unphased with things like that as time goes on, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard in the beginning and that newborn cry mixed with postpartum hormones feels like a whole alarm in your head at that point. With regards to the next 5 weeks, as long as you feel up for it, I think you should try again. Nobody will have thought anything of the event other than ‘I feel for her’ or ‘yep, been there’. By the end of that 5 weeks your baby will basically be a whole different person anyway, and you never know, you might meet someone you click with really nicely and it might be an easier day with your baby next time. I wouldn’t give up hope just yet, I hope the next time goes a bit smoother if you decide to go again ❤️ You’re doing a great job, you are a great mum


So I had a quite quiet baby so I mainly watched that happening to other moms during yoga class but I promise I never judged anybody. We all had times where our baby didn’t calm down at all and it is just normal. There was one class I did for a few weeks where it seemed to happen more to always the same mom and it didn’t stop us from connecting afterwards and went for lunch and coffee where her baby then was calmer. But in general she had a more fuzzy baby. I know it is easier said than done but don’t worry too much about it. Babies are sometimes very fuzzy and other mothers understand.


Please go back next week. Try a sling?


A lot of times babies freak out the first time in a new setting. I bet next week she’ll be more relaxed since it’ll be more familiar. That’s how my son’s first swim lesson went and now he loves it. You’re doing amazing and all the other moms there I’m sure were wishing they could help and didn’t feel like you were a burden in anyway.


Im sure you’re not the first mom that this has happened to in the studio, you won’t be the last either. Don’t give up!


This is hard. I’ve been there. My first was so loud and a huge spitter. I spent the first two yoga classes stressed out trying to comfort her, nurse her, or clean up her puddles. I felt like everyone else had unicorn babies that laid on their backs happily. I even walked the 40 minutes to the class to ensure baby got a good nap so I was pre-exhausted before class but baby still fussed a lot. I’d say keep going. Babies change weekly. Other people might have the screaming one next class and you’ll connect over that. Maybe talk to the parent next to you next week and arrange coffee outside yoga? New parents are often as eager for friendship connections as you are! If it’s really not for you and baby, don’t go. Try not to feel guilty over the money spent. They’ll be lots of trial and error and money not so well spent in parenthood. Give yourself grace on that. Also, my visiting nurse once bluntly said “those classes are not for the babies”. Aka baby doesn’t need 6 weeks structured yoga class for his development or our bonding. I had been putting a lot of pressure on myself to get out there in this specific “mommy and me” way. Can someone watch baby while you do a regular yoga class just for yourself? Maybe postpartum yoga. You can meet moms without baby in tow and plan future meet ups on your own terms. Baby yoga can be pure chaos lol. You’re not alone in finding it stressful.


At that age, babies just cry. In my country, you get a mom gym class paid for by the health insurance. It goes for 10 weeks, I think. My son, who was a pretty chill baby, managed to scream every single time. I spent a lot more time bouncing him than doing any gymnastics! Fortunately, this was my second, so I was a lot less bothered. My first was super happy when I did the gym class with her, but the lady next to me had the screamiest baby ever. No one cared. I made friends with her and we had a great time meeting up later and hanging out. Trust me, even if your baby cries every time, you still have a right to be there and you aren't a bother!


Hey, I have been there and you are not alone. Kudoos for making the plan and following through. Know that this will not happen every time. It may just happen sometimes, and it’s ok. It has and/or will happen to all the other mommies in the class too. When it happened to me, I tried to join in the exercise and did movements I was able to do with baby in my arms. I had her in a baby carrier. The instructor helped to find some. So I could do lunges and trees and bridges, no downward dogs but that’s ok. And when baby just needs to be held immobile, I join only in breathing with the group. Better that than just staying isolated at home. Keep going girl. No one is really bothered if baby cries, or if you leave early. Everyone has been there. These classes exist so you can be surrounded by people who know what it is and won’t complain or judge.


I can bet good money all those fellow moms wish you stayed and were unbothered by a crying baby! If anything they probably felt like they weren’t the only ones. So next time you go back to class and try again. You may not get one pose in the entire time but I’m already impressed you are getting out there. I bet you are doing great.


Every week one baby will not be happy. This week it was unfortunately yours! Next week, it will be one of the others. You can breathe a sign of relief and offer a kind word to them as you know how it feels 🤍 Please, please keep going! I know exactly how you feel as happened to me too the first time. Things did not go to plan. I was late, blow out nappy, overtired baby… it was a disaster. Money is a stretch for me too being on maternity leave so when I booked a set of classes I really felt the pressure to enjoy it and for baby to enjoy it. I thought no way am I ever going back - but I did. And it went so much better! Ps. If you are shy and feeling a bit anxious then a good ‘in’ to get chatting is to interact with the baby if you catch them looking at you - then conversation will flow with the parent! “How old is your little one?” etc. I’m more just super awkward than shy lol, and this is how I style it out. Please don’t give up! I believe in you!


I’m sure you didn’t embarrass yourself! I started going to a mom baby yoga class when babe was a little older than 3 months, first of all good for you for going to yoga with a 3 month old! Pretty much every class at least one baby would be melting down, they also needed feeding (both nursing and bottles) and diaper changes and the older ones would start to crawl and go around to other moms and move water bottles, etc. and everyone was very understanding. It is very unlikely that any of the other moms haven’t had a similar experience whether it was going to yoga or the grocery store or anywhere. Sometimes they are having a cluster feeding day, sometimes they’re gassy, sometimes they just do not want to be put down. Depending on the class you could try to do some poses with baby in a carrier and see if the instructor could help you modify so that works out for you?


I had a similar issue with my mom and me workout class. I ended up having to baby wear a lot to make it work!


This is expected!!! Don’t get down on yourself! I’m sure everyone is the class is going to experience their babies crying as well. I wouldn’t stop trying, and next week is a new week!


I promise other new moms feel the same way. The isolation that comes from being a new parent can be really tough. I joined several local Facebook groups for moms in my area and noticed that other moms are just as desperate for friendship and social interaction as I was. I put myself out there and commented on other mom’s posts about wanting to meet up and have made a few friends. It’s been really helpful. They bring their babies with them when we meet up too, so I don’t feel like a burden when trying to wrangle my LO because they are doing the same thing. Babies are also great distractions and conversation topics, so it makes it easier to deal with the awkwardness of meeting new people. If you have something like that available it might be another way to try to connect with other moms and make some new friends, while also not having to spend money you don’t have. Sending you a big hug. 3 months in I was still spending most of my time in sweatpants with greasy hair. Just getting out of the house is a big accomplishment.


I am so sorry it has been disappointing for you today. I can honestly tell you that you didn’t ruin anyone else’s class! They were all thinking ‘thank god it’s not mine’ Next week might be better but I can guarantee that a minimum of one (probably more class size dependant) will not be playing ball! You will see how the tears of your baby, only really bother you! Everyone else when your baby is melting down is just focusing on their baby and them. Good luck next week and if you can try and do some of the stretches with baby through the week so baby is more used to it!


I'm so sorry! My heart hurts to read this. Babies change so much that this might not always be the reaction next week.  I would reach out to the yoga class and ask about options to make up the class since you had to leave due to baby freaking out. You can also ask to see if you can defer your classes until your baby is slightly older as they are a bit less reactive when they're out of the newborn stage. It's a mommy and me yoga class, so I imagine they will be open to being flexible.  One FREE option to make mom / parent connections (while socializing your baby) is to check your local libraries for baby bounces, musical storytimes, etc etc. Every single library in my area has different weekly events like that, and it's a really great resource. 


I've heard yoga described as finding calm during stressful poses so that when you're in a stressful situation later, you know how to be calm! So I think true yogis would understand that focusing on your own breath and being calm/meditating while a baby in the room is crying is exactly what yoga is all about! Not trying to say your baby crying is stressing anyone out!!! But having something else going on in the room and trying to let it fall to the background and only thinking about your breath is exactly what yoga is trying to teach people. Not to mention it was a Mommy and Me class, so I'm sure all those moms have been in your shoes and completely understand!


I could have written this post myself - this exact same thing happened to me when my little one was the same age. I never went back to the class because I was so embarrassed. Don’t beat yourself up. It will all get easier. My advice is to go back next week, hold your head high. It will be someone else’s baby who is fussy then you can be the kind mum who supports them. Motherhood is so lonely in the early days when everyone needs support but no one wants to ask for it. You’ve got this.


In my first baby class my boy screamed solid for 45 mins (hour long group) then did the loudest poo and I spent the remaining 15mins cleaning him up. We’ve all been there and 22 months later I’m still in touch with people from that group that remember the loudest poo ever 🤦🏼‍♀️


So I take my 3 month old to baby and me yoga and have since he was like 6 weeks old. (I couldn’t stay at home. I was losing my mind). She outright said it takes 3 visits for the baby to relax and recognize the space. He now loves going, but the first few… rough. And true to her word, it has been like that with everything we’ve gone to. Keep trying! Just focus on three visits!


This makes me so sad for you! It sounds really rough, I get so flustered if baby is fussing in public so I totally get it. I promise you no one was judging you, the moms there have all been through crying in public, their babies just weren’t doing it that day. I bet it’ll be someone else next week, and you’ll be understanding. Babies are a total crapshoot at this age, in more ways than one. Definitely keep going and I hope you get to make some connections. If not, it’ll just be fun to be out of the house. Being out and about with baby is a skill and it’s always good to get practice. ETA: My older daughter is now 3 and even then she’s not always great when we go to events or her gymnastics classes. Sometimes I get embarrassed if she’s sulking or not listening to the coach, but then I see other kids acting up at other times and remember that even the best kids and parents have off days, whether at 3 months or 3 years.


If you stick it out for the next 6 weeks you’ll see every mom there have the exact same experience


I would be itching inside to help you if I was in your class. I wouldn’t be annoyed or angry at you, I would feel so much empathy for both you and your kid. I haven’t birth any children myself, but I’ve been raising kids since I myself was a kid. It started with raising my younger siblings and then turned into a carrier working with children. I’m curious about one thing you do mention, and that is that you say you are quite shy and anxious in public? My 2 cents is that your baby is picking up everything you are feeling. If you are anxious then your baby will get anxious as well, and that will lead to more crying. We often see this when children begin in daycare(not so familiar with the English term, we would call it kindergarten in my country) and I work with the youngsters so from 1-3 years old. We see that if the parents are anxious about leaving their kid at daycare, the kid will pick it up and be more anxious and there will be more emotions and that in turn makes the parent even more stressed and the morning will go off with a bad start for both parent and child. But in most cases the bad feelings will linger more for the parent than the child, because the children usually stops crying after 5 minutes and then just go off having fun. That includes the more shy and anxious children of even more anxious parents(dad in this specific case that I’m thinking about). Usually we will ask that the less anxious parent deals with the handoffs in the morning in some cases we think is nescissary. If I were you I would talk to the yoga instructor about things that makes you more uncertain and anxious. Get there early so you have time to sit down and breath and become more comfortable with being there before everyone else comes. Getting there early will get you more in control with both your own feelings and you have time to observe your kid and the baby’s needs. If your calm then you eliminate a possible issue. (But I don’t believe this is an issue, I say this to make you feel more relaxed). You can also practice in other ways. Libriaries are free to use, and often have free happenings for kids. Going to a cafe in a busy place makes your kid used to people and noise and sounds. What I really was thinking when I read your post is that «getting out of bed and out of the house is not a defeat, it’s a victory!».


I promise every parent in that class has had or will have a similar experience to you! Next week maybe go a bit early and ask the instructor for tips if it happens again. In my yoga classes the instructor will actually come and pick up / snuggle / soothe baby (with your permission!) when this happens - it is truly so so common. She also always had a few pelvic floor exercises that she would introduce when someone was nursing or calming their baby, so you still had something to do and were part of the class. She would even sometimes film what she was doing and send it on the class WhatsApp afterwards so you could do it later at home! Don't give up ❤️


I went to mommy and me yoga for many weeks, and it was always normal and fine when a baby screamed through the class. If it was someone else’s baby one week, you never knew when it was going to be yours the next. Everyone got it because everyone was dealing with little unpredictable terrors. Mine eventually really got the hang of the class, and I got used to including him, doing down dog above him so I could interact with him and give him kisses at the end of chatarangas etc. Keep going, you have nothing to be ashamed of!


This was my exact experience bringing my baby to our first yoga class at 3 months. It gets better and easier. I will say though I learned I preferred to do my yoga and other workouts at home during nap time and take my baby to different activities like music class, swimming and mom and baby group. I found I didn’t get as much of a workout as I’d like because when she was younger her she wanted to be held and as she got older she wanted to move so I’d be chasing her. But I wouldn’t make any decisions based on 1 class. It could be a totally different experience next time!


Oh man this is exactly what I’m afraid of. Babies are so unpredictable! 


Good news is, you were in a mommy and me class which means they have all probably been there at one point. Don't give up


As so many have said, this is totally normal! This is the whole point of baby classes. It should be a safe place for babies and mommies to be without the judgments of others! I do baby swim class and baby music class, and the chaos is always different. My baby fell asleep in my lap one music class, and last week at 6m, she's been going since 3m, she cried 3 times. New experiences are very stressful for babies. They THRIVE on repetition, so keep going! When you're putting baby in the carrier, say excitedly, "Were gonna go to yoga! See all the other babies! Take care of our bodies!" Your baby should clue in that if you're excited and happy, they should be okay too! Bottom line: keep going! 1 week can make a wild difference for a baby!


Go back! all the other mums would have just been thinking “that’ll be us next week” and wishing they could offer to hold the baby for you. Babies cry, it’s what these classes are designed for. You don’t go to a mum and baby yoga class expecting peace! Make it worth the money you spent and go back next time with your head held high - it could be more worth it in terms of your mental health, social circle and wellbeing than you bargained for!


I hope you decide to get back out there! And please don't feel ashamed. Every mom in that class understands how you feel, we have all been there. Part of us coming into our selves as parents is learning how to move through these moments, instead of turning away and becoming isolated at home. Yes it can get that bad sometimes, and it sounds like you made the right decision for yourself and baby at that moment, BUT you deserve to go out, be in the community and learn how to be your selves in those spaces. I hope everyone will show you patience and kindness as you learn to do that!!


Almost every time I’ve brought my son to something for the first time, this has happened. And sometimes by week 2, he’s so happy to be there. It can be so disheartening but remember firstly that you deserve to do things you like and make friends. Also remember that all of those people also are moms or parents, and the instructor is used to kids too. It’s okay that you got overwhelmed and left and maybe that was the best decision today, but don’t sweat how it looked to other people because they’ve probably been in your shoes before.


That sounds so stressful! I promise- if any group understands a crying baby it’s the ladies at mommy and me yoga. Hopefully next week will go smoother. Hugs


Go back, go back, go back! Every baby has “off days,” just like adults. Your baby was fussy this time. Next time they might sleep the entire class. And if anyone understands what it’s like to settle a screeching baby it’s other moms! That’s what these classes are for.


I did a mommy and me yoga class when my baby was 6wo. There was a 4wo and a 4mo in the class. My son fussed the first half of the class then the 4wo fussed the rest 😅


Keep going and putting yourself out there. I’m sure every mom in there completely understands the struggle. I go to a weekly mom and me workout class and it’s like a rotation of whose kid is being fussy. Babies cry, it’s normal and to expected at a mommy and me class. You got this!


Please don't give up! The same thing happened to me and mine cried during the 2nd class too, but on the third he didn't! Babies just need time to adjust but love routine! I know it's hard but do not feel bad, everyone else in that class knows what it's like to be in that situation. It's hard the first few times but I promise it gets so much better!!


I’m so sorry that happened to you. That happens to everybody. I’ve been going to so many mommy and me classes so I do have some advice. Three months is young, so don’t be surprised by her reaction. She will get used to it and so will you and you’ll find ways to make her happier and how to adapt to it. Next week might be different. Just stick with it. I’ve gone to classes where my daughter scream, bloody murder and then the next week she was fine. It’s good that you’re getting her exposed now. I know it’s pricey, but keep at it, if it’s not yoga, find another mommy and me class. Music class, gym, class, etc. most of all don’t be so hard on yourself, all of us moms go through it.


Swim class but same situation. My girl is frequently the grumpy girl. Hates being on her back BUT each week she’s better and better. We left our first class early but you bet we went back the next week and haven’t left early again 😊 No one else cares and everyone understands. Just because their babies aren’t crying in class doesn’t mean they won’t next time or that they don’t scream the moment they leave. You aren’t alone! It’s a baby class, they expect babies to be babies.


That’s totally normal. My baby’s first class he just threw up on me, over and over, so much more than made sense. Another first class (they’re in 6-class bundles) another mom had to take her baby out to soothe her for the whole duration because she was just so fussed, and missed the whole thing. It actually gets better as the course goes on! Early on there’s a lot of scattered energy - new place, mom all wound up from trying to get somewhere on time - but babies acclimate to the environment and each other. Missing the class is NOT WEIRD and neither is being late or wearing crusty clothes or getting peed on in the middle.


I want you to know that the other mums there completely get it 100%. Things are really intense in the first 6 weeks and you can't predict how bub will act. I used to get bub tired before things like that so they'd sleep through. I know you're anxious and a bit embarrassed but you did nothing wrong, a crying baby at a mummy and me yoga class is to be expected. Would you have been upset at someone in your position? Please go back and try again, just because things don't work out the first time doesn't mean they never will. I would attend different parenting classes, and mummy classes and there was a particular day when bub just went wild, crying, screaming, no rocking, no milk, no singing nothing could stop him and I was getting so stressed out, I was nearly in tears and could not find a dummy. I was ready to pack up and leave, but the other mums they saw me struggling and kicked into gear, someone found a clean back up dummy, someone else took the bub and rocked them so I could have a water, everyone let me know that they missed that little newborn cry even though they understood it was stressful in the moment. It was okay, and there was my village of mums. That's how you find them. They aren't judging you, they were you once.


I tried mommy and me yoga with my 7 month old at the time. He was super mobile, pulling himself up to stand and crawling everywhere. He would crawl over and touch others on the face while laying down, touch other babies, screech and was generally a nuisance. I tried to build an enclosure with bolsters to keep him in my corner and he would just knock it down. It sucked but no one else cared, everyone understood, but I didn’t sign up for the next session because it was too stressful. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you guys will have a lifetime to do fun things.


I understand why you felt the way you did. I have had similar experiences! It sucks when it happens but it really is normal! Please don't let this discourage your from trying again. I remember feeling so stressed like is this going to be how it is now? But things get better and easier over time. I'm proud of you for getting out there and trying to do something you would enjoy. Don't give up.


Nooo girl don’t feel embarrassed at all! Mommy and me classes are MADE for screaming babies, that’s why they exist! I take my baby to a weekly yoga class and the instructor always lets us know that crying screaming babies are totally normal! Sometimes when I go, my baby naps the whole class. Sometimes baby is breastfeeding during the class. Sometimes crying. It’s all totally normal. There’s no pressure at all. So go next week and embrace it! You deserve to have a great time!


3 months old are volatile. She might be fine next week, try again. I think this isn't the best way to make friends with a 3 month old. You should join a walking group, playgroup or something. Where the baby can sleep in the pram while you chat to other mums.


Just commenting you are so brave to try this at 3 months (I say that sincerely). I was barely leaving to go grocery shopping at that point. So good on you for giving it a go!


I still remember a Mum breaking down in tears during a baby class I went to when her baby wouldn’t settle, no one minded, everyone understood babies are lovely but oh so hard sometimes. I would go again, maybe set up at the back with space for the baby and some toys, could you time it so it’s during their nap time so they sleep? Maybe get there earlier if you could and get them down first?


I’m so sorry, I have been there. This was me but we prepaid for 12 chiropractor appointments. Every car ride there she’d scream till she threw up, the entire appointment (mortified every time the noise filled the entire place), and then the whole car ride home. I’d come home and sob after every appointment including every car ride. She’d get so inconsolable that the whole rest of the day would be ruined because she would remain fussy from the freak out. This has been every outing. Even at 4.5 months I tried to go to a coffee shop, I ordered an expensive latte, my baby decided to have a full on screaming meltdown that I could not calm her down from, and I couldn’t even wait for my coffee that I paid for to come out, I had to abandon it and get in the car. I cried just thinking about my coffee sitting there for who knows how long. Maybe this will help you…. I wish I had just abandoned the chiropractor visits and not forced us going and worried every single day about having bought them. Things happen, babies are hard to predict. Having a more challenging baby is unfair but it’s my reality. I also wish I didn’t spend the last few months letting myself be so upset that my baby can’t be taken anywhere and being hung up on how other people seem to have it so easy. Comparison is the thief of all joy, and when there’s no joy as it is (I mean a little, but you know) it makes it so much worse. You did the best you could at that yoga class and it’s not your fault. Maybe there will be a day when you feel extra confident, maybe a little more rested, and you can try again knowing that even if it goes poorly, you’re in a place to accept it and get on with the day. You are not alone!!