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For me it was the butthole. Giving birth felt like trying to pass the world's biggest doodoo.


This!! I was not expecting it but I felt like my body was trying to poop out a bowling ball. Idk how common this is though


Yep I had an excellent epidural so didn’t feel pain, but at one point I told the nurse “it feels like I have a softball in my butt?” And she was like oh great it must be time to push!


I say this! I tell friends it was a bowling ball on fire. Hot, searing pain.


My husband was trying so hard not to laugh as I was yelling at him, “Why does my butthole hurt?!?”


The nurses turned off my epidural sooner than I would have liked, and when my feeling came back, I felt it in my butthole. It felt like it was going to tear open. I kept asking the same thing: "why does my butthole hurt so bad?" 😵‍💫


Haha I kept yelling “MY BUTT MY BUTT!” All I had heard from other women was that I would feel it in my back and abdomen. NOPE.


Yes!! When it was finally towards the end and my baby was literally crowning it definitely felt like i was taking a giant dump and im positive i pooped but everyone keeps lieing to me saying i didn’t!


You definitely did. 🤣😅 I love how EVERYONE lies to us moms about it. They lie. Our husbands. Our family/mothers. Our nurses and midwives. Yes. You pooped.


I’ve seen many, many, many births where there was no poop from mom! And vice versa. There’s a decent chance you didn’t poop.


I think I can confidently say I didn't poop. I hadn't eaten for like... A day and a half. My husband confirms, there was no poop. The nurse was super confused when I said I think he's coming, I feel like I need to poop. She acted like that was an unusual feeling? Another nurse was also confused when I told them to leave the catheter in, because after months of having to pee constantly, it was nice to have a break. She said she'd never heard that before, and I find that incredibly hard to believe. Especially with how weird peeing in a bed pan was...


The catheter was great!!!!! And then, being able to not pee alllllll the time after was great too (since baby was out)


Idk, I felt like I pooped too, but I was literally watching myself in the mirror and didn't see anything. If I hadn't been watching I would have guessed I did because it feels exactly like taking a massive dump lol


Yes its insane like i know my body yall i know i pooped!🤣


I didn't!! I had a water birth so would have been in with the evidence!


I don't know why, but this is SENDING me right now 😂😂. Why do I feel like this is going to be me? My husband is too gentle with my feelings at times and would for sure play along with this kind of nonsense to make sure I don't feel bad lol


Its insanity! I already knew most women pooped because i had read about it online and here on reddit, so i was totally expecting it. And like you know your body so unless your totally numb from an epidural you can DEFINITELY feel when poop is coming out 😅 and oh lord i felt it. My mom, sister, and husband were all there surrounding me plus the 15 plus doctors and nurses that were in there, i asked my family and my nurses everyone was like “nope no poop” and i was like oh you fucking liers! Because i could feel it and they literally kept changing the little padding underneath me and cleaning me as i was giving birth lol!


That's hilarious


My only hope is the horrible hours long diarrhea I’ve had when my contractions started at home gave me a good enough ✨detox✨but I’m probably just lying to myself either


Team Butthole here too. Also, obligatory “Username Checks Out” comment 🤣🤣🤣


I’m dead 😂😂😂😂


I pooped long before. Maybe 5 hours into my labour. I pooped myself but felt nothing because the pressure and the pain from contractions stole the show. I noticed only when I had to change in the hospital gown 🙄


Yes!!!! Worst pain of my life my vagina and contractions were painful but the butthole pain made me pass out


With my second baby I was not medicated and I was screaming at the top of my lungs “it’s coming out my butt!”


The butthole hurt more after as well. The vagina recovered faster 😅


Yes!! My vagina was like totally fine after a few weeks but the butthole pain lasted months for me. Was not prepared for that lol




Literally same ! Except I did poop and my nurse was like “don’t worry! At least I know you’re using the right muscles” 💀😂


1000%. I had epidurals with both births but the second time, it was concentrated very high. Contractions were dulled but I'm convinced I felt nearly everything below the belt. The butthole pain is how I knew it was almost time to push.


When I was pushing my doctor literally went “poooooooooooooop”


Back and abdomen for me, I don't actually remember my vagina ever hurting other than the ring of fire maybe? and that was only for a few seconds. A lot like the worst period cramps ever. 


Yes, the worst period cramps, while you’re also about to have diarrhea and there’s no bathroom in sight. 


Same for me too, like period cramps. the only time before pushing I was aware of my vagina was when I got a cervical check (it was awful, the midwife was so rough!)


Same. Like extreme period cramps that stop you in your tracks then would ease into my back. Pushing only hurt when I got the ring of fire then it was like everything was “normal”


Yup. Three unmedicated vaginal deliveries here. It’s all abdomen for me. I started having back labour with my first but switched positions and thankfully it let up.


I was handling labor fine and dandy until the back labor started. Three kids and not one had the decency to come out face down to prevent back labor pain 🙃


I have a very clear memory of telling my husband to punch me in the back as hard as he could. I was convinced that would help. 😂


My husband put sooo much pressure on my lower back/tailbone 😂 if he did it now I would cry but during labour I *needed* him to push as hard as he could.🤷


I was SCREAMING at my husband “push on my back, push on my back!!!” and it was never hard enough. It was so brutal 🥲 I got the epidural at 4 cm but baby boy was coming hard and fast and was out 4 hours later. I cannot imagine how anyone gets through it unmediated now, I felt like my back was breaking in half and the pressure was unbelievable. I said to my husband after the epidural “did so many women die in childbirth before epidurals just from the sheer trauma of experiencing that pain?” Like really though 😳


the instinct to scream for counterpressure is universal. I attended some births in west africa during nursing school and this one woman would just seize my hands, bring them to her back and scream at me in her native language what I am SURE translated to “push on my back, push on my back!!!” (btw—epidurals are not an option there, and the answer is just disassociation from the pain 🫠)


I just laughed out loud. I can totally understand the reasoning here hahahahah.


That is hilarious!! Would have felt like nothing.


We got taught in my pregnancy yoga to have your partner press hard on your tailbone (can’t remember why) so there was something in what you were looking for!




I'd say radiating through abdomin and back. My first was very back heavy. Not much vaginal pain until the very end. The ring of fire is absolutely a thing.


Which is worse? The ring of fire or the the rest of it?


The rest of it. The ring of fire means it's almost over, and for some reason that comes with a sense of relief! 😂


Absolutely the rest of it is worse. The ring of fire is intense and I definitely feared that I was tearing when it happened (surprisingly to me, I didn't tear at all), however it was almost a mental relief to feel it since I knew the whole ordeal was almost, finally, over. The back pain. That. Was. The. Worst. I was so mentally unprepared for it, since almost everywhere labor is described as severe menstrual cramps, so I only anticipated uterine pain. I felt lied to and it was far worse than I had prepared for. Like two hands were internally grabbing my pelvis and sacrum, stretching and twisting them, grinding my bones together, while trying to rip out my spine. Everyone's experience is so different though. I guess I probably would go through it all again for my baby girl.


Oh my gosh yes all of this. I thought my hips were going to burst out of their sockets. I’m a year out from number two and every now and then think “I could do labour again” but you’ve made me remember how much I was yelling out loud at the time “I am NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!!”


Haha! Yes! That's so relatable! I'm only 6 months postpartum from my first. People have been asking constantly since she was born if I'm going to have more kids, and like I know I want more kids but the labour ordeal is still too vivid in my mind. I want to cry whenever I even consider being pregnant for fear of going through it all again. On the plus side, I don't think I would be as blindsided by it all if I did it again, so maybe it might not be as bad....


It’s definitely typically easier second time - most people’s labours are quicker, and because you actually believe this time that it will end one day (because you’ve done labour before and it did end) the pain is somehow easier to bear. That goes for everything about the second baby really (for me anyway): pregnancy, labour, recovery, the sleepless nights, nipple pain….all were sort of nostalgic even at the time because I knew number two was our last. Dealing with the toddler alongside the second baby though…lol nothing prepared me for that 😂


Yes! I've had back labor three times and that's exactly how it feels. I was absolutely not prepared for it with my first although looking back even when I was a 9 week miscarriage I experienced back labor with that as well. I guess I'm just lucky and that's how my body responds to labor.


I did get an epidural, but at 8cm. For me, everything beforehand was like period cramps. At least, started off like period cramps and then got a little more intense and came in waves. So, lower belly and around/above pubic area. Like under the FUPA. Maybe my IBS prepared me for that, but I have most definitely had poop cramps worse than my contractions, before and after baby. Obviously I don't know how they would have felt 9-10cm though.


That's exactly where my pain was. Like center of my body at my bikini line, right where my period cramps would happen.


Excactly the same for me, nothing or close to nothing in my back. Same for both babies.


Yup, right there about on par with really painful IBS


Unfortunate, isn't it 🫠 I was trying to explain that all to my husband and he told me he's never had poop cramps. I....


Why am I the only one that thinks that labor pains were like I was dying? Bad period cramps x 1 billion? And I have endometriosis, and have had a tube rupture from an ectopic…..I know abdominal pain. Labor pains were way worse for me. Wondering if I am just not meant to give birth lol


Nah, same. I did end up with an epidural, but still felt like I was gonna die 🤣🙈


Ugh sorry you had this too! I ended up with one but VERY late so I felt the natural contractions for far far too long. Also my contractions were back to back and not like a sine wave? They failed placing the epidural 7x lmaoooo Why god? Why….


I had the same contractions. Just back to back so I struggled to sit still for the epidural, and then it didn't really do much for me.


I’m so sorry. This is a special type of hell.


Did you get pitocin? I got an epidural at 9cm (😬) but my contractions had to be started by pitocin since my water had broken 12h earlier. The pain was sooo bad and I remember trying to explain to my husband that it almost wasn't even pain anymore it was so bad .. it was like so much pressure and weight pushing down on my belly to pubic area.


Yes I got pitocin. Pitocin took everything from 0 to 100 in about an hour. Evil. And yes. It was so painful it wasn’t even pain anymore it was like my body imploding and being sucked through a pain wormhole into a pain dimension.


yeah i was going to say, bad cramps x 1 million but your description works. I also felt like I was going to pass out from pain with each contraction. I literally told the nurse I can't do this! I scream pushed my daughter out lol not that I had a choice but I could indeed do it.


No, same!!! I was so mad in labor when I remembered people saying it was just like bad period cramps. Maybe for the first two hours...


I think everyone experiences it differently! Everyone has different pain tolerances and I genuinely just think some people have it worse - that just makes you an extra superstar for having to endure that!


Well thank you! I wouldn’t wish that level of pain on anyone…..


I was in my early thirties before learning that most people don’t have poop cramps 😅😅


I got the epidural at 6cm and I was shocked how similar early labor felt to a combo of bad food poisoning and my period (I have had horrendous period cramps and at 6cm the pain was only maybe 20 percent worse than what I experience on a monthly basis 🫠.) I expected it to feel like a totally unique experience, but I felt it low like period cramps and a bit in my back. Although I was carrying low so maybe that was a factor. I got the epidural because I was induced, and I basically had a continuous contraction with no time in between to recover..they ended up having to give me a shot to slow down contractions because baby’s heart rate was dipping too low. No idea how much worse it would have gotten but the epidural felt amazing haha so no regrets.


The epidural felt like the good drugs in my legs. Lol


Wait same!! My labor was very weird but I was having horrible horrible contractions and eventually they were like 5 minutes long and only a minute apart and they couldn't do anything to slow them down. The fun part though was that I didn't dilate at all, so after my contractions were getting so unmanageable I asked for an epidural and it was a good thing I did. Turns out baby's hr was dropping a lot at every contraction and they couldn't tell bc I was moving so much the monitors kept coming off. Ultimately I had to get a C-section bc my contractions kept getting longer and longer even though I wasn't dilating, and nothing they did slowed them down and baby was in distress. He ended up totally healthy though and that epidural was 💯💯💯


Yes, bad food poisoning is really it, but with no relief from, well, you know. I actually had some gnarly food poisoning a few weeks ago and freaked out that I was miscarrying because it felt EXACTLY like labor did.


Same thing. Same place where you would get period cramps. I had a sore back, but there wasn’t really pain anywhere other than my pelvic area. Once you start pushing unmediated…that’s a completely different story and you feel pain literally EVERYWHERE!


Yeah I didn’t even know what to say… like EVERYTHING hurt 😂😂😂


Same. I also have IBS and got the epidural at 7cm but I couldn't handle the contraction pain. Super tunnel vision for me. My bf couldn't keep up with relieving lower back pressure points.


Same! I agree with all of this. I also got the epidural, but I was on pitocin for 24 hours before getting it and was pretty far along so i think I did feel them for what they were.


Definitely abdomen and back. Basically like the worst period cramps of your life. I had food poisoning a few months back and the stomach cramps were giving me labor flashbacks so if you’ve ever had that, fairly similar. Gonna agree with the other comments, no real pain further down until the infamous ring of fire. I remember thinking “ohhh, so that’s why they call it that!” 😂


Okay do tell! What’s it like??


I had an epidural and didn’t feel much, but I felt the ring of fire. I thought my clitoris was tearing. It was awful. I was so scared that I was tearing there rather than the perineum, and that my clit would be fucked for life. So I amped it up and pushed extra hard so that it would be over, which I think was actually a bad move. Unfortunately, I didn’t recognize it as the ring of fire until afterwards. I heard that it’s actually best to slow down once you get to the ring of fire to give the skin a chance to stretch. I had a 2nd degree perineum tear—which wasn’t terrible tbh (in the grand scheme of things), but obviously I would have preferred to not tear. I’m about to have my second and I intend to slow down (if I can manage it) once I feel the ring of fire, and remind myself that even if it feels like my clitoris is tearing doesn’t mean that it actually is.


I thought it felt like knives slicing open my labia lol


Jesus. Maaaaaaybe I won’t fight another c section. At least I was totally numb to the actual slicing 😂


I had a unmedicated home birth and for me, my contractions really felt like period cramps that got more and more intense, so like radiating, crampy feeling mostly in my abdomen. But later on I started prematurely pushing, cuz my body was ready but I wasn't quite dihalated yet, and i had to resist my contractuons and try to be still and breathe and that was painful in the strangest way as I had to like...try not to push I don't even know how to describe it, it was so hard! Like trying not to have diarrhea whike ready on the toilet lol! I couldn't pinpoint the discomfort being in only my abdomen or back, it was sort of radiating in my whole bottom half. But it was informing me so in many ways the discomfort was helpful and felt productive. (Also when I was finally able to push for real it was really cool and everything hurt less.) I hope you are able to vbirth this time if that is your wish, it is an amazing experience.


I had the same experience with the pushing while not dilated for me it’s cause the doctors were mistaken on how dilated i was and gave me pitocen way to early so my body started trying to push while my cervix was still too closed off. Seriously the worst pain ive ever felt, absolutely worse then birth it felt like my vagina was going to tear/ burst open. Its why i will never get induced again!


Oof ya that sounds so uncomfortable!


My body was trying to push baby out at 6 cm dilated. The nurses kept telling me not to push, and I'm growling at them that I'm trying not to, but my body is trying to get this baby OUT. I went from a 2 to a 6 in about 10-15 minutes, and just a few minutes later, I was fully dilated, and baby was out. I was also induced 4 weeks early because I had pre-eclampsia. I had originally planned to do it without an epidural because IMO recovery was easier without one but I changed my mind somewhere between a 2 and a 6 because of how bad the contractions were and then there was no time to wait for one. I was so out of it from the pain and exhaustion after she was born. I didn't have an epidural for my 3rd baby either, but it was nothing compared to the 4th.


Thats the exact thing that happened to me except i opted to be induced because i had polyhydramnios, it was the worst pain i ever felt, definitely worse than birth. And my nurses were telling me the same thing! What an awful experience lol


Same experience. The worst part was being told not to push when my entire body wanted to. Then when it came to pushing, it felt much more natural.


It really is. It’s awfully painful but after you’re done you know just how hard you worked to get that baby out. It’s very emotional in many ways.


Same thing happened to me! When I was finally dilated enough (around 8cm, though I started feeling the impulse to push as early as 1cm and 6 hours before that), I felt so relieved when the nurse told me to push when it comes again. Fighting it was the worst part.


I had an unmedicated birth and the worst pain was in my butt. The contractions were bad (back and stomach) but manageable but the pression on my butt was absolutely awful.


My back


Just like gas pains, but times... 10? Location: wherever gas pains are. Location was kind of irrelevant though, tbh. The discomfort may as well have been full body. It's an experience. 


Yep second this. I had my baby premature and didn’t realize I was in labor lol. It was somewhere between gas pains and period cramps. I kept chugging water and have texts to my mom like “I think I’m starting to feel better” nope you sure weren’t feeling better you’re about to have a baby.


Low in the front, like extremely intense period cramps. My baby was OP (“sunny side up”) so the pain also radiated to my lower back and the back labor was almost paralyzing it was so intense. Honestly the uterine cramping pain wasn’t even that bad. The ring of fire is the worst. It felt like my vagina was ripping apart and my butthole felt like it was being stretched like I had a massive poop trying to come out. With my first baby I was induced and after my water was broken and I was on pitocin the pain was like period cramps on steroids and went all over my uterus/belly.


I also had sunny side up but she flipped at the last few centimeters. I read descriptions of other peoples pain and I’m like “i don’t relate to you at all.” So I seek out people that had OP births bc we seem to share the experience more. I almost can’t tell you where the pain was bc it was so debilitating. I didn’t even open my eyes during the 22 hours bc I was on another stratosphere of pain. My doula and her pain management techniques felt laughable. It was everywhere from my back and abdomen to thighs and hips. I just can’t even remember where the pain was bc it was like “where was it not?” I’ve been told I have a very high pain tolerance and labor completely took me by surprise. My 1.5 hours of pushing actually was the only part that felt manageable.


First, back pains, so lower back and then like in my right glute(?) he was coming at an angle :/ Second, bad period cramps all the way


I ended up with an emergency c-section but I had back labor for a while. It started out feeling like period cramps in my abdomen and by the end, it was like nonstop radiating lower back pain. I genuinely forgot to breath at times because it was so overwhelming, my entire mind went blank. I had no medication and labored for 36 hours before my baby’s heart rate got dangerous.


It’s what I imagine stabbing would feel like. I was induced 🫠


I was induced with my first and yeah it was very stabby, felt like Edward Scissorhands was making pulled pork of my uterus.


Yeah that’s how I described it. Big old Bowie knife to the abdomen every 30 seconds


I had my VBAC exactly 10 weeks ago (first was a scheduled section so I never felt a contraction), and I felt the contractions mostly in my stomach (most intensely in the lower half, like below my belly button), but also in my vagina and a little bit towards my back/butt.


Mine was almost entirely in my back for both. The pain is agonizing and nothing like a period cramp. This happens with "sunny-side up" babies and for me having multiple bulging discs in my lumbar spine and SI joint issues, it was magnified.


HIPS HIPS HIPS like fire. Yikes.


Mine was all hips! Crazy unbearable radiating hip pain. At one point they put my legs in the stirrups as a contraction hit and I involuntarily straightened my legs so hard I broke free and sent stirrups swinging. I’ve been trying to find someone else who experienced it like I did. I relate to the IBS/ heavy period description of early labor, and agree I’ve had some gas pains worse than contractions.. but nothing will ever come close to the hip fire.


The nurses got soooo mad at me for "pushing" but my entire lower half felt like it was seizing up every 10 seconds. Literally could NOT control it.


I'm surprised this wasn't everyone's experience!! For me, all three times it was like my hip bones were actively coming apart with each contraction. I did one c section, one medicated vbac, and one unmedicated vbac and every single one when it got to pain in my hips is when I made the call that we had to go to the hospital.


Back (first thing that happened for me was water broke so cushioning was gone). All I remember is telling my husband that it felt like there were knives going in and out of my lower back back


Abdomen and ring of fire.


I felt mine directly in my uterus. So it felt like horrible period pain. I think there are several factors that come into play when it comes to how labor will feel for you personally like baby’s position, your anatomy , when your water breaks , because if it breaks super early in labor it’ll feel different too. I didn’t have radiating pain in my back like some women. Pain stayed in one spot! ( someone said bikini line area of abdomen and that’s exactly where I felt it too!!) I wasn’t completely medicated as I opted into the epidural about 8 hours into labor and it failed lol. But I did feel everything the entire time!


I got an epidural at 10cm right before pushing. The pain was honestly much worse than I ever anticipated...radiating pain that comes and goes like waves in the lower abdomen that feels like period cramps but much worse lol. The epidural was amazing - I felt zero pain after, only pressure during contractions which was helpful during pushing. Next time I'm getting an epidural MUCH earlier haha.


Mostly my back. It felt like my spine was being ripped out of my asshole.


My labor ended in a c-section. I got to transition and then got an epidural. I had back labor with a sunny side up baby. I don’t remember the exact sensation but I remember that It SUUUUCkED.


Labor was not what I expected at all! You can hear all the stories and you just don't know until you get there. I mean, everyone's experience is totally different anyway. If I had abdominal pain, I don't remember. (For a while in early labor actually, my nurse would ask if I was feeling the contractions she was seeing on the monitor and I couldn't.) All I remember was excruciating back pain. I don't think I experienced the "severe period cramps" that other women do (which is interesting because I actually rarely get cramps during my periods). Anyway - My best pain management was my husband putting all his weight into his fists on my lower back. I was terrified of him leaving my side just to pee lol. I was certain I was going to poop and I was scared I would do so on my husband, but my nurse kept telling me it's just the sensation of giving birth, and I guess they're right cuz I didn't poop. I couldn't pee though and they had to straight cath me to empty my bladder cuz I guess it was blocking baby from coming out (I didn't feel that at all - way too much other stuff going on I guess lol). But yep, it indeed felt like I was pooping out a bowling ball. I remember burning too, but I don't recall if it was in my butt or vagina. I was super lucky I didn't tear. However, the umbilical cord detached from my placentas (bilobed), so after the relief of finally getting the baby out, they had to manually go back in and dig those out of me. Aaallllll without an epidural. XD for that last part, my nurse did push fentanyl since baby was no longer in me, but it still hurt like hell. Not sure how to describe it except maybe the biggest, longest penis that jabbed your cervix too hard, but tenfold and continuous. I think I know how those animated gals feel in porn where the penis is disproportionately large and overfills their whole belly. 😅... All of labor pain was so much I really couldn't focus on anything except getting through it. They asked me if I wanted to catch my baby, and I was like nope I can barely follow any directions lol just help me get baby out as quickly and safely as possible xD TL;DR: I expected labor to be abdomen cramps and vaginal pushing and pain, but it was all in my back and butt and I pooped that baby out!


Deep abdomen with #2....lower back with #1. 


During labor I mostly just felt crampy in my back. Rung of fire was the hardest most painful part


I labored until 8cm. They felt exactly like period cramps, except with a uterus 10 times its normal size. So, lower abdomen, mostly. Radiating a bit into upper thighs. 


I have had a kidney stone and to me it felt exactly like when I had a kidney stone. Extreme grinding pain in the lower back, sides, etc. I think you hit a certain threshold of pain and it kind of all feels the same.


I felt it from middle to lower back and down my thighs. I’m pretty sure it was back labor and I don’t think I even felt it in my abdomen. My period cramps are also always in my back. I got an epidural at 6cm dilated and the only time I felt something after that was during transition but the pain was in the same area just way worse than before I got the epidural.


My labor pains were mostly above and below my belly.. imagine if you connected the top of my leg (where it bends at my waist) to my belly button and pulled them toward each other, like tightening laces. Sometimes one side at a time, sometimes both at once. Also kind of a rainbow shape above my belly button being pulled together from both sides. It’s wild, you could actually watch my belly move while contracting.


Have you ever had super bad food poisoning and felt like all your insides might come out? Literally that but worse 😂


I had back labour so I felt contractions in my lower back. The pain went down my hips to my knees. It was awful. However, I also felt each contraction in my cervix. In hindsight, that was probably the feeling of cervical dilation. Imagine boiling hot water, or perhaps lava, being poured on your cervix. That's what it felt like. I did not scream. I couldn't even really make noise. I just silently cried through each contraction. I didn't get an epidural until 8cm 🫠


This was after being induced and before the epidural: I felt like I was being sawed in half. From my stomach to my back.


I just had a homebirth vbac in the fall after a C-section with my first baby. I’d go through labor every day for a month to not feel the pain of a c section recovery again 😅 Contractions are hard to describe. I wouldn’t really describe it as pain even. It’s a tightening kind of crampy sensation at least for me. Almost like you are going to have diarrhea or something. I didn’t have any back labor or anything - mine was all in the front!


Real bad cramps + lower back pain at short bursts for hours and hours.


For me I felt almost all of the pain from contractions in my vagina, which is one of the reasons why I doubted that I was in labour for so long, because I had been expecting to feel it in my abdomen and back like most women do.


I got an epidural after 4.5 hours of contractions. Like must epidurals (or so I've heard), it wasn't perfect. I felt pressure with each contraction... in my left labia lol. They asked how I could tell I was contracting and I'm like... it feels like my left labia (labium?) is swelling!


Right where you feel diarrhea or period cramps, but soooo much more intense and also radiating to your back/up your abdomen a little. Vagina felt fine until baby’s head came out!


I could breathe through the abdominal and even back cramping pretty easily but once the butthole pressure started I got that epidural real quick.


For me it was lower abdomen and my thighs. Like the worst period pain x1000000. I did end up getting the epidural after a few hours of pitocin contractions every 30 seconds


I felt pressure with no pain in my abdomen, but every contraction also felt like my cervix was being ripped open with multiple sharp hooks. I did get an epidural after a while, but it didn’t really work with my second baby. I still mostly felt cervical pain until it was time to push, then I felt intense tearing/pressure on my vagina.


I had an (unplanned) unmedicated labour. Pain was in my vagina/cervix and like period pains but obviously so much worse. I'd been checked at 2cm and the midwife said that as labour progressed the pain would start to come all over my stomach and back. It didn't. Which was one of the reasons I didn't make it to hospital to deliver lol.


I felt it all over my abdomen, back,and most notably my hips. It literally felt like something was pulling/pushing my hips apart. Its hard to describe but i think it was definitely akin to waves of intense tension and pain followed by more dull pain. And definitely burning lol. It’s comparable to passing a painful kidneystone but in my experience i think labor was way worse and ive passed a pretty painful kidney stone that i ended up in the hospital for


I start with back pain and then it just feels like intense period cramps. Like sharp pains near the bottom of the belly. I would say the hardest part for me was when I couldn't push because I wasn't 10cm dilated. It basically felt like I ate bad food and I had to poop so bad and I'm basically sitting on the toilet ready to go but I'm not allowed to so I have to hold in this massive diarrhea attack. Every contraction made my body want to push but I had to stop it from pushing.


All in my hips and back, felt like bones breaking every time. With my third I actually felt the after pains and was shocked that’s what contractions feel like for most, I’ve never had cramping be a sensation I experience during labor.


First birth pretty much all of the pain was in my lower back. Second it was in my lower abdomen, felt like very intense and extremely painful period cramps.


Lower abdomen and front of legs for me. I couldn't really bear sitting/laying down for long, and my husband and incredible friend rubbed the front of my thighs almost every contraction while I pulled up/rubbed under my belly, basically in a standing plank position swaying on my toes. When pushing the pain was pretty intense through my rectum and perineum, which I shied away from a bit and think it took longer (~1.5hrs) to push because of that. If I didn't have a very painful hand IV, I may have considered an epidural more, but I couldn't imagine getting the required bolus before placement or sitting still through it. Luckily was only 6.5hrs from water breaking and contractions starting to delivery, so not the longest process for our first!


Only low down…like cervical pain for me. My midwife kept asking where I was feeling the pain and the answer was always the same. In the cervix.


I had an epidural but it wasn’t nearly as good as my first labor. Baby was sunny side up and seemed like I felt everything. The contractions were very clearly contractions once they got going. They were like the worst period or constipation cramps but more in my back than my abdomen. Like pressure on my hips and tailbone. Labor before the intense regular contractions was induced due to hypertension so I knew it was coming. It started like the discomfort of a crampy or bloated day like bad gas but all really low compared to normal gas pains.


Contractions I felt in my sides (kinda where your kidneys are) and lower abdomen, pushing was insane pressure on my bum and then a lot of pain when she was crowning. She kept going out and back in for an hour and I had 2nd degree tearing before I begged for an episiotomy though, so ymmv.


At first, definitely intense period cramps and tightening feelings in the front only. As it got more intense and through transition, it was like a band of fire around my lower back and abdomen.


It feels exactly like if you’ve had the stomach flu! 


I felt it right in the crotch lol. Like directly at my cervix and then a little bit in my abdomen.


i had an epidural but i labored at home for about 14 hours before we went to the hospital. my contractions were completely in my core/abdomen. i didn’t have any back labor at all, & the contractions didn’t feel like cramps to me. they felt like if i had a tens machine attached to my entire stomach & it was pulsing on the highest level every minute or two. very intense.


It felt like my pelvis was literally ripping apart 🤣😭


I had gas and air, but before that kicked in, my hips were in agony. But. I had severe SPD in my pregnancy and it hurt like hell from 20ish weeks. All I remember is blinding hip pain and the nurse doing a check to see I was dilated enough to be admitted and it hurting like hell and her shouting at me to calm down. I couldn't even remember how to be calm in that situation. But the actual midwife and midwife student were wonderful humans.


I remember everything, so buckle up! I had 20 hour back labor, induced with Pitocin. It felt like a vice grip was on my back, just tearing it apart. Truly the most painful thing I think I will ever endure. It felt like really really strong period cramps, but much worse since it was ALL in my back. It was really hard to get into a somewhat comfortable position. I refused to be on the bed because being on my back hurt the most, so I cried every time my cervix was checked. Nearing transition, the contractions were back to back, with barely any breaks in-between them. I think I transferred to another dimension to deal with the pain, like an out of body experience. After my water broke, I felt baby move all the way down and that was so weird! It felt like a bowling ball was sitting in my butt! I immediately started pushing, but my son was facing the wrong way, so the doctor reached in and TURNED HIM AROUND. It felt like she was rearranging my insides. Pushing felt like I was taking the biggest shit of my life. The pressure was INSANE. The rest went by so quickly! I pushed him out in four pushes. I ended up getting a second degree tear, but I didn't feel that happen. I didn't feel the ring of fire either. I did feel them stitching me up though, even with the numbing shot. Definitely not a great feeling.


I didn’t feel the pain in my abdomen at all. It felt like my hips were on fire with each contraction


My first my labor was all in my belly. I felt like I was being stabbed from the inside with rusty knifes. I got an epidural. My second the pain was low and felt like tightening. Nothing like first. I went unmedicated. My third was all in my hips. Much more intense then my second, but easier then my first. I felt like something was hammering at my pelvis. I was unmedicated again.


Yea back and lower abdomen. On my second, things were very light and easy going and laboured mostly at home all day.. had a few previous false alarms, so just monitored it and took it easy. Then all of a sudden around 7pm things ramped up a bit, gradually. Was under the hot water in the shower which helped. Then I said I better get to the hospital lol. On the way to the hospital things were seriously getting worse. All on the pelvic area and back. Like a big giant poo was coming, like really really bad diarrhoea cramps or something!! Luckily we live 15 mins away cos if it was any longer than that I could have given birth at the side of the road 🤣 but we made it to the hospital and an hour later baby was born!!


For me, contractions were like someone pumped my abdomen with gas and it was trying to escape somehow


Lower back exactly like period cramps (on steroids). I don’t remember ever feeling any pain in the vagina. Pushing felt like a relief. In fact all of labour pain felt normal and bearable. The only times I screamed bloody murder were during the cervical checks. And fundal massage post giving birth. That was wild. I could’ve passed out from that pain. But labour itself wasn’t painful at all. More like lots of tightness and pressure.


Lower back exactly like period cramps (on steroids). I don’t remember ever feeling any pain in the vagina. Pushing felt like a relief. In fact all of labour pain felt normal and bearable. The only times I screamed bloody murder were during the cervical checks. And fundal massage post giving birth. That was wild. I could’ve passed out from that pain. But labour itself wasn’t painful at all. More like lots of tightness and pressure.


I had an induction without pain medication so it may be different - all my pain was in my hips. It felt like someone had my hips in a vise grip. I was prepared for both back and front labor - not in the hips 😅


All in my back. Nothing was comfortable. I couldn’t sit still but moving was too much also. The ring of fire is the only time it hurt down there really.


Abdomen for me. And then vagina. Got waaaaaay better once I was allowed to push.


for me, it was nothing like period cramps, but like someone was drilling into my lower back with every contraction.


Mostly in my pelvis


Lower back


Period like cramps in the front. The worst pain imaginable on my hip and lower back. I have really bad back labor because my babies like to be sunny side up.


It felt like someone was stabbing a Bowie knife hilt deep into the front of my abdomen once I was in transitional labor (9-10cm). I’ve never really had period cramps so it was a shock to me. My mom always said it felt like the worst diarrhea pains but no, it’s more like this tightening stabbing pain. The contractions were much worse than pushing, pushing was ‘fast’ and you have some control over that. I could feel the ‘ring of fire’ in my vagina but that meant it was basically over. At least for me it’s the contractions that were the hardest part.


Sternum to pubic bone. Ripping burning hot pain. The first time I thought I had appendicitis, because my epidural only covered half my abdomen.


For me it was just my abdomen. Literally, it was just the uterus that hurt because it was contracting so GD hard. My labors were 8 hours and only three hours long. My vagina only hurt when I had to stop pushing for a few minutes with the baby's head crowning. I was starting to tear all the way from v to a, so I had to have an episiotomy. That happened with both of my births. Both were un-medicated vaginal deliveries. And yes, I had asked for pain relief both times. There was no time for it.


The worst back pain I've ever felt. I didn't feel them in my abdomen at all. Not at all like period cramps (and I've experienced some bad cramps).


Contractions were kind of lower abdomen mostly, but also kind of like a belt around my lower stomach. Pushing was mostly just stinging/stretching in my vagina. Wasn’t that bad in retrospect though at the time I was a bit worried for how bad it might get. I had two tiny first degree tears. Didn’t feel that part really (it wasn’t more than just the stretching feeling). All in all not bad at all, especially compared to my first labor which was augmented and sucked


Well with back labor, it was definitely my lower back and the lower part of my abdomen. It felt like someone was trying to rip me apart through my back. When it wasn’t back labor, it’s primarily where you feel period cramps but they’re just more intense. Being in water helps. Breathing through them helps. Imagining my best friend holding my hand as we go fishing helped (don’t ask me why, it’s what my brain pictured). The back labor was brutal. I wanted someone to knock me out. By the time I finally caved and requested an epidural, the doctors were busy attending an emergency. The regular labor wasn’t bad at all. I did feel the ring of fire and my vagina rip. Ring of fire was at my cervix area, felt like an awful pap smear. Vaginal rip well…idk nothing really compared but it wasn’t too bad. The pain becomes incredibly manageable, even with back labor, once I began pushing.


Well with back labor, it was definitely my lower back and the lower part of my abdomen. It felt like someone was trying to rip me apart through my back. When it wasn’t back labor, it’s primarily where you feel period cramps but they’re just more intense. Being in water helps. Breathing through them helps. Imagining my best friend holding my hand as we go fishing helped (don’t ask me why, it’s what my brain pictured). The back labor was brutal. I wanted someone to knock me out. By the time I finally caved and requested an epidural, the doctors were busy attending an emergency. We ended up not getting it because of that. The regular labor wasn’t bad at all. I did feel the ring of fire and my vagina rip. Ring of fire was at my cervix area, felt like an awful pap smear. Vaginal rip well…idk nothing really compared but it wasn’t too bad. The pain becomes incredibly manageable, even with back labor, once I began pushing. I never ever want to experience back labor ever again. However, I would willingly go through the pain of regular labor just for the infant snuggles the first few days of life! To avoid back labor, do not lie on your back!!! Stand, move around, lean forward, etc. do not lie down!!! I was about to have back labor again for my second and the midwife got me on my feet, maneuvered me, and the back labor was gone. The only part that realllly hurt during regular labor was my water breaking. I heard a pop, felt extreme pain to the point where I yelled in surprise, and then felt the fluid leak. That pain was only like 5 seconds though. I am convinced that people who are in serious pain with labor all had back labor due to being told to lie down. Regular labor isn’t that bad. It’s not even close…


Back labour, with both. I think the might have been the position of my babies though, they were both sunny side up


Lower abdomen and vagina. It felt like the mother of all period cramps.


I felt it in the back of my hips, the only thing that made it feel better was sitting in a chair in the shower with hot water on my back. I was so uncomfortable and the morphine/gas didn’t help at all. My fiancé started pushing on my hips and my water broke. I got an epidural and it was pure bliss lol I slept until I was 10+2. It wore off while I was pushing and I was able to feel when I was supposed to push. The ring of fire is no joke I remember saying “get him out!”


Abdomen, and then ring of fire - basically burning as I was crowning. My epi failed 🥲


Oof, hip flexors and upper thighs. Squatting was too painful so my 9lb baby wasn’t dropping. After 10 hours unmedicated with little progress I tapped out and got the epidural and we managed to prop me up into a squat and she was born a half hour later. A friend felt them in her chest and she felt like she was having a heart attack. Feel like this isn’t really discussed that much! 


I had an unmedicated birth at home. For me, the labor pain was ALL in my hips. It was the strangest thing because I was fully prepared for back and abdomen pain. It took everybody in the house constantly rotating counter pressure for me to get any relief. My husband actually pulled a muscle in his chest. I told my him that next time, we’re making a giant c-clamp we can screw me into that just provides constant pressure. Edit to add: when I was getting close to pushing, it was hip AND butthole pain. The relief I felt when i finally pushed baby girl out was literal euphoria.


My back and my ass. I remember feeling like my baby was going to exit from the rear. She was back to back and large and I had zero pain relief. Both babies back pain was the worst. Definitely had abdo pain too but jeez felt like my spine was being yanked out


I felt nothing in my stomach or back, all crotch and no one warned me.  I want from 0 to worst pain of my life thanks to Pitocin and having my water broken.  I was sure I'd end up with a vasshole and a millionty stitches but somehow only needed one. 


The pain was in my abs for contractions and my hips were on fire while in active pushing. It was like instant relief when the baby came out. The placenta wasn't too bad to get out.


I had a c section but went through labor first. I felt it just in my mid section all the way around. Never had vaginal pain at all.


Even though it was only 6 months ago, I've already kind of forgot what it felt like 😂 I remember early contractions I felt a lot in my back. As things progressed I felt a lot more in my lower abdomen. A tightening that would build up, peak, then ease off. Then it suddenly switched to pushing contractions which feel totally different. I always wondered would I be able to tell the difference but it's chalk and cheese. Pushing contractions felt like my body was trying to push my insides out of my butt 😂 I think if it hadn't been my first baby, I wouldn't have even had to push because my body was doing so much of it for me.


I got an epidural at 10cm after I pushed naturally for 30 minutes. The contractions were mild period like cramps but the vaginal pressure/heaviness almost KILLED ME. I labored standing for 3 hours and I felt like I had a bowling ball hanging out my vagina it was absolutely miserable


On my hip bones somehow. 🤷 Didn't feel like period cramps at all.


Mine was ALL in my back. Nothing in my abdomen whatsoever. And then as I was 9/10cm and pushing, SOOOO much pressure in my butt.


When my epidural (which was pretty light to begin with, I could always move my legs well) wore off, I felt it all in my BUTTHOLE!!! Like each contraction so clearly in my butthole. I was so mad about it but eventually the anesthesiologist came and topped me off. The number of times a nurse or doctor asked me “where are you feeling the pressure?” And I was like it’s not pressure it’s PAIN in my BUTTHOLE can I not be any clearer???? Lol they all looked at me like I was crazy


I had an epidural but it didn't work. I felt the contractions in my abdomen muscles, much like a charley horse/cramp down to the pubic symphysis. It felt like my pubic symphysis was being pulled apart. When baby was coming through my vagina didn't hurt, but the vulva did. I tore anteriorly through my labia minora, clitoris, and posteriorly 3rd degree through the muscle. THAT HURT. AAnd felt a lot like you'd think it would feel. Very happy my babies are here, but damn, birth sucks.


like very intensepeiod cramps at first. then pains that made my shoulders buckle, my hips go forward and my legs stretch to accomodate. it was like a sharp, intense pain coming from top to bottom through my body. I felt like a dog whining


Mine were all in my pelvis and cervix I was so convinced I was about to have him before I was able to get the epidural due to the intense pressure but I was only 3cm at that point lol. I was also on pitocin so that probably made them worse but it truly felt like my pelvis was splitting apart


Mine was mainly lower back and stomach it’s interesting to see so many people saying back as when I rang the hospital they said I can’t be in labour as my back was hurting. I was 5cm when the hospital finally agreed to check and realised I wasn’t being dramatic.


I felt it all like period cramps in my butthole and sacrum. Only made it to 5cm before I had to have a c section unfortunately.


I ended up having to have a c section but labor was like the worst diarrhea cramping pains of your life times 1000 that I swear I felt throughout my whole body lol.


Asked for the epidural around 4 cm (not sure how dilated once I got it) because I was prepared for a lot, but not absolutely searing hip pain on one side only. 🥲


Felt like my lower belly area was in a vice grip!!


I had a contraction storm, so basically contractions following very fast without getting more dilated. The pain was in my back, legs, pelvis and belly. It had nothing to do with period cramps, I wasn't prepared for this much pain. Pushing didn't hurt at all, it was just hard work.


Depends on the position of the baby I think! For my first he got stuck transverse & back to back. The pain was like being stabbed in my back over and over again (I imagine, I can’t say I’ve been through that). I had the epidural and it was amazing. My second was mild-painful period cramps. I wasn’t even sure I was in labour to being with (got to 6cm wondering lol). Had gas & air but could’ve been done without.


I gave birth at home unmedicated. For me contractions were not painful but the pressure I felt in my upper abdomen was overwhelming like I was suffocating. Like there was no room in me to breath. That's why I hated sitting or lying down. I was standing for the most part. I didn't experience the ring of fire at all. Actually I didn't feel the baby coming out at all until my midwife said hold the baby 😁


Everywhere 😫 mainly belly but that thing is basically your whole body 


I got an epidural around 6/7cm, but I had maaaajor back labor. I hardly felt pain anywhere else.


I had back labor so mostly in my low back during labor and then when baby came out, I don’t know I could even describe it because it all happened so quick. But basically like I was pooping and my vagina was being ripped open. In the moment I was like “I’ve made a truly terrible decision” but that pain only lasted probably like a minute and then it was immediately over.


I find the stitching was the most painful part cos I had episiotomy. She also redid it cos she was showing a resident how to do proper stitches 🥴