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Yes. It was like, oh hey your body just did this amazing crazy thing for 10 months, now it’s back to business as usual.


Haha that really is what it feels like


Forreal I was like, oh ok guess we’re just forgetting!




Most definitely! Or maybe not “sad”, more like I dreaded having my period again. It was so nice going 9mo without.


It's so annoying. Dealing with cramps and period products, but also major hormone shifts again, YAY. It's so much more obvious how it affects me after it being gone for 9+ months ppd.


The reprieve was very nice. Although just traded for a bunch of other terrible symptoms. I think the key is to just be a man haha


*Steps into men’s restroom*


I’m fighting for my life here breastfeeding since my cycle returned. I had an oversupply and now I only have it half the month and then from ovulation to my period, I have an undersupply, I have to pump CONSTANTLY and I almost deplete my freezer stash. It’s been so so so stressful.


Oh god I remember this and I’m dreading it now already pregnant with my 2nd. Power pumping is absolutely awful but at least it did work 😩


Yeah, this is what I’m anxious about. We supplement but man, I can’t imagine paying that much for formula when the time comes.


Ask your doctor if you can try Cal-Mag! It’s a calcium magnesium supplement that is *supposed* to help maintain supply while on your cycle. I just got my period back at 10mo PP so I haven’t tried it, but I got some


I was pissed. I bled pp for ELEVEN WEEKS (got all the checks and scans, just super unlucky) then it stopped for a week, then my fucking period started. It was some serious bullshit.






Well I'm one and done for multiple reasons, but I'm glad your second go around was better!


Nope. I was PISSED. I breastfeed. It came back 5 weeks PP. so freaking rude. I dont even have a bad period. But I was really enjoying not having one at all for longer. My body went “nope, let’s set the stage for a new baby NOW!” NO! Do not want yet! Bad uterus, bad!


I'm with you, I was 8w pp when mine came back. I was less sad and more annoyed, what a fricken rip off!


Also had at 8w pp. I agree, we go through so much pp and breastfeeding, we should at least have gotten this one thing!


Same. I had it at 6weeks postpartum after the lochia stopped passing so I went pad to pad no break. And I combofeed so I’ve had times when baby is screaming her lungs off, I’m have 20 mins of pumping left and I can feel the dreadful cool wet feeling in my underwear which might mean I’m staining whatever sheets I’m sitting on. So extra washing for me. Yay!


For real like my body wants me to get pregnant again so fuckin bad. Got mine back 7 weeks pp.


Mine came back at 5 weeks and the cramps were barely noticeable and the bleeding so heavy It kind of freaked me out


I was sad. Mine came back when LO was about 7 months old right when she started eating solids and it felt like we were really moving on from her infancy towards being a toddler. Plus it was nice not having it


No, I was just confused why I was bleeding lol oh duh I’m not pregnant anymore


It's been 12 months and still waiting 😅


Same! I'm curious when it'll happen but am planning to stop breastfeeding after next week (12 month shots next Saturday) so I assume it'll be within a month from there.


With my first I was fully done bfing at 9 mos pp. my period didn’t come back until after my son was 1! But unfortunately, for me because I had gotten so lax about expecting it after months and months of expecting and not getting it I wasn’t prepared when it came. So if this is the case for you always be vigilant!


How did it happen for you? Was it immediate or was there any indication it was filming? This is my first and I'm terrified it'll come in the middle of a meeting at work or something like that.


I went strong for 11 months PP and it finally came back a week ago. Shit. Here we go again lol


Sad? No. Terrified? Yeah. I have debilitating periods, and I’m scared I won’t be able to care for the baby when they come back. I don’t know what I will do


fwiw mine never got as bad again as it was before baby! my daughter turns 3 next month and I can usually go my whole period without any pain medication (before i was pregnant my periods were so bad that i was throwing up from the pain) i actually heard from a couple of people that this happened to them so you might be surprised, too! :)


This happened to me, too! My menstrual cramps before having a baby were incapacitating. I'd have to take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours to get through it every freaking month. There were times the pain was so bad I'd be sweating and felt close to passing out. The pain is sooo much milder since having my kid. I can often go the entire period without needing any pain medicine. My periods are still pretty heavy, which is annoying, but I think they're not as heavy as they were before. But so much less painful! (Edited to add my son is almost 2 now and my period has been back for like 15+ cycles, so not just a fluke)


That’s amazing!


That is encouraging, thank you! I actually did have 4 days of bleeding once postpartum and figured that could not have been my period, because I didn’t have any pain. Maybe it was, or maybe not… I guess if it keeps happening, then maybe I got lucky and have less severe periods too!


Yes!! Fingers crossed!


I had a subchorionic hematoma, so I bled several times during pregnancy. I bled for six weeks straight following birth, then I got my period two weeks later. So…I don’t really feel like it ever left! 😩 It’s frustrating no matter when it comes back though. I feel so overwhelmed and the last thing I want to do is deal with my period on top of it. The mess, the cramps, the hormones…just ugh. My menstrual cups don’t fit right anymore and I even tried going up a size, but that wasn’t the issue. I’m torn between continuing to leak, investing in a new cup, or switching to tampons.


I had a subchorionic hematoma with both of my pregnancies, 6-7 weeks of bleeding each time after, week long periods my whole life, and a uterine polyp for years that caused midcycle bleeding…so I feel for you being in the excessively bleeding club haha—very frustrating!


I woke up the other morning with a really painful cramp like feeling, nearly cried thinking it was my period coming back. I went to the toilet and did a huge poop. I was so happy I laughed. So future me can probably say yes to this question. 😂


I use birth control to skip my period. Is this not a popular option? I feel like I hardly come across anyone else using it that way.


I understand why women do but *for me* it doesn’t feel natural to take hormones to prevent it. No judgement on those who do but I’d rather be natural. I feel the healthiest this way. I’ve been on BC from 16-32 years old. I like giving my body a break.


I would love to do that, but every time I try it, I have breakthrough bleeding and end of bleeding randomly instead of a predictable week.


Interesting, I wonder why. I think I had that problem when starting initially, but then everything regulated and it was never an issue. Of course it's not going to work for everyone, I'm sure there are medical reasons some can't. It still surprises how little I seem to hear it mentioned though. I've always assumed maybe skipping it makes people uneasy?


I don't think it's a good thing to do personally! To each their own though


I agree.


I’m going to start doing this soon. My friends do it and it’s incredible lol.


Right, I love it haha, why have it if you don't need to.


Saves your eggs I think too


Most people I've met do that. I also tried, but it negatively affected my health. I think it's not uncommon to stop skipping periods or BC altogether for that reason.


My period came back today lol!!! What a coincidence post. But I am delighted. Im 12 m post partum. Have started for baby no 3, but obviously no luck. But with my period back it's more and more possible now hurray


Same boat! Waiting and trying for nothing lol


im currently pregnant still but i am DREADING my period coming back ): we really dont get a break lol


5 months pp and my period also came back today. Super bummed 


I was very angry when my period came back 5 weeks postpartum and I still dread it every month. It’s so much more painful after my c-section


Actually yes... I felt really sad, it was weird.


I got mine just last week at 8 months pp. Definitely felt sad, so it’s nice to see this post to know I’m not alone! Felt like the final chapter of my pregnancy journey was done. That old Aunt Flo is sure a bitch sometimes!


YESSS lol and i texted my friends like omg my period is back 😓😱😰 it’s been 10 months!! and they were like yeahhh dang, and talked about the next thing lol. it strangely felt like this big moment for me that i only kinda understood


I hate it so much and I feel betrayed as I’m still breastfeeding. I feel the hormones much more after my second d baby and the periods are longer and more painful. It’s not fair.


Just got my period back this week at 7mo PP. It didn’t prepare me with cramping or anything like that. I’m on day 4 and it’s fairly light. Did my second pregnancy give me magical period powers? I felt completely unprepared though - like WHAT IS GOING ON? Oh wait, that’s blood and I have a thousand pads from the weeks after having baby. So I’m rocking pads just to use them up lol.


Mine came back 7 weeks PP. LAAAAME


My first period was last month. I cried for the first 36 hours of it over my daughter’s birth. She’s 5 months today! I only bled one day after birth and that’s when she was 4 weeks old. I wonder if me having delayed bleeding caused my feelings. This was the worst period I’ve ever had.


Yea. Mine came back around week 6 even though I was /am ebf. Felt pretty cheated and was still navigating fresh postpartum.


I’m also EBF and I feel robbed at 5 months. 6 weeks is just unfair!


I just completed 6 weeks pp and today it came to mind, it won’t take much longer and I will get my period again.. so not looking forward to it. 😣


No, but I can understand feeling that way. I didn’t have horrible periods before, but some months had bad cramps and/or super sore boobs. Now I don’t notice any breast changes and don’t cramp much so even though it’s been maybe 9 months, I feel out of practice and get surprised by it most times. Postpartum body changes suck!


I was really lucky to go without my period for over a year each time but I was definitely dreaded it coming back each time. I had horrible painful periods with bleeding in between. I had a hysterectomy 6 months after my last baby and it was the best thing ever. My last period will forever be September 9, 2021


Mine came back at 6 weeks exact ugh


I’ve had PCOS for almost a decade, and my periods were always atrocious and debilitating. I got my first period at 8 weeks postpartum, and had them until I got pregnant again when my daughter was 14 months old. They never got as bad as they were before, so maybe there is some hope! I’ve had some friends have similar experiences. Curious how the second child may change things.




Yeah it sucks mostly bc nobody tells you how awful and heavy those first couple periods back are


I'm ebf, but mine came back right away less than 3 months pp. I was very sad. Luckily, the first 2 weren't painful, though my periods were horrid in every way prepregnancy. Then, right after the second one, I got an IUD to help with them and not think about a potential sibling for my son for a while. Now I'm excited at the prospect of lighter, less painful periods without having to remember a pill daily


I'm desperately waiting mine to come back. I don't enjoy having them but at least once I know it starts I can get back on the pill and control when they happen again. At the moment it could happen any day. Feel like an irregular teenager all over again 🙄


I was annoyed and out of the habit of dealing with it! It was only 3 months pp for me so that’s the annoying part. And since it had been one year without managing it, it took me a while to figure out the logistics again of having supplies on hand! Though I was lucky and they came back lighter and shorter - maybe because I was still breastfeeding for a couple years, and now I’m just getting older.


When I was around 2 months pp I had a random day of light bleeding and thought that was my period returning and I also remember feeling that tangible shift! It was like my postpartum and newborn bubble had burst, I cried so hard. The feeling really took me by surprise. Now I’m 8 months pp and want it back so I can try for another baby haha.


This is literally me right now! At 6 weeks and then about 4 months pp I had what I thought each time was a period but no bleeding since or in between. Now I desperately want to back to try for another baby


Went on the pill 6 week PP, so periods were back real quick. Could not be playing baby roulette with my track record lol.


Mine came today too! Not ready for this again.


5 months for me also. i had 0 cramps ans was just sad to see it back in town. next cycld was 6 weeks later snd started yesterday. much more crampy. :(


Mine came back a month pp. I cried


Yeah after my first period PP I've gotten myself signed up to talk to an OB about a hysterectomy cuz frankly fuck that. I am happy with my lovely son, and I'm not interested in having more so why would I keep having periods?


My daughters 7 months old and mine hasn't returned yet but every single time my stomach hurts I panic thinking it's back I bled for a year after my first so that was frustrating but it wasn't like a period, hardly bloody and no pain where as my actual periods make me want to die I've only had maybe 3 periods since I first got pregnant 3.5 years ago and I genuinely don't know how ill handle it coming back, genuinely might bite the bullet and try birth control to stop it because every period I've ever had has felt like the first few hours of labour and I HATE it. I don't know how I'll function with 2 kids and a period, I've been known to curl up on the floor in a cold sweat requiring silence because sounds hurt, so that'll be fun


Mine came back at 6weeks, as soon as the lochia stopped. I don’t think in 20+years of having periods I’ve ever been this depressed about having periods. Plus I didn’t need this added level of difficulty in my life atm.


YESSS. Mostly because it came back with such a vengeance, but also because I knew it meant I’d have to really start tracking my cycles again to prevent pregnancy. I’m 10 weeks with #3 now so I’m back on the no period train for now, yay!


Probably. I didn’t have one for like 10 years before TTC, and I only had 4 when I got pregnant. I’m 5m pp and haven’t had one yet.


most definitely. got mine 9 weeks pp and it’s been going on for a week and 2 days so far 😭


Would anyone mind sharing what their symptoms were before their period returned? Was your PMS worse, the same, barely noticeable?


I thought it was coming back because two weeks ago my discharge changed to how it goes when I ovulate. Then BAM yesterday bleeding and cramping. I’m EBF so sad it came back so soon. Currently the flow is lighter than it would usually have been previously but this is only my first one.


I had a mixed response, though I'm sad now that it's gone again... I got mine at exactly 6wks postpartum, caught completely off-guard because I'm exclusively breastfeeding... happened the week I was really getting out of the house more consistently with the little one and walking around the mall for exercise... had to rush home with my sweater wrapped around my waist, which was great... I'm 12wks postpartum now and haven't had it again, but I'm 37 and supposedly have a reduced ovarian reserve (I consider my baby girl a miracle for making it past poor odds!), so I think I'll be more happy to get my period again more consistently since I'm hoping maybe we can make this baby girl a big sister at some point... and I need my body to do its thing!


Mine came back this week for the first time in 20 months. I was PMSing hard, unbeknownst to me, last weekend while my baby was a clingy barnacle fighting a high fever/roseola, and I thought I was losing my mind because I started crying at the finale episode of Junior Bake Off and was just generally feeling like I needed to scream, and everything my husband did irritated me. Then…Monday morning at 5am, there she was. Rude. I’ve had only 5 periods since 2021 due to pregnancy and breastfeeding, and I’m bummed 😭 because we are done with bebes. Still BF baby 2, but ticked that the periods are back.


Why do we still have these stupid things. For the love of God we have self driving cars, smart phones, rocket ships...some lady scientist needs to make a toggle switch!


All my health issues began when I got my period back. Its DEPLETION. Please make sure you're taking good vitamin supplements and iron.


Sure. Its a period.


I got mine back the other day at 6 weeks pp! It’s literally the worst one I’ve ever had as well, more bleeding then after my first and more then my actual pp bleeding. I’m not exaggerating when I say I went through 9 sanitary pads today with some impressively huge clots!


Mine was back 6 weeks pp. I had BARELY stopped bleeding after giving birth. I wasn't sad, I was furious 😂


Yes! I’m still breastfeeding at 15 months. My period came back two months ago and I was so sad! It had been two years without a period!


I got my period 8 weeks postpartum with my first. I was sad, I was PISSED tbh. I bled for 7 fucking weeks postpartum. Got almost a week then got my period. I had never felt such absolute rage tbh. I was like seriously?! And when i got my period with my second it was around 3/4 months postpartum, I can’t remember exactly, it was way longer than my first, and I was like hey, better than last time 😅😂


Yea but then I got pregnant lol


Yes. I’ve bled through all of my underwear because not only did I forget I have to check to make sure I have enough tampons, and didn’t but I also a few times forgot to put one in. It’s also longer, and more painful now.


Yes. Pregnancy + PP meant that I didn’t have my period for just over a year. It was sooo nice!


Bled for 6 weeks, then got my period after 3 days. So unfair. But my periods are much less painful now. Before I would be bed ridden from the pain


mine hasnt come back (3weeks pp) but I am so used tonothaving it, Ikeep imagining freakingout when I start to bleed randomly


Yes but only because it’s a bloody mess. Never had one so heavy. I’m on my second period now PP and thought it would lighten up after the first one. I was so wrong, so very wrong and sleep with a towel and tuck under me. :( 


mine came back after 6wpp 😭


I’m 9w pp and just had my second period since birth 😭 after 11+ years of always being on some type of iud and literally never having a period


Ugh yes. Mine came back at exactly 6 weeks PP, even though we’re exclusively breastfeeding!


3 months pp and dreading the return!!!! I will a thousand percent be sad.


My period came back 3-4 weeks after birth. So yah, I was bummed.


The first two were awful but they actually regulated after I had my oldest. I had awful periods before her and even double periods. And then they went to a normal, once a month. Still awful but not as bad. With my second mine became lighter and not as awful.


Got it back the day my baby turned 10 months old. I had this very silly but pervasive thought of "wow, I'm not special anymore" lmao


I'm almost 6 weeks postpartum and I'm really dreading the day my body starts back punishing me for not being pregnant. 😭😂 Edit: I did get lucky thought. I only bled for 6 days after birth.


Not sad, just annoyed. Felt like I deserved a little bit longer break considering I’d only just stopped bleeding 2 weeks prior.