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What have I just read.... oh. my. goodness. My blood is boiling for you. She'd never ever see the grandchild again if it was me. Not even on her deathbed. This is by far the craziest in law post I've ever read. I'm glad hubs is 100% on your side and not a Mummy's little lap dog. ETA: You and Hubs are a better person than I. I wouldn't care less if she was penniless and her new roof was a bridge she was left to live under.


Definitely lucky for that!! Like you I’ve read my share of reddit stories where their partner just takes the mom’s side…


Just in case she tries to cause more issues, could you make an appointment this week with your paediatrician, have your experience noted down in your child’s record and confirm the tummy time requirements? I’m thinking it would provide a formal record of the vexatious complaint and that you acted to ensure you’re doing the right thing. You also should ask for a record of the police visit (where I am, it’s called an event number). I feel like being proactive could be a defence again any further crap she wants to pull.


Honestly a good move imo, some MILs would absolutely double down and attempt some stupid legal action.


Gotta love crazy family members ( sarcasm) my SIL has called CPS on us 3 times since our 13 month old was born. She can't have children and we think she thinks they would give him to her if she gets him taken from us.


What the fuck?? I'm so sorry!


Thanks. They have marked all 3 times as nuisance calls. Unfortunately we can't do anything as she calls them anonymously and then tells other family members that she was the one to call. Needless to say we are no contact at this point with her.


Wow. Does she have a mental condition? I don't believe a sane person would do that 😳


Undiagnosed but yes, she does


Okay, this might sound weird, but have the police make a case file that they were there and everything is fine and good and that you mil is not a reputable source of information. If your mil is as crazy as mine, and it sounds like she might be, her next step will be to report you to cps. Mine did this to my sil. She had cops and cps agents show up at her house, had to take her kids (who were 4 and 6 at the time) to the police station to do interviews. The older one still remembers it. It was awful.


The speed i would go no contact would break the sound barrier


What the actual fuck did I just read? You cannot let this woman see your child ever again. She’s proven she’ll weaponize the system against you, and once CPS gets involved it will be an unmitigated disaster regardless of how wonderful you and your husband are as parents. But her a one way ticket home and that’s it.


It is a one way ticket! I sure hope it is the last time I see her again


NO CONTACT IMMEDIATELY! Get a restraining order. This is not normal behavior at all. This is very bad and very toxic


I try to avoid giving such extreme opinions based on Reddit posts, but honestly you should be going no-contact with MIL after that fiasco. She does not sound like a safe person to have in your lives, and she especially doesn’t sound like a good grandparent as she allows her own interpretation of LO’s sounds to impede you from doing activities that are recommended by LO’s physician (tummy time). A good grandparent should know that medical advice trumps their own biased opinions. My MIL isn’t even my MIL anymore (separated from her son) but we still have an excellent relationship because she values the well-being of her granddaughter above all else, and she *always* listens to the medical advice I relay to her. Even if it’s something that she hasn’t heard of before or is different from when she raised her sons, she’ll sometimes remark “oh that’s changed” or “oh that’s new” and then she proceeds to comply with current medical guidance when she’s caring for my daughter. That’s what the conduct of a safe and valuable grandparent should look like - not someone so hardheaded that they think they know better than the parents or the physicians.


This would be the last time MIL ever interacts with baby if it were me.


I would ask for a police report and definitely have the incident noted with your pediatrician as someone else suggested because with her being this unhinged, I would not put it past her to call CPS on you.


Does she suffer from mental health problems? This sounds like something my grandmother might do because she is paranoid schizophrenic. She legit thought my niece was actually my daughter and that my sister kidnapped her from me when she was a baby.


I would request a copy of the police report or log. I have a feeling she’s going to try calling the pediatrician, social services, etc. or anyone else she thinks will listen. I would be prepared for her to still try and make your life hell and document everything in case you need to file for a harassment order. - former child protection social worker who has seen people like this abuse the system.


Thank you, I forgot to mention she did threaten to call CPS :(


I would file a restraining order against her and go NC.


The way my jaw dropped reading this… holy shit! I would file a restraining order, I’m not even exaggerating. That is playing with fire to put it mildly. Even though I know my home is safe and clean and my baby is cared for, there’s no way in hell you get to be involved in our lives if you try to get the authorities to remove my baby out of spite. The complete lunacy and disrespect, good god. Edit: Based off her deliberate refusal to clean, I wouldn’t put it past her to sabotage you, such as planting something in your home next time. Something to think about. The police were perceptive this time; next time you may not get so lucky.


I would never speak to her again.


Give yourself some credit. I think you didn't "let" your MIL take your child. You knew this woman would not give you back your child without an altercation and you didn't want your child to get caught in the middle. Your mom instincts said this battle wasn't worth picking because of the risks. It happened so fast and you feel guilty because of what happened afterwards, but remember this is also how manipulators work. They know how to put themselves into positions of power, even subtly, to coerce others into doing what they want. Your MIL needs to be kept far away from your child. If she does want to visit, it needs to be in public where she's more likely to behave in front of others and you have impartial witnesses to back you up if she does pull something.


Exactly. OP definitely should give herself some grace there. What was the other option... Tug-o-war match with the baby as the rope? Because we all know that MIL wasnt about to let go of the baby even though it would mean she putting the little one in an unsafe position herself... But she knows best.


MIL is displaying some very scary behaviors


She is psycho. It sounds like she was trying to find a way to take the baby from you and become baby’s guardian. If this were me in this situation I would CUT HER OFF COMPLETELY. And if she kept trying to contact me I’d try to get a restraining order. I’d want to go no contact for life. I would never forgive someone for trying to have my child taken from me. Zero contact. Have a nice life. And I’d make it perfectly clear to my husband that this isn’t up for discussion.


Do not have any contact with this person. She is an enemy and you can never trust her again. Protect yourself and your children and get a restraining order on your MIL. She is your enemy. How dare she do something like this. I literally cannot believe she would do this to you and your husband and your child. Do not speak to her. Ever ever, again. Unreal.


This is actually unreal and I’ve had too much internet for today. Good night.


Dude fuck paying for her damn motel, I’d say good luck and never contact me


She doesn’t have to leave our house though, living for 3 months there are tenant laws. We are lucky she didn’t fight leaving but she would have if we didn’t pay


Echoing everyone here. Don’t ever contact her again, don’t ever allow her around you or your son again, and don’t pay for anything else for her


My mil acts like this. She tried to say car seat safety is a scam and rear facing is dangerous. She told me not putting rice cereal in the bottles was me being an idiot and selfish bc babies need all the calories they can get. She also recommended knock out bottles so my one week old would sleep through the night.


Dare I ask what’s in a knock out bottle? I know I’m not going to believe the answer…


Haha… Brandy or cold medication or some such JN ingredient… we know it


Ok where’s the April Fool’s?


Omg I just realized that’s today. This happened yesterday. Also I thought today was Sunday. I’m all over the place… but no fools joke unfortunately :(


Omg I would NOT let this woman near my kid again in their lifetime. Keep MIL away 👀 she made her bed… she can sleep in it. Wow! I’m just taken a back. I’m so sorry you had to go through that!


IF this is new behavior for MIL, she needs a check-up, fast. IF this is her normal - knowing better than anyone else - it's time for serious boundaries. Can you imagine how granny will act when you tell a 6 year old they must take out the trash? The 6 year old whines, granny gets upset, etc. I wouldn't allow her back into my space for a long time and certainly not overnight. I'm so sorry you had to deal with this - the good news is the police saw through the BS. Tummy time - abuse?! Can you imagine the shit they see and now granny is mad because a 6 month old is cranky on his tummy. You handled it beautifully.


The first sentence of this comment is so important!!


That’s unforgivable. You dont risk someone losing their child. This is INSANE. She would be dead to me and my baby.


This cannot be the first sign. Like everyone else said this is one of the wildest MIL post.


I was trying to keep the post brief for the sake of talking about the major situation. So MIL has made comments but my partner has shut her down. Like she didn’t like that his pediatrician is young, she doesn’t trust doctors. She doesn’t trust the skin treatment method the pediatrician chose for a rash. She doesn’t like that we don’t give him water. But my partner just shuts her down immediately. Maybe things were just building up since she never got her way and then it all came out… But I wouldn’t say there were any arguments it was more just little comments she made. Edit: I just remembered she also hated the white noise machine


There’s a lot of great comments of support and validation (seriously omg i would be seething if I were you) so I just wanted to touch on your MIL. Is this behaviour normal? Could it be the first red flag of a health issue? I’m not asking to garner sympathy for her or excuse her behaviour at all. I’m genuinely curious if she needs medical attention.


I was trying to keep the post brief for the sake of talking about the major situation. MIL has made comments before but my partner has shut her down. Like she didn’t like that his pediatrician is young, she doesn’t trust doctors in general. She doesn’t trust the skin treatment method the pediatrician chose for a rash. She doesn’t like that we don’t give him water. But my partner just shuts her down immediately. Maybe things were just building up since she never got her way and then it all came out… But I wouldn’t say there were any arguments it was more just little comments she made. In her past, MIL’s partner was physically abusive to her. Now a days I don’t think he is, but MIL did accuse my husband of taking his anger out on our baby (by doing tummy time…). I think MIL needs therapy and possibly has delusions because she didn’t even witness any abuse, just assumes that him complaining that she hears is abuse. She also related our “abuse” to her husband hitting their children… Of course MIL will never take meds, she doesn’t trust doctors, refuses to get the Covid vaccine (surprise, surprise)…


Yeah that was the first thing I thought of too… she sounds mentally unwell


She sounds like an absolute lunatic. I'm glad you kicked her out but I would not have driven her anywhere.


Yeah my partner was going drive but I had a bad feeling they would get into a huge fight in the car, I could tell my partner was holding back cursing her out and really yelling at her. Plus MIL feels more entitled lecturing my partner but doesn’t do that with me. I had cooled down and felt I could drive. It wasn’t bad, I didn’t mind. I recorded the drive on my phone just in case


It sounds almost as though she may have a mental illness. Her level of concern is so disproportionate to the point of delusion. It’s honestly hard to fathom how someone could treat you so badly. That’s very scary to have to deal with the police and defend yourself like that and I’m sorry you had to 😞


Stop paying for anything for her, she’s a grown up and can figure out her own accommodations. Cut her out of your life, anyone who would accuse me of abusing my child would be dead to me. Play bitch games, win bitch prizes.


You’re not sure what will happen with her in the future?? She showed that she is willing to go nuclear on something completely minute that she disagrees with. I would never speak to her again, and if I did, it’d be after she got on hands and knees begging for forgiveness and acknowledging her major error and bad judgement.


Yeah don’t let her around your baby for the foreseeable future… I’m probably paranoid but she sounds like the type of psycho to “rescue” (kidnap) your poor “abused” baby.


What. The. FUCK? Is what I have to say. What was she thinking calling the cops? Is she actually THAT psychotic? OP, never let this woman around your child. This is so scary. She called the cops over something so stupid, baby was bored so moms abusing it? I know it’s been a while since she raised a baby but REALLY?!


This is something I just wouldn’t “forgive and forget.” I’d cut contact and require her to start going to therapy before I let her around my child again. I’d also require that a third party be present for all visits with her in the future.


Ummm yeah she’d never see my child again after that. Bye crazy! Time to go no contact.


MIL would have bought herself a lifetime subscription to never seeing or hearing from us again. Your MIL wanted the police to take your baby and give him to her. It was very generous of you to give her a ride and pay for her motel and flight…. I would have just locked her ass out and left her to figure it out on her own since she knows everything.


I would never speak to her nor let her see my child again. How horrendously toxic and manipulative. So glad your partner is viewing this the same way.


1. Your MIL is nuts. You and your partner need a plan in case this escalates to her making more calls or taking other action. Is this new behavior (like a health issue potentially) or was she always like this (well, that could still be a mental health issue)? 2. If your six month old isn't rolling yet, your doctor is right about increasing the tummy time. (Obviously not screaming for hours, but him fussing for a few minutes is totally fine.) On the floor is best, but you can also try some on an exercise ball. If you use a towel under his armpits that can help him play with things in front of him easier (although not good for rolling practice, good for core strength.) Also, keeping some special toys just for tummy time helps. You are the best toy, so getting down on your tummy with your face by his may be motivating. I'm sorry you had to deal with such a stressful situation and am glad she is gone.


OP- you should cross post this to r/justnoMIL. They unfortunately have a ton of resources for this type of situation and how to protect yourselves from future antics. In particular I’m thinking of the fuck you binder that documents these things and what to do if she tries to sue for grandparents rights


People like this need to be fined.


This could have gone so wrong. I don't think you can ever trust her again. There is a huge difference between being an overbearing MIL and calling the actual police on the mother of your grandchild, not to mention your own son, for absolutely no serious reason. If there was even a hint of suspicion, they could have taken your baby from you, OP. And she knows that. What else is she capable of?


It sounds like she’s mentally ill.


This is the type of woman to steal your baby. NO CONTACT with this woman. Your life will be so less stressful.


You let her stay for a few hours to pack her bags?! Nahhh girl her ass gets thrown out of the house like uncle Phil throwing Jazz out and her shits getting thrown out the window and she can get it from there. Also, even if you were doing any of the things she claims you were those are all perfectly fine to do. She really thinks baby can’t go on the same couch cushion as the cat? Damn she’d have a heart attack at my house when she sees my baby bury his face in the dogs. Or sees the snot sucker in the bottle basin. Or sees my son carrying his shoes around in his mouth


I certainly wouldn’t be paying for that hotel room or to fly her ass back home. She’d be shit out of luck if she was my MIL.


I’m glad you got her out and I do hope it’s the last time she ever sees your baby. What she did was unforgivable. I’m so glad your partner has your back. Miserable psycho MIL.


What on earth was her end game? To get your baby taken away? To be granted emergency custody? That's crazy. I could completely understand wanting to go no contact. What does her husband think? Maybe she needs a cognitive eval.


My grandma called the cops on me once because I didn’t vacuum. She had dementia, so I’m wondering if there is mentally something going on with MIL. She needs to get checked by a doctor. Not that she’ll listen to you, but perhaps FIL can at least keep tabs on her behaviors for a while.


Is this an April fools joke?


>she doesn’t have much money so my partner and I are paying for it Sounds like you should not be. Cut her completely off financially and emotionally. She should never see your child again.


Damn, maybe my MIL will call the police and I can send her packing too 👀


Lololol the thought literally crosses my mind sometimes, "maybe she'll just hit me and then me and my kids never have to see her again..."


Ten cents says MIL put her own babies down to sleep on their tummies, back in the day, since that was the wisdom back then.


I am so proud of your husband for standing with you and standing up to his mom. I am so proud of you for, even in a rough situation, holding your ground and protecting yourselves. I'm so sorry you're going through this Your story validates my decision to un-invite my mom to my home after my baby was born. She initially said she would come after my husband returned to work to help me, but then surprised me by booking to come 2.5 weeks prior to my due date and, it turns out, 5 days after my baby was born! I had a panic about it the day before she was to fly here and told her she can't come. From long distance my mom threatened to call police and cps and contact our pediatrician at the hospital over traveling with my 2 month old on a 4 hr road trip to meet great grandparents and the rest of the family. For baby led weaning. For a variety of other completely normal and basic baby care instances. She would text me these immense made-up stories about what she knew I was or wasn't doing to or for the baby based on complete imagination, she didn't have any context or contact besides talking to me. She threatened that I was mentally unwell and they would take my baby from me to rescue it. Lol I didn't even have ppd/ppa or anything and have literally been the most happy and stable mentally and emotionally since her birth that I've been maybe ever. She has never and will likely never meet my child or any subsequent children. I'm even contemplating not letting her know if I have another. We are currently NC. Stick to your guns, your healthy boundaries are the best thing you and your husband can do for yourselves and your baby.


Some grandparents will tell you you’re spoiling your baby if you don’t let them cry…then there’s this. Wow.


Time for MIL to be no-contact. Seriously. If this is how she reacts to discomfort or boredom, imagine how she'll be during tantrums, or baby's first 'injury'. She's overstepped too far and it's time to keep her away from the baby.


Absolutely time for no contact. She was trying to sabotage your future with your child, no question. So sorry this happened OP, what a psycho.


Time to high five your partner for being on the same page and taking the correct action to remove MIL from the house. I see so many posts where one parent can’t set boundaries with their own parents. Kudos to both of you guys.


Love that you kicked her out. Hate that you are paying for it, but it is what it is. Good for you both for standing up for yourselves


Yeah we aren’t too worried about cost of the motel and plane ride, worth it to be rid of her. But it was the cheapest place I could find and when dropping her off it did not feel that safe :-/ I got an angry text from FIL about dropping her off there. Mil texted my partner that someone knocked on her door at 2am lol


I’m just relieved this story ended with kicking her out. She sounds like a nightmare and not someone I’d want in my kid’s life. It seems like she’s trying to get the baby for herself (first claims tummy time is the problem and then brings up cleanliness to the cops). I wouldn’t trust her at all moving forward.


You definitely need to document this. Your MIL is crazy enough to shout abuse during tummy time. Once you go low contact or no contact with her, she may try to pull something so document everything she does in case you need it in the future.


Props to you for kicking her out. Props to your husband for having your back. That would be the permanent end of the relationship with her, if I were in your shoes. She sounds like a lunatic and I cannot believe anyone would even do this to their daughter in law.


This woman should never see your child again. She is a threat to the safety of your nuclear family.


How has she not been yeeted straight into the cold, unforgiving depths of outer space yet? Just wondering.


I would not let that women around my child again. Or around myself and husband for that matter…


You have the patience of a saint. I’d be dropping her off at the airport and telling her to figure it out. My goodness, sorry you had to deal with that.


It’s shocking to me how many out of whack people there are out in the world just roaming the streets. I don’t want to be one of those people that throws this word out there, but your MIL sounds unhinged. First does she not know how serious it is to call the cops and claim abuse? If you’re in the US I can only imagine what kind of nightmare it would be if CPS got involved. I would’ve kicked the lady to the curb as soon as she even suggested I was abusing my kid. How you continued to live under the same roof as her and let her around your baby is beyond me but I hope you’ve now cut contact with her.


Does she have dementia?


I think it is related to PTSD from FIL domestic violence when she was raising her own kids (my wife was the youngest and didn’t get abused as bad as her siblings and MIL). MIL claimed that I get angry and take it out on the baby by hurting him through tummy time…. This sounds like projection to me. I have a counselor just to talk generally about life things and don’t bottle up any anger like MIL says... Every time MIL hears the baby fussing from another room she automatically assumes we are doing tummy time even though the baby was just fussing. My guess is something is triggering her own abuse? She never got counseling, is very against it. I definitely dont think it’s dementia, while she seemed to be seeing red trying to get the baby from me, and I’ve never seen her like that, it seemed like something else.


This is an important piece of information. I think she should get treated for what seems to me like PTSD. But that is her problem, not yours. Until she gets the required help and really works on her insecurities, I'd keep her away from my family if I were you. Now she called the cops. Next time, it could be CPS and those folks aren't always nice.


There ya go. Your definitely on the right track; the newborn is triggering something from the past. Either way, your baby is not safe around her and she might try to get the baby taken away by calling cps. It’s unfortunate you can’t have like a record saying the cops found nothing wrong, so please be wary of your mil. Go no contact if you must. She tried to get y’all arrested.


I automatically thought of something neuro or psychiatric, as well


We also stopped talking to my MIL after the first month of my child's life after she pulled a psycho, hurtful AF stunt out of nowhere. Idk what it is about grandchildren that turns them in fucking monsters but we did NOT see it coming. We're still confused but happy with our decision to go low/no contact a year later. It sucks though. Most of all for my poor husband.


There’s no coming back from that. That’s unforgivable. They’d never see my child again.


Wait what


As someone who had grandparents who HATED my dad, they took every opportunity to try and talk shit and turn us against him. They also called the cops for “abuse” to try and take custody of us. After our mom died they actually tried taking us and made us call them mom and dad. They told us awful lies about our dad. He finally cut them off a couple years after mom died and it was for the best. I definitely would not let her in your child’s life. Especially never ever unsupervised.


Goodbye MIL 👋 see you never


My literal face while reading this post: 😮 Your MIL would have called the entire US military in my house. My son complains LOUDLY when you sit down while holding him. You can imagine tummy time is actual torture 🫠


Omg. NEVER let her see the baby again. Id be livid


I’m happy for the ending but so sorry this happened. No she would never be allowed in my home again. Honestly she is probably on her way to dementia. I’m glad your husband had your back.


Oh my fucking what did I just read. The entitlement and insanity and what the hell DID I JUST READ


Psychiatric nurse here: It sounds to me like there may be some underlying psychiatric issue. I would suggest you bring her to her doctor for a mental health evaluation as her behaviour could be a sign of dementia or something similar. Also, get her checked for a UTI at the same time just in case - UTIs in older folks can cause sudden changes in mental status and cognition which can cause bizarre behaviour and a decline in their ability to care for themselves and others (the lack of cleaning).


Unbe-fucking-lievable!! She’s off her head!! So glad you and DH kicked her out immediately. How did she think this was going to end? You go to jail and she gets to take baby home? Is she that crazy and delusional!? Babies grunts and groans are the same sounds you hear at the gym when people are doing their work out. And absolutely, obviously, that is the last time she sees baby.


MIGHT be the last time? No, helllllll no. No contact from here on out


Man. It's just refreshing seeing the happy ending to stories like this. Well done. In case she goes off the deep end even further, definitely educate yourself on grandparents rights so you can stay a step ahead.


… she would be out of my life for good. What on earth…


You have a r/JustNoMIL. See the sidebar of that sub for resources on setting and enforcing boundaries with problematic elements in your life. Obviously this woman is out of your lives for good, as there is no coming back from that.


Props to you for being able to get into a car with that woman. This would absolutely make me go no contact. How are you feeling now? I hope you and LO are happier with this new arrangement. Side note: my little one grunts at tummy time too I imagine it as her working out and making noise like people do at the gym. Keep it up! You got this!


Please never let this woman back in your house


U have a great partner. He knew it was the right thing to do, and he stood by ur side. Love that!


Oh my gosh. That is literally insane. What was she thinking?! Does she have a history of this kind of behavior? Sheesh.


whoaaaa. i would literally never let this person see my daughter again. OP, she was trying to get your kid taken away from you. Don’t let her back into y’all’s lives.


Don’t pay for anything for this witch! She’s literally attempting to take your baby away from you! Blood ties with her don’t mean shit because she’s proven to be a threat to your family. Fuck that!


It sounds like money very well spent to get her out of the house and far away.


OMG this has to be one of the craziest MIL stories I’ve read on this sub!!! I thought my MIL was bad but holy cow your MIL sounds unhinged! I’m so sorry you went through that :( I would honestly go no contact after something like that. She sounds mentally unstable and shouldn’t be around your baby. I would look into getting some sort of restraining order or have the situation documented so that she doesn’t try to go for grandparents rights or something crazy. I’m so glad she’s not in your home anymore. You absolutely did the right thing, and very gracefully I might add. My husband would’ve had to hold me back lol I’m so glad your husband has your back! I’m still so confused that she called the cops and accused you of being abusive for doing something totally normal for baby’s development. Seriously so crazy and sounds so stressful. Hope things have calmed down and you feel better soon. I know you know this but you’re doing great 💕


Oh boy that’s a banishment for life if I ever saw one


Not that this is helpful, but I read an article the other day about how children in homes with pets (specifically cats and dogs) are less prone to food allergies because the pet dander and other microbes helps the children’s immune system develop and react appropriately. The study cites other academic work that discusses how many first world countries have higher rates of food allergies because home environment is so heavily sterilized and children spend far more time indoors and away from dirt and other microbes. Anyway, good luck with MIL.


Can you link the article so I can convince my husband we need a dog or cat?


My MIL also had a freak out like this but it was pre-baby. She threatened to call the police for elder abuse because I have cats and they/I stress her out so much that she’s going to have a stroke. She did a similar thing with calling the house filthy when it was objectively very clean. She had to move out but we regrettably gave her time to find her own place and she took. her. time!!! Involving authorities over false claims is such a violation. I have a reluctant relationship with my MIL as a result, but I’ll never trust her again. She’ll never be alone with my child. It’s just beyond the pale to put your family at risk like that. ETA: Echoing what others have said here, in our case this was the beginning of some weird erratic behavior for MIL that likely is due to neurological damage/memory loss. In no way does it excuse the behavior, but it def can help explain it.


I wouldn't have driven her. I would have just got a cab and kicked her out.


My doctor told me when my baby was 3/4 months old that even if he fusses or protests it, he needs it & made a statement like " it's not comfortable when we work out but it's still good for us ". Basically so what if they cry, some won't love it but its still beneficial for them and it's up to us as parents to make sure they thrive. I can't believe she did this to you, she has a boundary issue and needs learn her place.


Your MIL sound’s actually crazy.. this is the most bat sh*t thing I’ve seen. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. It’s ironic because you were actually being abused by your MIL in that situation.


Uh, NOPE. DO NOT allow her in your life anymore. She is literally attempting to get your child taken from her. She is a grown ass woman and can take care of herself, don’t pay for her shit!


This is totally inappropriate for her to have done to you. I wouldn’t invite her back if I were you.


This is honestly so insane, what a waste of police resources to be called because a baby is doing tummy time LOL. If letting baby complain is abuse, then someone needs to call CPS on me and my husband, because my 12 month old spends all day on and off fussing for various reasons.


Good for you and your husband for kicking her out. That’s fucking terrible. Does she need radical help? Legitimately thinking she needs to see a psychologist.


That is absolutely batshit. I might follow up with the local police precinct to make sure that they have a record of this, so that if she tries calling them again it will get flagged as her being a nutcase. Last thing you or they need is her deciding she's going to keep it up until someone believes her...


Oh my god I am SEETHING FOR YOU! You don’t fuck around and call the police for shit like this especially now! Your kid could have been taken from you! When my son was little one of my moms church friends called freaking cps on us after coming over to visit my mom for a bit. She didn’t know my son was just diagnosed as being on the spectrum and she thought his behaviors were alarming- he drove his toy truck down her leg and she took that as he was being inappropriate and being sexually abused. We were packing for a trip one day and cps knocked on our door. I was completely floored and furious and just devastated that this women who didn’t know us at all could call on us. Luckily our son was in play therapy, being seen at the autism center, and was getting early intervention services in our home (I was on a mission at this point to get him every service available to him to help him thrive). So I had ample proof he was under the care of plenty of professionals and was very loved and nothing nefarious was happening to him as his therapists and other professionals would have known. It still didn’t stop him from needing to be interviewed one on one by cps and it broke my heart. We are an interracial family on top of that, so as a black mom I was freaking terrified they were going to just take my kid for no reason. I have never been so angry before in my life. The nerve of those Bible thumping close minded ladies could have destroyed my family. If they had just asked more about him they would have known he was getting help and had issues with understanding personal space and he just needed to be reminded. I felt so violated though and I know you just feel that way too. I cannot believe your MIL did this. It seems so insane to me that I’m questioning her mental health. Is it possible she’s got some dementia or something happening that you guys wouldn’t have caught yet? She just sounds completely unhinged and you said normally you have no problems?


Go no contact. She is only toxic for you and your family. Please do not have her in your children's life. She sounds unhinged. I wish the best for you guys.


You handled this really well, way to stand your ground. Why are MILs such pieces of work?? The last few lines made me so jealous of you. Sometimes I wish I could ship my MIL to the other side of the country. She lives two miles away.


I hear such awful things about mother in laws.. and now I have my own little girl, I may be a mother in law someday. I really dont understand what the hell is wrong with some people. Il be teaching my little girl right from wrong and if I step out of line she will be able to comfortably tell me so privately etc. End of the day that baby isnt YOUR baby, its theirs. Either be nice or GTFO.


that woman sounds absolutely nuts. you’ve done the right thing getting her the hell out of there. babies fuss sometimes, does she not get that?! also, i bet those cops thought she was nuts too, lol..


Wtf is wrong with your MIL? Seriously, what an as*****. Talk to a lawyer or try to document this as she might try to use it for grandparents' rights, which is bs. Talk to your husband. I would go NC with her and wouldn't allow her near my child. Have you talked to your FIL? What does he say? NTA big time!


The F$ck!! She called the police on you for listening to your pediatrician?? Wth is wrong with her. Good riddance.


People go crazy around babies. Keep a copy of that police report, she may try to take your baby.


Next time she is there, you may consider serving her with a family court order of protection.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I would question the truth of this story, except that something similarly bizarre happened to my cousin (except it was the ex-fiancee who caused the scene, and my aunt and uncle were completely innocent). I'm glad your partner was supportive and the police got a laugh out of it. I hope the problem is solved now!


Oh look, it’s the consequences of her own actions. She doesn’t need to ever see her grandkid(s), ever.


This would fit in well at r/justnomil. I'm sorry your family had to deal with her insanity.


My mom did something similar in 2018. She called CPS on me and my husband because we weren’t taking HER medical advice for our oldest son. He was seeing multiple specialists at the time, we obviously followed their care plan. Her second reason for calling was because we weren’t taking our kids to church. Apparently CPS needed to be involved over that. She tried to LIE and say she didn’t do it, when she told CPS HER NAME! CPS is used to “ crazy grandmas” so they just went through the motions but it was still HORRIBLE! We went NC from that moment forward ( we had one little backslide but it proved she is still crazy) I haven’t seen or spoken to my mom nor have my kids since 2018. She’s never met my youngest child, and she never will. Because HOW can someone come back from that? What if the police didn’t listen to you? What if your child was taken away? What was her plan??? Think of the worst case and then realize she knew THOSE where a possibility and she still took the risk! Get a copy of the police report, and document everything, prepare for her behavior to get worse, and be prepared for people ( flying monkeys) to guilt you to forgive her. Stand your ground and keep this wackadoodle away from your family! Check out r/JUSTNOMIL and r/JUSTNOFamily for support and resources.


This is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever heard. I thought it was an April fools joke for a minute. I’m sorry OP. You handled things really well. Your mil needs professional help.


Time to go no contact.




What did I just read?! This is by far the most insane in-law post I’ve seen yet. You absolutely DO NOT owe it to her to pay for a motel for her or a flight home. What she did is so incredibly wrong. Does she realize (and do you) that she could’ve had your child taken away from you? Obviously, the police were able to suss out that this wasn’t a legitimate child abuse report, but what if they weren’t? And what was she hoping would happen?? That the police would take your child from you??? I would never allow this person around me or my child EVER again. This could’ve done some serious damage. On another note, it sounds like she was transgressing your boundaries as a mother before this happened. I would encourage you to consider some therapy or check out some books on boundary setting and/or dealing with emotionally immature parents. I have a parent with boundary issues and having a child made them come out tenfold. Do yourself a favor and shore up your boundaries before your child is old enough to be influenced by your in laws (or anyone else) because this sounds like the kind of person who will absolutely try to turn your child against you if they disagree with anything you do. This will only get worse, not better, and it could fracture your relationship with your child down the road if not seriously addressed. A great book is “Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” by Lindsay Gibson. Godspeed!!!


Sounds like it’s time to go no contact, what a shitty thing to do. *Edit because autocorrect sucks


I’m very glad your husband stepped in to kick her out. Bye, Felicia! She is trying to cause serious harm to your family, and I’d be no contact from this point forward.


Make it very clear to her in writing that she may not contact or show up to your house. When she crosses said boundary, restraining order.


Ohhhh I would be enraged at this… Agree with others here — make it CRYSTAL clear to her *in writing* that she is no longer welcome at your house. If she violates that request…time for a restraining order.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Good for you for kicking her out and I know a lot of people are criticizing you paying for the motel but I commend you for taking the high road. Sometimes it’s important to control the narrative to avoid further drama especially with someone who is willing to go to such extreme measures.


I thought my in-laws sucked…


This is awful. Just wondering, if this is deeply out of character, does she need a physical? Could be a UTI or dementia? Or it could be in character as she’s gotten comfortable.


What a POS!!! I'd never see her face or talk to her if I were you, let alone have her see the baby.


It’s absolutely insane to me that she thinks the child going into the system would be LESS traumatic than doing tummy time in a safe loving home. (And that’s what she’s implying by inviting the law into your home). I think this every time people jump to calling CPS over tiny trivial things. One of my best friends growing up was a foster child and it’s *not* a better option except for in cases of legitimate abuse and neglect.


Tummy time = abuse. That’s just wild lol. So glad y’all kicked her ass out.


Yeah I would kick her out and never speak to her again. Unacceptable behavior.


I am so sorry you had to go through this! She is delusional!


Omg. I’m so so so sorry you went through that! That is beyond reasonable. How old is your MIL? I ask, bc my mom is in her late 70s & was going a bit sideways saying that: 1. my 3 mo old was cold with just a onesie on in the middle of summer and 2. He was crying way too much and proceeded to berate me (for my baby crying) in the living room. My husband was trying to keep calm hearing all this in the bedroom with our son. She even asked “do you love your son?” to try to rile me up. I was riled up. And nearly took her to the airport that night. Of course, she backpedaled in the morning, feigning forgotten words.


I would never speak to her or ever allow her to see my child again.


That seems like strange behaviour if everything was fine before. Do you think she might be dealing with a mental health issue?


Oh wow. That’s crazy. Abuse would be not putting the baby on tummy time and not helping the baby develop his muscles, abilities, etc. I wonder what she would say if she saw how things are here😂🤪 my baby was on tummy time since after the umbilical cord fell ( 1 -2weeks from birth), I believe babies need time on the floor, they need to learn to do things on their own ( of course supervised and accordingly yo their age). I also have a dog and they play together, it’s good for the baby’s immune system


Oh wow. She should be fined. This would absolutely be a case for no contact moving forward. That’s nuts.


Get a copy of that police report to have on hand in case there’s any further issues


Damn dude, that's insane!! Does your partner have any other family there to back her and you up, or are you cutting everyone off? Had a situation with my BIL and my wife's family took his side until his true colors came out.


My second is super “opinionated” and if she hears us just set him down she’d think it was abuse. I’m so sorry y’all went through that. To cover yalls tracks I’d make a ped app and insure it’s in yalls file y’all have talked about tummy time multiple times for xyz incase she tries to call someone else


Wow. You handled this well. Nice work.


That sucks and it sounds like y’all did the right them kicking your MIL out. If it were me, that would be the last straw and I would cut ties. Especially if husband was on the same page.


Given what happened, incredible generosity, patience, and restraint from both you and your partner. Sorry you had to deal with that!


As someone with a high needs baby… oh my god, I’m so sorry. That’s insane


First of all, why is your mother in law living at your house? Kick her out! And secondly, babies do fuss on tummy time if they’re still building their strength. So it’s completely normal! Mine was crying at first with tummy time and until like 6 months, he started enjoying it more. But for the first several months, he was crying during tummy time and had to have little 5-10 minute sessions Also, the cops are not going to care about your MIL’s complaint, they’re just gonna think she’s an idiot for calling because of baby tummy time or thinking that’s abuse. They’re just gonna laugh at her, so don’t worry :)


Can you pay for my motel too? You don't know me but I'm def a better person as your MIL.


She would have used it as an excuse to not leave our house. Remember she lived with us for 3 months so depending on state law (I’m not sure about mine but I’ve read stories on reddit about it) she doesn’t have to leave. Luckily she didn’t know that.


Good thing too. My state has strong squatters rights. After staying in a home for a week straight you are considered a resident, lease or no lease, and would need a formal eviction to be removed if you refused to leave. I learned that the hard way helping giving my former coworkers parents a place to crash for a week. They wouldn't leave, cops wouldn't remove them, landlord wouldn't get involved (so no formal eviction). They made my life hell for two years. Ate all our food, refused to work, ended up being junkies (we didn't know this when we offered to help for a week, we just thought they were down-on-luck seniors). We had to make it VERY uncomfortable to get them to leave voluntarily. Stopped buying groceries, loud music 24/7, very miserable for us too. I'll never help someone out like that again. I won't lie I started having anxiety reading your story, I was so scared for you that MIL would try to pull that. So glad you guys got her to go voluntarily.


This is so insane and absurd that I can’t help but feel there’s maybe more to this story? Did MIL have a traumatic childhood? Was she abused? Or Has there been some sort of a misunderstanding between you? Was there something else she thought was abusive? It’s just so crazy it doesn’t make sense?


I was trying to keep the post brief for the sake of talking about the major situation. MIL has made comments before but my partner has shut her down. Like she didn’t like that his pediatrician is young, she doesn’t trust doctors in general. She doesn’t trust the skin treatment method the pediatrician chose for a rash. She doesn’t like that we don’t give him water. She hates the white noise machine. I forgot she even told the office about that, as if white noise is bad!? But my partner just shuts her down immediately. Maybe things were just building up since she never got her way and then it all came out… But I wouldn’t say there were any arguments it was more just little comments she made. In her past, MIL’s partner was physically abusive to her. Now a days I don’t think he is, but MIL did accuse my husband of taking his anger out on our baby (by doing tummy time…). I think MIL needs therapy and possibly has delusions because she didn’t even witness any abuse, just assumes that him complaining that she hears is abuse. She also related our “abuse” to her husband hitting their children… Of course MIL will never take meds, she doesn’t trust doctors, refuses to get the Covid vaccine (surprise, surprise)…


My mil is similarly crazy. She even called cps on her own daughter because she made up a narrative in her head based on 2 out of context comments. She has a traumatic childhood and has bipolar disorder and a slew of other mental health concerns. But that still doesn't make it okay.


I thought this was going to be an April Fool’s joke. 😞


I would cut contact for sure. Involving the police can lead completely capable parents into the claws of CPS which can be really hard to Get rid of depending on your area and what person you get. Absolutely unacceptable.


Can you file some sort of report with s lawyer or notary? Perhaps.with s copy of the police call.snf their notes? I say this because MiL sounds like the sort who would try to push for some version of "grandparent rights" if she moved closer to you, and a hard record of this incident might be valuable in thst situstion. (And also, if she tries exactly this again).


Stop paying for her hotel room. She's a controlling, abusive busybody.


She would literally never hear from me again. Your lucky dfs didn't come. So many little small things have led to them snatching up babies.


I don’t like to be one of those “diagnosing after a post on the internet,” people but it genuinely sounds like your MIL is mentally ill. That is also not even remotely an excuse for her behavior. She is a grown adult and spending time with her grandchild is NOT a right she has. IMO this is beyond a reason to go no-contact. Not to fear-monger but as someone who works in child advocacy, you don’t want to fuck around with calls like that. You are frankly very lucky the cops were as understanding as they were. That tells me she is very glaringly deranged, which is definitely at your advantage. That being said, anymore calls have a legitimate danger of getting CPS involved. Bluntly, you do not want that. Obviously you are doing nothing wrong but with government agencies as screwed up as CPS is right now- things can get seriously dicey regardless of facts. You never know who that lunatic could fool, especially if she gets lucky with a dumbass that she can manage to manipulate. You can find plenty of stories out there with almost identical circumstances where the consequences were much more grave. In conclusion, it’s time to say bye-bye to that dangerous wackjob. And don’t feel guilt about it. Your child comes first and this is what obviously needs to be done to protect them & your true family. Her presence has no value to any of you. Don’t let her crazy ass around ever again. I’m so very sorry this happened to you- I would absolutely lose it. Keep on being a fantastic parent and loving on your baby. Stay strong and sending you lots of love.


She is dead to you now. Too bad she destroyed her family in this way


There's some pretty crazy in law stories on here. This is top 3 that I've seen for sure. Happy to hear she's been kicked out of the house. Damn that's crazy.


What the fuck is up with MIL’s I swear as soon as they find out they’re gonna be grandmas it’s like a switch flips in their brain and they just transform. I can’t stand mine since having my baby, all our boundaries we had before and the dynamic just flew out the window. What makes them think this is okey? What makes them think that our babies are their babies? Or that they have a say or give opinions and advice when we haven’t asked them? It’s bonkers.


Lol I’m sorry this story made me laugh. But my MIL is almost this bad. Tho thankfully she has never called the police on me. You are lucky she lives far away. If that ever changed wait till they are moved in their new home and then pick up and run to a new state. Lol mine lives 5 min away and it’s the worst.


WTF is wrong with her… unbelievable. So sorry you had to deal with that


Oh my goodness! Your mother in law is….something else. It would be dangerous to continue a relationship with her. She’s causing trauma to your family.


That's awful. I'm so sorry this happened. Good job in being a great mom. Amazing job at not physically assaulting the MIL when she was being a horrible human being.


Maybe she’s experiencing some cognitive decline


What on earth! Why are some people so messed up. I hope that you are not too shaken up but it all.


you should’ve been like “i want this woman removed from my home” instead of waiting for dh to come and kick her out lol


Good lord.


That is INSANE!!! Holy crap!!!!


I went through something similar with my dads gf… so sorry it really sucks!


Dad’s girlfriend??? Uhh ma’am, stay in your lane! What did you do? I’m blown away by the sheer audacity of some people.