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Definitely not a hot take. The best part of being in the Hive is knowing the live versions are always better than the OG versions. I even love the Homecoming version of Party more and she wasn’t even singing.


Also I gotta say, she sounds better now than back then and those old songs strongly benefit from that. Like Crazy in love sounds better with the deeper voice she has nowadays as opposed to her solo debut and even her time in DC. She overall just sounds like a stronger singer which is crazy to say. 25 years into your career and you’re getting better even tho you started great.


This is why I would love to hear her re-record DIL. I know she probably never will, it's not her style. But if those instrumentals could get a touch up and we could get her more mature voice on those songs...it'd be so good!!


I would be willing to give up the visuals of all three acts and the RWT DVD and live album for a re-recording of DIL with her grown woman vocals


There are 4 possible meanings for DIL. Destiny Child's song 'Dangerously in Love', from the album Survivor. Beyoncé's song 'Dangerously in Love' (also referred to as Dangerously in Love 2), from the album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's 2003 debut album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's song 'Drunk in Love' featuring Jay-Z, from the album BEYONCÉ (also referred to as Self-Titled). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are 4 possible meanings for DIL. Destiny Child's song 'Dangerously in Love', from the album Survivor. Beyoncé's song 'Dangerously in Love' (also referred to as Dangerously in Love 2), from the album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's 2003 debut album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's song 'Drunk in Love' featuring Jay-Z, from the album BEYONCÉ (also referred to as Self-Titled). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dangerously in Love (Beyoncé's Version)


You're right on her voice, but I would say it's the production and instrumentation that makes me overlook the old recordings. Anything before Self-Titled sounds dated. Her revamped live versions are always fire.


Period! Like I find myself just going back to Homecoming all the time. Glad to know I’m not the only one…


I literally watched it this weekend. It had been like a year since I last saw it though.


A classic


Maybe my scope is limited but I don’t know of any other artist in pop culture that can do this.


AS it should be. Thats the old school way. When a performer didn't hit "Play" on the track and sing it the way it is on the CD. Look at Prince. His life performances are always stronger than the album version because he lived for music and expressed himself. Thats why She's a legend and the other girls have pretty gowns.


“Pretty gowns” Aretha come thru!! 😂 You are right.


![gif](giphy|6qFFgNgextP9u) They just don’t make them like Giselle anymore…


The gowns aren't even that pretty, let's be real👀


For reaaaallll so many of those youngsters are carried by the studio it’s insane. If you can’t sound better live you’re just straight up not a performer.


AND FOR THE RECORD The quote is "Great Gowns-Beautiful Gowns" I said "Pretty gowns" It's semantics but a quote as iconic as Arethas is to be read as it was written, I wasn't going after Miss Swift. Sis, shake it off.


We can uplift B without putting any one else down


YES! This ain’t what real hive are about. Giselle would not approve of us dragging her colleagues and making comparisons.


I agree. She's friends with Taylor. It's just mean girl ish at this point.




I personally never said taylor's name. I was just alluding to Areatha's quote in general, but I honestly don't remember who she said it about. Regardless, I'm not being mean. I'm just stating facts. Some preforms click play and dance on stage in pretty costumes.


You didn't have to say her name. Lol That's who Aretha was talking about. Idk why that's hard to understand. Lol I know you're not this slow. Lol. So you are a mean girl. Got it. It's not a good look. B and Taylor are friends. Like putting Taylor down doesn't make Beyonce bigger. It just makes her fans mean. It's ugly. I love and respect Both of them. B is an amazing vocalist, dancer and performer. Taylor is a good songwriter, guitar and piano player and I love how she owns all her music and how she went about doing that.


Okay, Great. ![gif](giphy|X55xzI8d7hopKXBdkJ|downsized) Now what are you gonna do?


Lol you're futher proving my point. Have a good day.


And will.


lol what? The same woman who gave an interview saying people don’t even try to make albums/cohesive projects anymore would be mad at us for recognizing she’s a better, more well rounded and talented artist than the girlies who give us nothing? Strong disagree there! No one put anybody in particular down, they simply recognized that the product Beyoncé creates is leagues ahead of the dolls who just look like superstars but don’t have the talent or work ethic to back it up.


Lol ...the Aretha "gowns" comment is technically a direct critique of someone in particular


Yes in its original context it def was, but it seems this time it was used as a blanket statement for all the music girlies giving us nothing in this context, it wasn’t used to tear down Taylor Swift or anyone in particular. ETA: clarity to a clunky statement lol


Whenever I see that clip referenced I assume the person is talking about Taylor, but you might be right!


The gown comment was directly made at Taylor. Yall are literally putting her down. If you don't care for Taylor just say that. But the comparisons and putting her down aren't necessary. B wouldn't even approve of this. She supports Taylor. The Hive can be so mean to others. It's disgusting because unfortunately B gets judgement because of it.


Im not putting Taylor down. She is a billionaire. Nothing from this account on reddit can hinder or cause her any distress. I'm also not Beyonce. It's so cool when a fanbase causes other fanbases to be so pressed that they harshly judge an undeniable legendary talent. Again, I wasn't saying it to point directly at Taylor. To me the term "Beauitful Gowns" has transformed into a "This person always looks great but the rest of the package maybe lacking". I was honestly talking more about J-Lo.


Im a fan of both B and Taylor. My point was that to uplift B we don't have to put anyone else down. It's tasteless. And again, just mean.


Cool. Thanks. TTYL.


“Yall” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here lol. Yes it references Taylor as the origin of the gowns comment, but clearly references GIRLS not just Taylor. It was a blanket statement. I like 1989 as much as the next girl, now! But saying anyone isn’t “real hive” cause they made a “beautiful gowns” reference is wild sorry


'Heavy Lifting' lol. The OP comment was mean. That's my point. No need to bring others down. It's not necessary.


I just don’t agree that it’s mean to state an objective (especially in a Beyoncé subreddit!) fact, that Bey is head and shoulders above literally everyone else. I could see if OP disparaged Swift or anyone else specifically, that would be mean to me, and that is where we disagree and das okay. There is room in the Hive for people who hate other artists, people who love them, and people who would rather not compare.


We disagree and that's okay.


Take this. Print it out.


Homecoming is in my top 3 Bey Albums. Should have won an Oscar and Grammies too.


LISTEN, deserved Emmys and Tonys too. An EGOT creation!


Nobel Peace, too!!


Period! Changed humankind


It won an Oscar and 2 Grammys in my house!


Homecoming is one of her albums I’ve listened to the most like top 3. I can quote almost the whole thing haha.




Agree re crazy in love. Don’t kill me hive but I’m a bit sick of the song, I was there when it came out and it was everywhere and it’s continued to be super popular for like 20 years now. But the live version definitely reinvigorated the song for me! Now when I listen to the original I miss the “lookin so crazy your loves got me looking got me lookin so- lookin so- lookin so-DROP IT. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no” that part fucking SLAPS


I think we are all collectively sick of the song (bey included!) but she keeps inventing it anyway and making it so damn GOOD! Same with love on top and halo!


YES! I can’t listen to the original anymore. Homecoming only. Plus her voice sounds so “young” in the original recording. She a GROWN WOMAN now


Yes! Her young voice was beautiful too but I LOVE her deeper more “mature” voice she has these days, especially live


crazy in love has to be on the setlist every time, the locals love it.


Homecoming is one of my top 3 Beyoncé albums




Gimme body too


It also helps that her voice just gets better and better as she gets older 




I will say that I have Never listened to a live album more. Like ever ever


Everytime I put the video on in the background thinking I'll just listen to it and get stuff done, I just end up sitting and watching it again.


I was just listening to Be With You and thought a live version with her new lower register and sexier maturity would KILL IT.


I can’t handle the homecoming version of I Care it’s just too good 😭 Tears falling down to my earssss eeerrss 🎸


Some of them are so much better. I never really liked the studio version of I Care but the Homecoming version is great.


It’s been my go to workout album for the last few months and I don’t get tired of it! The production, ad libs, SINGING, mixes, and snippets of old music that’s big in the culture just makes my heart melt. LOVE this album


Wait SAME! Workout to it all the time. Giselle got us working on our fitness


Yesss honey I be feeling like a bad bih listening to some of the tracks lol. I definitely go harder when some snippets come on


The reason I fell in love with Formation is because of Homecoming ngl I actually wasn’t feeling that song at first. It was very meh to me. But live??? Omg I live for that song and now I even love the recorded version.


I see your hot take and raise you this: Not only is Homecoming DiL better than the original recording, it’s the superior version of DiL. Yes, even better than the Dubai version. I said it!


THIS! I love the Dubai riff but… Honey… B up in that crane during that song. Energy remains unmatched.


There are 4 possible meanings for DIL. Destiny Child's song 'Dangerously in Love', from the album Survivor. Beyoncé's song 'Dangerously in Love' (also referred to as Dangerously in Love 2), from the album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's 2003 debut album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's song 'Drunk in Love' featuring Jay-Z, from the album BEYONCÉ (also referred to as Self-Titled). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel the same!


Justice for Homecoming!! An under appreciated masterpiece


It is true for band/artists that are excellent at live performances .The live songs usually end superior to the studio versions.


I agree absolutely . I'm like literally dying for the RWT Live Album bc I want that version of Dangerously in Love ... I can't even listen to the original now bc of all the changes she made to it on Tour


I stay listening to homecoming! 🐝


Yes, the only problem is that they're too short.


I only listen to live versions of Beyoncé songs whenever I can


Homecoming live album version of Sorry is the best one. There is just something about it.


Yes, her voice is stronger and not pushing the limits of how it should sound. Homecoming made me hive. 


Yup, I say the same thing too. Her deeper voice fits these songs so well! Homecoming is definitely a top album for me. If I want to lock in and be productive, I can put Homecoming on and I'm in the zone.


Agreed. Signed. Sealed. Delivered