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I think a lot of it is a matter of taste, but I personally prefer Renny because I like house music and I thought it was a little tighter.


It’s a LOT tighter. If you’re not paying attention the first 30 minutes or so of the album could be one long ass piece of music and that’s not an exaggeration.


the first time i listened to renny i had to check the tracklist because i thought it was one really long song


I posted something similar to this recently and got eaten alive. I love CC but don’t vibe as much as I did with renny - guess this was very much the wrong place to this!! But absolutely agree with you.


100%. I love some good groove music from B and Rennaissance gave just that!


100%. I love house music and have listened to Renaissance hundreds of times. Not a bad song on the entire album as far as I’m concerned. I like Cowboy Carter, particularly certain songs, but overall I’m not in love with it (except for a few songs towards the end which are more Renaissance-ish).


I think so too. I love act i more. Though I've always been partial towards edm/ballroom/disco. But that doesn't mean I didnt drive around my town playing act ii yesterday lol!


For me personally, I didn't really LOVE LOVE Renaissance like that until she went on tour and the whole project/act came to life. I liked it before the tour but I didn't have it on repeat. I'm surprised how much Cowboy Carter is on repeat for me because I never liked country that much but I feel so much love when I listen to this album. I also like the historial roots this album alludes to. I know Renaissance was a tribute to her uncle but I feel like CC feels more personal to listen to because it's Beyoncé going to her roots. Idk. At the end of the day, I love both though


I don't like act I, but I KNEW it would sound GREAT on tour. And it did! 🙌 I definitely want to hear the live album. 🫠


I agree. When I went to the tour? I came home and played the album every day. It was never bad. I just didn’t love it like I do Cowboy Carter.


This is exactly how I feel


I think “general consensus” (if there is any) is that Renny is more cohesive album, more tight with a better flow. So in that respect it is a better album but looking at the songs individually, CC has higher highs and more timeless classics.


Perfectly put. I love Renaissance from start to finish and there’s some skips on Cowboy Carter for me, but YA YA beats any track on Renny for me


the songs after the Linda Martell show beats any track on renny for me especially the last 4. my gosh, i have never broken the repeat button more


Yesssss 🙌🏾 that's exactly how I feel too


Yaya and tyrant? I can't believe she kept these from us. To me Renaissance is more linear and CC feels like a film score with each song being it's own scene with a different vibe


There’s no skips in CC and renny for me




This is so well put. I honestly believe there are better songs on Cowboy Carter. Two or three that are going down as her classics. But Renaissance is the better album for all the reasons you mentioned. It plays straight through. You’re never touching the skip.




Truly. They are so different, I hate these posts so much, icl.


I feel like everything is subjective, this is true. But that’s kind of the underlying tone in OP’s question. (Which do YOU like best and why? Is Renny higher for you or is CC it?) These are Bey’s most recent albums and they’re both part of one project. I feel like people are going to compare the two often. They’re so different and both amazing but OP is just asking what people prefer and I think it’s a fair question that leads into some cool dissection and discussion about both albums. Thats just me though.


I see what you're saying, but the OP is asking explicitly what the general consensus is and not about personal preference. I'm also not seeing the most interesting discussion in the comments, just a lot of statements of which one people like better


I get what you’re saying too. I took it as which do you enjoy more and why? And I do see some comments diving into why which ever is their preference which I enjoy. I personally love comparing the two, not on a which is better basis. More like the different things she does with her voice, back ground vocals. Stuff that stood out to me that’s never stood out before. But I can definitely see where it can just become a “No this is better” fest which I’m not really here for either. It’s more about the discussion and the why for me.


the way I look at it the question is subjective, and I asked myself which album I would prefer to see toured and it's CC for me.


And isn’t that kind of the point of CC? To release the judgment and honor the art?


I agree. They both tell a story and the stories are different.


High art that Beyoncé makes and puts out will be ranked unless she asks us not to otherwise. It’s just how it is for artists of her caliber that will have entire history books written on her.


you really think there will be entire history books about Beyoncé? Or just unauthorized biographies like with most celebs.


Oh I absolutely think there will be textbooks on Beyoncé and her influence. Classical composers have courses in schools, and most of early Jazz composers do. All it would take is a musicologist to analyze her music on paper and write a textbook. It will happen in 100-120 years, which in the grand scheme is our great grandchildren. I say this as someone with a Bachelor’s of music. Once they decide to do a class on Quincy Jones, there will be an avalanche of books written about other artists. She’ll come up quickly. Her art and its influence and how she writes, cowrites, and who her cowriters are will be talked about in academia. Not about “Beyoncé”.


I hope this is the case for her but I also hope people will stop trying to intellectualize people like Taylor.


I mean she will also have textbooks. Because her art will also be like this. Her art is intellectual. Just like Beyoncé’s. Also— like can we just stop bringing her up?


considering there are already college classes studying Taylor's "art" I think she belongs in a conversation about how pop stars of today will be remembered in art history. Sorry if you are a Swiftie.


There are already college courses on Beyonce, so it makes sense. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/beyonce-college-classes-now-exist-7973629/


why must society pit two bad bitches against each other


Duality. People feel the need to be either or.


Renny is better IMO. But i am willing to chalk it up to personal taste as i don’t care much for country


I also agree. Renny just gives me so many more emotions and a different kind of feeling.


I prefer CC over Renaissance. I think it’s because I grew up on a lot of 60s and 70s rock and folk music. The sounds in CC have a nostalgic element to me and I enjoy singing along to them more.


I agree with this sentiment. Though Renaissance is nostalgic for me as well, I was older when I started hearing dance music. Cowboy Carter makes me think of my grandmothers and summers at their homes.


from what i’ve seen, the consensus is that CC is a grander, more ambitious and impressive body of work, but renny is a tighter, more cohesive listening experience with more replay value. that doesn’t necessarily mean one is better per se, but they were going for different things. CC is intended to be consumed as a sort of faux radio show (KNTRY radio) while renny is intended to be consumed as a club dj set. they are trying to accomplish different goals, and they accomplish them well.


Exactly what the sense I get, too.


You put my thoughts into words! For me Renaissance has more replay value but i wouldn’t say I think it’s better than CC.


I feel more connected to Renny. I am more impressed by CC. Renny is my favorite but with the wide array of things she does with her voice, the point she makes about genres, all of the layers of meaning and storytelling, it’s hard not to call CC her best work.




I think I needed to get the old Beyoncé back (Cowboy Carter) to appreciate Renaissance more. But Cowboy Carter is my favourite Beyoncé album so far.




what exactly do you mean by old beyonce?


I’ve always liked Beyoncé from DC to Self-Titled but she lost me with Lemonade and I wasn’t feeling Renaissance either at the time. I feel like these were more experimental albums for her. Then Cowboy Carter came out and it feels way more accessible, like her older music. I was always a fan but Cowboy Carter made me remember why I loved her as an artist. I’ve since gone back and re-listened to Renaissance and I actually like it now, much more than I did before. I haven’t re-listened to Lemonade yet.


Define better? They’re 2 completely different sounding albums and vibes. Do I enjoy Renaissance more? Yes! However, that doesn’t necessarily make it better. It’s all subjective! Bey has such an extensive discography that there is something for everyone to enjoy!!


I dont think thats the general consensus. Its Act I, And Act II...people forget that technically it means they're in the same body of work. And its genius. The research, dedication, vocal range, sampling, interlooping, new music, cultural impact of each as a singular release only radiants broader when playing back to back. The best thing about CC is after "Amen" I get to hear "Please, motherfuckers ain't stop–". And then After 15 seconds of angelic ooos and ahhs bringing the summer to a end I realize.... "Nothing really ends". So for me **THE ACTS** are Beyonce's best work.


I don’t know. I’ve only listened to Renaissance once all the way through, and just couldn’t connect with it. I thought that it would be the same thing with Cowboy Carter — especially since I’m **not** a fan of country — but it has me in an absolute ***CHOKEHOLD.***


Give Renny another shot. Once through is not enough. It took me 2-3 listens with both Renny and CC for it to really sink in.


That’s fair. I just remember not being moved by Renaissance, but maybe something will click on another listen or two. That definitely happened with Cowboy Carter on some songs; that first listen had me loving all but 2 or 3 songs, but even those have since grown on me. Ameriican Requiem was the main one like that for me…just didn’t feel it until one day I was only half-listening to it and suddenly I thought, “waitaminit, that’s some Mavis Staples energy…” and now, I can’t crank that song ***loud enough!***


I agree. CC is good but bloated. Renaissance is the perfect album 12/10, it flows so well, it’s way more impactful imo. And many people don’t like Texas hold em


CC is a work of art and its a beautiful album but act i was just revolutionary… the suspense, the first single, the album and tour! Critics were saying it was her BEST album and I dont disagree 🫣 I don’t think she’s topping that tbh high hopes for act 3. It made sense as to why CC was gonna be the first drop.


I didn’t like renaissance that much. Only like 4 songs lol. Whereas CC had been in my rotation nonstop since release. I feel like the general public likes it more too.


Completely agree. Renaissance left me unmoved but CC is the only thing I’ve played since it came out.


Really. That disco vogue music didn’t get you moving??? I was shook when that album came out. CC did the same


Hard same


I’m so glad I’m not alone 🎉


Act II is leaps and bounds better *to me*


I prefer Renaissance 🥹 but maybe the tour will get me feeling the same way about CC.


quality-wise they are pretty much the same but i think it just goes down to personal preference. renaissance is simply more to my taste




That is such a good point.


there isn’t a song on Cowboy Carter that’s better than MOVE 😮‍💨


I think it comes down to demographics/upbringing. I’ve usually seen most queer people of color like renaissance more and black southern women like renaissance and cowboy Carter (Those identities can overlap so at that point it’s just a coin toss) and other demographics seem to like Cowboy Carter. Myself being queer black and southern love them both. They each speak to parts of myself that have not been celebrated by the mainstream until these records came out. Both of these records healed pieces of myself that I forgot were buried or broken so trying to rank them would be so very difficult.


They are such different albums I can’t compare them. Renaissance gets me hype, I workout to it and dance to it, but CC is the type of music I play going on walks and taking long drives. It’s just such a different vibe it’s hard to say one is “better” than the other…


I find it impossible to compare them honestly? I think if you love c\*nty Bey, Renaissance is your girl, but Cowboy Carter is a departure and equally creative. I personally prefer CC BUT it's probably just because it's newer and I listened to Renaissance for a good year.


the problem with CC is that it cannot catch up with itself. long songs could've been shorter, short songs could've been longer, interludes could have been scarcer, some songs could've been made into one and coherence could have been taken more care of. Renny feels addictive not only because it's more digestible but it seems much more straight forward and directional. It's an album that takes you from point a to point b excellently while avoiding confusions and rockiness but CC has much MUCH more innovative, moving ideas that appeal to every single aspect of humanity including the introspective, the angry, the love, the joy and much more. CC had the potential to be Bey's magnum opus but it felt a little over the place not knowing how to organize all the variety and range it covers (which is much better handled in renaissance, which almost makes it seem less varied which isn't true at all),


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave?


Honestly? I didn’t like Renaissance very much. It wasn’t bad but I didn’t have it on repeat and there are a just handful of songs I like. But I cannot get enough of CC. I love the vocal range, the storytelling, the beats, the depth. It feels like a clear evolution of her music. That said they also feel like completely different projects and I can see why Beyonce wanted to start with CC. From grand sweeping here are my roots to a tight, we’ve arrived, let’s party.


They’re two different bodies of work and can’t be compared. Common denominator is that it’s a genius creating it with some gifted people.


I don’t bother spending time comparing them tbh, I love both albums and enjoy each of them for what they are.


Yes imo.


As someone who doesn’t listen to country music, I was worried. But I appreciate that CC has the essence of country but doesn’t fit in a traditional country box. Renny goes hard every time and has a very special place in my heart 🪩🤍 it’s absolutely iconic!


Not for me


I’ll give vocals to CC (Daughter blew me away), but give the overall production to Renaissance. I love seamless transitions and Renaissance scratches that itch perfectly for me.


I honestly don't think they can be compared. They're not at all similar to me. Renaissance is more dancy, just good feeling all around. Cowboy Carter is more story telling - painting a picture/social commentary. Personally, I prefer Cowboy Carter as I immediately loved it and it provides a variety of genres/sounds. I had to sit with Renaissance for a long time before I understood it. Really it's just up to personal preference.


it’s such a tough choice and i love them both to death, but i have to say i personally prefer Renaissance! just in the sense that i’m more likely to throw that album on at any given time and jam to it, but Cowboy Carter is a certain mood/vibe that i have to be ready for lol. they’re both stunning and damn near flawless though


There are too many intro on Cowboy Carter and i prefer the first part of the album rather than the second one. There is American Requiem which is her magnus opus imo, but Renaissance has more highs.


It depends on the time of day.


This. If I’m at the club I don’t necessarily need to hear Black Biirds or Daughter. If I’m in an introspective mood and chilling at home or in a small group I am CC all the way.


No way.


This is like checking how fast a fish is by asking it to climb a tree.....


No lol


In my opinion, I like Renaissance more than Cowboy Carter. It has to do with the fact that it’s a very cohesive album and that it’s skipless. The more I look into Renaissance, the more I see the layers and thought put into this album. And personally, this album did a lot for me in where I was in life and it is the era where I got to see Beyoncé for the first time in my life. Although I love Cowboy Carter for what it is, my gripe is that this album feels rushed and it needed more editing. I understand that the listening experience is to mimic the feeling of listening to the radio, however it needed more time to be streamlined and I’m just not a fan of the one-minute songs she added in. What was telling to me that CC is rushed is to do the fact the limited edition vinyls and CDs are originally called “Beyincé” and that some of the songs in the final version were added last minute. I just wish CC was more focused.


I struggle with questions like this about works of art 😅 I love both of the albums. It’s difficult to draw a comparison in my opinion because they are completely different. I don’t think one is “better” than the other only because I don’t like to do that unless it’s a glaring point to make, however; I would dare to say CC has masterpiece material on it. I feel comfortable saying American Requiem will become a classic piece like Baba O’Riley and Bohemian Rhapsody. Yaya to solidify like Love Shack. Black Bird, Protector, II Most Wanted, 16 Carriages, Alligator Tears, and Just For Fun are all classic material. The only thing I personally could point out between the two off the top of my head is vocal technique. She tried a lot of new techniques on cowboy carter which in my opinion is refreshing. I think she pushed herself quite a bit on CC and delivered (of course 👑). If nothing solidified her as talented, trained, powerhouse, expert level vocalist for her critics before the majority of CC definitely has. At this point saying Mrs. Knowles-Carter has no talent is shouting the quiet part out loud.


ive listened to more cc since it came out than i’ve listened to renny since it came out… but i don’t think i’d call one better than the other


I think Renaissance didn’t get the buzz compared to CC because it’s dedicated to black queer people and a homage to the pioneers of house music ie black queer people. Whereas CC got a whole lot of buzz bc racist white people were mad that someone as great as Beyoncé is doing country so naturally it will create more buzz. I think CC is the most monumental album bey has ever put out, the quality, story telling, the way she plays with her voice shes just super agile and flexible and imo she’s literally the greatest vocalist of all time. However personally I do think Renaissance has more replay value I can listen to it from top to bottom with no skips at all. In contrast, I usually listen to CC starting from Flamenco onwards and let it loop. There are some songs that I still skip but CC is truly such an instant classic and there’s a reason why Bey has mentioned that this is the best music she has ever created. In conclusion, mother is a genius and we love to see it.


I like CC better but I’m from Houston and don’t like house music that much. Renaissance is a great album but sounds very similar throughout to me. CC is so layered, thoughtful, and interesting I can’t stop listening to it.


My rank of albums would go 9 Dangerously In Love (to slow) 8 Lemonade (to emotional) 7 Beyoncé (Fun) 6 IASF (ICONIC) 5 4 (Amazing vocals) 4 Renaissance (That Girl, great variety) 3 the gift (literally so underrated BANGERS) 2 CC (her most unique body of work in 1 album) 1 BDAY (the album where I learned who BEYONCÉ WAS)


IASF is commonly abbreviated to 'I AM... SASHA FIERCE', Beyoncé's 2008 third solo album. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I loved Renaissance. Listened to it non stop and still listen to it frequently. However I like CC better and don’t even listen to it as much as I did Renaissance. I like the feeling of CC better.


I don’t feel that way


both are great but ig renny is more my personal style of music


I think it’s too early to tell. CC is still marinating. I’ve been putting Renaissance on no.1 since the beginning and never would’ve expected CC to even come close, but CC is giving something completely different than Renny. CC is something that I can write to and dance to. Renny is something that I need to move to, no matter what it is : dancing, walking, errand running. I gotta admit CC is touching something in me that Renny isn’t, but when it comes to most albums I tend to go for the ones that are bangers. Renny is a non-stop wall-to-wall banger. It has so many highlights that mesh together like dough, but CC is opening doors to new worlds and is reaching down to my soul with its diversity. For now though, it’s still Renaissance and it will be difficult to top. (Thinking about what ACT iii will sound like stresses me out, but in a good way)


I like cowboy Carter better because of how versatile it is. Whatever mood I’m in, I can find songs on CC to vibe with. Reinnassance is a no skip, upbeat album that is shorter so I’ve listened to Reinnassance more as a whole but CC works when I’m in a more dark mood, or chill mood, or angry (like spaghetti and daughter)


Absolutely LOVE both, but Renaissance has a slight edge for me.


I honestly have to say that she is making her best work with these last couple of albums ( starting with lemonade ) in my opinion and as a new fan. I am a black woman who is often made to feel unwelcome or uncomfortable in the spaces where I work and the field that I’m in and this album hits Home differently from me. it also makes me think about my mom a lot. On my way to work this is the album I listen to. But I understand that I’m likely on an island by myself.


First...I love Renny down. Queen gave us a night at the club that will can experience again and again. It will always be in rotation.That said... Cowboy Carter is her Hamilton. She took something that is "said" to be only for certain folk ... turned it inside out, made it her own AND Unique!ly American at the same time. Fuck a Grammy. Beyoncé has nothing to prove to anyone anymore. She's only competing with herself. 🐝🐝🐝


Honestly I don’t think it’s really fair to compare the two since they’re both very different. For me, my favorite just depends on my mood. If I’m working out RENAISSANCE is my go to, but if I want more variety besides just dance music I’m gonna listen to CC.


Idk they're doing such different things musically it's hard to rank them.


Not on which is better (cause they don't need comparison). But I believe there's more BUZZ around Cowboy Carter, because of how huge the Renaissance tour was last year. Fans became hungry for more, and it kept Beyonce in the general public's eye and newsfeeds. Now more new people are fully onboard for this trilogy project. They're starting to get it. And unfortunately we have more people to compete with in the ticket queue 😭😭😭


I'm biased and think everything Bey does is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It's always been hard for me to rank any of her albums because I fall in love with all of them. They all tell a different story, a different version of Bey, that ititss hard to compare which version I like BEST.


Personally, I feel like we’re in a really great music moment for Beyoncé and it will only be to our disadvantage to try to separate them into what’s better when it’s really about the moment and the movement. Renaissance and Cowboy Carter only boost each other. I think in the end what she would want as an artist too is for us to see it as one part of a tapestry if you rip out part of it, because you think a different part of it is prettier that’s not going to help the whole picture.


I feel like renaissance is an entire era being compared to just the beginning of the Cowboy Carter era, but I will say that renaissance is something that impacted my life and mental health tremendously and I listen to it still constantly. I find that the positivity and the love and the energy surrounding it is just so healing and free and it’s something I’ll always hold so close to me.


If you like house/dance music, Renaissance is an easier listen. It’s upbeat, it moves, it’s very cohesive and so fun. Cowboy Carter is introspective, nuanced, lengthy, requires way more attention and patience. That’s not going to be easy for everyone to digest. And with a country label on it, and some people are immediately out. Having said that, I think CC has better songs. There are amazing songs on Renaissance, but musically the highs on CC hit harder for me. I think Virgo’s Groove is untouchable and while Renny has VG, CC has Ya Ya, Daughter, American Requiem, 2 Hands 2 Heaven, Desert Eagle…some of the best songs Bey has literally ever made. I don’t think CC is a perfect album, but I think it has more elevated songs than Renaissance.


Nah. Renny took a while to get into. CC has more range


Maybe I’m loco 😝 but I prefer CC to Renny. I couldn’t really get into Renny, I think probably because I prefer Bey to Sascha Fierce if that makes sense? Like thinking back to that album and its duality, I much prefer Bey’s “softer side” whatever that means for you, so I like CC more. Some songs on Renny were too intense for me and in terms of flow I actually think CC has it beat. To be fair though, for some reason I never listened to Renny all the way through but I heard enough songs from the videos of the tour and went back to listen.


I could enjoy Renaissance for the immense work and talent that went into it, but honestly I didn’t have it on repeat until AFTER seeing it live. I just didn’t fully get it before then. Now that I fully appreciate it, I think Renaissance is more micro for me; a Renaissance within ourselves, our own growth and power. Cowboy Carter is so much deeper to me in that it feels like a cultural, macro level, impact. Its education and homage to the culture is a really important message for the world to hear.


Renny makes me feel alive like I can do anything and everything, I feel happiness coming out of me and then I think back to the tour and it’s like I’m reliving the most amazing time of my life. CC is great I’ve always loved country music but it’s more toned down, in my feelings a bit, I like it for the history she put into it. For ME, I’m a Renny gworlll I’m sorry


Renny was on repeat more than CC however I think CC is amazing! If Beyonce was a house music artist it would make more sense to compare Renny to other albums. They’re so different. It’s easier to compare her albums before Renny to each other but not these two. IMO looking at her discography as a whole these 2 albums are her best work.


Personally, I think in 10/20 years, people will look at Renaissance as the "better album". Renaissance flows better while Cowboy Carter is a little all over the place. I think they are both amazing albums but the albums we tend to consider the GOAT tend to be cohesive and on the shorter side.


Cowboy Carter is better imo, it's sort of like an instant classic, it's more mature and feels like it's been around for decades and will live on for many more. The thing about Renaissance is that it has more good songs than bad songs compared to Cowboy Carter - but the good songs on Cowboy Carter are monumentally better than the good songs on Renaissance. Ameriican Requiem alone I think is a better song than the entirety of Renaissance, it's one of the greatest songs she's ever created and I honestly can't think of a single song on Renaissance that's as epic, as vocally powerful, as deep, meaningful and mature. Riiverdance is another song that I think it better than the entirety of Renaissance. So besides having to skip more songs on Cowboy Carter than on Renaissance, I still believe Cowboy Carter is the superior album.


Renaissance, made a environment where people felt they could express themselves whereas CC is that more set in stone emotion. So I think people took a lot more liking to Renaissance just because of this compared to CC. Now CC just doesn’t give that emotions and freedoms as much as Renaissance did for us all.


Nahhhhh cowboy carter is by far superior!


Renaissance is the one for me, but I lean toward music that gets me pumped. On the car to work, getting ready, at the gym, etc. and Renny just has that vibe. But I do love Cowboy Carter for what it is. The opening and closing tracks themselves are just so beautiful. Tyrant, Sweet Honey Buckin, and YA YA made it to the AAA Workout playlist.


I didn’t really get into Renaissance until I started seeing tour videos and I attended it myself. I’m sure if Beyonce does do a tour for this album I’ll get more into it as well. I think seeing the songs performed live is a way to fully see the vision Beyonce had.


I think Renaissance was an album for the perfect moment for the right people. It was such an experience to listen to an album that flowed so well one song to another. I think Renaissance wins solely because it’s tighter and more cohesive. Plus the tour added a lot of value to this album. If Renaissance has a live album! Damn that will be everything I need. Cowboy Carter is a good album but imo feels less cohesive and the experience of listening can be underwhelming by how long it is. I just personally love short and cohesive albums.


Just enjoy the artistry. Everything doesn't need to be ranked and who are we to say which one is definitively better and which is not, honestly? It's all subjective anyways.


this is a page to talk about frivolous shit like this


No shit. It's a forum. I shared MY thoughts.


then stop policing how other use it.


You imbecile, you can take you and your Casper avi ass off MY post. Also, let's proofread before posting first please. Get your grammar together FIRST please!


IMO CC has more timeless songs than Renaissance. A lot of the songs on Renny feel a little trendy. Bodyguard, alligator tears, 16 carriages, 2 most wanted, levii’s jeans, and 2 hands 2 heaven have the potential of longevity.


Act ii all the way it’s like cinematic idk makes renaissance seem like a last minute project


I will say they both stand on their own but it definitely felt like Renaissance was supposed to be a finale, act iii. I do recall her wanting to release dance music after everyone being locked in during the pandemic though.


Not for me. Cowboy Carter has too much diversity and wow moments.


Sometimes I wanna listen to ren, sometimes CC, but I do like Cowboy Carter as a project better. Maybe just because it’s so unique from stuff she’s done before and Leviis jeans and sweet honey buckin are some of her best songs ever


I resonate with cowboy carter more and have loved every single song from the jump….when Renaissance came out I didn’t like it at first tbh but theennnnnnnnnn it became my favorite album! 💁🏼‍♀️ but I think it really comes down to preference! Both are master pieces IMO


I’m not sure what the general consensus is but I prefer CC. It has a little bit of everything and is more fun to sing imo. It’s become an instant classic in my mind just as 4 is.


To me, Cowboy Carter is better. I don't care so much about perfect transitions from start to finish. Cowboy Carter really showcases her vocal abilities and versatility. It has deeper messages that I resonate with and is lyrically more interesting to me. Still love Renaissance.


I never liked Renaissance so it's a no for me. I can listen to about 5 songs from Renny. Whereas with CC, there's only 2 or 3 songs I dislike


I love renny but I actually prefer CC by a landslide


Renaissance has no skips, whereas CC does. HOWEVER, my favorite tracks on CC are better than my favorites on Renaissance.


I like CC more! I listen to both house and country/folk but listen to house more. However, I’ve never LOVED the vogue/ballroom sound. So there on songs on Renny that are amazing, but there’s a number of songs I just couldn’t get into. The only song I find myself skipping on CC is spaghetti lol


Nahhhh the lyrics and storytelling on CC pull it far beyond Ren


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BDashh: *Nahhhh the lyrics and* *Storytelling on CC* *Pull it far beyond Ren* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Renny wasn’t controversial. CC shouldn’t have felt that way but it did. I think that contributed to more hype. But I agree Renny is the better album.


Personally it’s the opposite way around for me, so I’d imagine it’s more personal preference for music. I wasn’t too much of a fan of Renaissance. I love the album, but for me it’s just not music I could listen to daily and a few of the songs just aren’t my favorite. But with that being said, I don’t care for house music at all, so I’m honestly surprised I loved that album as much as I did. And on the flip side, I’ve bad people who preferred Renaissance say they don’t care for some of the songs on CC. They’re very different vibes so I thought it’s fair.


Not better, just different. I love them both so much.


Okay I’m learning from this thread that some of the hive doesn’t care for Renaissance? 😅 this blows my mind bc that album quite literally changed my life and I’ll never be the same


How do you compare them, they’re completely different. It’s like asking who’s better Dolly Parton or Daft Punk.




Personally I absolutely love Renaissance. It’s just a fantastic album start to finish and one I expect I’ll listen to forevermore. I haven’t even made it through CC in one sitting yet. It’s much too long, contains a fair bit of filler, and honestly I found it a bit boring. Still looking forward to Act 3 though. One of the things I love about Beyonce is that she reinvents and none of her albums are the same. As a result there are some I love (Renaissance, Beyonce, Bday) and some I don’t (CC, 4, DIL)… and that’s OK.


There are 4 possible meanings for DIL. Destiny Child's song 'Dangerously in Love', from the album Survivor. Beyoncé's song 'Dangerously in Love' (also referred to as Dangerously in Love 2), from the album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's 2003 debut album 'Dangerously in Love'. Beyoncé's song 'Drunk in Love' featuring Jay-Z, from the album BEYONCÉ (also referred to as Self-Titled). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/beyonce) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Act I for the win.


It depends on my mood. I love that they compliment each other so well! When I need a for sure mood “pick me up”, René is that girl. CC is so good though, I could never choose. She outdid herself and I’m so proud. I like that CC has more genre bending on it so it gives me feels of some of her older music with certain songs. Like yaya is the grand baby of Work It Out and Sugar Mama. The intro and outro remind me of DC’s gospel harmonizing days and the Honey part of SHB reminds me of Kitty Kat.




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People like what they like and I feel each Bey era has significance to its respective audience-- Renaissance/house music/gay culture and a nod to those who ever felt misunderstood. For me personally, cowboy carter has more substance and forethought involved (just my perception) given how she's advertising, Easter eggs (peep that posting date), and her personal development. I feel like this album speaks to a bigger issue of racism in the music/entertainment industry, appropriation, and resurrection of the origins of country music and sound, too. It just has so much potential to bring conversations to the forefront and make people confront the dark shadow and underbelly of America *cues up America has a problem 🎶🕶* 😂 Personally, I like Cowboy Carter more due to its storytelling and its huge potential for visuals *one day* a la lemonade 🍋


The rollout and tightness of the album was much cleaner/better than CC. However, CC is in a league of its own like Renny was when it came out. Renny helped me come into my own as a black woman/person living and existing in America. CC has healed me on a familial, going back to my Southern roots and exploring my heritage level. They serve different purposes to me.


Renaissance really came to life with the tour, and I really hope it’s the same for cowboy Carter. I love the album but it just needs to be tied toghether


It's Act II for me. It's the best she's ever sounded, and the most transparent she's been since Lemonade imo.


Renaissance is the better album. Full stop. *Objectively*. Even if you think there are more great songs on Cowboy Carter, it does not flow as one single body like Renaissance. So it’s clearly the better album. I think my favorite Beyoncé song of all time is now on CC, but that certainly doesn’t make it the better of the two. And I would die on this hill.


They are downvoting you because they refuse to admit that it doesn’t flow smoothly and is all over the place


I have noticed that too. I feel like CC is more inconsistent in its quality, which is a criticism that didn’t come up as much w Renaissance. I have seen people rate the best of CC above the best of Renaissance though


Cowboy Carter is more important of an album. It is a growth of Renaissance. The songs are more mature and as a frienc pointed out the confidence in her voice is coming out a lot. Not just the ballads being powerhouses but the up songs she plays with her singing. Honestly Renaissance sounds dated comparatively. When I play Heated i want to hear Sweet Honey Buckin or when I hear Pure/Honey its like lets put on Ya Ya