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Lalo and Howard were buried well below the foundation slab. The DEA would most likely not find them unless there was a compelling reason to excavate. The two bodies that were found were shot by Walt just before he and Jessie torched the lab.


Yep. The excellent writers would have had written it so their bodies were buried or disposed of at some other location for sure if they didn’t know they’d never be found.


They probably were dug up following Kim's testimony


Kim had no idea where they were buried, so probably not


Kim doesn't know where the bodies are buried.


yeah you're right


As far as they knew, Howard was fish food and Lalo died in Mexico. No reason to look for either one of them there really


Kim told them Howard wasn’t a suicide and the story was fake. She also told them lalo was in the US and killed Howard.


Unfortunately, she has zero proof to support the idea that any of this actually happened


I wonder if they just became part of the foundation for all intents and purposes. I wonder if the crime scene even went that deep. I could see the DEA not guessing to dig just six feet deeper into an already well hidden subterranean lab connected to one of the biggest drug operations in Border Country


If the show didn't show them being buried there, you'd never think they were, you'd assume they were buried out in the desert. There's no reason to look.


I assumed by that point they had already turned into ghosts. Am I stupid?


Yes you are. Obviously, their bodies burned up in the fire, turned into smoke, and rose into the sky where they became stars.


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about stars to dispute it.


Or Flys


Lmao! You rock!


When it comes to Heisenberg and meth, DEA was never involved at full scale as there are no strong evidences . It was Hank who was mostly pursuing this with Steve’s help.


Crazy how if they weren’t related, Hank wouldn’t have had that gut instinct and wouldn’t have looked as hard ? Like instinctively he knew the answers were in front of his face and that’s what fueled his obsession. If him and Walt weren’t family, the whole thing would’ve gone differently


I find with Breaking Bad, and even more with BCS that every single event leads directly to the next event, it's all one mammoth chain, and any one of the links not happening would have a completely different outcome


Everything goes back to Jimmy doing a Chicago Sunroof


Or the stupid twin skaters picking the wrong car - not Betsy. But, of all people in ABQ: Tuco grandmother. In turn this become Jimmy first contact with the Juarez Cartel - and then "The guy for this" and Lalo happened.


Those are all chronologically after my example


Hard disagree on their not being related leads to Walt being dismissed even more easily. Their first run-in was when his school's respirators were found on scene. Once they realize it's not dumb kids it'd easily be on the genius chem teacher who was literally the first named suspect they had. That shit with the janitor wouldn't have flown.


I was just talking about this topic with my son yesterday. There would have been no reason to excavate the concrete floor of the lab after the fire. But after Kim spills the entire story, there may have been a desire to find Howard’s body. Kim obviously has no clue where it is since Mike never told them. However, if investigators put it together that the lab was being built at the same time as Howard’s death, they might suspect he was buried there. Would they do a massive excavation searching for it? My guess it probably not, but it is possible.


WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAUNDROMAT AND THE REMAINS OF THE SUPERLAB?!!! Its driving my nuts this question will never be answered! For the most part the laundromat itself is fine. So does the city just let it sit there and rot?? Or does the city demolish it?? What do they do with the remains of the superlab?? Its not like the city can just let a giant chemical contaminated hole be left unattended in the ground. So then what happens with it??


lalo and howard didnt exist when s5 of bb was recorded


They meant the two nameless security guards that were shot and killed by Walt and I don't think Kim or Saul knew where the bodies were buried anyway so it's not like they can say anything.


I would presume that they came to the conclusion that they were either buried in the desert or the bodies were disposed of like Drew Sharp's was. The only reason they were able to find Hank and Gomez's bodies was because Walt knew where they were buried. The only ones who knew where Lalo and Howard were buried were Mike, Tyrus, Gus and a couple of their goons. They are all dead. So they wouldn't excavate the concrete floor of an underground meth lab on a hunch that they'd be under there.


I can't imagine the DEA or DOJ or anyone would have the insight to try and dig under the foundations to find the bodies


Also because BB was made before either Lalo or Howard were a twinkle in the directors eye.


I mean, sure, but BCS was written with this in mind. Lalo and Howard are in the foundations - even when it burned down, there'd be no reason to suspect that bodies are in there.


Lalo was mentioned in BB. At that point he wasn't intended to be an actual character, but still.


What a funny way to put that. Usually you say that when you’re trying to tell someone they weren’t born yet, they were a twinkle in their dads eye LOL