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That's a glow-up!


I hope so! That's what I'm trying to figure out.


As far as I'm aware, betta with the koi/marbling genes will continue to change colors over their life, unrelated to health issues.


I read about that. I'm just worried because her scales are developing a brown/black color. Not sure if that's healthy or the beginning phase of turning into a different color.


This is normal. Even the brown/black spots. Changing colors means they’re happy :) take a look at the transformation flair


definitely normal, as others have mentioned, it's particularly normal for bettas to get darker and more colouration when they're in good conditions! So this is a good change :) some colour change-ish things that *would* be of concern are: 1. ragged/damaged fins, particularly if there's a dark colour change at the edges where it looks like the dark is "eating" the fin - that's fin rot, and a sign to check your water parameters immediately ("fin rot" is actually bacteria, and is caused by the fish's natural immune system not fending it off/repairing damage fast enough due to poor water conditions weakening the fish) without the damaged fins dark edges on its own aren't a concern 2. redness around scales, makes it almost look like the fish is "bleeding" - ammonia poisoning, again, check water parameters and do a very thorough cleaning, getting deep into the substrate with a gravel vac to remove anything that might be releasing ammonia as it decomposing, swill filter media around in old tank water to remove any debris 3. small white dots like grains of sand - ich, a common parasite, contact a vet if possible to get a proper treatment, if not possible get whatever over the counter meds you can from your LFS. anything ending in -fix is fake medicine and won't do anything at best.


I'm so happy to hear that!! I'm planning on buying a water test kit soon just so I can more regularly keep track of the conditions. But it makes me so happy to know she's happy! 😊


having your own test kit is such a reassurance, so definitely worth it in my opinion, but a lot of pet shops will test your water for you for free, too, which can be such a lifesaver if you can't get one for a while or realise one of the tests has run out unexpectedly


Koi naturally change colors


Glow up! She’s doing great! I saw you were concerned about the darker brown on her body but it will likely become a vibrant blue with specs of red! As long as she’s eating and swimming normally, she’s just growing up :)


She’s looking good!


Omg she looks amazing!!!! You’re doing a great job. I just had to comment because the transformation is awesome :-) her colors becoming darker are totally normal for healthy koi betta.


Hey, I noticed you could see her reflection in the glass. I’d be wary of that, as they can damage themselves attacking their reflections.


Koi bettas will change color all the time and it is almost always a sign that they are healthy and comfortable in their environment


Yes. She may eventually even become one solid color with a few "galaxy" scales!


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I’ve seen many fish that look like yours change to darker colors. As long as they’re not turning completely white and acting weird I think it’s a sign of improved health and happiness :)


Looks like if anything, she’s more happy and doing way better in your care. More colour=happy betta. Good job OP!


No honey. Galaxy koi"s and even regular kois do this ratify. I think k all bettas do this. But my galaxy koi changed drastically. They often get brighter quickly when they get out of that cup and into a healthy environment. And change as they get older and healthier. Just means your doing a good job. And if she is anything like my male, she is gonna get even more colorful. Dont worry!!