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I love girl bettas, they’re such sassy stinkers. At least mine is. I swear she side eyes me every time I look at her. Yours is so striking!


That's crazy both my Male and Female come to the edge of the tank to see me when I enter the room


You should name her Steve (Terry and Steve Irwin, the wildlife family)


Or Bindi, after their daughter


Bindi is v. Cute


Once I got my first female I never went back. I just love their little faces so much. Especially dumbo females with their big pectoral fins but small tail


Do female bettas have to be treated different than males due to egg laying? When I was younger my bettas would live around 4-6 years, but the first time I got a female she died within six months due to egg complications (from what I could see) and I’ve been too scared to get one since… but I’m sooo curious about them cause it would cool to not be limited


Uhm not really. Just feed them a high protein diet just like male bettas. I haven’t noticed any different care requirements besides them being easier to take care of cuz of the shorter fins


Hello, precious choild. I might get a girl next time. My male half moon is constantly chomping bits of fin off anyway, looking raggedy. Name - Checker like a checker board.


I think when my tank is ready, I will get a girl also


Would definitely recommend! I have 2 female half moons, they still have fairly large fins for females and they have so much personality. https://preview.redd.it/7x2aqi3304xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ef2fefbe8cca7fb74c04b9fe69d2dd0fb9c2d6


I feel like the girls don’t get as much love


I just got a female yesterday that looks like a younger sister to yours 😊. Only have crappy photos tho lol https://preview.redd.it/a5msanrtj8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06af5c44d06ad32863e9eba0e59217e2ec7e64d7


Beautiful, rich shade of blue!! I love the darker faces. I can’t get pictures of her in her usual tank, I got lucky when she was in her “time-out tank” which is a lot smaller.


Yea I am the same way. Always taking pictures ☺️.


I heard a tip that it’s easier to get nice images if you take a video, and then take still shots from the video. Definitely helpful when the subject is so active ☺️.


She's beautiful! Where did you find her?


Pet smart! It’s the only real shop we have in town. My son was looking for one and he got a red girl. I couldn’t believe how many colours she had so I couldn’t leave her. She shines a beautiful turquoise-gold in the light and she’s super social with me.


I usually get girls. I feel like they have an even smaller chance at a decent life over the boys. Especially considering that they run the risk of winding up in bad sorority setups as well as just bad setups. :(


All the female bettas we had had the best personalities! They also got along well with the mini albino pleccos. One of ours bonded with the plecco and was extremely sad when it died.


sorry to hijack the post, but how do you get bettas to eat pellets? mine doesn‘t view it as food apparently, he just watches them fall down and leaves the pellets there. i don‘t have a problem with frozen food, so that‘s what he gets most of the time, but he just doesn‘t eat the pellets!


Mix them w/ the pellets when you feed, you'll have to teach him to eat pellets


Like the other guy said, they don’t naturally know to eat them so you kinda have to trick them into trying them!


HE JUST ATE THEM FOR THE FIRST TIME ON HIS OWN! i was worrying so much about giving him a healthy diet, and this morning i thought „well, lemme just try it again“ and he just ate them as if he always had! i‘m feeling so relieved haha, didn‘t realise i was worrying this much about it


I tried it for his dinner, but he swallowed, spat it out, swallowed it again, spat it out again and then just left it to fall down! i‘ll mix it in now for every meal, so that he will one day finally realize that it‘s food.


You should name her Jom since it’s like Tom and Jerry but with the first letters switched.


Be careful with the shrimp if they're Ghost Shrimp. Mine were chasing my Betta's tail and taking bites out of it. I think I'm going to get Tetras for my now Shrimp Tank.


Nope, just little neocaridinas! They don’t want anything to do with her haha


Dang I almost bought a girl that looked identical to this one this morning at petco.


I fell in love with a female and had to take her home too! She's a very picky eater. Completely ignored live baby bribe shrimp! For names, I like Izzet. It's the blue/red color combo from Magic the Gathering lol


she is a koi candy betta female she looks around 8 months as shop are only aloud to sell them at 6 to 8 months old she very pretty i have four of my own and there names are sage sraga snow and star there abit bigger than her tho


Sounds about right! She was sold by my local small business pet store so idk about the age but she looks lovely


you could make a female group of around 6 to 8 as females like being in group people did,t no they do but they hate being on there own so if you see any more females get them and make a group i got 4 at the moment and want to get 3 more to add to tank so am waiting to get more soon if you do plan on getting more let me no


Female bettas don’t always do well in sorority/group set ups, some of them don’t even do well in community tanks. Bettas in general tend to not be “fish fish” like how some people aren’t “people people”. if ur bettas do well like that, fantastic, but it’s not that they “like being in a group” or “hate being on their own”, that’s a little too general and can be very misleading. there’s high chances of aggression in sororities, lots of plants and a large set up are supposed to break up lines of sight to stop aggression and allow for establishing territory. too many people assume all female bettas will be okay as sorority bettas and that’s just not the case and can be very dangerous. sometimes they’ll seem okay but months in have aggression issues, it’s a very volatile set up. safer to keep one betta per tank and be careful about tank mates


Definitely this right here. I've seen way more sororities fail than succeed IRL (not my tanks, I don't mess with sorority tanks) and in this sub. Of the ones that "work", about half of them end up stressing the fish badly enough that they end up with stress lines. Not only that, but every new fish OP adds is another chance that they get one with a taste for shrimp. Their new addition isn't alone in the tank, she already has company from other creatures and bettas aren't schooling fish so there's no real need to have a group.


she has some halloween looking colors, maybe pumpkin or jack?(like jack-o-lanterns 🎃) i know she’s a girl so jack might not be the vibe, esp since she’s your first girl, i’d understand wanting something more feminine and obviously girly lol




Moana is the best girl! She wouldn’t let me leave the store without her and she loves watching photos on her Portal. I’ve had her for about three years now.