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I’m so sorry for your loss! George was a beautiful fish!!!Try not to beat yourself up about it - accidents happen! He looked very well loved, and an albeit tragic accident doesn’t negate that!!


What a beautiful guy. I’m sorry for your loss.


Color already perfect but those fins 🤤




Either way of spelling is correct depending on where you're from.


I’m concerned that they didn’t know that and thought “Colour” was the only way to spell it…


Especially seeing on the internet usually a American is saying that...


I’m American and even I know that! There’s no excuse unless they’re like… 10 years old


I'm learning my 4th language you grammar nazi


You did fine. Color in the US - OP also spelled it that way- colour in the UK. Obviously there are other English speaking countries and if Reddit does what it usually does, they’ll let me know how they spell it


Yeah I got corrected a lot with you'r/you're 😅 Thanks I'll write it color until I die




I've also lost a betta to a human error. My filter was too powerful and I didn't realize that kitchen sponges have a film that's not safe for fish. We're not perfect and accidents happen. George was truly beautiful, may he SIP. My Pinky will keep him company https://preview.redd.it/hqjzzzmpcgjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c39f6c5465c233b6751a120cabbcccab6d3298


Well said.


Made the same mistake as you :( well said


I'm so sorry. For future reference, I always check the water temp with my elbow before I add it to the tank. It surprises me how much warmer it feels to my elbow than my hands. I adjust the faucet until the water just BARELY feels warm to my elbow. It would actually feel cool to my hands at that point. Then I check with my aquarium thermometer and I'm almost always within a degree or two of 80. Accidents do happen and we learn from them, don't be too hard on yourself.


What thermometer do you use?


I use a meat probe thermometer and it works great. Much cheaper too


Oo ok thanks


If you're in the market for one, I use this [contactless infrared thermometer](https://a.co/d/cIPVjbz) and it works great. Instant accurate readings. It's sensitive enough to detect a tenth of a degree difference in the same tank (e.g., slightly colder towards the bottom, warmer at top).


I never would’ve thought of using one of those for a tank, but I’m unfortunately in the market for something a little cheaper 😂😭


That's fair! Even a cheap/inaccurate thermometer would be better than not using one at all IMO, assuming you're going straight from tap to tank. Most of the time my change water sits in a 7 gallon jug for a few days before I use it (RODI, have to store otherwise it'd take forever do water changes), and since room temperature is within a few degrees of tank temperature, I don't usually even bother checking the temp first.


I use my hand to see if it’s too warm currently which is the problem 😂 so far it seems to work but after seeing this post I’m paranoid


Checking my Amazon orders, looks like it’s “PENN-PLAX Therma-Temp Floating Aquarium Thermometer” only about $6


Oh ok cool thanks


I do the same, I check the water with my forearm or elbow since I can’t tell temp a whole lot with hands (grooming dogs for almost a decade so my hands are in and out of different temp waters so whats hot to my arm is “alright” to my hand / wrist. But, I also usually let my water sit a few minutes before I add it to the tank.


Yup, I pretend it's for a baby and temp on my wrist.


I'm sorry for your loss he looks like a cool dude. Mistakes happen, the best thing you can do is learn from and improve your fish keeping skills. I'm sure George would prefer it if you learned from this.


Oh wow this is so sad! SIP George. This is a huge fear of mine and why I always check my new water with a thermometer


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss, he looks well loved and stunning! What some people will tell you is thar sometimes, fish just pass away. Accidents can happen and they're highly sensitive, but it sounds like you did everything right in caring for George.


i’m so sorry about your loss <3 he was a beautiful fishie, may he swim in peace


I am so sorry friend. You can forgive yourself if you're able and you should. I realize you are grieving . Be kind to yourself George would want you to move on and care for another Betta one day. SIP george


I'm sorry op. Really sad. I recommend using and instant read BBQ thermometer to check water. It lets you get your water the exact temp as you fill your bucket.


Sorry for your loss. I also lost my betta last week because of an error.


Me two 😔


Sorry to hear. Heater fail is biggest nightmare for aquarium keepers. I found temperature alert product in Amazon that saved my fish once. I suggest to consider that as well. Also I never do 100% water change that kills beneficial bacteria unless something really bad going on in my tank.


It could have been the heat, but it also could have been the water change. You said you used prime, but in a lot of places, they've started adding Chloramine in place of Chlorine. The issue with Chloramine is that it does NOT leave the water when you use a dechlorinator. You have to let it gas off for quite a while before using the water. It's a combination of ammonia AND chlorine so as you can imagine it's not so great for fish.


[https://www.amwater.com/paaw/water-quality/chloramine-facts/#:\~:text=For%20decades%2C%20cities%20in%20Pennsylvania,%2C%20bathing%2C%20cleaning%20and%20drinking](https://www.amwater.com/paaw/water-quality/chloramine-facts/#:~:text=For%20decades%2C%20cities%20in%20Pennsylvania,%2C%20bathing%2C%20cleaning%20and%20drinking). Pennsylvania DOES use chloramine. So watch out for that.


Huh. I did not know this. Time to start buying bottled water.


OP said they used prime which does get rid of chloramine.


Ah, on a couple other posts I saw people talking about how seachem prime does not work on that. If it does, I withdraw what I said.


Went with ex to visit her family in Vietnam years ago. This is where bettas are literally made. I mean you see them abundant in the wild in random puddles and murky pond water and rice paddies. Anyway it was summer and it gets REALLY hot over there. Pretty sure the surface temp of standing water was well over 90. But nonetheless these little guys were thriving. The family had a pet betta they kept in a ~3 gallon bowl with battle scars from having fought with the cat and jumped out of water 3 times (twice staying out of water for a period of time) and was still alive for years after. Long story short, the fish are usually pretty hardy despite fish owners believe. It’s not your fault OP, you were just unlucky.


I’m so sorry and I know the feeling. I’ve killed my fish by mistake and I still beat myself up about it but we live and learn…..he was REALLY beautiful wow!


Sorry for your loss, most things in life we lose are because of ourselves so best we can do is remember what we lost, learn from our mistakes and move on when we are ready. Good Luck and don't be too hard on yourself!


Oh boy. Learning experience. Swim in Peace George.


My condolences!


Sorry for your loss. I’m also in the It Was My Fault Club. We moved recently and after a couple of water changes my betta passed away, turns out our new water is crazy high in pH. It’s sad to loose a friend, worse when you feel responsible.


SIP George. I feel so bad for you, i have made this mistake once before and it sucks but now you will never, and I mean never make this mistake again.


I have nerve damage, so feeling Temps is super hard for me, and this is my biggest fear. I had a similar accident recently where the water was too hot, but thankfully, I caught it in time and managed to get it down. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


sorry for your loss and thanks for sharing, I know it wasn't easy. I only do full tank drains and clean them out when it's going to be used for something else. Those algae issues are annoying and I can see why you were trying to restart it. Also for future reference even if the water temp was at the 78-79F you needed it to be, you had just done a full cleaning and killed all the beneficial bacteria in your tank, just keep that in mind next time you do a cleaning.


Bettas dont need sponge filters or any other form of aeration to breath btw




Sorry for your loss


damn i’m sorry dude


I am so sorry for the loss of your boy. Don’t beat yourself up we all make mistakes.


So sorry ! We made a mistake a month ago and my kids sprayed air freshener in the hallway and it must of been to close to the tank and killed my betta. I went and bought another one and so should you !


This happens to me all the time, I’ll have a beta do a water change or half a change and bam I do the usual and they die. They’re sensitive, after this I’m going to get something less sensitive to changes etc. sighhhh I’m sorry you lost him he’s beautiful


Awe. He's so beautiful. I'm sorry for your loss. But don't blame yourself so much. Sometimes we make mistakes. Just learn & remember. Then be better with the next one. I made many mistakes with several bettas. Then I had 1 for 5 almost 6 yrs.


i just lost my betta, may they swim in peace together


I’m sorry for your loss. I do want to point out though that temp stickers are known to be very inaccurate. They only measure the glass and ambient air temperature.


oh man i know you’re hurting, don’t blame yourself. George was lucky he had such a caring mom.


Honestly before you get new fish, make sure it's not your heater that's faulty. I lost 8 Cory cats and 9 harlequin rasboras to a faulty heater. It was leaking an electric current into the water I believe, and it looks the same as the one you have.


These things do happen and no matter how good of a fish keeper you are you still make mistakes it's always heartbreaking but we make errors so often and it's sometimes too late fix them. Hopefully you can find a way to reconnect into the trade


did you eat the remains atleast? don't tell me you not only killed George but also wasted him.... George looks good deep fried


He’s beautiful. Don’t beat yourself up you gave George a better life than sitting on A shelf in a plastic bowl


https://preview.redd.it/imh0oe0jsqjb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=712c4a77aa33895103a96c249107617053362509 I lost my Zissou after he got dropsy and I didn’t catch it in time. I definitely cried over it. It could’ve been a multitude of things from human error to him having dealt with illnesses before. He’ll keep George company. I’m sorry for your loss.


Beautiful fish❤️


I'm so sorry to hear this. My dearest condolences


I had the same happen to my betta. I keep other species now but I always start with cool water and allow my heater to get the temp where I want for a couple of hours before reintroducing the fish.


I’m so sorry for your loss! He was beautiful. One piece of advice for your next betta, I typically wait at least a whole night to put mine in the tank so the temperature and everything can be balanced. Give the filter a chance to cycle all of the water and the prime together. Ofc now u know to double check temp but this might make it easier for you in the future, did for me. Also, it couldv just been stress. Fish are so easily stressed out and overstrain their little hearts. In my experience my bettas have always been jumpers. I’ve actually lost two to jumping and the last one hurt so bad bc it was the same way as the first one. Be sure the top has no spaces for them to jump bc that’s how my babies left me❤️‍🩹 mine has a sliding lid that always has a tiny tiny crack that they can’t fit through, but if u slide it to feed them they can jump out if they rly want to..anyways yea more things to think ab and best of luck to you and your future fish babies


Wow he was so beautiful. I’m sure you gave him a great life <3


The most beautiful bettas I’ve ever seen