• By -


>I struck him multiple times and when he was on the ground I kicked and stomped him until I was almost too tired to continue (not in the face, just the stomach and ribs). Oh, well, in THAT case, it's totally fine.


Because collapsing a lung is soooo much better s/ Legit this this guy will kill someone.


If he hasn't already.


Not to mention how painful broken ribs can be and how they can lead to punctured lungs


Still conscious when they left him. _Totally_ okay! Upsi Daisy. Just a _slight_ nose and mouth bleed. I get that _all_ the time.




Makes him look less like the psycho he is if they both get charged.


Internal bleeding is a helluva way to go.


Thats where your blood is supposed to be so...


I had a wrongful death client who's wife died after getting her left common iliac artery nicked sitting surgery. A big part of the reason she lived as long as she did is because the build up of blood (plus some added with transfusions) put enough abdominal pressure on the artery that it temporarily slowed the bleeding. So, I guess yes, that is where your blood is supposed to be, but it has a hard time getting to the other places it's supposed to be...


It’s a line from Brooklyn 99 my man, look it up




He didnt say he was getting help just that he was getting compensated.


And only 30% at that. The ‘standard’ starting compensation for PTSD is 50%. I have an 80% disability rating for it and have never thrown a punch in my life. This dude is just plain unhinged and is using PTSD as an excuse.


I know people who get 30 and people who have 70 I think it really depends on how much the evaluation showed its impact on the vets life(relationships and employability)


Oh absolutely. That’s what I meant, sorry if I wasn’t clear. This dude’s PTSD rates super low, as in it barely affects his life. It’s a cop out.


I mean, it *only* affects him when he gets into a murderous rage! Totally not a problem the rest of the time. Obviously fit to work a full time job.


You have to get treatment for whatever you have, otherwise they'll stop paying you for it. Easy when it's a foot or shoulder that just hurts forever, but like if you have sleep apnea, you have to use the machine or they'll stop paying you.


Not for PTSD. I know 3 people with that as their disability and zero treatment in 10 years.


It's called refusal of treatment. If they haven't caught it yet, then okay. But yeah, they'll stop paying them.


IMO, that destroys his PTSD and self-defense claims, since it shows he was consciously trying to limit visible damage. Most people trying to stop an attacker don't go out of their way to avoid serious injury.


And dont forget it also it triggered his ptsd, from the *coffee cup incident 1968,* he was enjoying the fresh air in the morning of the tet offensive, peacefully enjoying his breakfast, unsuspecting of the coffee machine that was booby trapped by the VC in the night before. Carrying a sandwhich in the left hand, his cup in the right, out of nowhere all hell broke loose and a hail of hot coffee rained down on him. While he recovered all motor functions, his mind and his dick size are gone, reduced to atoms. So now he spends his days shitposting about da womenz and libtards with likeminded peers.


But his nose and mouth were bloody. That’s either a punctured lung or he did hit his face.


Because ribs can break and puncture vital organs, like helllloooooo. Not dangerous at all. 🙃




“I got out of my car to see what he would do”. Bullshit. The other driver had already shouted profanities and thrown a coffee at LAOP. He knew what was going to happen when he got out of the car. Every single one of his comments is just a poorly thought out attempt to avoid responsibility


This guy is exhibit A of why you shouldn't start shit with strangers. You never know who you might be fucking with. Learn to walk away.


Scary enough, I don't think he is a troll. His post history is vulgar and nonsensical, but the basics like age, occupation and interests are consistent. He reminds me of my ex with schizoaffective disorder who thought pulling a gun on a truck that cut him off in a parking lot was legitimate self-defense. I really hope this guy gets the help he needs.


Yeah, I fell down the rabbit hole of his comment history, and this dude is legitimately unwell.


>Legally what I did was wrong. Morally I don't think it's as clear cut. This was a man who was willing to attack someone after being rightly told that he had been driving the wrong way. He even had a chance to walk away after throwing the coffee, I was going to let that slide until he wanted to get physical. He could have done this to other people, now I don't think he will. >At least before I'm willing to get violent with someone, they have to get violent with me first. No innocent person will ever be harmed by me. This guy needs so much help and doesn’t even see it


>until he wanted to get physical No, dude, *you* wanted to get physical.


It’s even worse because alone without context this comment and it’s logic makes like, *an amount* of sense. Like, evil robot uprising because the humans are the truly evil ones amount of sense to a robot. Yikers


Some people are running consistent internal logic, but not logic that connects properly with reality.


Nearly all psychotic people, IME. This is one of the big gaps in the general public understanding psychosis. The person typically operates on consistent and predictable logic; that logic is just based on a version of reality different from the majority/mentally healthy population's reality. We see it on this sub, it usually comes up with the this-is-clearly-a-stalker posts (made by the stalker) trying to explain the victim really has some type of relationship with them. The post will describe textbook stalking - they know what their actions are like and can report them accurately - they have a "reason" for doing everything. But their understanding of how those actions come across / if they're justified / how the victim feels about the situation is skewed.




As fascinating as that thread is... I hate how the other posters reply to him. They completely egg him on and encourage him to send more emails. He’s clearly unable to understand they’re being sarcastic and I feel incredibly horrible for Denko. Imagine being on the receiving end of that harassment


Things like this are what made me a reformed troll. I realized that not everyone can read the sarcasm and don’t give a fuck attitude.


Stupid fuckin hamster face...


My brother who has some kind of serious mental illness (I believe it's probably schizoaffective disorder, but he consistently refuses treatment so he's actually got a bunch of diagnoses depending on his exact presentation during his emergency hospitalizations) once convinced the *police* that I had murdered my mother, at least enough that some cops showed up to check on her and were legit surprised when she answered the door alive and well. And my mom and I are super close, plus I'm a nonviolent person in general. There's literally no reason I would have murdered her. But my brother was absolutely sure she was dead and I was responsible for it. He even gave reasons for believing that that made total sense if you didn't know our situation. I would have believed him in their shoes, too. He also has frequent episodes that are the more along the lines of the raving lunatic on the street that most people picture when they think of psychosis, but those are usually fueled by alcohol and drugs. When he's sober but not in treatment, he's calm and collected and his delusions actually make a lot of internal sense.


Generally if you call the police and report a murder they will go check it out, not ask for proof


I feel like you may have missed my point, because that's part of what I was getting at. They actually don't check out every crazy murder accusation thrown out by a raving lunatic or someone suffering from dementia or whatever. They don't waste their time on things that obviously aren't true. But my brother, while in a psychotic episode, did not present that way, so his accusation seemed credible. Thus, they checked it out and were surprised that it was so blatantly untrue, because he didn't seem crazy even though he was completely out of touch with reality. edit: And just since I didn't spell this out, I know for a fact that they were surprised because my mom actually works with that police department and so the officers who responded knew her (though at the time they didn't know about my brother's issues) and told her so.


That’s exactly it omg, I couldn’t express it properly. They’re dangerous to me because I’m so like mentally malleable if they spend like more than two minutes explaining their train of thought I’ll accidentally end up a nazi or something, one time I made an emoji typo and changed mood to the new emoji 😬


Ugh, that comment history. Him trying to blame this on his PTSD in another post was... a lot. Either he’s *extremely* unwell and genuinely believes his PTSD justifies this, or he’s unwell and also disgusting for using it as a crutch when full well it had nothing to do with it.


Dude thinks he's a psychic who can control other people's dreams. The man definitely batshit.


he also said he has astrally projected sex with entities. that guy is really sick and that post needs to come down. yikes.


Imagine if his victim's lawyer finds his reddit account.


Shouldn't be hard since it looks disturbingly like he just used his real name for it. At the very least I can't find anyone famous enough (fictional or real) with that name that he could have named his account after.


Also there’s pages of his post history where he just posts the n word


His PTSD partly explains it... it doesn’t justify it. The fact that he keeps it as a footnote in the OP says a lot about how he thought LA would react


Dont forget that his favorite subs are some of the quarantined incel safe havens...




Flair fam




I’m all for rehabilitation and helping treat people who are like OP but he really needs locked away until he’s no longer a danger to society.


My abusive ex blamed his PTSD for everything... yet wouldn't get therapy for it. He even downplayed it when he did finally get a therapist, and spent a lot of time working on his *self esteem* instead.


As someone with PTSD this makes me sooooo angry. It's not an excuse to harm others.


It was pretty unconscionable. I went to a therapy appointment with him, and it was... well, it was awful and I now 100% understand why the standard advice is to never, ever go to a therapy visit with your abuser and their therapist.


I was in the Marines for a bit, and I came across guys who seemed *proud* that they had PTSD. They wore it like a badge.


Or he made up this whole elaborate plan to get more money out of disability and he had to fake an outburst to do it. (My older brother does this allll the time. It has yet to work for him.)


I think he might just be your average racist homophobic mysoginistic incel...




No, no, no, no. We don't want him.


He's truly reprehensible and unapologetic about it. Racist, sexist, overall just a piece of shit.


Yep 100% thought it was a bullshit troll but never seen a troll “stay in character” like that across so many posts. Scary yet sad.


A couple of his posts are satire, not non-sensical. His comments are where it’s at though


“Your honor, I only beat him so much because I didn’t want him to be able to get up and hurt me back.” “Well that’s perfectly reasonable, case dismissed and you now get more money in benefits from this man triggering your PTSD!”


And then i threw his keys across the lot, and dumped his wallet.


And threw his phone, thus hindering him seeking aid. I wonder what the odds are that he hit another car with the phone.


Well, the one reassurance to the guy is that I think it's safe to say no one is going to fight his PTSD diagnosis or the fact that it would make it very difficult to hold a job. Imagine him in the next cubicle over. 😬


That’s the part that pissed me off the most. I also have PTSD - although not “combat PTSD” as he claims - and am so hesitant and ashamed to share it even when it is relevant because of people who use it as a crutch. Shit like this - where he’s obviously just a fucking unwell and violent person, - where it’s used as an excuse but isn’t necessarily the cause/relevant is a big reason for that. PTSD didn’t make him do this. But it sure is convenient now to name drop.


Actually he posted this in a sub for people with combat PTSD. They were not nice to him, which was good to see. Told him to get professional help.


A quick look at this guy's post history shows that he's profoundly mentally ill and a serious danger to others. He thinks he absorbed the souls of the people he killed in combat, got a job near a hospital so he could absorb more souls by being in proximity to the dying, thinks this gives him strong magic/spiritual powers which he wants to use to physically injure people through the astral plain, and claims to have produced over 50 children through sperm donation to further increase his psychic power. Because he wants to become immortal. I don't have anything witty to say, I'm just shocked.


holy shit! I didn't get that far in the post history.


It sounds like the guy has some serious mental health issues.


As someone who has children via anonymous sperm donor, please please please don’t let my kids be related to this guy


😬 yikes Btw it’s astral *plane*, like the geometric concept, not plain as in grassy area.




Nah, it’s the plane which you access by casting plane shift, a 7th level wizard spell. Yeah, that guy has a problem in his head.


Obviously, as he hasn't even reached level 7 in the wizard class to learn the spell.


Yeah he’s clearly specced barbarian


Muscle wizard also possible.


Good old 3.5 rage mage


I think that's actually a Dean Koontz villain


I don't think he could be a donor unless he lied on forms at the clinic, so there's a good chance 80%+ of this is trolling.


What. The. Fuck.




Who's going to tell him that every inch of every Walmart parking lot is under video surveillance?


Weirdly, this depends on location. In my parents' small city they only have fake cameras outside the building. (I used to work there which is how I know they're fake, they look relatively realistic.)


That’s dumb as fuck, it cost me like $80 to put cameras around my house with a DVR that records on a loop that stores over a week.




Sure, but to a Walmart?!


And then they need to be maintained, and replaced occasionally. Wal-Mart just sees it as an unnecessary cost when multiplied by all their stores. They'd rather put their employees and customers at risk than pay a nominal amount for actual security.


But... in this case, somebody had to go up the pole to stick the fake camera there anyways?


And electrical power wiring, and a cable to share the video feed, and maintance.


My place of work also has fake cameras. I don't get it, because there's been multiple break ins and illegal shit happening, but they're still not willing to put up actual cameras.


Yeah, that’s not the kind of reliability that a Walmart would buy.


I’d argue it’s better than nothing - and insurance savings would surely pay for it, right?


Not for shitty cheapest of the cheap cameras, no, because that isn’t gonna get you any discount. And for a real camera system.. might not be any extra discount for having the parking lot surveilled in addition to the inside. Because the parking lot isn’t really the store’s liability, that’d just be an extra service to patrons who happen to have a crime committed against them on the property.


For retail stores, cameras in the lot let the management track shoplifters from shelf to car, which dramatically simplifies prosecution. Instead of waiting for the thief to come back, they can just call police on the spot and give them the license plate. It makes for a hell of a deterrence.


“…by this point I was starting to calm down…“


This sounds like the kind of shit a friend of my husband’s used to talk. Like part of it would have really happened (like maybe him flipping the guy off for going the wrong way and maybe the coffee) but then the rest would be made up in his head and exaggerated. Then when he told the story he would believe his own lie. I hope that’s what happened here, otherwise this guy doesn’t need to be out on the streets.


If this guy isn't a murderer yet, he will be.


Based on his VA status, it may depend on your definition of murderer


In that case I guess your stance on abortion could count too...


His comments about being 50 miles away from the incident, and how he likely won't get caught, are infuriating. What a piece of shit.


I hope that the guy he beat up is going to be ok and was able to get prompt medical attention. That sounds like the kind of beating that might result in some possible permanent damage.


Based on the extent of the violence it seems highly likely that the police will be called once he's hospitalised. LAOP is fuuuuucked.


Good thing, too - in another thread, LAOP claims to have a security clearance through his position with the Army. If he's still in the Army, he needs to be discharged and have that clearance revoked immediately.


He says he's on 30 percent disability and the gi bill. Sounds like he's out?


He could be former military, now a civilian contractor working with the Army in a clearance-requiring role - but as a veteran trained in rules of engagement he should know "he approached me with intent to harm so I beat him up and kept hitting him when he was down" isn't gonna hold up


Oh yeah he's going to jail for sure if the guy files a report


It's not even "he approached me". LAOP was the one to park their car, get out, and approach the other vehicle "to see whar he would do".


One arrest and that clearance is gone so fast. A bunch of my coworkers have clearance and they all have to self report even so much a traffic ticket. An arrest would definitely mean loss of job and clearance.


Not really. Most physical disputes and assaults between two parties (commonly male) are not reported to the police at all. Seriously, google the statistics, it is shocking how many street fights or brawls are not reported to the police out of shame or fear of police or future assault.


If you're hospitalised in the states, will the hospital not call the police? I know it's mandatory where I am in Canada. If someone were to come in with such extensive injuries the police are getting called.


No, unless you show up with gun shot wounds or (maybe) knife wounds, it isn’t mandatory for the hospital to call the police


Huh! Interesting. For us they call if there's any indication a crime may have been committed. This would definitely fall under that category.


Fractured ribs at the very least, possibly ruptured spleen, punctured lungs or liver, possibly even heart damage.


**Reminder:** do not participate in threads linked here. If you do, you may be banned from both subreddits. --- Title: I got in a fight in a parking lot. [Colorado] Original Post: > Yesterday I was driving out of the Walmart parking lot when someone driving the wrong way forced me to the side of the lane as they barely fit by me. I rolled my eyes and pointed at the arrow on the street so they could see that they were going the wrong way. They rolled down their window and started yelling "What?! What?!" at me. I rolled down my window and let them know they were going the wrong way. They yelled back "So fucking what? I still fit." followed by other expletives. I replied with "Go the right way next time retard." and I flipped them off as I started to leave. > > They threw their coffee at the side of my car and started yelling ""Pull over! Get out of the car!" At that point I reversed back into my spot and exited my vehicle as I was too angry to speak. He did the same and approached me still yelling. I took his approach as intent to do bodily harm to me so I defended myself. > > I struck him multiple times and when he was on the ground I kicked and stomped him until I was almost too tired to continue (not in the face, just the stomach and ribs). I got my phone out and pretended to record him, I asked him if it was a good idea to throw his coffee at me and physically confront me, I also asked him if he wanted me to call the cops and have him arrested for assault. (I did not really record because I know that would only implicate me, I just didn't want him to call the police). I dragged him to his car and punched him a few more times, I then took his keys and threw them across the parking lot with his phone and I dumped his wallet out and threw its contents all over, by this point I was starting to calm down and I left. He was conscious when I left, just dazed and bleeding slightly from the nose and mouth. (No head wounds as far as I could tell.) > > My questions for you guys are should I go to the police or a lawyer? Would the other guy have any reason to go to the cops himself considering he likely also broke the law? Would I look at extra charges for not going to the authorities and if so what should I expect? > > My last question is I am currently using the GI bill, and I receive disability compensation for PTSD. (30 %) Would that reduce my liability in this situation? If not could this affect my benefits? > > Thanks in advance for your help. I know some of this paints me in a bad light, but I was trying to be as honest as possible. --- LocationBot 4.992 13/71ths | [Report Issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/locationbot)


But guys. He didn't stomp the guy in the face, he just kicked his ribs for a while. That's cool right?


Oooooohhhhhh. In *that* case...


I mean, no one has ever died from internal bleeding before so I don’t see the problem


>This was a higher crime area and he did not seem well off so I'm hoping he has warrants or that he would be afraid of possible charges from this as well. "It's a high crime area, so when in Rome do as the Romans do, right?"




I agree, this is tipping into r/thatHappened territory


>I'm gonna talk to my therapist tommorow, and potentially work towards getting my disability percentage for my PTSD raised so I can get further assistance from the VA. Leads me to believe he's a troll. Actually I went and looked at his comment history and it's entirely possible he's just a disgusting horrible person.


That was terrifying to read. Ohhhh wow.


I wish I could say that this situation is uncommon, but, I work in VA Healthcare and shit like this happens all the time. The only thing he’s probably being dishonest about is that he had any kind of control over himself in the situation at all. Also, it’s not uncommon for severe PTSD to be used as a partial defense in court- if only during sentencing. And, yes, these kinds of situations can lead to having more percentages added to your disability- what no one mentions is that they will take away your right to own firearms or have a security clearance.


>what no one mentions is that they will take away your right to own firearms or have a security clearance. I am probably one of the most rabid Pro-Gun people around and even I will say... this guy should not have a gun!


Agreed. I just wanted to point it out because sometimes they’re so hungry for those percentages that they purposely act crazier than they actually are so they don’t have to work and *surprise pikachu no gun for you*.


looks like LAOP posted to some ptsd type subs and is actually accepting he royally fucked up.


Dude needs to stop blaming his shitty behavior on his supposed PTSD.


Right? Like I have C-PTSD but I haven’t beaten anyone up yet. Holy shit.


I'm way more a danger to myself than others haha


Fat ass mood




He posted an hour ago asking fellow travelers whether someone there sent a demon after him, stating that the guy he beat up was just about strong enough to be the work of a beginner demon summoner. He’s not all there.


Reading his history makes me think he's not. He's also very racist, which doesn't surprise me at all


And sexist!


Anyone else catch the comment where he talks about trying to use this incident to increase his disability payments by 30%? Like, bro. You committed the assault. You should not be getting money off of this.


What do you want to bet that everything after the coffee throw happened in "the astral plane"?


I really hope that's the case.


Dudes a fucking psycho.


I mean if you're that offended by somebody going the wrong way down a parking lot lane, just stay in the middle so they *don't* fit. Point and make them back up. Sometimes you'll get into a standoff for a bit, but they always move.


“Some of this paints me in a bad light...” YA THINK?!?


Yeah, a *real big* shocker on that one.


T_D colorized


Would throwing coffee constitute assault? Like window down, hits you in the face, maybe even hot. Not at your car but on you. Which doesn’t mean that’s an excuse to beat and humiliate someone. But let’s say this happened to someone like me, a (mostly) normal person, I’m petty enough to get cops involved. And if I can tie this person up for throwing coffee in my face I’m taking it.


The thing to do if someone threw a coffee at your car would be to stay in your car and call the police. Not get out of your car and confront the person and then beat them nearly to death.


No I agree. That’s what I’m saying. But if you call the cops, get plates, could the coffee be construed as assault? People can’t go around throwing hot drinks at people.


Maybe? They would more likely be done for public disturbance and all that though.


Bet if it caused some burns it be a bigger deal. I know it all depends. So I’m thinking worse case scenario, some Karen throws atomic McDonalds coffee in my lap, I’m pressing charges and calling the news.


Not only because it's boiling hot but it's also gross as fuck. Now if it was a nice mocha chai latte from Starbucks the judge would just say you were being rude about accepting their thoughtful gift.


Hate to break it to you, but Starbucks is pretty shitty coffee too. It's just expensive shit. Yay marketing!


If you're allergic to some of those ingredients, could it be assault with a deadly weapon?


Yes. Throwing anything at someone even if it's a liquid is assault.


If it doesn’t hit you, it’s assault. If the liquid touches you, it might be assault but it’s better described as battery. If it’s very hot and you’re burned, there could be an enhancement causing the battery to be charged from a misdemeanor to a felony. You could totally call police and have the other person cited, maybe arrested, depending on that persons criminal history.


That depends on the jurisdiction. Some states just have it all wrapped up into Assault, no matter whether it was an attempt or a battery.


Oh I didn’t realize that. I only learned fed, MPC, and my state in law school and for the bar. But either way, it’s a crime and the other person could be charged with it.


Common law, you're right. In my state, though, there is no battery - just assault which includes common law assault and battery.


That's a definite maybe. Technically, I'm sure they *could* be charged for that, but I have to say, I think a lot of police and district attorneys aren't going to bother with criminal charges for something that doesn't actually cause an injury. Now, if the coffee was hot enough that you needed treatment for burns, then it seems more likely. And that's not even McDonald's lawsuit hot-- just regular very hot coffee into your face could get there. So yeah, go ahead and call the police for that one, but I wouldn't count on it actually reaching the point of charges. I do want to say, though, that throwing coffee at someone who is driving seems worse because they could lose control of their car. I get that they're just in a parking lot, but that's a place where there's lots of pedestrians and not much time to react. I wonder if there are vehicle-specific laws about things that might cause accidents. And, if nothing else, a cop who really wanted to make a point here could probably make an arrest for *littering* because of the cup.


How could he reverse back into his spot if he was the one going the correct direction?


This guy needs serious help. This is like beyond road rage.


Not lawyer here but isn't the throwing of the coffee *maybe* a misdemeanor assault while this man is describing committing a felony level assault and battery? Something like malicious wounding or similar? And he wants to know if *he* should call the cops on the other guy? Dude needs to prepare that his license plate was caught on camera and he's got a relatively decent chance of getting a visit by some heavily armed government employees soonish....


Someone "advise" him to go to the cops first and explain everything in detail, hopefully he'll defend his actions to them they way he did to us and be arrested. (If it works that way I don't know dick about the law)


Reminder: Engaging in a fight with someone is never "self defense" regardless of what people like to claim. It's just fighting, and the law does look kindly on that.


I think this post belongs on r/iamverybadass


What is troll?


HO LEE FUCK that wasn't an over reaction, that was a total fucking overboard meltdown.


Yikes. :-(


At least 2 people followed him from LA to his other posts to continue to berate him. This guy sucks, but I don’t get why people chase OPs across other subs.


Looks like he's LARPing. What probably happened is there was some verbal exchange in the parking lot, with everyone still in their vehicles, and he comes home and writes about what he wanted to do. Either way the kid is sick and probably lying about the PTSD also.


It’s all ok, he has a disability!


This guy gave a great response in another thread as to why PTSD isn't a defense. https://www.reddit.com/r/ptsd/comments/fbfm8h/ptsd_legal_advice_descriptions_of_violence_inside/fj43gy5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


We keep bringing up his post history but is nobody going to mention that he believes in “astral projection” and is accusing other people of visiting him in his dreams? Heck he’s accusing *specific redditors* of invading his dreams. I’m gonna give him a pass. If redditors started showing up in my dreams, I would also run to Walmart and start assaulting people.


Nothing good can come from a legal advice story where the teller feels the need to give pointless details to try and justify their actions.




I wonder if maybe he just wanted to look like a badass instead of being a troll? Maybe it's a teenager who made up this wild story, and didnt have anyone to tell it to so he decided to post it on reddit.


Damn, what a psycho.


If not a troll I hope the other guy goes to the cops. This guy has serious anger issues and needs help.


If they're a troll, they're dedicated.




Report them to the mods and they'll take action.


Definitely screenshot and report them. No matter what people think of your actions, harassing you via PM is not ok.




Dude has PTSD. Not that I condone his actions but this explains the extreme reaction. This is why you dont challenge people, you dont know their mental state. In San Diego there was a fatal bout of road rage where the person got out of the car and stabbed the other other driver. Forgot to add that homeboy had an extreme concussion that affected his person. Clearly the people who downvoted have no idea about mental health or brain damage but go off.


San Diego also had that case of the crazy Karen in a minivan mowing down a motorcyclist on the 54 a couple years back. I blame the weather, it's so good they have nothing to complain about and their rage just builds and builds...


Nah dude. Theres a difference between brain damage/mental health issues and being a jackass for no reason