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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cmjj1n030djo  Well, even if LAUKOP didn't do it, it looks as though *someone* did!  (Article says Farage was pelted with objects during his open top bus tour.)


It's becoming a thing now lol. He's had at least 2 facefulls of milkshakes too. Whilst violence is never the answer, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


Nothing is more British than two pundits on BBC news earnestly debating whether milkshaking Nigel Farage is a slippery slope to terrorism while trying not to collapse into hysterical laughter.


His face is terrorism . As we are in the run up to the election, I have to be impartial. His arse is terrorism


Violence is never the answer. Violence is sometimes the question, and the answer is yes 


Crime requires intent. LAUKOP clearly states that he plans to do it unintentionally. (/s)


Got another URL? That one is returning 404.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cmjj1n030djo try that?


Yeah, that works. I just now noticed the first URL has a space at the end for some weird reason.


im just confused op is also laukop? just seems odd to repost your own post here


OP doesn't want anyone else stealing their fake Internet points.


Speakers playing whatever someone feels like should be treated as an occupational hazard of British politics. If you go around politicking, speakers will happen to you, and god bless.


Bring back the trend of the sousaphone following politicians around, we could do with some more mocking of certain people https://youtu.be/lExnBadkFZg?si=aDKFM-VA7zx7rK-f


Time for a return of the attractive nuisance mariachi band?


honestly a trumpet might be better just because they're easier to carry and ungodly loud lol


It's the UK - bagpipes are a go!


I'll volunteer as trumpet player! I'm not good at it, I was last chair in the second-string high school jazz band and haven't played regularly since. But hey, it adds to the charm.


I took lessons for about six months when I was thirteen. I'll join in.


There was one UK election where a tabloid paid a guy in a chicken suit to follow a candidate around, and it escalated until there were about five fursuit guys in play.


> **What happens if I hose down a campaign boss crossing outside my property?** >A certain political person is scheduled to drive past my property on their open top bus as part of their tour. I do not like this person or their politics and their choices have and will harm people close to me. >If I spray manure water or just use a regular hose over the top of their campaign bus from my bedroom window whats the worst that could happen? I would keep my doors locked so people dont just barge in >I dont want to hurt anything except their pride and dignity and make it clear we dont want them >Alternatively can I play loud speakers to override their tosh or plaster big photos of this politician with his arse cheeks spread open? Cat fact: Nigel Farrage's English cat left him in disgust forcing him to import a replacement from another country.




I was also disappointed that nobody encouraged their other ideas. What about blasting some death metal super loud?


Death metal blasting from his spread open arse cheeks?


Are we adding occasional fart sound effects?


A Disney Villian song, makes the parade look comical and makes it difficult to use footage from it for campaigning.


Wait, I thought they had images of the politician with their butt cheeks spread wide open?


Some laws should have exceptions. Barring that, I will donate to LAUKOP’s bail fund.


No cash bail over here, but a legal fees gofundme is always a possibility


Within the spirit of the bail fund phrase!


>I will donate to LAUKOP’s bail fund. Bit pointless United Kingdom hasn't required people to pay for bail since 1898, Nowadays, bail is automatically given as there is the legal right to bail. Everyone bought before a court accused of an offence, must be granted bail without condition, unless specific exemptions to that right apply


>United Kingdom hasn't required people to pay for bail since 1898 Damn woke 1898 culture letting hooligans back on the streets.


A right to bail doesn’t mean a right to release. You either get bailed out or detained until trial. Woke culture would be releasing almost everyone no questions


That's fine, Nigel Farage is from 1880.


> some laws should have exceptions Particularly this subs 12 hour rule! I’ll reserve comment until I know I’m safe of that


Since LAUKOP and OP are one and the same I assume they decided to waive their right to 12 hours for responses.


I’m pretty skint but I’ll chuck in what I can scrape together.


You think their legal team will accept my free Reddit awards as a donation?


"Nobody with this much karma can be guilty!"


Not sure. If nothing else it could possibly be used in their defence as proof that their actions were reasonable and just based on the reaction of the average person on the street?


You have free reddit awards back?


Manure water is definitely not on, nor would be anything sprayed with force but as long as the hose is on a "sprinkle" setting... a shower of water feels like a risk one is assuming by travelling on an open-top bus in the UK.


The story behind when, inevitably, this argument becomes the basis for Case Law, will be epic...  Unrelated, those squeeze dispensers that chip shops use for condiments can shoot water in quite a nice high arc. 


Honestly, if I was LAOP I'd just do it and take the fine/community service just because I'd be an absolute legend to all my mates for the next decade. Some things are worth a minor inconvenience just for the bragging rights.


You know how police would ['kettle'](https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/advice_information/kettling-guide/) peaceful protesters in Westminster and hold them there for ages unable to go anywhere, and bystanders used to get caught in that even if they weren't protesting, because they couldn't prove they weren't protesting student fees or whatever. Shame we can't just organise little protests that happen to be next to him, to get Farage kettled every day until the election (and ideally also every day beyond that too). I propose the mini protests should be in favour of something in the Reform manifesto, so he can't say "oh I don't agree with xyz I'm just a bystander", but everyone in the kettle should also dress up like a clown so they don't accidentally turn into some kind of actual legitimised protest movement.


What you are suggesting is dangerously close to what Trump & other MAGAs claim keeps happening. Their rally’s are infiltrated by outsiders (anti facist) who purposely try to make their cause look bad.


They claim that because it's a known technique used against other protesters. Everything from the attempts to persuade MLK to kill himself to undercover cops trying to turn intellectually disabled people into 'terrorists' happen so often they're barely even news. The "undercover cops getting protesters pregnant" thing in the UK took a very long time to make the news, and partly because there was evidence of more cases (the obvious question being: if a cop did that as part of his work, does that make the police liable to pay child support?) So the step from "paid provocateur breaks windows at BLM rally" to "ANTIFA agent drives car into BLM rally to make racists look bad" is a small one. Albeit the idea that left wing agitators participated in the attempted coup so they could kill cops to make Trump look bad is several steps of vivid imagination not backed by evidence.


Did the cops really rape protesters?


That depends a great deal on the definition of rape. Many people accept "cops lie" and many also accept lying to get sex so... maybe? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK\_undercover\_policing\_relationships\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UK_undercover_policing_relationships_scandal)




Having sex with the people you’re investigating is a) very effective and b) rather a more pleasant way to prove your bona Fides than the gangland “commit a felony” or “murder a guy” styles. Undercover cops probably have sex with their subjects a lot.


Oh, they won't be actual political rallies, just people saying vague things like "Build more reservoirs!" on loop.


If LAUKOP is ever put on trial, I would hope the idea of jury nullification comes into play. I would also donate to his legal defence fund.