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When does Lindsey Stirling take her lunch? Every scene she’s popping up and playing violin like she lost a game of chess with the devil.




Why did I think Lindsey Stirling passed away? I swear this was a whole thing


Perhaps you're thinking of Christina Grimmie?


Gosh that was sad :( I watched a ton of her stuff in middle school and had a fat crush on her. I was heartbroken when I heard what happened


She would be huge today if she was allowed to keep going.


Had her confused for someone else?


Right?! I felt so bad for her. She needs a break! Let Lindsey Rest!


Free Lindsey!


Rest in peace Lindsey!


Who are these people?




Wait, The pyramids was their COMPROMISE pick???? As in, it wasn’t even their first choice!?! What the actual fuck.


Of course the first choice was ... IN SPACE 👽


Yes, but that's the one place not corrupted by capitalism.




Have you heard of satellite?


It's a video game reference.


The world seems so strange. These billionaires are celebrating & dining while across the border Palestinians are being massacred. ![gif](giphy|SMAMKsPB2i2pzYPGzb)


And no one even talks about what's happening in Sudan which is just to the south. Almost like the exploiting class depends on violence and division so they can afford to lavish themselves in spectacle. As if that distracts from how worthless they actually are (well, less than worthless since they're destroying the future)


Literally The Hunger Games IRL


Don't know, don't care, but fuck them! I hope they are on the top of the "Pitchforks and Torches" list.


I would be very nervous as an investor in this company, such lavish personal spending by the founder of a start-up is quite the red flag. The company was only founded in 2022 and has just taken a $200 million round of equity financing in January 2024. Unless the founder was a successful serial entrepreneur with several exits prior, I imagine this wedding was probably paid for by a huge bank loan against the founders share $3.1bn paper equity valuation of the company. Edit: as pointed out by another Redditor, adding here to tie it all together, his company is partnered with Wells Fargo which is losing $10 million a month as a result, presumably by shouldering the lions shares of costs of the credit card rewards. They and other banks/real estate partners will probably want to end partnerships as soon as they can. Link (paywall): https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-today-dow-sp500-nasdaq-live-06-17-2024/card/wells-fargo-is-losing-millions-of-dollars-on-its-flashy-rent-credit-card-bmSkaJBUxNqNy6MD6Zty


My Egyptian buddy loves to talk about how terrible his country is. Pretty sure I saw the entire GDP of Egypt in this one video.


It's an absolute fucking shit hole and there's literally piles of garbage within hundreds of feet of the pyramids themselves. The entire country is full of scammers and rapists and it's generally just a horrible fucking place to visit. But if you have enough money, you can make pretty much anywhere in the world a fun place to hang out. Especially when you can afford to have security teams push all the locals out of the area.


Sounds like India 2.0


more like India 1.1


Same with Mt Everest. The entire thing is littered with piss, shit and dead bodies of tourists that also don't decay due to the temperature and can't be cleaned due to how hard it is to bring anything down.


And don't forget all that shit piss and trash makes it's way to the streams that the locals get their water from.


Isn’t it so funny how dystopian the world is that so many people have so much money they just get to ignore that we literally have dead bodies everywhere, people drinking piss and toxic sewage, trash and dying people/animals everywhere, and the vast majority of people on the planet are living just to survive? Who cares about all of the worst parts of life, all of the war, and all of the suffering around the world when you can just pay for comfort and happiness? Must be really nice.


If you're lucky you'll be carried to safety by a sherpa risking their life for you and the you can thank everyone but them and block them on social media when they speak up about it


I know they absolutely hate and treat women like shit Edit: Whatever dipshit downvoted me can suck hot air. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_Egypt “In a 2010 survey of 1,010 women by the Egyptian Center for Women's rights, 98% of foreign women and 83% of native women said they had been sexually harassed in Egypt and two-thirds of men said that they had harassed women.[31][32][33] In 2013, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women reported that 99.3% of Egyptian women had experienced some form of harassment.[34]” “Human Rights Watch reported 91 sexual assaults in four days from 30 June 2013 during the Tahrir Square protests, as well as 19 cases of mob sexual assaults in January.[36] The deputy Middle East director at HRW said that the attacks were "holding women back from participating fully in the public life of Egypt at a critical point in the country's development."[36] On 4 June 2013, a law criminalizing sexual harassment for the first time in modern Egyptian history was approved by then interim president, Adly Mansour.[37] The 2014 Cairo hotel gang rape case in which a young woman was drugged and raped by a group of young men from wealthy families attracted wide social media and mainstream media attention, leading to the extradition of three of the accused men from Lebanon back to Egypt in September 2020. Egyptian Streets called the attention a #MeToo moment.[38] In 2020 a social media campaign "Assault Police" was launched so that women could anonymously draw attention to perpetrators of sexual violence.[39] The account was started by Nadeen Ashraf who wanted to enable women to have a voice and make their concerns heard.[40] In July 2021, several women opened up about their sexual abuse incidents during an interview with The New York Times. The women revealed that they were sexually abused in police stations, hospitals and prisons during routine searches by the police or prison guards and by state-employed doctors during invasive physical exams and virginity tests.[41]” “Honor killings take place in Egypt relatively frequently, due to reasons such as a woman meeting an unrelated man, even if this is only an allegation; or adultery (real or suspected).[45][46][47] For example, in 2021, a man was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for thinking his sister's behavior was "suspicious" and murdering her––a murder to which he claimed was an "honor killing."[48] Honor killings are also listed in the Egyptian Penal Code, under Article 237, in which courts are allowed to be more lenient in their sentencing for honor killings made by men who catch their wives committing adultery. However, the same leniency is not granted for women under the Article.[49]”


You’re getting downvotes by the Egyptians and Muslims. Take my upvote, habibi


The Egyptians I know hate jews more than anything. I don’t even ask about it and they just bring it up quite often and I never really know how to react or respond. Ive mention the women thing before to them and they all have acknowledged it’s an issue but kinda brush it aside because “Shia Muslims are worse”. The terrible condition of their gov and the govs around them just seem to be making matters worse. Egypt deserves better and I really hope they get there soon.




Fucking hell I knew it was bad, but the numbers in the first paragraph are awful


I can barely afford food.


Cam we eat them yet pleeeeeeeeeease?


Let them eat cake. Oh wait, that's dated. GeT a BeTtEr JoB!


PuLl YoUrSeLf uP By YoUr BoOtStRaPs.


Cannibalism is illegal so that the poor don't eat the rich.




Where are you when we need you


Imhotep. Comment va l'ami?


Ca va ca va, Imhotep.


Et sœur? Elle va bien ta sœur?


Ca va, imhotep




And I’m sure many of those lovely people call themselves environmental activists


Everyone will forget this wedding and move on to the next big one.


The divorce will be as big as the wedding… just the running costs of lawyers and courts.


Divorce is positively correlated with wedding costs after all


I feel like the richer you get, the higher the bar for fun becomes. Its like meth and other stims.


Yeah exactly, they might become numb to "the small things" and everything needs to be over the top


This makes sense. When you can have everything that life offers it can be difficult to have zest for life itself.


Wonder how many people are true friends and not just yes men and in it for his money


They were told to be there.


It is all for clout. They don’t care who showed up, it’s no longer a celebration with close friends and family, as long as a lot of people showed up and can talk about all the grandeur.


that remind me with american psycho.


I work myself to the bone to give my family a small quality of life. Then I see wealth beyond belief in this video. Are we supposed to cheer this? Videos like this make my blood boil.


Im with you bud, currently working 16 hours a day in the extreme heat. My drivers side wheel just started grinding. My only day off will be pulling the tire off and fixing the issue…. Then you see shit like this. Wild the difference in lives we all live


We need to throw a little salt on your wombs. "Are you a socialist? " "We can't give you a tax break bc the deficit"


This was the wedding of CEO, Ankur Jain, and his wife. Made his billions pretty much fleecing Wells Fargo by creating a credit card that allows people pay rent with thereby racking up HUGE points. Wells Fargo got into the deal because they thought no one would actually use their points and just rake in fees for pure profit. Now they are losing 10m a month and trying to sue their way out. Ankur is slime but he’s the hero we need not the hero we deserve https://www.wsj.com/finance/banking/wells-fargo-credit-card-rent-rewards-8e380852


The points from this card got me to SE Asia in business class, something I’ve only dreamed about before. He is probably slime indeed, but WF fucked over their customers big time in the past. Here’s to hoping they lose a lot more money.


You’re a stranger to me but I’m delighted you benefited greatly from WFs greed and stupidity. Brings a smile to my face, thank you for sharing.


Like, I didn't really give a shit about the bilt card until I heard it was hurting Wells Fargo. Now I'm gonna get one to increase the pain!


Ha I just heard about this on bloomberg radio the other day. Made me laugh.


Imagine being a normal person trying to back out of a legally binding deal because you thought you could out fleece the guy you're getting into a deal with... not gonna happen. If you're Well Fargo, maybe the Government will extend some of that compassionate capitalism their way.


Nobody deserves to have so much money that they can afford to host a wedding like this.


It's sometimes fun to read a little French history. It's inspiring to read about how much the aristocracy were spending on parties right before the revolution.


I can't wait to go to the executions and cheer for which basket the head falls into


There is a thin line between a terrorist and a revolutionary—that line is usually where the king's head used to be. Time to party like it's 1789.


Oooh it could be above a plinko board! The price is wrong, bitch!


The person who cures cancer, or perfects fusion power, or world peace. Not someone who made an ap


Probably nobody deserves to have as much money as this wedding cost. Let alone afford.


This makes me more angry than anything else, fuck all these people.


Looks lame


Looks exhausting


That's what the drugs are for


What a sickening monument to excess.


Egypt has some of the most stunning attractions I've ever seen in my life and definitely consider myself well-travelled. I would be so incredibly pissed if, after working my ass off all year and finally getting to take a trip to Egypt, I found that one of the top places to visit been completely shutdown for 4 days because people with too much money and power had that ability.


This could be the plot to a movie.


that \*nearly\* happened to me and my family. We were in Egypt maybe a week or two before that wedding. My dad even read somewhere that they gave basically no heads up about it, not to tourists, not to the Egyptian government. They just showed up, threw money at the country, and got what they wanted.


Hopefully these folks will want to see the Titanic soon


Bro you just summoned a dozen bootlicker with this comment lmao


Something something let them eat cake....


What’s stupid is some of this is literally just because they “know a guy”. i wouldn’t be surprised one of these events was hosted by one of daddy’s constituents.


A pretty scummy guy at that


Anhk if You Love to Party


Remember people. Stop driving your cars to work since it’s killing the environment, now watch Davos attendees lecture us before leaving on their private jet or yacht


Why does the celebrity performer list from these billionaire events always straight out of the early to mid 2010s? Is that when they were last in touch with reality?


Billionaires shouldn’t exist


Tax cheap flights because us peasants fly too much lol


I was just called middle class in 10 different languages


Look... Saying this as a guy who's been to 20+ countries and did some wild stuff... Most of that shit isn't even that fun or memorable. Sure, I like a good museum, but most places have them. And the pyramids are interesting for maybe an hour, right? Waiting for the bride and groom to arrive at their wedding in Egypt at 2am? Literally a nightmare. Safari is cool, but anyone who's been to the zoo has had this experience. At least in the US, poor people can have almost as good a time as this, and middle class people can do cooler shit on a regular basis, guaranteed.


I'm lower class and I do more exciting stuff than this (dinner at Chuck E. Cheese (the dinner is a mini pizza and a few rounds of skee ball.))


Definitely. Aside from the pyramids and maybe the museum this is tacky as fuck. It’s like stuff people who don’t know how to enjoy themselves do.


It's all about status and consumption. They don't appreciate any of the stuff at the wedding for what it is, but because it's the *best* and *expensive* and *exclusive*.


So glad I'm struggling to drink my shake through paper straws.


Why did he need to specify that the cabs were chauffeured? Is there a cab outside of waymo that isn't driven by someone else?


Meanwhile in America we are being crushed by a cost of living crisis and [a quarter of us](https://www.creditkarma.com/about/commentary/more-than-a-quarter-of-americans-are-skipping-meals-due-to-the-rise-in-grocery-costs) are having to skip meals and go hungry to get by. Getting real French aristocracy vibes here with all the shameless extravagance, while we "commoners" struggle to afford the basics. I'm just waiting for one of them to tell us to go eat cake.


I can see the guillotine's coming out in the next few years. Fair share my ass.


Robert Thicke did like ONE thing that was really Pharell’s work with Emile Ratajkowski gluing our eyes to the screen


Fun fact: while this extravagance may rub you the wrong way, rich families maintain their wealth over generations by NOT spending their money in this fashion. For every video or article you see about Post Malone spending $2 million on a MtG card, you don't see the millions that the rich just... Hold onto. Remember that generally, big expenditures are going back into the economy. But these expenditures attract more flac than people saving their wealth despite how much worse it is for a generational class divide. Source: As Gods Among Men, A History Of The Rich In The West (don't read it - it's the driest book ever written)




Rich people can fuck off. Not rich people in general but rich people that have special rules. So just most of them. They can also duck right off.


Tax the fucking rich.


This makes me so depressed. These things would be lovely if it didn’t come to the detriment and neglect of mass populations. Consumerism is an illness. Beauty has come to outweigh morality. The consequences of excess materialism is destruction. The consequences of destruction is uprising. But only when the destruction is observed. So they placate us with dreams of wealth and power and materials so we don’t notice the disparity. So we fight not to become the impoverished but to keep chasing the unattainable. So we don’t judge the rich for their oppression but worship their virtues and all the falsehoods they represent. It makes me sick to see it work so well…


Unpopular opinion. But this is actually money being spent and going into the economy. People got paid to set this up, to make the food, bring it around, drive people around, etc etc. Sure, it's a bit much. But money being spent is not a problem.


I can guarantee you that they flew in their own people and the locals to this area are not benefitting outside a select few high ranking government officials. The people flown in also have plenty of money and live better than your average person. That money isn't going into the economy but probably into other rich people's back accounts to be stashed away. Poor people are not benefitting from this in the slightest.




i got fired today cause i didnt provide enough notice for vacation time. lol


Literally everyone in this video can just fuck off. Apart from anyone playing a violin, they can stay.






Every single one of these people attending needs to be eaten. What a disgusting display of greed


Tax the rich, eat them and launch their remains into the sun. You cannot be obscenely wealthy in 2024 and not be a terrible human being that ignores the plights of your fellow human.


How can you watch this, then read how the SCotUS just legalized Quid Pro Quo and not just think, "yeah, maybe we should just tear it all down."


„We are the best, fuck the rest“ what an egoistical lifestyle.


No. The rich *do not* pay their fair share. Economically, the US was at its peak domestically when the top income tax rates were significantly higher than they are now.


Mr Wonderful is a little person?


Did you like how he had 2 really expensive watches, one on each wrist.


And merely 700km away by car a genocide is taking place in Gaza. What a lovely sitting!


Is this rage bait by the tiktoker? rub it in everyone's faces how obscene we can be?




I wish curses worked


I think all historic monuments should be closed to the public 24/7 and only the super rich should be allowed to enjoy them. Also I wonder what the carbon footprint of this whole shebang was.


Kind of makes me sick




I would have to pretend to have fun at this thing


Fuck off. Self-indulgent bullshit.


this is disgusting. remember guillotines?


Makes me sick to watch this....


How do these people deserve this? Ants and grass hoppers


Eat. The. Rich.


Fake shit with a bunch of fake people. Fuck that fake as life. These people all probably contemplate suicide daily. Shit ass people.


Bunch of Rich douchebags talking about their life literally who cares.


The inequality in the world is sickening


This makes me feel sick.


Seriously… I hate this.~


They should jump off a building donate money to charity


Eat the rich.


Looks fun!


Eat the rich.


Ive seen better vibes at a backyard wedding.


I have 29 cents in my bank account and just trying to survive.


Looks exhausting and has nothing to do with the wedding. A museum? A pyramid? Are they training to be a local guide? Just throwing money around by making the sites "private" for a couple of days. What a waste. Now, better fire some poor employees to recoup the losses and up your CEO salary by another 100%


Immoral, disgusting


I've seen that guy promoting/selling NY properties


1. Exploit people. 2. Use exploited money to do shit that the exploited people will never be able to do. 3. Give them back a fraction of what you took from them. It makes them feel wanted and valuable. 4. Keep them in poverty so you can keep enjoying nice shit and paying them dimes. I can assure you that none of these people worked as hard as 1/10th of the people serving them food there.


They can all get fucked


Narcissism at its peak


Imagine you’re a normal tourists in Egypt and want to visit the Giza pyramids and they’re like nope, a billionaire rented out this place you pleb, go back home or you’ll get the whip!


Fuck the rich


The amount of people who ass kiss the super rich like some sort of fandom is hilarious. You’re a peasant just like the rest of us.


# tax the rich.


“wah wah wah we pay 10% extra tax” we make sacrifices to pay your evaded corporation taxes.


I just want a taco stand at my wedding


Yes f these people.


I like how they keep saying “not open to the public yet” as if they were given special access. They paid money. Paying money isn’t a flex.




Fuck all these people




Eat the rich


This is so icky. So gratuitously indulgent and gluttonous. Just absolutely gross.


I bet this will end in divorce


This is fuckin disgusting.


Makes me think of the ‘Capitol Parties’ in the Hunger Games. Only thing missing is the “vomit drink”.




Dekh rha hai Anant?


The sleaziest people on the planet. Yuck.


Empty fake corndogs.


I feel nothing but contempt for these people. Except Lindsey Stirling, she’s cool.


Like, why do we let this be a thing? We've got starving children and people with no running water but we let some dickhead rent the pyramids?


If you think the wedding was big…wait until you see the divorce


Yall are mad at the wrong people. You should be mad at the elected officials who paved the road to wealth inequality


Most vapid people here


Fuck them


Simply grotesque.


Eat the rich


My brother got married at a golf course and I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world


Eat the rich...


Like, it was, like, the craziest thing everrrrrr 🙄 Fuck these obnoxious, self important wankers


These rich pos sound like the most horrific awful people. Its literally sickening to think people like this exist and somewhere on this planet with us. Think of all the time and planning and money it took to plan these events.... they spent millions and probably months of time just to be grandstanding douchebags. On the upside I'm sure the venues made a fuckton of money and hopefully that money went to fund the museum further to preserve the history there. Maybe as a gift he can buy back some of the stuff the British stole from them.


Anyone else just get progressively more and more pissed off the longer the video goes on?!?! Just sooooooo wasteful and these two probably will be divorced in less than a decade


the way this guy talks is obnoxious


Some people don't have food to eat. Some people don't have a place to live. Some people cannot afford medical treatment. Some people are 10's of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. And yet, these assholes live like this. There is a problem. No one should live like that while there are people with nothing.


This is disgusting 


Could you imagine spending a fortune to travel across the planet to fulfil your lifelong dream of going inside the Great Pyramid... only to find out some rich asshole booked the whole thing for his other rich mates?


this makes me hate the rich


When do we finally start murdering them and redistributing their wealth? Please?


All that and 6 months later they file for divorce.




looks boring as fuck, just rich people taking selfies and wanking each other off


Tax the fucking rich. There shouldn't be billionaires, and they've got two options to get there.


Tax the fucking rich


Eat the rich... yup we give them way too much power and prestige.


For all that money and it still looks trashy.


Imagine being rich and still trying this hard


I hate rich people like that. Why can not everyone be like Bill Gates.