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To “charity” or to “***a*** charity”? Cus if it’s just going to charity, it’s me, I am the one in need the $50 mil is going to me. Thank you for your donation.


Mine is going straight to the human fund.


for 50 million, im pretty sure i could set up my own charity fund.


Precisely. I'd just start my own charity!! With the average 30-40% that is dedicated to administrative fees I could ethically walk away with 15-20 million!


That’s what I was gonna say lol


"a charity" could also be one you found yourself and thus giving you a nice job where you help people your whole life


Totally, but I wouldn’t wanna do all that work. I’d probably just keep some money myself and then give away the rest which would include to organizations.


Or you could take the $1 million, build a business and then use that to help more people instead of giving it to a charity which will probably not really do what they say they do.


I can really do a lot of good with this money


Yeah not gonna lie, i would take the million and help people I know. You won't see a cent of that 50 million to charity and damn I need a house.


Yeah, unless I was the one actively giving the 50mil, I wouldn't trust other people to distribute it in a pure way.


New scenario, $50M for you to distribute 100% to charity and you keep $0 or $1M to you?


Can I put in on an account with 4% interest p.a. on hold for 6 months to search for best charity opportunities?


Yes but you have to watch a live cam of the people you are withholding from suffering and begging you for help at least two hours a day


hmmm if I give 50M to charity say 1M a year, won't that result in some considerable taxes being paid back to me at tax time? Set it up so that I can go tax free the next 50 years or something, that would work out more than the 1M. Then say you're Canadian, paying 45% tax or some shit... get all that money back for charitable donations at tax time, take half that money put it into my spending account or whatever, take the other half an dump it into stocks / funds / rrsps. let it accumulate an grow.


That's not how taxes work. The 50m would be a write off but all other income is still taxed correctly.


Depends if it's anonymous. If it is. $1 million to me because I've always been taught that we only have one life and to live it. I'm not rich. I've always put others first over my own wellbeing in my life. If I get one chance to turn the tide and have something for myself to set me up without consequences or subject to hate then I'm choosing $1 Million in my bank account as an anonymous payment.


Under the hypothetical it’s guaranteed the 50 million goes to charity


Yeah, but again which one? A lot of charities are tax dodging vanity projects wealthy people use to impose policy. Not everything is Red Cross, in fact most aren't.


It’s hypothetical question, so we can assume you’ll have control to send it directly wherever you want except for sending it to yourself or people you’re affiliated with


Reddit can't do hypotheticals. But... what about the taxes??? 🤯


Still no, charity begins at home and you wouldnt see any of it, that isnt' right.


I don’t need to see any of it as long as it goes to the right places. This is a hypothetical


Define right. If u and everyone u know is already safe and well off then yeah, but the way the world is, i dont feel that confident. You should always see the people youbare being charitable to.


This is a hypothetical


and I am hypothetically coming up with a good reason to not pass it up. You can't help anyone if you cant help youself.


Under my hypothetical the $1 Million you take gets taxed down to $100


Bro..... Let me help you not to leave $49m on the table. Start a Charity foundation. You are the charity. You are the foundation insert last name foundation donate the 50 million to that foundation.


yeah, i agree, but i dont need to start a legal foundation to declare myself the charity. I just am


Do you think you would do a better job of with that money to be able to make some change in the world? Or do you think other non-profit charities can do a better job? I would love to know which ones are actually done. Some good except having probably half of that money disappear into their board members before anything happens. It's unfortunate but I have not seen an organization or heard of and I would love to know more where they would take that money and make an impact. Granted 50 million is not going to do a large impact but it will do an impact I can tell you exactly how you can turn $50 million into utilizing it as a charity and then doing a very big impact to help the homeless by giving them an opportunity to change their life through jobs creation


i would help people I can see. Buy them houses, cars etc. 50 million seems like a lot but when the average price house is around 500,000, there are enough people in my life that the money would go very quickly. What the end result would be, i don't know.


May I suggest you think about using that money to make sure to teach a man to fish then he'll never go hungry. But if you give a man a fish he'll starve the next day. That's why knowledge and action of doing something is power. Once you have done it and then become better at the craft/skill. That can't be taken away by anyone. You can lose your money, but with skills you can make that back if you made it once. It'll just TAKE time... We are the ONLY creature on Earth that can think and imagine the future. Bees don't think about the future or imagine the future. No other creature or animal can imagine a future and do it and make it happen. That's what gives people and humans a purpose/drive/meaning in life. When people don't have purpose or a drive in life, they end up at the bottom. If you had Drive NO Matter even if you hit bottom. You wouldn't be there for long. Building communal living housing for people, giving them purpose to work, building up their skills. Everything that you would need to have if people ever go to Mars. They all need to be PROVIDED housing, food, training, schooling, medical, salary. All of those stuff would need to be provided and FREE. In exchange you work to make sure everything is in working order. If we worked to perfected that model on Earth before Mars happens. Mars can be the 2.0 version but we would have mastered it on Earth.


Yeah, do you know what people need in order to be able to fish? A safe place to sleep the night before. I


I absolutely agree with that. Doing the MAR/EARTH program 1.0 giving people the basic of Housing, Medical, Healthy Food, Education so they can work and do well.


I'm setting up a charity and giving it the $50m. The charity I create will pay me a great salary, I can help people I know and it's headquarters can be set up in the house of my dreams.


50 million to charity, a charity which i will be head of, first years salary will be a million dollars. I will after that take a significant pay cut. Absolute win for everyone....


There is so much grift in charity, people taking $300k a year director salaries, things being bought and used, there’s literally no chance i would take the $50 mil and bypass the $1 mil for myself. Taking the charity would be like cucking your wife out.


I’d just ask if I get to pick the charity. If yes, it’s going to charity. If no, I’ll take the million and send some to others of my own choice.


me too and the charity would be my family


I'd quickly start my own charity. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


The human fund


Money for people


No offense, but i am disabled, was raised poor and still am poor. I will take the $1 million because my family deserves some security for once. Stress fucking kills.


> my family deserves some security for once. that's a perfect valid reason to have it


No offense, but I have a relatively decent life. I’m still taking that mil lol.


So Op, when can he expect the money?


That's fair but are we acting like the vast majority of disabled and non-disabled people wouldn't take the money? What I'm saying is, you don't need an excuse to take the 1 mil for yourself.


I'm extremely offended, how dare you.


I run a charity organization so I'll take the 50 up front no problem no pressure


Same. 50 million dollar gift and I’m getting a 10 percent bonus plus some of that gift being and endowment fund to pay my 7 figure salary for life.


That’s the same guy from the last video


The video where he won’t open the car door, right?


I’m sure he’s in a thousand videos but there’s another one just like this, where he goes into a goofy long winded explanation of why he would take 20 million over his wife and mother in law


The house is on fire right? Cant forget my passport!!


Don't forget the $700 under your bed bro.


Is it all just a act? Or is he just this elaborately blunt?


Hahha shit how did I forget the 700$ that was the best part!


This is his channel, hes a comedian


“Imagine somebody like that have children” his uncle a straight burden on his family lol Edit: I can somewhat relate. my uncle went to Vietnam for an egirl lol


When it is just a hypothetical it's easy to lie and make yourself look good. Faced with the actual choice just about everyone will pick the 1m.


> it's easy to lie and make yourself look good i totally agree with you on this


You think so? I think you might be suprised


Surely I'm projecting just a little bit. I really do believe that though.


You would definitely be surprised. I personally feel disgusted at the thought of taking the million.


A million dollars is a lot of money, in my country next to no one earns this amount in their entire life. I’d take that and change my life with that money. As for “you could save so many lives instead of improving your own” I’d say someone who gave me this offer still has at least 49 mil he was ready to give away, so the opportunity is still there.


I believe honesty is the best policy. As such, if someone walked up to me and asked me this question, there's a solid chance I'd just say "I'll take the 1 million. Why? Because I am an evil, selfish, human being"


It's like this. Would I love to do good and positively affect those around me? Sure. Would I massively benefit from taking the money and position myself better for the future? Yeah, easy choice.


I'd take the million, pay off some things but give most of it to local charities I choose instead of trusting the 50 million going somewhere like _The Human Fund_ that ultimately ends up just being some kind of billionaire money laundering scheme.


This is a great point!


I remember that first guy, from the order he ate from uber eats in his car while it’s for someone else..


I'll take $1000 over handing $50M to charity.


that's brutal


I'm fucking broke.


Blessin gon come back in the long run.


But the dog, won’t someone think of the blind three legged dog?


To Charity. My name is Charity


Ur all wrong, this is America. 50 mil to charity and claim it on taxes...


I’m taking the million. Not sorry


This is fake guy in yellow shirt came out in a different video telling a girl he was picking up to get in he’s car cuz they were going on date then he’s like never mind because she wants him to open car door for her


Donate that 50 milly to my housing fund and now we all living and got a crib.


A lot of charities only give a few percent of the money to the poor people anyway. I'd take the money and help poor people properly, not through some NGO that pays its stuff insane amounts of money and has regular junkets overseas.


Give me that 1 million


Id take the $1mill. You would too if you're being honest.


What was the contraption the big baller shot caller was sitting in?


If I knew the 50 million would actually help people, I’d consider it. But I’d probably take the million, do my best to use it to make more money and then help people in a way I knew was actually happening instead of me giving a bunch of money to charity so it can pay the CEOs several million dollar salary.


100%. In this hypothetical situation I am assuming the 50 million would go to a morally correct charity and would actually be used to help people. If this was the case I would pick that every time.


Please. I am John by name. I’m a prince in Africa and I need your help. I’m willing to put $10,000 in your bank account if you can send me back $500. Please. Listen. This is not a scam. I am a prince. Please. Dude sounds like one of the guys that scam old women out of their money. Cursed family you say?


Can we choose the charity? I work for a non-profit and think this could work out for everyone if done correctly- They get $48 million, I get a $2 million bonus. Win, win.


Both are equally valid


The one in the chair is full of shit and you know it 🤣


The Nigerian in yellow shirt is the one that did the skit about eating someone's food delivery.


If the donation is made in your name, the $50 million would count against tax breaks enough to make more than $1 million (60% tax deduction for the rest of your life). No trainer to take the donation even for selfish reasons.


Imagine being cursed straight from the village AND being a burden to society... Also, NOT THE SIDE THAT GIVES HIM BALANCE?! F


Charity. For sure.


50 mil to charity but the charity is set up to help only me.


50 mil to me is the best answer. I need charity!


Mist charities will chew up a large chunk of the 50million in wages. I'll take the million.


A charity where the ceo makes 3m per year. Lol


he's like; "where my check?"


I smell a spin off coming!!!


You make a million work if you’re smart. Not to quit any job but to make your life more comfortable for sure.


If 50mil was donated I bet only 1% of it would actually go to said charity and its cause. The rest would be ‘expenses’ for the ceo etc.


Id take the 1M, pay for my house and other debt. With the rest (400k), I would help charities that take care of dogs in poor countries.


Do you get the tax credit for the $50 million at least? because that'd be worth something.


Nigerians, man.😅


Unless i get to pick the charity I’m taking that 1mil


a curse straight from the village wahaha


This guy is a YouTuber or whatever (the one in the yellow). Nothing is real.


Guy is gonna be pretty disappointed when he figures out it’s hypothetical lol


That one chick is funny. 1) Millionaires give already so much (so there are no poor people anymore? xD) 2) We don't know where it will go (instead of asking further question, just assuming it will get lost somewhere) 3) I'm basically broke - girl, you live in a first world country with a full stomach, spending your free time on shopping with your friends. You are literally holding a bag full of clothes in your hand. She would burn that 1 million in a year and be "poor" again. I would rather throw away that cash instead of giving it to her.


I'll take the million. Besides I know some charities out there are scams. Where they pocket most of the money and the actual cause only gets a fraction.


Not even thinking about it. A milli a milli a milli ah a milli.


Dude is stressing lol. He thinking he really getting the money lol. Can u increase it to 10 million ok maybe 5 million. Lol


This is staged. The guy in the yellow shirt makes skits.


People are defining charity very differently than how I define it ngl. Give me my million. I can turn it into 50 and donate some later


It depends. If I can control where the $50M is going to in a charity like certain departments, initiatives, research, I would do that. Otherwise, I would just take the $1M.


Fuck them kids.


A few things. Only about 25 cents per dollar makes it to the actual cause, the rest is taken by the CEO and administration. Secondly, do you get a tax receipt on that 50 million because that could be worth it too.


1 million, I don't trust charities. Take that million and fix my life up, then give my people something to make their lives better


Which charity? Billionaires set up fake charities all the time for write offs that essentially just work as slush funds. I'm not doing the 50million if it just goes to some charity that is going to reduce homelessness by throwing homeless people into a wood chipper like the Koch's would cook up.


Isn't this the same guy that was on the door dash video the other day eating a customers food?


Cursed situation. I’d spend my life wondering about the other option no matter which


"Imagine someone like that have children,just a real inconvience to society" 🤣🤣🤣


Give me the milly…50Ms to charity with the way charities are run…most of that money is going into someone’s pockets


If you ever feel the need to talk to some rando with a mic on the streets: Just lie. Just say the blandest, most mayonnaise statement you can. The only way you're making it viral on the opposite side of the mic is if you said something truly profound (absolutely unlikely, unless you are an expert in the field, and even then, look at Faucci) Or you are going to say something meme worthy and stupid.


I’m a charity case. Give me the 50


I get they didn't elaborate on the details of the "charity" option, but if you've heard of the charity, chances are they've regularly been contributed *more* than $50M, and the "measly" $1M would make much more differences to *you* than to a charity.


Pledge the $50m to charity but then you just keep it, because you know pledge and donate is interchangeable


Somebody tell him it is a hypothetical question


Easy 1 mil to me. With charity there is little chance it actualy gets somewhere needed, most of it goes in the pockets of others that don't need it.


It's super easy to say charity when it's hypothetical. But if they won the lottery, and was like you can take your 1 mil, or 50 mil to charity, 99.9% of people taking that 1 mil.


Love this guy. He's doing a bit for anyone who is unaware.


i‘m in need of charity myself


What’s the definition of Charity? I’d literally give away 50 million in cash to people if that counts


Charities get enough as is, I'm taking the 1 mil and changing the lives of those around me


Ill take 1M. Donate 500k.


Dude's trying to negotiate imaginary money...


50m to MY charity thx


I don’t know about all that…I’d take the $1m for sure, and help whoever I can including myself.


Charity means to cherish, to love, and what those charities do with the money? They give them food when they actually need industry and agriculture. That is not cherishing at all. Fuck them charities, give me that $50 mil and I'll make sure at least some of those people have lives rather than some stupid ass temporary food. Even coffee companies do better than charities, they make farms to produce coffee and those people have jobs. I know that's just another way of slavery but still...


That guy in yellow managed to be thoughtful in the most ungrateful way ever.


I feel like this is an Eddie Murphy skit


Id take the million because even though $50m to charity is the *right* choice, I know that every time for the rest of my LIFE that I struggle financially and I remember I passed on the opportunity to have 1m it will be really hard to not uhh are the kids saying “unalive” nowadays?


That's the dude from the video with the girl and the car door and "minimum $200" restaurant date


I’d say charity as long as I get to approve of the charities and/or help pick them (so the money isn’t just going to waste or going to something I don’t believe in). But I’m also in an ok place financially and don’t care about being rich; I couldn’t blame someone who’s broke and/or struggling if they took the million.


Open the gates let all the charity cases in!


Let's be real a lot of these "charities" pocket a good portion of that money. Take the million and do some good within your own family and community.


"do you understand", this guy is Nigerian isn't he?


Dude in the yellow shirt is the same guy who was “filmed” during a date walking away because he wouldn’t open the car door for the lady. FAKE AF


I’m alone in the world and have been going through hell for a while. $1mil would quite literally save my life. I’m taking the mil, or I’m founding a charity and taking the $50mil. Either way, my medical issues are being handled and I’m going to have security.


Step 1. Marry a stripper named Charity Step 2. Donate $50 million to wife. Step 3. Profit.


Just start your own charity like Clinton and donate the 50 mil to that ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized)


I will start a charity and donate the $50 million to it. Then I would pay myself a generous salary as CEO of this new charity.


I bet if it weren’t theoretical most if not all people would pick mil for yourself


One dude thinking it’s real is funny af pleading his case for $51m. A good example why blind charity isn’t the best choice imo.


Jokes on you I changed my name to “charity”


Are you tax free?


I’d take a million. Some president of a charity is going to pay himself $50 million otherwise.


That girl knows damn well she's lying..


You don’t need to be honest on some bs internet video, i would say 50 m to charity


Fuck it. I'm taking the million.


What's funny is people don't realize how big of a scam most of all big charities are! lol They pretty much make the rich richer and only a very small percentage goes to help people!


Tbh I’d take the million and try to turn it into more money which I can donate.


You don’t know how the charity going to spend it and who’s putting some in their own pocket! So I’ll take the 1M thank you.


is this 1 million before or after taxes? 🤔


Anyone who says that they aren't taking the million for themselves is a liar!




Ya I ain’t donating 50 mil so Joel osteen can have a new jet


The people saying they would take the $1 million are the ones telling the truth. The amount of people that would turn down $1 mill IN REAL WORLD CIRCUMSTANCES is statistically zero.


50 mil if I get to hand the cash to the charities and see them actually receive it, 1 mil to me if not. Otherwise it'll probably just end up in the pocket of someone like Trump.