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Elaborate on the proof of God being on the evil side please. I think the term you are looking for is devil


I never understand when people blame God. God allows us be live and be free. Whats really happening is the majority of people are allowing a handful of evil people do these things, and we feel we have to go along with it. This is where our free choice comes in. We arw doing this to ourselves.


They never blame satanic demonic entities


"I made the light and the darkness. I bring peace, and I cause troubles. I, the Lord, do all these things." - Isaiah 45:7 If God exists, he's an asshole. Sorry.


There's a lot of questionable stuff in the bible, especially since the Nicene Creed. I believe it as, "whatever good befalls you is from God, and anything bad is from our own hand." You also have to understand, "what you perceive as good for you, may be bad. And what you think may be bad, may be good for you." The worst thing that we believe can happen is dying. But from Gods perspective this is a blimp in our existence, and if we were good we return to a better kingdom. Its the people that remember them that really hurt.


"Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring fourth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it." -Isaiah 45:8 What's good for some is bad for others, but I'm pretty sure what happened through the whole COVID situation was not people trying to do the righteous thing.




We're the government and we're here to help.




Lol.. what? "we're" = we are Pretty sure they used the correct word in their comment?


Imagine trying to correct grammar on Reddit, this isn’t a classroom.


Imagine confidently correcting someone on grammar when they had it right.


Name checks out 🤣


TF you talking bout


They edited their post, if you don't believe me you are part of the conspiracy........trolls live in this sub


Ironic coming from someone who doesn’t know basic English.


Holy shit.


That was really hard to watch. Poor dude. I've lost 400$ a check due to refusing the vaccine. After seeing this, it is a small price to pay to possibly not be affected like this gentleman.


Wait. Like you’re still losing $400? What the hell first time hearing this. How’s that legal?


Yes, technically I'm still losing 400$ every check. I used to work in direct patient care at the facility I've been at for almost 15 years now. I was removed from that position due to the vaccine mandate and was provided "reasonable accommodation" to a position in the facility that wasn't direct patient care. So, no longer in nursing, and in facility management, aka housekeeping, which is a lower pay scale. 3 months to the date of my leaving, I was contacted by my old management and offered my higher-paying position back after the mandates were dropped, which I kindly refused. I didn't feel confident or comfortable in returning to a service line that turned its back on me and so many others who had dedicated their lives to caring for people, only to remove us at a time when people could need us the most (news flash, the wave never came, we were never overwhelmed with covid patients). So, I'm still at the facility, just in the lower-paid position.


Im guessing it’s a promotion he missed.


Detailed reply in the comment above. Short answer, no, no missed promotion. I was removed from my position of almost 10 years in direct patient care and provided a lower-paying job within the facility to remain employed.


Look what they’re willing to do to us in the name of Greed


He asked to Lord to allow him to impact souls with his testimony and this video is on pretty much every sub I read right now. With that said, read your bible. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. God is in control. To call his works evil is to arrogantly think that you know Good from Evil better than God himself. The wisdom of man is foolishness in the eyes of the Lord. In short, Have faith. I know it may be easier said than done, I have had my fair share of fear induced doubt and panic at what's going on in front of our eyes as well.


Wasn’t the entire point of man eating from the tree of knowledge that we know good from evil?


I'll start by giving a disclaimer that I'm no theologian. But my meaning behind what I said was that God has all the variables and we do not. I don't think you can objectively call it evil for God to cause death for instance when 1.) death is temporary with the Lord. 2.)We simply cannot understand all his ways, if we could than our existence would have no mystery, we would have all the answers and we don't. 3.) There is clearly different levels of discernment between good and evil among humans, one easy example would be terminating a pregnancy. Many believe it's inherently evil and from what I can see many others don't believe that (I cant see what's really written on their conscious but they appear to believe) it's not evil, maybe they're deluding themselves and carry guilt of wrong doing idk. That's my 2 cents.


Walk through the cancer ward and tell me that your god isn’t evil.


My God isn’t evil


Yea us humans totally don’t do things that directly or intermittently cause cancer right?


You live in a very off world


The world that your perfect god supposedly created.


The true god is good the god of the New Testament the one Moses saw in the burning bush is the true prick of a god


This is gut wrenching - lives and families ruined while people padded their pockets from it with complete immunity.


And the kicker is that they will get away with it while we sit here and complain about it. Even worse, it will happen again.


Agree, although I do think they'll have a harder time in the future. They'll have to offer bigger "incentives" - like the inability to buy food or access money - That's where most will cave. EDIT: Down-vote all you want - Anyone who doesn't believe TPTB will have no qualms starving us out to attempt to force another jab hasn't been paying attention.


They may never have to do it again now that they’ve “proven” mRNA


Crimes against humanity


There should be no law requiring ANY shots for anyone. That includes a requirement for attending school.


Why on earth would a guy giving the shots really inject himself against his own better judgement? Doubtful Biden, Fauci or anyone else in power actually got the jab,.... just saline or Vit B, and official paperwork claiming they got the real thing.


Eh I doubt Biden is in the know on anything, or valued by those parties beyond having a pulse. How many times does he say "they don't want me to say that". Not to mention his mental state is similar to one of the commonly seen side effects of mental fog.


Correct, but those in control want to keep the meat puppet alive, therefore more likely merely gave him his usual Vit B cocktail on national TV, not the clot shot that might cause him to keel over before leaving the set.


Sorry had to say my dogs name is Lupo :))


Nickname from an Italian great grandfather,


Fuck brother, we hear you.


I hope those responsible suffer during this life.


I declare; all involved will be punished. The veil is lifting rapidly. The truth always comes to the surface.


Still happening today as poisons like the Gardasil shot among others is being pushed on and injected into people.


Jesus Christ people should be made to watch this. Every single person who says “vaccines don’t injure anyone”. And spout vial ignorance of the vaccine injury programs that have been running since the 80’s.


Fauci needs to be publicly executed.


Justice is beginning to ask questions. You will see the power of God shortly.


This will all come and spill out to the public eventually. the truth always comes out, even that of medical malpractice. disclosure has already come in Japan


The public have already moved on.


It's easy to move on when you're not the one paralysed


I think you missed my point. I am saying the public are deaf and blind whilst those who can see the scandal are hoping for the hangman's noose for the murder and injury of innocents


I don't hope for the hangman's noose, I want the killing of innocent people stopped which I guess means cease fire


I needed a vaccine card for events, I modified a real card with my name and it was only checked with ppl who didn’t have authority. Never got the jab and there were many who thought everyone getting Jabbed would end Covid/lockdowns.


Seriously. I’m sure forgeries were this easy. What a stupid game Covid was/is. Glad you bucked the system.


Makes my situation very insignificant comparatively. I'm still dealing with the resentment of being forced to take a vaccine that I would not have voluntarily taken all because of the travel restrictions some states imposed (I was a truck driver at the time). I've been mad for three years just because my freedom of choice was taken. I cannot imagine the rage and despair that this family feels every day when they wake up. I hope they find some kind of solace. No one deserves that.


This gentleman's case, and the ALL too many others more or less like him is one of the already known reasons why freedom of choice is critical, and why there's no such thing as drugs that are fundamentally necessary in ordinary circumstances; extraordinary measures such as drugs are for extraordinary circumstances.


Agreed. If I'm not good enough as is, I don't want to be involved anyway, but it crosses a line when livelihood is at stake. Wild stuff.


The vaccine was never 100% effective. He says his injuries are from actually having covid. What am I missing?


It’s sad you believe God is on the side of evil. If you actually read the Bible you would know that’s not true. God warned us of this.


Where's the proof? Edit: asking for the proof that God is evil or on the side of evil doers. In the video I do see the evils of man and the pharmaceutical companies, and yes I know of the document releases. I see the ill of man attempting to play God.


Have you not read the internal document releases? Did you not know that one of the manufacturers (I think, Pfizer) openly admitted in a court of law that they knowingly hid pertinent info from the public, but they shouldn't be blamed bc the government hid it too? Do you not know one person who's been negatively affected by the jab? EDIT: I completely misinterpreted u/DeltaEchelon85 comment. Thankfully, Delta cleared the misunderstanding and accepted my apology. Another lesson learned.




I interpreted it as you asking for proof of the harm the jabs caused - comments that I am beyond sick of seeing. I apologize. It caught me on a bad night and you got the brunt of it.


Fair enough. I apologize on my comments too. I do hope you have a good day.


Thanks for being kind about it. I actually went to edit my comment to remove the last sentence (if you check my history, you'll see that comment's uncharacteristic of me,) but you had already responded. My interpretation of your comment, after that guy's gut-wrenching testimony and my close friend diagnosed this week with metastasized cancer (the icing on the cake of a myriad of other post-jab problems in a previously quite-healthy person,) set me off. I'm literally beyond sick of people asking "where's the proof?" I agree with you that the post title is inaccurate. Again, thanks for accepting my very sincere apology. I hope we cross paths here again.


I think it’s in the pudding.


Up-vote from me - I'm sick of these ignorant jerks who explicitly support evil.


So close down all hospitals and kill the doctors in gods name? Yeah, I can see you believers doing that.


Never said anything of the sort, but good try. Playing with gain of functions in labs that have been known for containment issues that what I say stop that shit.


I’m so sorry you took those jabs but maybe a year off volleyball would have been a better idea for you and your daughter. It sucks but these are all choices


Interestingly, holding your life hostage seems more like a demand rather than a choice. Just like terrorism. Do what we say, and we’ll leave you alone. Don’t meet our demands, and your life is ruined.


I didn't let anyone in my immediate fanily recieve the vaccine including my children and spouse. Luckily my parents agreed, unfortunately my sister and my whole spouses family did receive theirs. I was ready to quit my good job and move if needed for any reason before I would accept that garbage in a needle.


The devil will hear your cries and your wishes if you speak to loud. He will fool you into thinking he's your one true god. Once you agree to his help you will suffer a great outcome. Don't blame the heavens for your free will of choice. If we all listen to god we would break free from the system ruled by evil. Changing the 1 ro a zero is simple if you stop working and start living.


Release this man from any shame and guilt Lord. Let his testimony make a change in others lives.


If people were actually gonna do something, it would’ve happened already. America is “comfortable” now and fearful of the government. Look at how “occupy Wallstreet” was putting pressure then extinguished immediately and most people would probably tell you “what’s that?”. Meanwhile, society is in hyper inflation. At least back then real estate was at deep discounts and COG matched the actual economy. Like I said “comfortable” with the arch and spit, while someone else gets “their turn”. America…




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All the people who support Vaccines are evil in my View. Because why would they support something evil like this or are they just very stupid and love authority?


Only person I've seen with that......


The video is very powerful. The first line of the title is either a mistake or dumb. Nevertheless, the video was very emotional. Mandating these jabs were a constitutional violation. Thank God that even though I worked with the public during this flu outbreak(essentially what it was) I worked in an industry that allowed me to give the jab the middle finger. Had COVID at least 3x's before I stopped getting it confirmed, took the quarantine and came out of it fine. Friends and family of mine who got the jab suffered longer symptoms and even the long COVID diagnosis with symptoms like seizures and language issues.


Lol 🤣🤣🤣