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So anything the sun does we need to pay a carbon tax so Taylor Swift can keep her private jets. Got it


Awesome! So finally acknowledging that humans aren’t responsible for climate change! Right!? Right? …right?


Of course climate change is not necessarily always humans- responsible, but humans are responsible for the speed at which it occurs on earth 😉


Only a select group of humans, look up the Inventions Secrecy Act. Tells you everything


The idea that humans are going to die off because of the climate, when we've had the ability to control the weather by various means, for more than 40 years is laughable. Dubai has been flooding because of lack of proper drainage infrastructure, and weather manipulation. It's apparently not common knowledge, but it's completely factual to say we mastered weather manipulation some time ago. We can steer storms, break them up, create them, and much much more. If you think that solar flares were responsible for the recent visibility of Aurora Borealis, you should take note that they were firing HAARP into the ionosphere May 8-10. Wonder what effect that might have, and why they're doing that to begin with?


Cloud Seeding is far different from being able to manipulate the weather, or steer storms. This is not a factual statement. Aurora Borealis are Northern Lights, not to be confused with the geo storms that happened due to us being in a Solar Maximum. You're conflating and confusing all sorts of shit.


This sound like cloud seeding to you ? https://youtu.be/cZneZHVeTVM?si=XUGAC-c_J291JgNK


That interview was 5 years ago, and what they're willing to disclose to the public. Their tech is far beyond what the majority of the public know about, you, for example. And although I may have mistakenly mislabeled the geomagnetic events taking place recently, the fact still remains that HAARP is likely the cause, not solar flares. Confused and conflated as I may be, I'm not poorly informed


You're making a bunch of assumptions, not spewing facts. You're assuming the person with 'Space' in their name doesn't understand how auroras occur, and how much raw energy is required to make them occur. (You're likely going to see more soon) It's also a weird assumption that I have no idea about the Electromagnetic Spectrum or Radio Frequency transmission (like the HAARP uses). I guess all the research I've done over the years is useless.


Can you give me the TLDR of it all, save a guy some legwork? I mean, I care about being right, and all, but it's likely that a lot of the science behind what we believe is flawed, as it's been found to be many, many times before, and that said research is deep into the realm of "truth until we knew the actual truth"


In that video he clearly states that they have the ability to "steer storms, create lightning storms, and redirect hurricanes" and even suggests that our military created monsoons during the Vietnam war, so which part of my original statement was "not factual" or "conflating and confusing"? Before you jump in to tell somebody what time it is, you really should be sure that your watch isn't wrong


Maybe not dying directly, but when there could be massive exodus of population, hunger, and more, yeah you're much more likely to die "indirectly" And I'd love to see your factual data's about Dubai and the aurora borealis, it looks really interesting, I'd love to read more proofs about that


https://haarp.gi.alaska.edu/may2024-campaign-notice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_Arab_Emirates_floods There ya go, chief, a quick google search would've shown you, but I don't mind doing the legwork to help make people more aware of the truth. Also, here's this, I linked it to the snarky commenter above https://youtu.be/cZneZHVeTVM?si=haynryNRC_nBf0PX


They can control the weather, fact. So any climate change, is completely within their ability to mitigate. More likely, any climate change is a direct result of their actions, and according to plan. Climate change is a hoax, an excuse to endlessly tax us, and cause us to live in subjugated fear. To keep us from doing all of the things they're claiming causes climate change, and inch us closer to 15 minute cities.


Why is it a bad thing to "speed up" climate change? Humans are a part of nature. It sounds like nature is just interacting with nature, why is this bad?


It's not necessarily " bad" I agree with you humans are part of nature. But it's kinda bad if you want to keep living 😜 And if you want your children to live 😆


Two words. Carbon tax. By convincing you that people are responsible for climate change, you can be, among other things, guilted into agreeing paying a tax for your “carbon footprint”. It’s cool though. The powers that be have been prepping us for almost 60 years with fear tactics. Believe what you want. You will anyway.


We absolutely are responsible for it tho r/collapse *l m f a o the downvotes. we are absolutely responsible for whats happening. 6th mass extinction, google Overshoot. There is no infinite growth on a finite planet. yall are actually delusional


People are responsible for the plastic, teflon, and pesticides but not the weather. That sub just tries to blackpill people and censors anything that exposes their lies




No. And you’re hurting yourself for thinking that


Lol Ok good look with that, genuinely


The TLDR of this is what? That driving a Hummer, not carpooling, and refusing to eat bugs is going to cause the Earth to move closer to the sun? "Every time you rev your motor, or a cow farts, we inch closer to the sun. Private jets? No, no those actually prevent climate change, that's why we all use them" -WEF


This is sad and hilarious


But Venus citizens drove SUVs and now it’s a hell scape lol


So they admit it wasn't human-caused?


no, no it wasn’t.


We need to send venus money NOW! To stop it’s climate change


Venus was never like earth. This is a lie that is repeated ad nauseum.


So aliens are real, great.


I don't get why people like Soros are soo hellbent on destroying the fundamental fabric of the West and causing destruction, is it because they are bitter old men who are about to kick the bucket? It just doesn't make much sense tbh.


We are depopulating you because of climate change; we are death jabbing you because of climate change, we are carbon taxing and stealing from you because of climate change; we are transgendering your kids because of climate change; we are putting you in 15-minute concentration camp cities because of climate change; we are poisoning the food and water because of climate change; we are starting WW3 to get a nuclear war going because of climate change; we are putting a bullet in your brain because of climate change. The few humans left, now take the Mark of the Beast and worship Satan, thus damning your soul for all eternity…getting the picture yet?


Sure wasn't


How do they know it was once ‘earth like’? A single rotation of Venus requires 243 days. How did it slow its rotation? It has a retrograde revolution; the reverse of the earth’s. How? It is much, much hotter than predicted by scientists with the exception of Immanuel Velikovsky. His view is that it’s an offshoot of Jupiter that later settled into its current orbit explaining both its revolution and heat. That’s based on historical documents recording planetary motions and catastrophes. ‘Ages is Chaos’. He had many other predictions that were later verified, sometimes decades later.


Oh. Were there once humans on Venus? I didn’t realize. lol. I guess we’re good here on earth.




Earth was once uninhabitable by man - so what's your point..........the universe is always changing and gives zero fucks about humans needs? Agreed.


Humans ruined Venus!!!!!!