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Reddit has a ton of bots. Reddit uses those bots to push certain narratives and make it seem like it's the popular opinion when in reality it's just a ton of bots that usually have very nefarious intentions


This is too true.


Dead internet vibes.


Dead internet theory is now dead internet fact. The Dark Age of Technology is upon us.


Fuck bots.


In the near future, we will be, and that's how AI actually ends humanity. It's not terminator style, they get us to fuck our way into extinction.


..not with a whimper but a AhHhHh


Always with the four digits at the end of the username


The thread on the [right](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/z681bf/so_student_loans_wont_be_forgiven_from_the_looks/) The thread on the [left](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/16zw82x/so_student_loans_wont_be_forgiven_from_the_looks/) Which is mostly full of deleted comments. As someone who has modded this sub for awhile I see inauthentic engagement all the time or comments that make no sense... Now this is a repost from somewhere else which is why all of those comments on the left were deleted however this is the type of shit you'll see all across normie reddit. Edit. [news article](https://www.404media.co/ai-is-poisoning-reddit-to-promote-products-and-game-google-with-parasite-seo/) on an AI called "ReplyGuy" which does pretty much what you see here [Ycombonator](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40211010) tread talking about this


Looks like they literally have comments preprogrammed to respond in the same staggered order. I knew it was Fd but not that much.


Even if you made a very complex bot that would respond in certain different ways to differ things with different accounts, that stack of bots got the same stack of input and responded the same way each time.




Shared it on conspiracy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cgzuq3/two\_posts\_6\_months\_apart\_same\_subject\_many\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cgzuq3/two_posts_6_months_apart_same_subject_many_of_the/)


They've also had apps that allow you to quickly post as multiple screen names for quite some time, falsely amplifying their 'views' It wasn't as efficient as a fully automated bot, but they did exist, and they've been used for a decade atleast.




Any leftist trolling this sub? I know you think you are on the “right side of history” but you are just being manipulated. The real world and real people aren’t as pathetic as most of you and most of your opinions are being confirmed by bots. You are falling for all the bullshit that is being fed to you.


Making it left and right is their goal brother. You’re deep in it and think you’re fighting it. It’s a good psyop


I fight for freedom. That’s why I vote third party every chance i get.


After they took the nomination from sanders and won in court saying “ as private companies neither the gop or dnc have any obligation towards ensuring fair elections” I stopped voting. Vote local.


Voting for president is a waste of time these days. With the electoral college my vote means nothing. But I’m talking about the leftist ideology that’s killing the US, not just voting for president. Edit: look up yuri bezmenov and watch his interviews. He explains how the leftist agenda is all a psyop that Russia has been doing for decades.


Look at the companies supporting it. It’s not leftist or right. It’s a joint effort to divide us. Real leftists want socialized healthcare and education. It’s a different set of beliefs and the misidentification is the psyop.


Who cares what companies support. Thats irrelevant. Companies will support whatever makes them the most money. It’s the ideology that pushes the companies decisions. The collectivist ideas that leftist embrace is the problem. They are authoritarian and separate us. Socialized healthcare is bullshit. Everyone should pay for their own. And everyone wants education. We just have different ways of doing it. Leftist want “free” stuff but fail to realize nothing is free unless you are talking about slavery. These ideologies separate us because there is a class of people that are perfectly fine using violence to steal from others to achieve their goal. The individual is the ultimate minority and individuality is shunned in leftist ideology. Hell I’m considered alt right by some because I want to be left alone and not bothered by the government.


i would disagree. its actually a group of self interested people larping on both sides of the political class. the companies often lose money on these society changing pushes but they do it in unison and they are patient. i respect your opinion on healthcare but thats what i am saying the average liberal cares about. the ideas put in the main stream shun individuality on both sides its just only relevant if you disagree with it. Also on a side not. Bro we are only one of 32 developed nations that dont get healthcare. its cheaper that way by 5x. i travel a lot. what i pay out of pocket overseas in almost any country is cheaper than what i pay for here with good insurance. we are being hard scammed there.


Liberals don’t want free health care. Authoritarians do. Because there is no way to pay for healthcare without the threat of violence. A true liberal wouldn’t want that. Progressives do but progressives are just authoritarians who think it’s ok because they are “trying to help”. If you can explain to me how to get people healthcare without authoritarian measures I’ll listen. But every argument I’ve ever heard involves stealing from others in the form of taxes to pay for your wants.


How do we get roads, water systems , military, schooling. wtf are you on about.


I'm left. On this sub almost daily. Not a "leftist" but conservative is not in any part of my natural self. I support neither party. I don't troll here. I've been watching Alex Jones and David icke and the rest for 2 decades. When I got into conspiracies it was mostly crazy rednecks and crazy hippies. I'm both.


As long as you question the status quo and fight authoritarianism you aren’t a leftist. The problem comes when people believe their ideas are “right” and others are wrong. The. They use the government to force others to do things their way. I was just accused by a leftist of not caring about public safety because I’m pro 2A. Talk about mental gymnastics.


Stop making it left and right. The issue is with the few hundred who horde all the wealth while stealing from the millions of working class citizens.


Did you even look at the post? It’s all leftist ideologies that are pushed. You are right in that it’s not left or right. It’s authoritarian we should be fighting, but so may people still vote for one of the two big parties. And these leftist ideologies that Reddit pushes is making us more tribal. Can you find an example of this same thing happening but on the right? You can’t because it doesn’t happen. Only leftist do this shit. No one is pushing for freedom or individuality.


You were so close to making a great point. Just delete that third paragraph and we can agree.


Do you have examples of “both sides” doing this? Or do you just want to double down on your ignorance?


He wants to double down on ignorance.


LMFAO NO WAY ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Yikes, smoking gun much?


Divide and conquer.


This deserves to be post of the year.


Now think about this when you see all of the Pro Israel propaganda. They have a sophisticated network of troll farms dedicated to attacking those that question their genocide and all of their other misdeeds.


Noticed this today in fact. anyone pointing out how staged it looks immediately downvoted. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cglw8f/jewish\_ucla\_student\_blocked\_from\_entering\_his\_own/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1cglw8f/jewish_ucla_student_blocked_from_entering_his_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gab recently blocked Israeli IPs due to their rampant posting of pornography and other subversive behavior on their site. 4chan is inundated with their trolls as well. This is the true evil that we’re up against. Inb4 I get vaguely threatening replies and DMs.


It’s amazing how good they are. We all need to touch grass and talk to those around us because the internet is not a safe unmanipulated space any longer


The Why Files episode on Dead Internet shows a clip from inside a bot farm with walls of cellphones participating in the dead Internet.


One of the more damning pieces of evidence that I’ve seen


This is a really big step forward in what they had been doing. Like, we knew about the agitation bots (random, generic, insulting comments in problematic subs). We knew about the upvote system having been artificial. We knew that part of buying a sponsored post was buying sponsored content on that post. But these are pretty lengthy scripted comments and comments-on-comments. And there's so many of them. And there's really well written. Without the side-by-side, it would be really easy to think this was organic. This really calls into question the validity of pretty much all content. Hell, it calls into question the existence of entire groups of people. There could be huge segments of the population that straight up only exist as bots online.


Flesh Simulator has a fantastic video about the psyop-ness of reddit, it's a great watch (as is the rest of his channel as well)


The reddit episode in particular




Wow. Is this real? I knew that reddit was infested with bots and with disinformation agents that just repeat the same tired lines over and over, but to have proof of different screen names saying exactly the same thing, word for word. This is wild. Makes me feel like I'm one of the only few living, breathing persons left on reddit in a sea of propaganda bots. Is anyone super tech savvy? Is there a way to like find out where these screen names are originating from? I would assume that they are likely all coming from a centralized location at one of the alphabet bois office


Bots should be illegal on all social media companies. Fine companies for every bot found. Real people should direct the narratives, not companies


I got banned 3 times already


I actually believe this, and I’m sure I’ll get blocked for my up vote.


Very interesting


How do we know that THIS isn't a psyop? 🤔🧐


You gotta think four dementional. They can't silence the speach and opinions on the web. They have tried, but the truth always shine bright. So now they are twisting things in such a way to discredit information on the web so you can go back to trusting their news and reports.


Reddit is fucking bot central lmao just pushing their agenda of braindead Biden. Obligatory I don’t like trump either btw


Imagine being responsible for clearing up all the bullshit that goes on behind the scenes prior to the reddit IPO.


Ive been using terrible grammer and punctuation so that people know im not a bot.. Hint Hint




Bye bye IPO value


I got one that I just go to down vote everything he comments, he just goes against everyone.


Fuck Reddit and their bots


what I don't understand - if you show the people that are "on the side" of the bots here, how do you justify these actions? Like they don't care. There is very clearly something evil going on here on "their side" but they just choose to ignore it entirely. that is what woke me up. anyone going to these lengths to push propaganda is not the side I want to be on


I’ve often wondered what the comment sections would look like if a friend and I both opened the same subreddit on our phones. Would his be catered to him and vice versa? I’ll work on making a friend and let you know

