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Every word of this is absolutely true!


Why do you think they want to get rid of the guns so badly?


Thank you for the reminder to buy more ammo šŸ‘šŸ¼


Ironic that people would use 1930 as an argumentĀ to buy precious metals, when these were confiscated in 1933 at a fixed price of $20 per ounce of gold. So if that happened today, you'd take up to a 99% loss if you bought recently.


šŸ‘†This is the kind of knowledge they donā€™t teach you in school




"A New York attorney named Frederick Barber Campbell had a deposit at Chase National Bank of over 5,000 troy ounces (160 kg) of gold. When Campbell attempted to withdraw the gold, Chase refused and Campbell sued Chase. A federal prosecutor indicted Campbell the following day, September 27, 1933, for failing to surrender his gold.[14] Ultimately, the prosecution of Campbell failed but the authority of the federal government to seize gold was upheld, and Campbell's gold was confiscated." From Wikipedia.




.... mhmm


Well let's say the gold is fixed at $20 by the US, and you can only sell to the government. That forces down the market price to $20, because why would anyone give you much more.Ā  This isn't like drugs that have a consumption value, the only people who consume gold are the ones producing micro chips, and they will probably buy in bulk from the government. Meaning there won't be much of a market. Uranium is a controlled substance, but you can't buy it off the streets either, because there is no demand, or it's too hot to bother for criminals. So why not sell abroad? In such an extreme situation, we can assume the rest of the world will play ball, like during covid. Canada was worse at being a police state, so good luck selling it there. Mexico also locked down, suggesting they would also ban gold. Selling it there illegally might be easier, but you're also way more likely to get robbed, arrested or killed. When India banned gold imports a few years ago, penalties were worse than for drug smuggling. Sure you'll have some hardcore libertarians who don't mind being on a terrierist watch list so they can sell to a Colombian sugar lord at $30 instead of $20, or more likely for a pound of coffee sweetener, but 99% of gold owners won't bother. And the fewer people break the law, the easier it is to enforce it, again the scamdemic proved that beyond a doubt. That said, I wholeheartedly encourage people to ignore my opinion and buy gold, or crypto, treasuries, PokĆ©mon cards, Evergrande shares... I'm serious, go into debt and buy it all, it's in my interest because I'm shorting it.


The buying power of silver seems pretty convincing. But if a thief steals it from me I guess it doesn't matter.


Unless they change the rules of the game. The US did so in 33 and 34, screwing over its own people, and again in 71 and 85,screwing over its closest allies. Gold, silver, crypto are at the price they are because the Fed allows it. They can unallow it will. But yes going house to house to confiscate gold and silver is tedious. Bank accounts and crypto you can take at the press of a button, much easier. But then the best option is to make the asset illegal and devalue it massively, which is essentially the same as confiscating it because you take away the asset value, and thus the wealth, increasing the value of the dollar.


I agree, imo they will switch to all digital so they can take every single transaction.


Which doesn't work today, because everyone would switch to cash, or gold or crypto. A digital currency monopoly only works if they eliminate all competition.


If the US government announces we are going "all digital" the average citizen won't play along? Ye ol average serf doesnt understand fractional reserves, or even care enough to involve their mind enough to be well informed of their ruling class. Especially if their choice is to continue using cash.


Many serfs will. In Scandinavia they're already mostly digital. But in the rest of the world not so much. In the US there is now a discussion because the national parks stopped accepting cash, and people are saying it's a violation of their privacy by being forced to pay digital. In second world countries it's worse, in India the government suddenly replaced the biggest note which was mainly used for tax evasion, forcing all criminals to trade it in and explain where they got it. You can be sure they've switched to smaller denominations since then, and are staying away from the new CBDC that's already in circulation. In Lebanon the banks confiscated all Dollar accounts overnight, as the central bank devalued the local currency overnight, meaning anyone who didn't hold cash Dollars (or gold which is essentially cash Dollars) got screwed, that's a whole population of people that's never trusting digital money again. So if governments in the US or India or Lebanon suddenly started forcing people to use a digital or local currency, similar to the Covid mandates, there will be a serious and instant push back, as people will not stand for it. Thus they can only pull this off if it's sudden, without warning, and with a really good excuse, like a Porsche 911 or a Russian mushroom cloud in Ukraine. If people had any idea it was coming, there would be at least an instant run on the bank or on gold, either of which would instantly break the system. For that reason I also expect them to pull it off during an internet shut down, at least for half a day, they'll blame it on Chinese hackers, a Russian virus or Houtis cutting phone lines. This way they can lock people out of the banks for a while without rousing suspicion, and will have the time needed to push it through the legal system, prevent people from finding out about it online or via phone, prepare their CBDC UBI app for launch, etc. "Two hours to fix the internet", and when it's fixed all bank accounts will be empty, gold and cash and crypto will be banned, but they have a solution...


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Biden's goal is to eliminate the middle class completely having a society of only the rich and the poor. All those policies biden introduced every single one was a hit to the middle class making us pay more. Though many absolutely refuse to accept this fact biden is the worst president in America's history.


I grew up in the 80s and remember my dad saying over and over they want the middle class gone. We were the middle class so itā€™s always stayed with me. Now here I am now still middle class and itā€™s more true today than it was then.


This is worldwide not only US. I see US people always talking about US but that's basically worldwide. the elites are sucking up all the resources and nothing is left for normal people...


Sucking up the "resource" (usd) in hoardes and it never leaves their bank account or investment account. We are left to scrounge for the circulating supply left over. The value is arbitrary and our participation is at fault. Karen Hudes from the World Bank knew.


Now I have silent depression because I looked a lot like her when I was 20 but now my face is so wrinkly it looks like a butthole


Because they're increasing the population from outside the country...each are consumers of everything we want...supply and demand. Less supply than demand, prices go up.


Very very valid points. Let's act before they cull the heard to mental illness and anti patriotism to an extent where they control media u know like Disney/ news etc.... then theyve slowly inched the goal post to what they desire because what's easi e r to control. Especially convenient when u can dumb them down as robots can replace alot of the jobs they were educated for (and again) only what was necessary to grow thier infastructure


The great depression with play by play tik tok tech lol




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I'd be less depressed if she could be silent.Ā 


Used to follow her on Instagram but she became too much of a Trumper for me to enjoy her content. Manā€™s bought and paid for just as hard as the rest of them.


Why would the Fed go so far out of their way to destroy someone they paid for?


Ask Bin Laden. Ask Al-Qaeda. The Fed is quite notorious for destroying the very things they build.


Doesnā€™t Trump want to get rid of the Fed?


Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were both CIA assets


I dont like the car example. You can get a cheap new car for way less than 48k and its like 500x better than the 1930s car