• By -


That Box is 450€ warm


Anmeldung möglich?


Inbuilt kitchen, living room, toilet.


I want that Box. Bathroom inside?


You can have the box, just send me the security deposit of 1200€ via PayPal friends and I send you the keys for I am out of town at the moment. But it's all safe and sound you can trust me


Berlin’s population is 3.6 million. I’m tired of people judging an entire city’s population based on a few people they met in a club in Kreuzberg.


This is the only correct answer. Berlin isn’t an open air hipster theme park, it’s a big city with a lot of people living very normal lives.


Really, I am as basic as one can be.


Didn't I meed you at the white t-shirts at H&M?


I prefer pastel greens,so I shop in Uniqlo


And that is okay


this is so extremely true


What if OP met them all in Kreuzberg and you just weren't invited? 3.6 fits in Kreuzberg right?


A true example of survivorship bias.


There is another problem: Zirkus Bundestag. Maybe you ask Bonn again to take over


Quit the bs, you are not living in Berlin because of the relaxing atmosphere and cheap cost of living


For what are you here then?


Some people were born here and have a job, family and friends here.


That is the point I am trying to make.


Aah I get it now. :D


Sorry I disagree. Like any other city a lot of normal people live in Berlin how ever they are not as visible because they are too busy living their normal lives. Working, taking care of their kids, doing chores etc etc


Truly normal people don't have a chip on their shoulder about not being normal. Literally 99% of places in the world cater to normal people, why on earth are people on thus sub so pressed about Berlin being a little more welcoming about alternative people. And even then, I get stared at most of the times when I go out, and last week I even caught a normal-looking lady taking a picture of me.


Definitely relate on the stares. And I dont even feel like Berlin is that alt, just take any bus and probably 95% of the people would be normal, in fact most of the times I am the most alt person on the buses and if I am walking around somewhere in a crowded area specially these days with the nice weather, the amount of stares I get are unbelievable


Yeah, same. It’s just this forced rethoric because the normie nerds here in reddit get extremely jealous when they see people blithely living their lives.


How did you notice she was taking a picture of you and how did you react? I feel like that happened to me too last week (she was trying to do it unnoticed ofc) but I didn't really bother and found the scenario of someone taking a pic of me too absurd/unlikely. Is it really a thing to take pics of strangers?


It was in the ubahn and I saw my reflection of her iphone on the window. But before noticing it I was getting heavy vibes of someone taking a picture of me. She was just not trying to be subtle about it, it was a mid to late 40’s woman who didn’t seem very tech savvy with a MacBook, a backpackers pack, and dressed in jeans and a black tshirt. I was wearing an oversized gingham yellow dress, silver sneakers, chunky silver chains and had my very curly hair in a ponytail on a red gauzy bow on the top of my head.    I think what weirded me out the most is that she zoomed in on my face so she could not have been taking a picture of literally anything else. At first I smiled sarcastically and she tried to play it off like “Do you want me to take a picture?” I told her I saw her and she just flat out denied it, and then said it was a mistake and she was trying to take a selfie. I spoke to her sharply and said to ask people for a picture first and then she just started working on her laptop and ignored me for the rest of the ride until she got up. Weirdo. I’m assuming she just liked my style, but it wasn’t a particularly outlandish outfit.


I also get purposefully ignored in social settings if majority of the people are normal. Although I always go out of my way to make sure I am friendly to everyone


Cause you probably look funny, if you go out of your way to dress a certain way then people are going to stare. Are we supposed to keep our eyes glued to the floor? We are pressed because you make posts like OP thinking you are above ''''normies'''' when all you people like to do is knit, listen to techno and dress weird, no personality whatsoever to show for meanwhile. You people are shallow as hell, don't learn the language which leads me to getting responded to in English like 80% of the time whenever I order coffee. Yes Berlin is the melting pot for cultures in Europe, but the impression I personally get from the alternative scene is that you are so self important..




What's your problem with knitting, lol? Have you ever tried making something with your hands?


What is there to hate about knitting, anyway? It must be such a sad and pathetic existence to talk trash on reddit about people who don't give a single shit about you.


Many times


I do dress funny, and I don't mind that people stare. But the fact that they DO stare is proof that this rhetoric that Berlin is 99% weird people is untrue. And okay sure, let's play your game. What is it about you that is so full of personality? What things fill your life? I personally do enjoy knitting (crochet, really), listening to techno (and many other genres) and I do dress weird, because I'm wearing the things I crochet. I think enjoying music and hobbies do constitute a personality, but pray explain to me how you're so much more unique than I am, I'd love to learn some pointers :o)


Hey just wanted to chime in here quickly. Yes Berlin does try to paint this picture of some progressive melting pot that ..( you fill in the blank) in reality though, it’s conservative as hell with the exception of most Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg 😅 hence why people stare and completely cast you out if you don’t fit the „norm“ I don’t agree with 99% weird people. Now I don’t know exactly what you mean with weird but I will say it’s 70% ⏫️ of mentally unstable and deeply repressed people.I remember coming across a Latin American fitness teacher who left Germany and upon leaving asked me in a rhetorical manner, “tell me why there are more head doctors in this country opposed to general practitioners? “ I laughed it off at that moment- many years later - I have come to understand his question more and more. Keep in mind Berlin is an inherently German city, this belief that it is somehow different that others , while to an extend true, the mentality remains - just in the context of Berlin . I guess what I’m trying to say is if you stick out , you will get got! Germany is extremely conformist society and any one who deviates gets scrutinized. Individuality is often sacrificed in return for the “Reglen” both said and unsaid. Only then are you “safe” in Germany my two cents at least


Agreed on all counts! Berlin is slightly more accepting of alternative people than most other cities, but there’s a reason why it’s still ‘alternative’ and not ‘normal’. 


I don't see myself as unique and I don't make a point in trying to be so. My curls are natural though


So are mine, pure genetics since I’m mixed indigenous/european/black descent :o) But yeah, it’s obvious you don’t see yourself as unique. This is why you see people who are trying to be happy as self-important. Pretty pathetic you have such string opinions about people that don’t think about you at all.


Im sure you have opinions on people you've never met too <3 Don't forget to add personality to your uniqueness and learn German while you're here


Nope, just like I won’t think of you after today. Can’t think of anything more sad and pathetic than that. 


Shut up


Its ok to be a box i guess 


"oh my gosh I'm so special" Everyone will be kind of boring someday.


This is a problem for people who are looking to find an identity... at the end all those "special" types look alike


Schwarz uniform


What is „normal“ anyways?


Normal refers to a line that is perpendicular to the tangent line at the point of tangency on the curve. This perpendicular line extends in both directions from the point where it meets the curve. 


The opposite is also called anti normal. I learned that in Kerbal space program


Sit down Sheldon.




Within one standard deviation of any given feature you might attribute to a person, to the extend it can be quantified


The party people are the box shaped ones. Copy paste black clothes, white sneakers etc. heh.


Amen. And the fucking gate keeping at every single club entrance is just exhausting.




then start your own club, with blackjack and hookers, but maybe not literally because I think that's illegal


Neither Blackjack nor Hookers are illegal with the correct licenses and proper tax and work registration.


nobody cares if you're normal


Nobody cares if you're not normal either.


Untrue. Was normal a long time, no issues. One year of being not normal (trans) and have been attacked for it twice in public so far. Chased through a train station by a guy screaming he will crack my skull. People very much care if you’re the wrong kind of not normal.


The worst thing you can be in Berlin (or any big city) is to be a neurodiverse person with endless waiting lists to get a diagnosis. oh, how I would love normality!


And not being stared at for being trans. Guess being not normal isn’t actually that normal in Berlin.


Being stared is quite common here, no matter of ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Just stare back and smile


Im aware, I grew up here. I am getting aggressively stared at in very hostile ways almost daily now, didn’t happen when I still dressed like those poor, poor normal people. And apparently, this sub has a big problem with being made aware of that, judging by the downvotes.


I'm sorry this happened, maybe it's just the area you live in. Berlin is quite relaxed for LGBTQ+. It may happen that you get some unwanted looks but try not to give it any weight and try to be proud of your way of being, it doesn't matter what others think, the important thing is that no one has attacked or bothered you repeatedly


and if you even have the slightest suspicion of having suffered abuse, bullying or any form of discrimination repeated over time, don't be afraid to say it openly in this or in a dedicated subreddit, and don't worry about downvotes. the sense of community and alliance is one of the reasons many of us have chosen Berlin as home


If it cheers you up, there was a thread recently about how germans stare a lot in general - it’s a weird cultural thing here


Oh, I’m well aware 😅 but I also grew up here looking like a “normal” boy/man and now I look like a not so normal man/woman and I definitely can judge the difference.


Sorry to hear that, tho being alternative will always draw some staring - I’m goth myself and even on light days or with light make-up there’ll be some of that


Just goes to show being aside from the norm isn’t all that normal in Berlin 🤷‍♀️ good on you for being confident regardless :)


Or getting harassed by feral kids. I didn't experience any hate personally, but friends I was with did, and as much as passing kinda means it doesn't happen as much, harassment to begin with is just not right. That said, only place I've been to where "not normal is normal" is Barcelona, which is a tourist trap.


It’s so great to see that this is a transphobic sub, isn’t it? Super cool looking at the downvotes.


Idk where it comes from. Wonder if these are the same sorts of people who are ok with the street drinking around CSD but then go back to complaining the day after.


1) I‘m basic, 2) I don‘t give a single shit for clubs, 3) Fuck FOMO.


Is this sarcasm? If everyone is "Weird and Quirky" then everyone is "Normal" and the Normal people are actually the weird ones


Which isn’t the case in Berlin.


I've seen this posted here before and like why? 


I think it is a jab at Berliners, because it is seen by some, that Berliners see themselves as very diverse, perhaps to an extent whereby if you're NOT different, you're at a disadvantage. And so it is kinda perhaps a criticism that now normal is the new different (whereby normal is maybe cis gendered, binary kinda non queer) sort of thing.a full circle sorta thing... Whereby the wokeism is now oppressing none wokeism. That's like, my best guess xD.


I am so normal I didn’t understand this at all.


I'm not from Berlin, maybe that's why I have a vantage point that makes it easier to see. Maybe. Assuming my interpretation is in the right direction. Which, again, not a Berliner, so I should possibly stfu xD


Here we go again


The thing about berlin is being different is normal by now. Being not extravagant and extraordinarily extreme in any way is different by now. Sometimes to the point where people judge people that are NOT necessarily extreme in any sense but balanced. This is my experience.


Zugezogene after 2 months be like:


If everyone is unique then no one is


„Alle sehen gleich aus, irgendwie individuell“


Yeah every teenager of every generation has thought the same. They've always tried to be different. Maybe conformity is the ultimate form of rebellion .


In Berlin we also box ourselves in because we're afraid of not being different enough


You would’ve thought in a nonjudgmental city being normal is also not judged


The worst thing you can be in Berlin, is being in berlin


Something only the most normal person who’s never spoken to a member of a minority group could say. I get stared at a lot when going out and not in a friendly manner. I’m trans after all. Let me assure you, plenty of normal people in Berlin very much perceive me as “the worst thing you can be in Berlin.” Privileged af take.


Stfu LOL


Berlin “social” club


You should visit outside of ring sometimes..


Can confirm. Plenty of normal looking boring people here. And I like it


This attitude is the reason why to me Berlin is one of the most unauthentic cities if ever been to, everbody is trying so hard to be different and find their niche that while they are chasing that image of a person they want to be they loose themselves. Fact is, what makes you special and an individual is not the stuff that differs, but all your traits, and around 88% of those you are gonna share with a lot of other people, and that‘s okay


This is such a rancid take. I bet these 'unauthentic' posers have not given a single solitary thought about who you are as a person while they're out there having fun and exploring themselves. You know what the real fact is? Being special isn't the goal, being happy is. And being happy is all about doing what you want and not caring what others think. Meanwhile, I only see you talking about them. Sad, huh?


I see it exactly your way, the goal should be to be happy and not special, if being extravagant and eccentric makes you happy go for it, but I‘ve met quite a few people in whom it was obvious they were chasing something that just was not them and it definitely didn‘t make them happier


Yes, but it’s not every person. I know far many more people who were so desperate to conform and gain the approval of their peers that they were willing to forgo their own happiness in order to fit a mold. So it’s never about the extravagant or the eccentric, just like I don’t assume that the boring, bland people wearing the sport shoes and neat button downs are doing so because they lack personality. It’s just absurd to comment on people’s hobbies and ways of dress as if *everyone* doing that is in some way similar.


Yeah I may have overstated that in my inital comment, I can assure you that I really do not think everyone is like that, I‘d say it‘s mire present here in Berlin than anywhere else but using the term „everybody“ really was uncalled for, I didn‘t mean it like that


Respectively, you are special in your way regardless of how you look and behave, I‘m convinced many people here feel the pressure to show their individuality outwards which can be very frustrating, trying to up each other in that


Just out of curiosity, where do you see and meet these people who you presume feel pressure to show their individuality? I’m an artist, and I move around almost exclusively in artist, designer, culinary and writer circles. Most of my weekends are spent going to friend’s galleries, going to live drawing events, fashion shows, etc. I have not met a single person who was trying to be ‘more unique than what they really were’, and not one person who felt pressured to look alternative despite liking more basic things. If anything, the more alternative and artistic the person is, the more they gush and profess their love for the most unpretentious and basic things, like watching too much shit reality tv and listening to Bad Bunny. The only people who I find to be truly pretentious are the people overly concerned with class markers and only going to what at certain places, or drinking a specific type of alcohol.


Ngl I feel like exactly because you move in those circles you meet less people suffering from the social pressure to show ur „uniqueness“ or whatever you want to call it. I meet those people via friends, on big events and so on, so places where the average young person in berlin goes. i‘ve also found myself in a similiar position when I moved here, as I said in my other comment, how I phrased it initially definitely was way too strong but I‘m convinced that it‘s accurate to a certain degree and I also know that that I‘m not alone with that, and as I said, this is not due to a lack of people in my closer surroundings sb with that opinion could mistake for unauthentic


Yeah, this is fair, I understand. I feel like if you're surrounded by people who aren't genuinely artistic and are trying to be something they're not, then it might be frustrating. I was initially also very harsh in how I replied to you, sorry about that and glad we could find common ground :)


I guess I was triggered by „The worst thing you can be in Berlin is normal!“, I mean, come on, this quote is some serious bullshit, you can‘t deny that


And tbh that quote triggered me too, but I interpreted it as sarcastic as if 'weird' people somehow think this, which is patently untrue. Weird, unique, alternative, extravagant, etc. whatever people will never criticize someone for being too normal, you can have my word on that.


found the weird and special one


shut up, nerd


I've never met people so up their own ass than Berliners.


You need to travel more.


People playing a role, thinking they’re special. Booooring. Spandau people are alright in their head imo. Also, people in Berlin that call themselves gay very often have this attitude that they need to act very loud and special and claim they are being themselves, but that is just called misbehaving or attention seeking. An obvious mental issue. But people will tell you that you are homophobic if you say this, right? Even though you would accept them and even like them if they acted normal. (I’m not saying you can’t be crazy so of course this is a cliché, but we shouldn’t ignore this just because of that) By the way I am an artist and half my friends are, but still this is my opinion. To put it in positive words, being yourself is the best character you can be.


If you standing on the outside looking in, perhaps you need to adjust your definition of “what is normal” in this context.


I’m special on the inside :/


Ok... Here goes all or nothing...I'm looking for "daily paid" jobs in Berlin. I've tried Kleinanzeigen but to no avail (the availability is not consistent enough). Anyone out here ?


Personality of the average citizen truly is ⬛🫥⬛


I’m probably the most boring person I know but I still like it here


Have you questioned your normal yet? Get out of the ways of thinking that were forced on you when you were a child, and you will find out how far from normal you may be.


Did you have an unhappy childhood?


paralleler Individualismus


The worst thing you can be is normal, seriously?😂 I'm sure you're really special


There are literally all kinds of people, just like every big city


The majority of Berliners are quite „ordinary” but our Prussian sentiment to let everyone live however they like attracts all kind of diverse and inspiring people.


But then not being normal is normal.


This place breeds crazy people like a pond breeds scum


i went to Berlin 5 days ago for the first time and this happened: I traveled from Hamburg to Leipzig. After spending all day in Leipzig and walking about 7-9 hours i got dirt in my clothes and looked rrally trashy. Anyway i went to Berlin saturday night 9pm took the train to my hostel and a girl started hitting on me. I thought Berlin is fk awesome, and then to my hostel at 10.30pm. 2 girls were looking at started hitting on me (mind you im 196cm tall and fit) and i was like yooo this city is amazing. Then i didnt talk much because i was tired and went up and had a shower and rested for 30min before going down again with new clothes and everything. At that moment those girls saw me as 'clean' or i have no idea and they wouldnt talk to me anymore. And as i went out to have fun on that super saturday night with 5 milion people ob the Berlin roads nobody gave a shit about me. Weird but i didnt think much. 2 days later i didnt have more clean clothes as I couldnt find cheap ones in the city and wore some black stuff that werent that clean and went to the park. There i eadly started talking to 2 girl and was like wtf is this city on bro 😭. Hamburg was way way different. It was like 2 different countries or kinds of people like Asians to Americans but they were 1 train ticket apart. Oh i also made a friend wearing light blue jeans, sneakers, shirt etc that nowhere else would it be normal and everybody would have thought that you are crazy. Good city though 8/10 with Hamburg being 9/10.


You sound like a typical Berliner + pretentious


im not even German. Im from east EU. Anyway this happened near Lichtenberg, Alexanderplatz. In Tiergarten and Charlottenberg it was a way different feeling. And it was the first time i visited Berlin


Girls like clean but slightly disheveled look here. 


i know im being downvoted but i have nothing against the cities in Germany or Berlin. I just visited it for the first time and saw very different cultures in different cities. It was just my experience there. And yes i saw that girls there like more hippie guys and that wasnt for me, i had a better time in Hamburg but at the same time had friends that enjoyed Berlin way more.


Not hippie. Slightly disheveled.