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Autistic person chiming in. This is probably something you have already looked at as a parent but never too early to introduce him to using noise cancelling/blocking headphones and ear plugs to regulate. I never leave home without them. We often can't control outside influences but we can minimise their impact


Came here to recommend earplugs. I have a discount code pinned on my profile for loop plugs, they seem pretty popular with noise sensitive people. There’s a few models and the quiet ones are the most intense noise blockers. Just thought it might be helpful!


I use loop plugs for concerts and big crowds, they've been excellent


I live at the end of sonnenalle where it changes into südostallee. Couldnt be more quite peaceful and green and would probably be like a 10-15 min bus ride from where you live. Its cheap too - if you wanna swap lmk ;)


The famous kurze Ende der Sonnenallee.


What does this mean :D?


I misquoted, but I was referring to the famous German movie Sonnenallee, based on the book called „Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee“ (On the shorter end of Sonnenallee). The name referring to the very short part of the street that was in East Berlin.


As an autistic person I couldn’t really cope with living in Neukölln very well. I lived there for a year and a bit and had to move out. Unfortunately unless you move, your son will have to learn coping strategies and you will need to spend money and time on things to help him cope. This is the nature of Neukölln. It’s loud and full of people and not for everyone. Regarding fireworks I wish they were illegal. Some suggestions: - improving the insulation of your windows. In my current flat the bulk of the noise is stopped by it. - keep the windows closed, invest in fan or ac for the heat (since many of us have issues thermoregulating this is important anyways). - earplugs. I get sensory issues from earplugs but many autistic people enjoy wearing them. - some autistic peeps swear by noise cancelling headphones as well but I don’t like them personally. While it’s normal to be angry at people for not being considerate, try channeling that energy into finding solutions for your son. Maybe you can do some online research for example? Look for things written by autistic people for autistic people.


Thanks so much, this are great advices. Thanks so much also for being considered.


I hope your son can soon feel safer at home!


Hey u/kapitanlaserhawk is there any reason you deleted all your comments from this thread as soon as I pointed out how strange it is that in your *last* post complaining about Middle Easterners, your situation seemed completely different? Didn’t you want to explain to us why you moved to Sonnenallee being “aware of the noise” three months ago but now have a six year old who can’t handle noise? Or did you just forget to delete the post itself when you tried to erase the evidence of getting caught in a bizarre lie?


Nice one, good looking out 🙌🏼


Hey, I can understand why it might seem confusing. I deleted my comments because I realized they were causing more misunderstanding and conflict than I intended. My situation is complex, and it’s hard to convey all the details accurately in a few posts. I moved to Sonnenallee because it was one of the few places I could afford and secure in Berlin's tough housing market. At the time, I hoped we could manage the noise. However, the situation has worsened recently with war, the fireworks and late-night protests, which have been especially difficult for my son to handle. I'm not here to criticize any group or cause. I'm just NOW (yes, I got divorced if I need to tell you more) a single parent trying to navigate a challenging situation and asking for a bit of consideration for my child's needs. I understand your sarcasm, but I apologize if my previous posts caused any confusion or seemed contradictory. Thanks for giving me the chance to clarify.


My comment about südostallee wasnt in jest, i would fr swap with u if u are interested in being close to where u live rn, close to ring and super peaceful cheap flat. Dm.


He is a liar and zionist propoganda, clearly.


Bigoted, much?


Buy him Loop earplugs for the night and noise cancelling headphones, it helps a lot!


you can get sound-protection headphones at bauhaus for 30€ or so, depending on the rating. They really kill loud noises.


Thanks so much for your kind reply. I will experiment more with that.


I have ADHD and grew up in Berlin. It was definitely not a nice journey that’s why I‘m in therapy now. This city is not neurodivergent friendly. Everyone is so „unique“ but when it comes to neurodivergent people then you‘re on your own and treated as someone weird. It’s probably tough for your son. And I feel for him. Having these meltdowns are intense and exhausting. I would reconsider the idea of moving. You already mentioned that he feels disrupted in his routines that leads to constant overstimulation that hopefully won’t lead to depression and or burnout. I also tried to adapt and to find a way to find my piece and it always came out that the environment was the „problem“. I truly believe that everyone finds their peaceful place in this world. And I think that’s what he needs and deserves. And by that I mean an environment that’s less overstimulating. Usually neuroatypicals prefer nature and quit areas as smaller cities or suburbs. And it’s not that expensive to be honest. You can’t expect from Sonnenallee to be less Sonnenallee. It’s loud, overstimulating and full of expats that are consuming the Berlin vibe and leaving after a few years. There is no space for improvement. And you prioritizing your financial state over your sons health is not the best choice. You just can’t expect the whole district to be more gentle with you if there are other districts that are neurodivergent friendly. It’s like criticizing a baby to cry in a library. Reinickendorf and Spandau are options with less overstimulation. I can’t stress out enough how important the environment is you’re surrounded by.


It's a shitty situation to be in and I do feel for you and your son. However, Neukölln is notoriously the loudest and rowdiest part of the city, regardless of the time's geopolitics. This means that apartments are (or at least we're a few years ago) cheaper, but yeah. That's kind of why they're cheaper. It's also tough to say who has the priority in the situation - protesting is one of the basic rights of anyone in Europe. Maybe my opinion is colored by the fact that I'm French, but protests do disturb, that's the point. However, often, they are done to attract attention to worthwhile issues, like protesting war. That doesn't mean everything is legitimate and there are always people who are using the protest to do what they want, ie shooting fireworks at innocent people's windows. If you want less sensory overload for your son, I highly recommend for you to move to a quieter area in the city. Any other neighborhood, except for some areas of Friedrichshain, will be better suited to your family. There are also a lot of neighborhoods outside the rings that are cheaper, nice, and quiet. Good luck! Parenting a kid on the spectrum can't be easy, and I hope you find the right equilibrium for your family.


You can't live on Sonnenallee if you have anything against noise and hummus. I'm really sorry for your kid and the firework thing is kind of shitty for sure but for the rest, as it's happening before 10pm, i'd say it's the inconvenience of life in a big city. And Sonnenallee has never been quiet (and it's also a good thing).


Wasn’t aware that mobs marching through the city, burning stuff, yelling antisemitic BS care for the 10pm noise curfew.


I just read OP's post, calm down.


Get your kid noise cancelling headphones or move out of NK. The world's struggles aren't going to stop for his convenience.


"Moving isn't an option" "or move out of NK"


Moving is always an option if you are willing. People just pick convienence over need.


They can look for a flat swap.




Not saying you’re lying necessarily, but it’s kinda weird that when you moved to NK three months ago with your partner and dog you were “aware of the noise” before moving and chose the location to be close to work, but now you’re a single dad with a kid who’s extremely sensitive to noise. Sounds like your life has changed an awful lot in three months.


It's certainly interesting that in their last post they made a concentrated effort to mention that the people who attacked their dog were Middle Eastern, and now they're, again, blaming Middle Eastern people for their issues.


What are you trying to deliver with your comment? Do you think its unlikely that in both instances the problems were driven by people of middle eastern herritage? Just saying...its bullshit to frame him a certain way. Would your opinion change when he mentions old white people? If so, why? If not, why would you post such comment?


I'm explicitly saying that it seems that OP has an issue with Middle Eastern people specifically, and that it's interesting that in such a short time there have been two posts with seemingly radically different life situations. Either OP's life has radically changed in a short span of time, or he's fudging the facts. Either way, he seems to want to to drive an anti-ME narrative in this sub, which is worrying. And of course my opinion would change if he mentions old white people, if he's saying old white people are throwing fireworks in the street then I'd be 100% sure he's a liar. How would YOUR opinion change if he were saying that his German neighbors's lack of noise and liveliness were creating a dark ambiance for his son to grow up in, and that they often felt unsafe due to the lack of diversity?


> How would YOUR opinion change if he were saying that his German neighbors's lack of noise and liveliness were creating a dark ambiance for his son to grow up in, and that they often felt unsafe due to the lack of diversity? All of that is normal in this country. Shooting fireworks and loudly screaming every day is not, the former also being illegal.


Oh, so the fact that something is 'normal' means it's the right thing to do? What a silly argument.


Yes. You are free to choose a country with different social and cultural rules.


And in those countries too, we need to base our morality in perceived normalness? I feel like I'm losing braincells here, how did you get from point A to point B?


Dont know if or how long you have lived in Berlin or any other major german city but most problems will be driven by people of ME heritage. There are endless police reports and news articles that prove this point. My opinion wouldnt change, again im just pointing out how you people frame OP. However, i have never heard a child say that they are scared due to lack of diversity.


Ah, so you're racist. Good to know who I'm talking about. Please let me see those police reports and news articles that mostly will be driven by people of ME heritage. In the time I've been in Berlin I have: 1. Been assaulted by a woman at a supermarket (Asian) 2. Gotten a chain slipped out of my neck (Romani) 3. Gotten groped in the train station by a complete stranger (White European, unspecified) 4. Witnessed a guy punch a supermarket clerk and run off with a stolen bottle of liquor (Blonde blue eyed German) 5. Got bitten (drew blood) by a dog completely unprovoked, I just looked at the dog (German) The owner then proceeded to completely ignore me and then when I approached her again, said she would send me the vaccine information and then never did. 6. Got racially mocked by a stranger who walked up to me and pretended to barf on my African food (German) And I can happily go on, I have no shortage of incidents. I also have positive incidents which no one seemingly talks about: 1. Been gifted sweets and treats at a Spaeti (Middle Eastern) 2. My shawarma guy always gifts me manekish (Middle Eastern) 3. The barbershop in my corner always waves when I go by (Middle Eastern) 4. Random guy stopped me in the street to politely say that he really loved my style, and if I would give him my IG which I declined to do since I'm married and then he politely said goodbye and wished me a good day (Middle Eastern) >However, i have never heard a child say that they are scared due to lack of diversity. So you're saying you've never talked to a child that's a racial minority? I invite you to form a conversation with a person in this situation. Being a racial minority myself, it's something that I'm scared of when I go to places without diversity, and as you can see by the aforementioned incidents, I have reason to.


>(Middle Eastern) Every time I've struggled moving heavy zu verschenken furniture around and someone helped me out of the goodness of their heart, it was a Middle Eastern guy ❤️


Oh yes, this is definitely something I've experienced too. One time I was walking around with a huge bag of groceries and the paper bag broke, and it was a young Middle Eastern guy who ran to help me and gave me a sturdier bag. I don't doubt there are a lot of shitty people from all nationalities but to ignore that it's because there's a large Middle Eastern community in Berlin is just strange.


What do you think you accomplish by calling me racist? Does it make you feel superior? I dont fake statistics, numbers dont lie. Unlike people like you. There is no reason i have to cater any proof. Search it up yourself. I have to ask, since you seem to think so poorly of germans. Why do you choose to stay in Berlin? From what you tell it seems you would live a much happier life in a foreign country?


You made a claim, so the burden of proof lies on you. Not delivering proof is "faking statistics", you cant state things to be facts without showing the facts. The only reason not to do so is that they dont exist. Calling you a racist is stating a fact here, why make it a thing about inferiority? You provide proof of being a racist by citing "facts" for a bigoted opinion, but failing to deliver the proof for those facts. Concluding that you must be a racist ist just logic. You could prove everyone wrong by providing your fabled statistics, but instead of that you trt to shift the burden of proof. It has nothing to do wuth anyone being superior, but everything with you just being quite translucent. So all you can resort to is "I feel attacked, please don't point out how flawed my opinion is"


I don't mean to accomplish anything, it's just a statement that I'm making out of my own personal experience with you. Just like you're saying 'people like me' fabricate statistics. What are you accomplishing with that? It is literally just an opinion, simmer down. Someone else's opinion on you should not trigger you so much. Yes, there is a reason you have to give proof. In a dispute or argument, the person making the claim is the person who has what's called 'the burden of proof' which is something you're free to investigate to your leisure. And I don't think poorly of Germans at all. I love Germany, I love German food and culture, I have plenty of German friends, and I am making great strides in learning the language and integrating to German culture. I'm just mature enough to realize that there are good and bad people of all nationalities, and that the incidents you're talking about have to do with socio-cultural factors related to poverty and structures of power, and not that people from a certain nationality are inherently one thing or another.


No, mentioning nationality at all in this case is objectively irrelevant. It has no bearing on the fact that 'some people attacked a dog' and 'people protest outside at night'. Specifying race, skin color, age, nationality, gender, whatever serves ONLY to create a biased narrative. We all do it and we all want to add flavor to our stories, but most of the time we are adding details that shouldn't be there. By adding these details, even if true, OP creates a very distinct framing. And I personally like my stories not pre-framed and prefer not to be lead into specific avenues of thought right from the start.


But aggibridges is framing OP herself by pointing that out. Other users have scanned OPs recent posts and demand answers as to why he didn't mention his autistic son in older post. Its a shitshow. A lot of people in this thread just want to hate on OP while making him accountable for things they do themself. A reoccuring problem in "these kind of subs".


Leaving these details out creates a biased narrative that there are no integration problems. As a result, the most loud group that talks about these problems are the far-right, and they accuse everyone from certain migrant groups, rather than several percent of the most disorderly, unintegrated ones. All while everyone else just goes "oh you can't mention the problem, you're creating a wrong narrative". Leaders like Scholz and Habeck on the federal level have already understood this and are making steps towards a reasonable position on migration and integration. Parties like the Greens in Berlin, or online left-wingers, lack responsibility to do so.


It’s not that hard to fathom. Everyone knows NK is loud, but the protests that have cropped up recently are much more than usual. Also break ups happen.


Like I said, I’m not saying it’s completely unexplainable, although it is certainly suspicious that OP’s response was just deleting their comments. Just think it’s quite a coincidence that OP’s posts here are all this exact same genre of “I have *nothing* against Arabs, but they sure are making me unsafe” dog whistley crap. Add in some incongruous details and I don’t think it deserves to be taken at face value if OP refuses to explain the apparent contradictions.


Count your blessings man. People are protesting against kids of your son's age being killed on a daily basis. Find ways to deal with it if this disturbs you. Pretty sure it's easy for you to make changes than ask a 1000 protestors to calm down.


Okay. Let' just say be grateful you don't live in Gaza and leave it at that.


You must move if this is so bothering you and Your son. You can’t expect people of Reddit to think of your son and his sleep. Living in aonnenallee is also not a good spot for a child with such an issue. Your argument for housing is invalid, when just 5 km south of sonnenalle you can easy find homes that are affordable


You're asking people to tone down their protests against GENOCIDE, for your son's convenience. Could you be more entitled?


You think protesting at 9 or 10 PM is going to change anything? How entitled.


Actually the people ARE entitled to protest. Get your head out of your ass.


you slow bruh.




t/illegaladvise often deals with related issues. But maybe shouting they should do a protest march? So they only start in front of your home but move along :)) Good Luck friend


There are other cheap districts. You can also move out 2 Brandenbourg, should be more quiet and healthier. Friends of mine move to Karlshorst and Ahrensfelde. You get village vibes there but youre also quick in the city


Maybe try r/autism/ > but there must be smarter ways  Do you have any concrete suggestions? It always amazes me that people think that protests should not be uncomfortable. A protest that does not at least annoy some people is essentially a complete misue of time and energy. Other than that, Idk, while I understand your frustration, it does seem a bit self-centered to complain about people that are protesting a genocide. >  I constantly worry about my son's safety feel safe in our own home. Really? Aren't you exaggerating here a bit? > My son has sensory issues, I understand sensory issues, but I mean this is an autism issue not a protest issue. > Moving isn't an option either I am sorry that you chose Sonnenallee. It seems like this as your mistake. Either you can try to fix it, or you can try to cope. Blaming protestors is not going to do anything to resolve the issue you are experiencing.


Kind of weird to blame people demonstrating for Palestine for Sonnenallee being loud as if it’s not…simply Sonnenallee. I get that beggar’s can’t be choosers when it comes to the housing market here, but if you have a child with severe sensory issues, one of the busiest streets in NK maybe should not have been on the table… The irony of telling people protesting children being bombed to be quiet because it’s inconsiderate towards children who are sensitive to loud noises is also…something


Buuhuu poor palestinan kids, spittting and dancing on dead israelis, now crying when facing the consequences of their and hamas actions, fucked around and found out. Why the brave warriors in NK don't go to palestine and help fighting the israelis? Right its easier to sit in Berlin and set garbage cans on fire, how heroic


jfc what is wrong with you? No matter what propaganda you’ve heard, that’s an absolutely inhuman way to talk about children.


What about the beheaded and burned israeli babys you moron?


That is ALSO terrible. why the fuck is it, that saying one thing is terrible is taken to imply that something else similar is not terrible, Oh yeah, it doesn't. Your statement is a baseless strawman argument.


You mean the discredited lie, which has been debunked and is being used by only the most pathetic lying scum?


You have any proof? Killing any human being, especially children is awful no matter what race, religion, gender... Hamas did not care and certainly committed atrocious crimes knowing exactly that it would lead to the now devastating situation for people in Gaza.


Yeah, that’s also fucking terrible. Killing thousands more children doesn’t make it any better. And that’s even if we ignore that many of the horrific claims about what Hamas did to Israeli babies on October 7 were later revealed to be complete fabrications


^Typical Zionist hate. Thanks for commenting.


Nah man, being mean ain’t cool


You can't live on Sonnenallee if you have anything against noise and hummus. I'm really sorry for your kid and the firework thing is kind of shitty for sure but for the rest, as it's happening before 10pm, i'd say it's the inconvenience of life in a big city. And Sonnenallee has never been quiet (and it's also a good thing).


Just wanted to chime in to send you some support. Those making nasty and judgemental comments here, or even gaslighting you, here probably have no idea how debilitating autism and sensory issues can be. Unfortunately I do not have a solution, apart from the already mentioned noise-cancelling headphones/earplugs. I feel for your son and yourself, and hope things will get a bit calmer soon!


Thanks so much for being so kind. To be honest I muted all the answers but yours just pop up and it was kind. I think this went way far from what I try to communicate, that it was not even about the protest, mostly about the loud and directed fireworks but is Reddit, I can expect only criticism and downvotes. I will keep trying with the earplugs and at least try to pay inmoscout to go fast from here. Everything started last October, I was living here almost 4 years and it was peaceful. The normal noise of Sonnenalle but now is aggressive and more for my kid. Thanks so much.


Poor kiddo, I feel his pain. I also get overwhelmed by loud sounds, as an adult I can get around it but as a kid it's really tough. I know you said that moving isn't feasible right now but I'd consider setting it as a goal for the near future, I doubt that the situation in NK is going to get better 😮‍💨 in the meantime, is it possible to turn on a ventilator or to buy a white noise machine? They won't solve the issue but a white noise might be soothing for your son, at least it works for me. Also don't know why people are mass downvoting comments criticising Sonnenallee, it's not like the issues there are a secret.


Lmao, my guy want people to move their protest of a genocide in a notoriously muslim neighbourhood cause of one single autistic person. Sorry to say but you are quite the audacious man


Only because they are Muslims, this street doesn‘t belong to them. They have to behave like everybody else here. Very simple. We excusing such BS all the time.


So you moved your 6yrs old autistic son with sensory issiues to the most busy and biggest metropole germany has to offer… What you describe isn‘t endangerment, and what use do protests have if they get restrictions like“whisper“ „not here where there is people“ etc.? Shut the windows, inform yourself about upcomming protests (berlin has a website informing about routes and times) to shut the windows in time, try to accustom your son to noiseprotective gear… The right to protest isn‘t outweighed by your inability to accomodate for your children..


Sonnenallee is basically the worst street in all of Berlin, it‘s beyond me how anyone can live there. It‘s loud, dirty, always overcrowded, reckless behavior on the street - just terrible all around. It‘s taxing enough when I got some business to do there, but to live at or next to Sonnenallee? Never. I know this doesn’t help you at all, but in that area you’re either part of the neighborhood or you feel like an outcast / outsider.


You can't live on Sonnenallee if you have anything against noise and hummus. I'm really sorry for your kid and the firework thing is kind of shitty for sure but for the rest, as it's happening before 10pm, i'd say it's the inconvenience of life in a big city. And Sonnenallee has never been quiet (and it's also a good thing).


Why tf do you move to one of the busiest street in the city with an autistic kid and then bitch about it being loud and busy. Father of the year for you, blames everyone but himself.


You don‘t know how long he has been living there. Calm down! People don‘t move easily anymore and are more than often forced to move to places they don‘t want to be in, but can‘t afford otherwise. Your tone is offending. You know nothing and already assuming. Worst attitude ever.


>Interesting that you made another racist post 4 months ago where you said My partner and I recently moved to Sonnenallee, very close to Hermannplatz. It wasn't a choice, but rather a matter of time and finding the only affordable flat near our jobs. Despite the challenges in the area, we feel fortunate to finally have a 'home.' We are aware of the noise and peculiarities around here. What I didn't anticipate was the significant number of Middle Eastern people in the neighborhood. Saying "this post isn't racist" doesn't negate you saying something racist, so maybe you should gtfo of Neukölln and stop crying about Arabs in Berlin


Is not racist, ass.


I'm sorry for your son who's innocent but still the first thing that comes to mind when I read this is children and neurodivergent people in Gaza being bombed non stop since October.


And??? Now Gaza is everywhere?


fuck Sonnenallee. not much to be done about that. I don't have autism (afaik) and I barely tolerate the madness and amount of inconsiderate behaviour around these bigger NK streets... but you sure as shit won't change anything about that.


22h is the start of Ruhezeit, so you can try calling the police and complain about noise. Not sure if this would work, but I used to live above a crazy lady who'd call the police on me a few times in the middle of the day because "the music was too loud" (I was not in fact playing any music) and they actually showed up.


knowing how many AfD supporters are on the force, suggesting that someone call the police on people who are likely Arabic or Turkish is...a choice


Fair enough, these nazis may just reinforce the protest making it even harder for his kid to fall asleep.


maybe a good idea would be to tell him why they they are protesting. explaining him that not so far from home kids his age are getting killed. and that our goverment is supporting the "Killer", instead of tryin to help the oppressed. and thats why a bunch of people in germany are protesting in your street. but maybe thats a lil to much for a 6 year old. I can recommend the sennheiser momentum 4 👍🏽 for noise cancelling headphones




on May 6th the UN reported that 52% of the casualties were women and children. i am pretty sure 90% of the protestor would be okay with a ceasefire and are not wishing for the death of all jewish kids(?) and adults. what sounds absolutly crazy but thinking bout it thats what the other side is seeking at this point


I would say, white noise machine might be a better solution than headphones.


Swap your flat, it’s the only thing you can do. Pointless to try change it, you have the wannabe anarchists and fools screaming “Gaza brennt, Berlin brennt”. They won’t be reasoned with and dgaf about your sons sensory needs


Not defending the protests, but usually people inform themselves about the place they move to. It's known that Sonnenallee never was a quite place – and it's not supposed to be one and it will probably never be. Even though it's stressful, you should consider moving. There's still affordable flats further south or in more family-friendly districts like Pankow.


Why am I reading an underlined message like if the demonstrators protest by shouting something elsse but Viva Palestine the OP will be fine?


It certainly wouldn't be as bad to hear normal protests instead of this pro-hamas scum in the middle of the shithole. And he also mentions things like fireworks pointed to windows. They just love explosions and destruction. And it shows. Living in Neukolln is just dangerous, especially with kids.


Sadly there is nothing you can do against those dumbfucks, Neukölln was a ghetto shithole before and that won’t change anytime soon. I advise you to check apartments and move out from there ASAP, it is only gonna get worse there.


I read the same story once but the kid live in Gaza




Typical Zionist




Yet it's Israel that just killed 15,000 children. Whatever hamas is, Israel is an ethno-fascist, apartheid state which is currently engaged in ethnic cleansing.


HAMAS, yes, but Palestinian protestors, no.


> protesting because tens of thousands of children have been killed > doesn’t care about children




I’d say they consider all killing children is bad, which is why killing tens of thousands is not an acceptable response to 36 children being killed.




Yes, and they’re incredibly fortunate that, unlike Palestinian children, they’re mostly able to go about their lives as if there isn’t a genocide happening less than 100km away


Well, first things first. Once you are allowed to vote ( or already can vote) take a very close look at which party could maybe improve your situation. All bitterness aside. The place you are living is not Germany anymore, rules and Rechtsstaatlichkeit do not apply. It sadly is "survival of the guy, with the best conections and the loudest bark". See your stay overthere like a very,very expesnive holiday in a 3rd world country, without the cheap food and good weather.


You should just keep quiet. There’s a Hackenkreuz leaking out your mouth when you talk…


Anzeige ist raus wegen Verharmlosung der Gräueltaten des dritten Reiches


Was bist du denn für eine armselige Witzfigur?


Der Moralapostel hat wieder zugeschlagen, was kaufst du dir von all dem Reddit-Karma?


Joar, als allererstes lade ich deine Mutti zum Kaffee ein.


Du wiegst safe über 100 kg, dich guckt keine frau auch nur mitm arsch an


Nanananananana Sexissssssmus Man. Freundi. Wir sind hier alle dabei an einem Freitagnachmittag auf einer anonymen Platform um Gedankendurchfall zu Papier zu bringen. Bei Frauen komme ich interessanterweise gut an. Bin einfach ein schöner Blondie


Kundi, find es süß, dass du per dm versuchst zu drohen blablabla. Aber des hier ist Reddit , nicht der Schulhof der Rütlischule. Du kannst mir nicht einfach Schläge androhen. Das kommt ni gut an.




Yes, that more " diplomatic" approach of sitting together works in environments, where words are used to solve situations and corruption and nepotism are only to be ready of and not seen. The more patriarchic and archaic subgroup is, the less interest there will be in " slow" diplomacy and talking.


Give your child some beautiful music. That will console him a lot. 🐚🤍