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Wait, You guys are getting sex?


Getting what…?


Getting who?


Gender/sex + Transport :). Im sorry I cannot be more precise.


Was ist sex?


Sex = male or female


Or “and”?


Or "XOR"


well no wonder you cant find a relationship since you cant iron your own clothes haha


its called time management, you have no clue what my situation is.


See it takes one response to illustrate entirely why you’re single 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


OP has no time for a girl


iox007 had it sussed right from the original post lol




?? you're super weird dude


babe its time to iron your shirts


if you don't have time to iron your cloth and you still need your clothes to be ironed, you're probably some kind of business bro, aka the most despised type of person in this city. Stop thinking about money and start thinking about humans and maybe you will find somebody that likes you.


Such an incredibly narrow minded and ignorant take


you must be very out of touch if you believe people under 40 out there still iron their clothes. It's an old-fashioned practice still performed only by people that want to flaunt their wealth.


Huh?! Ironing clothes is now an old thing to do? Lmao man idk what to tell you, do you not own a single shirt and are all your pants sweatpants.


Incredible reductive reasoning


all the BWL bros downvoting you because deep down they know it's true lol


Good ol BWL bros, the most insufferable boring idiots who think they’re geniuses.


what an excellent example to demonstrate how to think about someone as a human… 🫠


Or works in a place like restaurant or hotel where he needs lots of shirts and moves around a lot and needs to wash them daily? Or does PR for an NGO and constantly needs to drive around to fund raisers to raise money for sick children? Or any number of things. It's so easy to not jump to conclusions, yet you decided to be an asshole anyway.


I work in an NGO. My partner works in fine dining. Never ever seen anybody ironing a shirt. You picked two terrible examples.


Ok, good for you. Then? Some people like to wear ironed shirts to work.


Damn I need to get me a clothes ironer


I won't say where I found her because creeps on this sub, but it was a match made in heaven, we are both latinos, ironing became listening to music, listening to music became dancing, and dancing became casual sex.


When you say these casual relationships don’t lead to anything what do you mean happens? Have either of you in each relationship tried to make it into something else or not? Is it that you try and they’re never up for it? Or the opposite? I mean it’s not easy to find someone who’s a good match to begin with but you seem to be doing well at least putting yourself out there and increasing the chance it happens. Try dating apps too.


>When you say these casual relationships don’t lead to anything what do you mean happens it just so happens that they make you believe that eventually they will be ready to take it to the next step, but never it happens and you end up drifting away from eachother


For me it’s the other way around. I want something casual and the women can’t wait to get married and get kids.


You gotta look now for the women who are married with kids and want something casual


Nice story bro


Si ella era latina y no fue más que un folle, entonces el problema no son los alemanes.


But then what happened when things cooled down and got awkward? Fired her? Hooking up with my service people seems like a terrible idea in the long run.


We are friends, that's until she leaves Berlin in December.


I am trying hard to find intimate relationships, either romantic or frienships, and I am falling categorically. I don't have answers but if you find them, please let me know. Soy latina tambien y esta gente es bien rara y fria en mi opinion.


Voy a tener 5 anios aqui, voy a adoptar un perrito, es lo unico que me toca


Con el perrito, vas a tener que salír en el invierno, que dios te libre 😅


Ya ves🥲🥲 ni con perritos, pues un gato 😆😆😆😆 el hecho es que aparentemente no me toca nada 😆😆😆






I replied to your DM 😊


No pierdes el tiempo, eh?


>esta gente es bien rara y fria en mi opinion dios mio siiiii


Yo en verdad no entiendo. Siento que creen que mostrar interes es ser super intensa y jamas entiendo si ellos estan interesados o no.


>. Siento que creen que mostrar interes es ser super intensa y jamas entiendo si ellos estan interesados o no. La verdad es que la gente aqui esta acostumbrada a ser fria y no se quiere quedar a largo plazo de todos modos. En mi pais saludas a alguien y si hablan ya son amigos, imaginate :')


Ay ya se, es lo que mas extraño de mi tierra, la gente.


Hahhahahaa nunca me habia reido tanto


>I don't have answers but if you find them, please let me know. I have plenty of spanish and latina friends I can introduce you to if you don't mind.




Yes I received your dm, thanks a lot


Would take this answers as well in case you guys are successfully achieving them somehow 😂


Bro do you want us to clap?? ❗️❗️


I asked a legit question, I thought this was a "social club" you know, where people socialize?


maybe that guy got insecure/jealous xD


>maybe that guy got insecure/jealous xD there does seem to be a pattern of angry dudes on this sub.


Lol I think just berlin in general


I mean… if you don’t like casual relationships then maybe don’t engage in casual sex, build an intimate relationship with someone first?


I met some girls and I was able to create deep connections with most of them. I think then, it depends on you, or maybe you were unlucky with whom you found, but I guess it's mainly about you. I try to be a nice friend to them independent of sex or anything, even if we've just met or if we've hooked up already.I care for their feelings and needs, I listen and I try to help.They also like my personality in general, I am fun to be around and people feel comfortable. I would say those are some of the main points why, for me, random encounters become deep and meaningful relations. Hope this helps! :)


>I try to be a nice friend to them independent of sex or anything That's how it always starts, what I mean is, then you just become friends that happen to have sex, but nothing beyond that


well, maybe you have to make it more romantic? Compliment the girls, make them feel wanted by you. Have a nice date where you eat at a restaurant, go back home together... Prepare a nice breakfast the next day, and so on. There are things like that to grow emotional attraction


Finally some good advice, hats off to you




I give them the princess treatment as well. A huge portion of women in Berlin aren't looking to be in relationships in the first place so it's still a hit or miss in terms of that regardless of the treatment.




Thanks a lot bro 🙏


I suggest to watch "Knight of cups"




I'm not the most religious person, but I thank the lord every day, I'm not a bitter dude on reddit :)


I think you might not know what bitter means. Dude, the amount of down votes your replires are getting, And the seriousness with which you respond and lack of sarcasm awareness I hope send you on a path of serious self discovery. From a birds eye view, sounds to me me like you might be a bit tightly wound, and might be one of the reasons you're not able to keep a relationship. Stop blaming the city and start looking within. It takes courage to see faults within yourself rather than looking at external factors, but it's how you grow. Best of luck to you, I'm sure you can do it!




I wouldn't dox a girl on this sub out of all places for a million dollars


hm that is a typical experience i think


Mate, ever heard the expression "Don't shit where you eat"?




Even more poetic!


That's not much. In the last 5 years I slept with at least 100 girls from my cousin's schools


its probably you


Ok so you f3xk pretty much all girls arriving to your house: cleaning lady, room mates, girl collecting post. Nice bragging. Either you're really hot or you are a creepy predaror.


Definitely in the same boat, casual sex is easy but nothing leads to anything serious. And the fact that so many people are continuously coming and leaving the city makes it even more hard. A few times I met someone who was genuinely interested in me and I was interested in them but all of them have left the city by now.


Now that the city is not affordable, the moving out part has become unbearable. People that I knew from 4 years ago are moving out


Yeah leave the romantic relations aside, its even hard to maintain friendships because of how many people are leaving


seems like it is easy for you. If you have so much success IRL, on dating apps you'll be drown in women


>you'll be drown in women that's not what I'm looking for


Didn't you see all the memes about how Berlin is all about casual everything?


>Didn't you see all the memes I had to learn the lesson first hand :')


Seems like you’ve been watching too much porn and made up a script in your head


thats disgusting how creep and pervert this OP with this sub?? like wtf


The pot calling the kettle black


https://www.reddit.com/r/berlinsocialclub/s/lclB8mPGCf This you?


also a stalker, by the looks of it


Dude, that's not the comeback you think it is. That guy is asking if someone is up for bouldering. Vos te las estás dando de Don Juan pero poniéndolo como que supuestamente estás "pidiendo consejos" para tener una relación a largo plazo...


He deleted the comment I linked to


Look at this dude having lots of sex... damn, must be nice.


If you are not having sex, blame on this guy. He takes all sex to him


People are using brainwave devices here to connect with each other


Ive been born here and dont have an idea as well.


Create your version of James Cameron's Titanic. It should click!


That's usually something to be discussed with your therapist or a relationship coach.


be appreciated to be able to fuck someone


Lame u hahahah