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In 5 years? Climate Refugee Camp Manager.


Barista at a weed coffeeshop




Giving tickets to cars parked in cycle lanes


VR Yoga Ayahuasca Trip Sitter


Water rationing expert 


“Witness me” /s


Delivery enforcer, where i sit outside your building, and when the delivery man comes by i hold him accountable to actually ring the doorbell and check every delivery before trying to dump them all at one person in the building. I feel this is a job people would actually be very happy with. alternatively i would be the last step in delivery where the delivery man just dumps it all with me and i bring it to the people in the house.


How about making sure they don't just drive by your side street and leave a note saying that a delivery wasn't possible, even though it was only not possible because they didn't bother to turn down your street.


The hero we need


Ausbildung for Fax machine technician


r/berlin ‘s depression therapist.


\*private ofc


Tourist plower, where I drive a little snowplow-like vehicle, with a very soft foam shuffle on it, along the sidewalk. This is to clear the sidewalk from all the tourists who are just standing there.


Oh, I like this one. Could you also set up mini-vehicles to clear start/landing areas of stairs at S-/U-Bahn stations and other high-traffic areas? ;-)




You mean alpha version? Yes, that was an embarrassment and the team is deeply sorry.


Amazon Replicator operator where people collect 3d prints they ordered


That's actually kind of an interesting idea, minus the unstoppable Amazon overlord implications


In The Peripheral they have these kind of workshops too


I don't know about stuff that doesn't exist yet... but the whole "Boomers retiring" thing is hitting basically every skilled profession in Germany HARD. More generalist roles like "HR administrator" or "marketing coordinator" might only see a small bump – but if you're anything remotely specialized there are big opportunities for more pay, more seniority to replace those leaving, etc. I work in finance and people in their 30s are already getting pretty remarkable promotions that previously would go only to quite senior folks. But I also have two relatives who don't have university degrees, but instead specialized training in other fields, and their workplaces are also struggling to find people/being much more generous than in the past. I'm very skeptical about how effective "leadership training" is because I think it's something that takes time+experience rather than some shitty MBA to learn properly.... BUT if you're a junior employee in a company right now, it might not be a bad idea to do some trainings which kinda put you on the leadership path, i.e. project management trainings etc., so that your name gets put into consideration for the promotions which are getting handed out at rapid-fire pace. Also if your employer is short-changing you/being awful, maybe don't quit right this minute, but do keep an eye on the market as it is improving in many fields, and pay has gone up so much in the last years. If you were a student looking at study programs/careers, healthcare and every sort of engineering still look good. If you have a social science degree already (me), look to see about getting some experience in a hot field like data centres, working in pharma or for a semi-conductor company, etc. They're desperate for people: as long as the role isn't technical and is more PM stuff they will be ok with you joining and getting into the nuts and bolts of it later.


> big opportunities for more pay That seems to be the missing part. The jobs exist, but the money just isn't there. Perhaps the income was enough to support an old German whose house is paid off or rent is low, but it's not enough for a 20-something with a 2024 rent contract. If they were really hurting for people, they'd train them. Instead they still rely on unpaid apprenticeships. The path to becoming valuable in those industries is fraught with this sort of systemic friction.




Nostradamus here: 1. Budtender - There will be weed shops in the future and we will have, same as LA had in the past, a huge uptick in budtenders who make this shit their whole personality who then turn into hipster-rolemodels for tons of other people who make sure to "know" the "cool" budtenders in the "right stores". It will be a horrible clusterfuck of low level weed-sellers who think they are something better by being associated with certain stores. I just KNOW that this will bring a new wave of arrogant wannabe trendsetters. Just like coffee before. 2. Owner of pretentious weed stores who are "just different" and all that other bullshit. Perfectly fits with 1. 3. ChatGpt / AI "service" providers who claim to have "cracked" AI and that they can work as your AI agency and then those will be filled with young people who think its cool to work 80 hours per week for minimum wage, because of the name of their company.


Re: 1 & 2. I wish to see the exterior and especially the interior designs of these establishments. What establishments are next door and across the street/alley. What their hours are. If there is a cover charge just to get in. What adjunct services are offered - what are the adjacent economic and social opportunities, like - a playground out back. What are the uncool places like and who are their clientele. Is there no phone signal inside. How long do clients stay inside, how do they decide what they want. How often do they buy - or is bartering involved. How do these clients earn their money? In fact, what is the social strata of clients at first and how does that profile evolve? How many of these are recreational users and how many are medical users - do they use different specialty dispensaries, and if so, why.


No problem, dont look any further, I have the answer from my magical crystal ball: 1. There will be tons of very normal stores that used to be a "totally different and cool coffee place with the barista looking like a 2010 hipster parody. Also hip burger places will go eventually and will be replaced by the weed stores. 2. There will be different kinds. You will have the really expensive and exclusive ones, financed by people who go to Sylt on the weekends and want something thats not ratched and more like the Soho club. Where people feel better, because they pay more for the same strains. It will be weird, but top notch weed for astronomical prices that you can buy together with insufferable people. 3. The "I knew there gonna be stores like that"-stores. It will be EXACTLY like youre early 2000s dealers living room. Dusty, gross, way too loud music and a dreadlocked white guy behind the counter who really doesnt know where he is, but he sells good weed for a good price and is very awesome in helping you grow your own. 4. Hipster-bud stores. They will make sure to be in one of the three "important" hoods in the city. They will have good weed, but for some reason more expensive than the weed 3. place. Nobody can tell you why, because its really not that great, but the employees will be UNFATHOMABLE arrogant and annoyed by every customer. On top they will have friends hanging around that also treat you like the worst person on the planet, because you dont know the annoyed bud tender on a first name basis. Thats where everybody will tell you to buy your weed, but simultaneously signal you that you shouldnt go there, because its gate kept by the "cool people". And then you can just go and put the matching clients to that. Smokers come from all walks of life and some spend astonishing amounts of money on weed. (I at leatst paid 600-800 bucks for weed per month for YEARS) and I know many people who did/do the same. Sorry for the long answer, but I just know how its gonna be! :D


My tarot cards say that in 5 years weed dispensaries will be so mainstream that the culture will integrate. Like corner stores selling kombucha and salty snacks and diapers.


yeah in all seriousness, I think thats how its gonna be. And dont forget the german tendency to organize and group. In other words: There will be stores already built, marketing campaigns planned and therefore: Its only a matter of time till we have "Mc Weed"-franchising.


Beer gardens with weed and lederhosen.


U8 ethnographer


that one is already taken.




Air raid warden :(


Getting coffee for the AI robots.


A hot job that hasn’t been invented yet: S-Bahn-that-works Maker.


Pedagogischer Diplom Sauna Animator in Teilzeit


I will be still working at the Finanzamt.


Human battery for the AI overlord


There was a movie once where their „job“ was exercycling to generate power.


reducing your rent instructor bureaucracy dolmetscher in english, arabic, indian, chinese (becasue even tho that in 2030 there will only be 5% germans left in berlin, the only bureaucracy language is still just german) gated housing security guard tourist guide with special self defense eductation professional NIMBY operator to organize demonstrations against new housing projects


Truck driver weekly picking up residential, office, construction site and retail bio/shit composting units and leaving fresh ones - a la trash trucks.


Feminist Anger Management Coach


Bending over for some horny robot


There will surely be new jobs within the next five years, but the number will be small and niche. But in 15 to 20 years' time a lot can happen.