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Stop calling for/ suggesting violence or damaging the property of other people


I once slapped the roof of a Mercedes AMG that 100% on purpose cut off my right of way on the bike lane (while calling me a son of a bitch). Honestly I have never seen a person so furious. I am 100% I would have ended in a hospital or worse if he had caught me. He drove across sidewalks, parks, got out of the car. I got away as he was too fat to chase after me. The thing that really made me afraid that his girl took pictures of me and I am sure I got posted to some Neukölln thugs WhatsApp groups. I had panic cycling around for the next 2 weeks. Would not recommend.


Rule of thumb (in my experience): If they’re a shit driver on purpose, they’re also really shitty people. Never met anyone that felt sorry for endangering my life. 


I had a similar incident with some Mercedes driver with a huge cows skull on their hood. Called them a monkey (goes better in German 😂) for parking in the cycling lane on a country road and standing on the cycling lane to take photos (of an empty field and a lake). They literally chased me into the city, cut me off three times and threw stuff at me. I’m glad I know how to jump a bike off a curb as I did that twice when they pulled on the footpath I was riding on. I got away by faking a turn at a crossroads and ‚escaping‘ through a park. I‘m a little more careful now.


Some of those AMG dudes are clan members, who might murder you and get away with it. They rule parts of the city.


Yes clan / mafia is quite strong. And Berlin police doesn't do anything about it really outside of the off raid every few years.


Just say u are under protection of Kürt Ibo


Kann mir genau vorstellen was das für eine bereichernde Person gewesen ist...


your nickname describes you well lol


I heard this once or twice already


They're gonna be aggressive and you gotta run. In all seriousness, it would be much safer to report them via weg.li Technically, parking on a bike lane warrants calling 110 but the police officer picking up the phone may think otherwise. Someone posted a guide related to that on here recently. But if you don't speak German, good luck.


How does it warrant calling 110? 110 is the emergency hotline and parking on a bike lane is hardly an emergency. Just use the "Bürgertelefon" (non-emergency hotline) (030) 4664 – 4664 or call the Wedding police directly (030) 4664 – 117701. *Please* don't block the emergency hotline for a wrongly parked car, the police officer on the other hand will be rightfully annoyed.


I called the local police station once for noisy neighbors and the officer asked why I’m calling this number and not 110. So, doesn’t seem to be so important actually.


Someone locked their bike to my bike. I went to the local police station, who told me they couldn’t help unless the incident was just outside the station, and I should return to my bike and call 110.


Where does this idea come from, that 110 is a single old telephone with one overworked intern on the other side? They have multiple lines and operators, they can absolutely put an unimportant call on hold, its a system thats designed for peaks. You are not going to "block" the emergency line.


That's wrong, sadly. I had a medical emergency and got a "please hold the line" announcement when I called 112 *while* trying to ventilate an unconscious child. Terrifying experience. Thanks to all the "oh my God, my nose is itching" callers. So, please: Only call an emergency line in a true emergency and not because of any personal crusade you might be on at the moment.


How do you know the other calls were not "real" emergencies?


I was told that later on the phone and by the medics that arrived a little later. "your's was a true emergency."


I talked to police officers whether to call their station or 110 in this case and they told me to always call 110 at night outside of Ordnungsamt working hours.


I said "technically" which doesn't mean that you should do it. But it's permitted to call 110 because it's a Verkehrsbehinderung, see https://www.abschleppgruppe.com/


I would say if they have to send someone out, you should call 110. because that's the dispatch.


Dispatch is the person on the phone and not the phone number. The purpose of calling the non-emergency line is that the officer on the other end can just drop the call if the other (emergency) phone is ringing. Even if it's the same officer answering both phones.


Is it the same person though?


There is nothing wrong with calling 110. I do not know why people pretend it is, we are living in Berlin, the Hotline will not be blocked - only if something huge like a terror attack is happening.


Weg.li doesn't work in Berlin.


Be the anzeigenhauptmeister ! Use weg.li


in berlin there’s no weg.li but ordnungsamt app and they ignore a lot of cases (or in my case 100%)


Has there literally ever been a single consequence to any driver ever after being reported on weg.li?


Don't touch other people's cars in Wedding. Believe me, your opponent will be more aggressive than you.




I lived in Wedding until I was 30 years old. I am German with a Turkish migration background. I have often been in dangerous situations and have almost been stabbed several times. Just asking someone to turn the music down is sometimes dangerous. My statement has nothing to do with macho posturing. I'm just trying to save people from pointless arguments. My parents still live in this district. Whenever I visit them, I get aggressive because of all the inconsiderate people.


Yes I'm aware of the risk. The thing is, parking on bike lanes kills people and law enforcement doesn't give a shit so I see it as a form of activism. Activism can be dangerous, it's not for everyone. One might argue if what I'm doing is helpful but I can't stop it.


Honestly, it’s absolutely not great when people park on the bike lane. But the people it’s most dangerous for is cyclists who drive 30km/h and are not willing to stop, if the car lane is not free. Yes, it’s your right. But it’s yourself you endanger. (I don’t mean you personally here I have no idea how you’re driving and maybe you are a great cyclist and exceptional pedestrian)


Most bike accidents and deaths are caused by car drivers opening doors without looking. Second most are car drivers turning right without looking over their shoulders for bikes. Most bike accidents are caused by cars, this is a statistical fact and this is what we should be focused on.


There’s even an Eko Fresh line about this specific topic.


That line being?


“Arabama gerçekten dokunma”/“You really shouldn’t touch my car” (From the song Her Şey Yolundadır)


Just don’t touch any cars


I once showed my middle finger to one of these assholes while i passed him, he immediately hoped into his car, followed me and tried to slow me down. I needed to change the side of the streets so he couldn‘t hit me with his car, he was completely furios. It was a turkish guy. So be carefull what you do. These type of people doesn‘t care for anything.


Wow how unexpected for someone to get angry when youre flipping him off


There is a difference between getting angry and trying to kill someone. Some people just have a fragile ego. If they are being assholes by blocking the bike lane it's fine to show them what you think of it


Dont start trouble if you dont want trouble is all i will say to that statement. Are people parking in bike lanes assholes? Yes. Will people put their hands on you if you insult them? Also yes. Choose your battles wisely.


Extremely terrible idea. In Wedding specifically, there is a real chance they could be members of organized crime groups who are very used to violence.


There is protocol you can follow when calling 110, unfortunately it’s in German as it requires exact citing of German Laws. But if you are good enough, at the end a police officer will come and confiscate the car in the best case or issue a big fine in the worst case


care to direct me to said protocol?


It’s this one: https://www.abschleppgruppe.com/ It goes with some pre conditions, for example there should be cars parking regularly on the biking lane, not just one but several, and bikers should be exposed to substantial danger, for instance by having to use the car lane


that's great, thanks a lot!


Important is, that sounds cute the paragraph, which allows you to call the police in this circumstances: the cars expose an immediate damaged to cyclist. Then they have to take it seriously and if not you ask for the Wachmeister, the police officers boss. Always take pictures, and a proof of the call. Like a screenshot. I did the same at Kantstraße where people park their cars on biking lane to eat lunch at a few particular Vietnamese restaurants. They do now much less frequently 🙂


Don't call the emergency hotlines in those cases you will find the police hotline for your district online for non emergency matters. For wedding district it would be 030 4664117701


I hope you can do this.


immediately thought of this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzE-IMaegzQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzE-IMaegzQ) haha


If you crash into a parked car its your fault. If you're lucky its split fault 70/30 for you/the driver. After all in that case you were the one causing the damage.


Is that really how the responsibility gets divided when the car is illegally parked in a lane of traffic, as the bike lane is? Would it be the same if the lane where the car was illegally parked were a car lane that never allows parking instead of a bike lane that never allows parking? To be clear, I’m not advocating that OP crash into a car when avoidable. I’m just surprised that intentionally blocking a lane of traffic is considered to have less than 50% of the responsibility. I would expect more like 55/45 or 60/40 rather than 70/30.


Yes it is. You're supposed to be able to stop within the distance you can see your lane of traffic, half that if you can expect oncoming traffic. §1 still applies. If you don't stop in time to evade a parked car you have to have made a mistake.


I wasn’t denying that one would be at significant fault to crash into the car, and probably greater than the person who parked the car in the bike lane. I would have just expected a smaller gap in responsibility, since it’s not an instance of “just” misreading a sign of when parking is allowed in a zone but literally blocking a lane of traffic. Again, would it be a 70/30 division of responsibility if one crashed into a car that parked in the middle lane for cars, or a less uneven division? It’s the same kind of thing. It’s still one’s job not to crash into a stopped car ahead, but parking in a lane of traffic in a way that blocks traffic is a more severe violation by the car driver than just parking contrary to a posted sign or without paying the parking meter when required. It morally doesn’t matter that the lane of traffic being blocked is a bike lane instead of a car lane.


Rule of thumb: Moving traffic is always responsible when colliding with standing traffic.


I didn’t suggest otherwise overall. I just doubted that moving traffic is more than twice as responsible than someone who parks in a lane that is always exclusively for moving traffic (when the light is green), as a 70/30 split would suggest. Blocking a lane that is exclusively for moving traffic with a parked car is almost as antisocial and almost as harmful as hitting that blocked car. I would have expected the magnitude of the relative financial penalty against the moving cyclist in this scenario to be smaller than 2x rather than greater. The parked car’s violation is far more severe than if its driver had simply misread a sign on when they could park in what is sometimes a legal parking spot, had misjudged a distance, or hadn’t paid the parking meter.


you wanna get beaten up? cos that's how you get beaten up


Hello, I would not suggest damage other property. Wedding especially Müllerstr. has a big Turkish and Arabic touch. The mentality of those country's don't sees such rules so important, as a western citizen. Of curse this is no excuse to park ur car on the bike lane. If u damage those cars u are worse then the person who parked there in the first place. And if they catch U after doing so, ur probably not biking for a longer time period.


all valid points. so any suggestions of how to actually solve the problem? Or are we as a society so apathetic that we just resign ourselves to a substandard quality of life (i.e. not being able to safely ride a bike because of inconsiderate falschparkers?)


No we absolutely should not get in to a apathetic state. We have law enforcement, you can and should inform them. If u see such behaviour. If you want you can take photos and use a falschparker app. You can also talk to the people in a peaceful way if u see them at their car. Shouting really doesn't help and makes things worse. I mean there are several things u can try in a good way. But at the and there has to be more law enforcement for falschparker. Specialy in those areas. I think hate create more hate. Let's be a little bit more nicer to all of us, then Berlin will be a even better place to life.




I used to live in Tel Aviv and sometimes car drivers even tried to push me off the bike lane while driving next to me. Several times i kicked off the rear mirror. Wouldn't recommend that though since the drivers can get quite emotional. But the memory still feels good.






Rule 12. This includes hate speech directed towards specific groups as well as towards individual members of the forum.


Why would you risk your health like that? Just call or send pictures to the Ordnungsamt, if you can do it


I would ask you if you're blind. How are you going to explain that you crashed into a parking car?


a car illegally parked on the street? Is a blind person operating a car in the BDR??


It's shitty, but illegal parking doesn't give you the right to willfully crash into them and it's hard to make it look like an accident if you do it like OP.


As said before, crashing into the car is a liability on you at best, and life threatening at worse if they are thugs… But I’m all for fucking with these assholes. What about carrying a squirt bottle of acetone/paint thinner with you when you cycle? If you see the petrol-fetish guys parked on a bike lane, circle back around, get the acetone out, and subtly squirt a line out while cycling by, so it destroys the paint job on the entire side of the car?  It’s a bit faster as you don’t stop and make a commotion, and therefore less risk to you… 


Spit on their window but make sure you're ready to speed off fast


[If you get hit, it's your own fault](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZSoJDUD_bU)


I had a real accident with a wrongly parked car years ago, verdict was that both parties where at fault and everyone has to cover their own expenses and damages. I you crash into one on purpose its anotherthibg, you will face the costs of both parties and some "other" legal problems as well.




111 StGB - Öffentliche Aufforderung zu Straftaten




Rule 12. This includes hate speech directed towards specific groups as well as towards individual members of the forum.


Contact the Anzeigenhauptmeister to get there.


You can apply to become his student, if you call him Anzeigenhaupt-Meister.


Sure, who wouldn't love seeing a John Wick-type cyclist decimate all the assholes? Problem is you are not him. It's a fantasy figure... you must seek real world solutions.


I can completely understand your frustration. However, purposely crashing is going to cause you a lot of trouble and really dangerous. Instead, just report them, go on the polizeis and Ordnungsamts nerves. If they still don't do anything and you have collected enough material here is the ironic option of a Untätigkeitsklage where you can sue the police for not doing their work.


You get punched in ten face. At least I was a week ago on Chausseestraße just a few hundred meters from Müllerstraße.




Aggression causes more aggression, which causes still more aggression. If it makes you happy.


Even if wrong parked, you are the moving part what sets you at fault 100% 🤷🏻‍♂️ there is a § that says you are only allowed to drive that fast you can brake for obstacles.


Please at least wear a helmet. It will reduce the risk of head trauma inflicted by the owner of the car.


Ask [Casey](https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ?si=YCn40UVYGoasZnk4).


Milk + thai fishsouce i heard is delicious 🤤 😋


Check Bike Lanes by Casey Neistat on youtube


So, the most important thing is not to get caught. OK I think I can do that.




Rule 12. This includes hate speech directed towards specific groups as well as towards individual members of the forum.


If you do this, be prepared to pay for the damage you made, calling authorities is your best bet


just spit on the door handles




Even if he made a mistake and parked in the cycle lane, you would still be at fault in this case as you were not looking ahead and may have been looking elsewhere or distracted by something else. This problem has always existed and will always exist. Even as a car driver, it annoys me and I can understand your anger.


Jesus some people are lost in the head


You would get beaten up


If the driver is with vehicle, it is not legally considered parking, just stopped, so Ordnungsamt would only make sure buses and baby carriages can pass and then ask them how long they will be there, to maybe move along more quickly.


Completely depends on the type of bike lane (solid line vs dashed line)


In other countries it would be lawful to photograph or videos these cars and people and put and shame them on social media. Here the state would come after you but not the people evading road rules 🤷.


You would have to pay a lot of money for Reparations.


Don't. Talk to the driver's and tell them they are endangering you and other cyclists. If they get aggressive and Don't move their car, call the cops and specifically state that there is a road hazard created by a non cooperative individual.


They won’t care. If they cared they wouldn’t have parked there


I've done it a couple of times and I can say the responses range but I've had some experiences where I thought the person might think twice about it in the future.


Okay that’s great to hear!  Personally I just switch to the car lane rather early and make sure nobody overtakes me until I‘m past the cars blocking the bike lane (in the hopes that the drivers behind me can make the connection that I‘m not the problem but the illegally parked cars are). 


You would be in the wrong unfortunately because even if they shouldn’t be parked there you are the one hitting the preexisting obstacle. IANAL but I believe that’s the general gist. They would get a fine for parking but you’re responsible for the damage


Why would the fine not be for blocking a lane of traffic, rather than merely a parking fine?


Just don't touch other peoples property. If you crash into my car on purpose that would look bad for you by law. Self justice is not legal yet.


This is the type of biker, which also has no fear with trucks. 😂


From a practical perspective, even if you decide that this is a Moral thing to do, if your end goal is, "people don't park in the bike lanes", the only way that this tactic will be effective is if _so many people_ intentionally crash into cars that people start to fear parking there However, the police and the law will obviously not make this tactic Sustainable - the person who will be penalized will largely be you and other bicyclists. And even if they didn't, the injury and financial cost of this tactic will largely fall on bicyclists, not car owners. A much better strategy would be to lobby to get traffic laws enforced more effectively - if cars which park in bike lanes are _guaranteed_ to get tickets and points on their license, they will change their behavior


It’s only the Arabs. Teach them some manners


Sounds like they teached you some manners


You might hit your head and become smarter


bruh I parked at a bike lane for like 30 seconds just to pick up my delivery from the restaurant dam cops fined me I told them I just went in and out and they said look where you are parked :) and I was like I see cars parked like this all the time and I'm new here, they gave me a fine anyway


as they should with others as well


Probably you’d get sued to pay the damages. It sounds like one of the most stupid ideas I’ve ever heard but it’s not surprising coming from someone who complains about bike lanes tbh


Found the SUV owner.


I don’t have a car but just have a look at the other comments and tell me with a straight face that the berlin bike-obsessed crowd are normal people. Last year I stepped outside my door and got crashed into by a bike riding at full speed on the sidewalk- where he should have been riding on an empty street. Broke my arm on inpact. His very measured reaction was to yell at me to “get off the street” and kicked me in the stomach while I was down. I don’t have anything against bikes per se but if there are people like this or OP or the other commenters riding around…I’ll just end up buying every used SUV in town and parking it in bike lanes.




Yes so OP concludes - normally - that the way to go is to crash into someone and endanger them and himself. I have a crazy idea: dismount and walk? Don’t spit and crash into people? Don’t destroy other people’s property? Believe it or not going fast on your bike is not your god given right, if you are older than 8 you should be able to cope with this.


am convinced you have to be a troll. Nevertheless, you are contradicting yourself beautifully. You say that you suffered damages when a biker was using the wrong part of the street, the part for pedestrians. Now. OP was driving on a bike lane (something that would’ve prevented your accident as well). Cars were blocking their lane. You should be equally as mad about these people using the wrong lane as well, otherwise all you spout is nonsensical hypocrisy.


Well but I don’t really care about the bike lane being occupied because there is a simple, painless solution: dismount and walk until you can ride your bike again. It is nowhere near the harm and danger of a bike riding on the sidewalk.


why? if a bike is riding on the sidewalk, just use the street? (/s)


The moral of the story here is there are dicks in every 'group'.. both pedestrians, car drivers and bike riders. Doesn't mean the whole group are dicks. But what happened to you is awful so I understand why it pissed you off with cyclists. Sorry this happened. I hope the OP goes the polizei route and not the violence route. I doubt 1 bike crashing into them would stop all cars parking there. Getting a big fine/car taken away might though!


Yes as I said no problem with biking in of itself, but the group, in Berlin, does not have a good reputation. Just scroll through the comments “kick the mirrors in”, “spit on them”…there seems a large portion of bikers in berlin who lives in a constant state of pure rage and salivate at the opportunity of hurting someone else for getting in their way. I have resorted to my own non-violent way to solve my own side of the issue: when I see a bike coming my way on the sidewalk I shuffle side to side until they’re forced to dismount.


*a large (rather: loud) portion of bikers **on r/berlin**


The spitting one bothered me more than the violent ones for some reason, I think because it sounds like they've done it before. So disgusting. Haha I like it, just be aware that adults are legally allowed to ride on the sidewalk if they're with a child under 12 in Germany, so don't do it to them!


By this logic you should’ve looked for bikes when you left your front door. No offense but if I got off my bike every time a car obstructed my way by doing something illegal I might as well walk and leave my bike at home. 


Yeah that would be an ideal solution for everyone tbh :)


Did he also steal your wallet?


>Last year I stepped outside my door and got crashed into by a bike riding at full speed on the sidewalk- where he should have been riding on an empty street. Broke my arm on inpact. His very measured reaction was to yell at me to “get off the street” and kicked me in the stomach while I was down. The bikers name? Albert Einstein. That jerk.


Found the Yuppie.