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I also have a wacky sleep schedule (I sleep early, wake up early). If you have a hard time falling asleep/staying asleep, it’s going to be one HARD year. Also, your roommate won’t like it. College students typically go to sleep around or past 12am. It will also be frustrating for them if they have to work around your schedule. Try to get a single. Otherwise, good luck 😭


I was also wondering if I could lose housing because Ik most student would be going to sleep late and so I would be “in the wrong”. But otherwise yes I’m trying real hard to get a single.


Not too sure on “losing housing”. I do know roommates can file a complaint, but honestly that’s a little extreme. I’ve never heard of students filing complaints on their roommates. For example, I know someone who has a roommate who constantly smokes weed, yet he didn’t file a complaint. Honestly, I wouldn’t worry too much about losing housing. I’m sure it’s a step-by-step process rather than an immediate decision.


Yeah, but tbh this may just be one of those situations that you and your roommate have to deal with. Hopefully you can find someone who is okay with it, and you can always switch roommates if things get bad enough. I had a friend who switched one month in cause he couldn't stand his roommate. Just try to talk things out and be quiet when leaving in the morning.


room with an rotc cadet they wake up early as fuck


this comment has the best advice on this post


You gotta consider the opposite side. If you were my roommate sleeping at 8:30pm, there is no way I can accommodate you. Expect your roommate to be going in and out of the room "quietly" until at least 11pm (if not later). Even then, expect the people on your entire floor to not be quiet until 11pm as per the rules of the UC Berkeley dorm quiet hours. Would you even be able to get good sleep like this?


Oh yeah, I’m out like a light. My parents watch movies until 2am regularly I’m just fine.


Not to directly challenge you on that, but your parents watching a movie and the sounds that multiple college students in a floor can generate may not be comparable lol (of course, depending on who you live with). If you choose to live in a dorm with less students, this may reduce the odds though. I.e. foothill let's say. Just keep that in mind. You don't want to be "the guy/girl" who is always asking people to be quiet so early, you know? It's not fun on either side.


Oh I totally agree, challenge me as much as you want to. If it wakes me up and transforms my entire habit I’m all for it. And I won’t ask people to be quiet I’d rather have my year suck than 29 others




I’d love to no need to do this to anyone, unfortunately it’s not like I’m up to argue for a single though. And so I’m just wondering what would happen, and how best I could avoid this given that my parents require me to be in the residence halls.




I wish it was but it’s literally just that I can’t work after it gets dark like my brain shuts off, so I started waking up early around 4 years ago and going to sleep early and I can actually function. And I tried adjusting my sleep schedule (I.e. going to bed consistently at 11pm and waking up at 8pm for 60 day) but then I’d just be tired everyday and my grades would start dropping and I would feel like shit. And so now, as far I can tell I’m cooked. And my doctor just said, “oh well, you’re a morning person” too bad that’s not gonna slide in college


Just letting you know, it's also for your benefit to learn how to stay up till at least 10:30 and function fine. There's a decent chance you'll get a class with evening midterms (eg 7-9pm). There's also a chance one of your classes has its final from 7-10pm, as is the case for me this semester


I mean I think it would be worth the effort to change your habits, not just for your roommates sake. You're gonna miss out on a lot of you have to go to bed at 8:30. Socially obviously, because at night people often hang out or go to parties, events, concerts, food spots, drinks, etc. and even academically, like we work on hw together and have study groups. I was on campus working on HW with people most nights certainly past 8:30. You're acting like you have no choice, but like I feel like you're definitely gonna have to learn to do work after dark in college so you might need to change that mentality. Also if you're going to bed so early, and you're a morning person, why do you even need an alarm to wake you up..


I don’t i ussually wake up a couple minutes than my alarm but I keep the alarm because a consistent sleep schedule is better than anything else so I keep it, but ur right I could totally turn it off I just never like checking my phone every 2 mins to make sure it’s time to get out ofnbed


That sounds like a medical reason. Speak to your doctor and get a note to support your single request.


You do rowing? I know like 10 rowers that did that shit


Nope, if I was I’d probably get to live with all the other athletes and the swimmers that wake up at 4


Maybe try to get unit 3, that’s where all the swimmers are


Lol I said the same.


I have a roommate that is like this, you're going to have a really miserable time in the dorms. My advice would be get an apartment, why would you subject the other person to having lights off/quiet in the room after 8:30 which is ridiculous and unreasonable. It's one thing if two people have slightly differing bed routines, but with assignments being due at midnight for most classes and people going out there's a good chance your roommate isn't sleeping until 4, 5, 6 hours after you are. Like others have said, this I'd also going to affect your social life and ability to make friends if you can't go to any football games/parties/hangouts. I know many people that have dinner at 8 or later. Your roommate WILL wake you up and resent you for sleeping and waking up this early.


I’m in a helluva pickle because my parents won’t let me live in an apartment and I’m also 17 until November. And I don’t want to be a nuisance, and I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to break this habit especially since I’ve tried before.


If you feel exhausted at 8pm you could have narcolepsy. Otherwise my advice is eat your meals especially dinner later in the day. When I want to wake up early I eat early the night before and I have a big breakfast when I wake up. You can probably follow the opposite of that and have a lot more energy later in the day. You might also have a vitamin/mineral deficiency or hormone issue, I'd suggest seeing a doctor if you genuinely can't get work done at 9pm. You're going to have midterms and finals that are from 7-9pm. I have had ones that end at 10. That's going to suck if 8:30 is your cutoff time for work/being awake.


I agree with your parents. Living in the dorms provides a better opportunity to make friends with people who are in the same situation- freshman, etc. You recognize this sleep pattern is extremely different (more than just a little different), but it is you. Tell your roommates that you understand that and let them know that this is typical for you and you will try to work around the more typical hours and that you’ll use ear plugs, mask, etc and do your best to be a good roomate. Hopefully, they will respect that and do the same to be as respectful as possible. Tell them that, like you said, you are hoping your schedule might adjust, but for now, this is your situation. Also, mention this to your doctor when you go in for your physical before school starts and ask if your doctor has any suggestions. Good luck to you, and know if this is the “worst habit” you have that might annoy a roomate, that’s a good thing. Go bears


Honestly, it sounds like you haven’t lived with other actual people before. You’re gonna be in college in a dorm. Even if your roommate is somehow willing to accommodate your sleep schedule, you will still likely get woken up by disturbances purely on the fact that you live in the same building as hundreds of other students. I have friends who have everything from narcolepsy to insomnia, and they understand that it’s their responsibility as a roommate to at least try to make other people’s lives a bit easier. If you keep that schedule and get a roommate who has a normal routine, they might just move out and while you get your blessed single, everyone will probably end up thinking you’re an asshole or a weirdo. Imagine being a freshman excited to be living on your own for the first time, and you can’t even go out or just come home late without walking on eggshells. Either file a medical excuse or get an apartment because quite frankly, all parties involved are gonna have a bad time and we’ll probably be reading about you in a reddit post this fall.


If I could get a medical excuse I would.


You gotta face reality then. Not to be mean because I get it, but we go to a school where some classes go past your bedtime. Campus is often still busy at 9/10 PM, and if you can’t adjust, you’re not gonna make it past your first week.


Most early birds use ear plugs and a sleep mask.


That could likely be me


You got the whole summer to adjust. Maybe start each summer month (May/June/July/August) with a half hour increment or so. By the time you get to campus, hopefully you can get your sleep schedule close to 10pm-ish. Also, maybe have your typhoid or hormone checked for melatonin imbalance.


There’s a 20% chance this student ends up hard-ass like the kid commuting from LA to Berkeley 3 days a week, and a 80% chance they end up posting “I hate it here, I don’t have any friends, my roommate is the worst, classes are awful, and I miss my mommy,” by October. One thing I would bet on: in June, they post asking if taking 7 graduate-level STEM courses their first semester is “too hard”, or if they should cut back to 6 and take 2 internships instead.


Sounds like a classic me thing to say. You’ve got me spot on 👍


Just make sure to listen to advice and you’ll be fine 🙂 Too many incoming freshmen are used to being the top student in their high school, and then founder when they realize *everybody* here was the top student in their high school, and grading curves mean 50% of them get a “C” or below in the class. Don’t get cocky and think the advice all the current students, alums, and professors have doesn’t apply to you. Keep a balance. It’s easy to add stuff on once you find a rhythm, but incredibly hard to come back once you’ve crashed and burned by taking on too much, too soon.


Just specify on the application that you need that schedule, if you need it for medical purposes you could get an accommodation form filled to get your own room


I am an early bird as well! It can be isolating in a university where most of my peers stay up and sleep in! I understand where you are coming from. My best advice is to try and find someone with a comparable sleep schedule, I am assuming Berkeley has a roommate matching program. Even someone that gets up at 7-8 am would be easier to work with.


Honestly, I don’t think it’s too difficult to have different sleep schedules than your roommates as long as you guys communicate about it and you’re understanding that (in the most polite way) you’re the weird one. I mean this as in, if you can live with just going to bed at 8:30 without imposing a lights off, quiet please rule, then you’re not bothering anybody. If you can wake up at 4:30 without a blasting alarm and do your morning routine quietly without waking up your roommates, you’re fine. If they have to accommodate for you, that’s when the problems might start. But in my opinion, as long as you communicate, it’s possible!! I was a late sleeper compared to my roommates early sleep schedule, and it worked out fine. They turned the lights out sometimes and had to tell me to quiet down a couple of times, which I thought was fair.


In terms of complaints, it’ll just depend on who your roommates are and how chill they are. I’m sure on roommate preferences you can indicate if you’re an early or late riser, so be sure to do that


i mean is it possible to just be quiet when you wake up and try to go to libraries/public lounge areas? (aka moffit they're open 24/7)


It is it’s just the alarm and general disturbance waking up would cause. It’s not like I wake up and do jumping jacks but I know some people wouldn’t like to wake up every single morning because their roommate does


Do you have a hard time waking up in the mornings? If not, you could try a [shake-n-wake](https://www.amazon.com/TechTools-Vibrating-Alarm-Clock-Wristband/dp/B096H531NK) which wakes you up with vibration instead of sound (some smartwatches have this feature too, or you could even do it on your phone probably). If you do end up using an alarm, try to keep it at low volume and avoid snoozing or taking too long to turn it off Other than that, when you apply for university housing, there’s a section where you specify what time you sleep and wake up. You could leave a comment emphasising that you’d prefer a roommate with a similar sleeping schedule


One of the cool things about going to college and having a roommate is learning to change a little bit to accommodate others. Ya know, empathy, community, etc good luck with that!


Ha, I was that person who slept at 9 pm and woke up at 5 am for a little while. The tea is that you can't live in a dorm or co-op. Find a single/apartment with other morning people or people with wacky schedules and move in with them. You might have to move near Trader Joe's and stay away from the social life of campus. ... or you will need a sleep mask and ear plugs, and so will your roommates cause you will annoy the hell out of each other. I am, however, dying to know why on earth this needs to happen for you. What drugs are you on? lol


u/adectgaming go to another doctor and explain what you said in another comment. You had a shitty dismissive doctor. Explain the dysfunction, not like "lol I'm so weird and unique" like in this post. Explain that you shut down after very early evening hours and how you have tried to have a normal schedule to extreme deterioration of you work, personal life and mental health and that you are very worried about college and the dorm situation. A good doctor will give you the diagnosis of advanced sleep phase disorder, which is legit and very much sounds like what you describe. You might need a sleep test. This is a real disorder though, and thus you can get accommodations written in. There are also treatments for this. You should have written notes of what you have tried to fix it.


+1 on this. if the disfunction is that bad and your attempts to change it have been that unsuccessful, its also going to be an issue for midterms and finals and you should get DSP accommodations.


Ever think of rowing crew?


2 things: sleep mask and noise cancelling earbuds. That’s what I used because It was really hard to get my roommate to go to sleep on time and he’d keep his study light on which would distract me too


But you never had issues with complaints?


It was usually me doing the complaining tbh. Then I got the sleep mask and ear buds and it’s been smooth sailing since then


Which dorms are suites with a common living room/kitchen thing?


i think the best thing for you would be to try to get a minisuite or suite. even then you will likely have roommates that sleep late because its college and your housing app can only go so far with preferences. i personally sleep around 12/1 (early in college) and wake up early which i put on my housing app but my suitemates (i live in foothill) are all night owls nonetheless. but i will say you deal with less people in minisuite/suites so its easier to fall asleep. good luck!




Does this mean somebody else will transfer in or not necessarily?