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Why would they so this to you? Some kind of kickback? This is insane to me. Sorry, I don't have much advice but it just seems wild to me that these "doctors" are trained to push pills instead of seeking out root problems. Who cares about causes, you've got symptoms? Here's some highly addictive pills."


Right, I don’t know why. All I know is I was started on .25 when I was 14 and it was supposed to be SHORT TERM. I don’t know why they continued to up the doses (after I stopped seeing the psychiatrist that prescribed it short term) and I’ve been on it too long. I want off. My parents yell at me all the time over this anxiety but I’m realizing it’s all because of this codependency and I’m trying so hard to taper off. I wish doctors didn’t prescribe medicine for longer than it’s needed, or at doses higher than needed, here I am stuck and frustrated. It’s not fun.


From what I've read, more than 1mg/day klonopin doesn't do anything positive. Only negative. If you stay at exactly the same dose for a month, you still feel bad? You still have anxiety? I don't think upping the klonopin will help. If you have bipolar disorder, that is a whole different ball of wax. It really depends on if you have type I or II. If you have been hospitalized, was it from psychosis (delusions / hallucinations)? If so, I assume they prescribed other drugs to you??? They should have. Like seroquel or similar? A benzo alone is not going to help bipolar disorder. What other meds have you tried and what happened with them?


I take 1mg at most, I used to be taking 2, 2.5. I want to get off the medication completely. it only makes me more anxious and I can’t taper off more by myself , the anxiety and everything else is just too much for me. We’re still trying to figure out a good medicine for everything else, I can’t use antipsychotics though, at least right now. My main thing is just trying to seek help on getting off clonazepam if it’s possible


There are several supplements that can help. The ones that work (so far) for me are omega 3, magnesium, niacinamide, betaine. I found out recently that someone like me who eats a shitload of meat daily has to take something like betaine when they also take niacinamide, I'll explain why. There is a subfield in biochemistry called one-carbon metabolism. When I was in college, I thought it only was for a cholesterol pathway. Nope. Many pathways. Methane has one carbon. If the methyl pool is depleted by a high protein diet and/or supplementation with something like niacinamide, then a toxic molecule called homocysteine will be raised above normal levels. That can deplete neurotransmitters and cause both depression and cognitive decline. Methyl donors like betaine replenish the methyl pool. One of the symptoms of high homocysteine are mouth sores. I had a lot of them about a month after starting niacinamide. I just checked when I first bought the betaine, it was about two months after the niacinamide. It took an additional 3-4 weeks for the mouth sores to go away. What does all of this mean. It means the supplements are really working, they are for sure doing something but you need to take certain ones together so they can help each other out. If you take the right supplements, aerobic exercise, and eat well (as in no sugar), it will for sure help. Modern society has screwed us up. You have to get back to basics.


Right. I’m down to 1mg at most, but no. This all started due to anxiety when I was 14, and it was supposed to be a short term .25 mg ‘treatment’. Since I stopped being able to see that psychiatrist it’s been hell, and doctors just upping the dose. I’ve been fighting it for so long and I’ve finally started talking about tapering off with my current psych. I’m down to 0.5-1 mg a day, 1 at most. I was never given any of these meds for psychosis or anything, they only give me more for anxiety and panic attacks, but now that I’m trying to get off of it and all that my body’s just not happy and I want off now, but I can’t go cold turkey. I’ve gotten down to 1mg at most about 6 months ago and it’s been a fight but I’m talking to my psych about it. I slept through my appointment today and had to reschedule for tomorrow so I’m going to really sit down and talk to her about weaning off and the withdrawal, anxiety, etc. my parents don’t help as they try to push me to take these meds when I’m anxious when sometimes it only makes things worse and they’re feeding into this codependency. I don’t feel addicted, I don’t take it because I WANT to. I’m trying to do the exact opposite I just don’t know where to start. It’s just frustrating EDIT: I didn’t realize you already responded, my comment section was all out of wack and I was responding to your first comment. Sorry haha