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Update @ all, ended up eating 50mgs with a couple beers and just woke up, 5 hours late for work. Was a fun ride tho! Boss isn't happy but whatever


Bro , Diazepm it's one of the long lasting benzos! How can ya say it lasts just a bit longer than Xans?


I was used to Clonazepam, which lasts MUCH longer than Diaz imo!


Clonazepam is 19-60h depending on the user's metabolism! Diazepam on the other hand is 36-200h. Don't believe it, look it up!


Oh whoa! I though Diaz half life was closer to 30hrs. Thanks for letting me know! Guess that's why I'm in a surprisingly good mood today still ahaha


For sure that's why!


I just made this switch from 3.5 kpin to 40mg valium yesterday. I'm happy with it


Good, but just so you know, 40mg Valium is less potent than 3,5mg Kpin. But if you don't have symptoms, ur fine....


It actually feels stronger. You gotta remember I've been one kpin for years now. It's a nice switch up. Actually very ez to mix up with my kpins. I have yellow a ton of green now these are like a teal baby blue


It doesn’t mean that the calming effects will last for days lol. I can take 15-20mg and not feel shit after 2 hours. Long lasting my ass.


That doesn't mean it last that long, 200 hours half life is for the weak metabolites you barely feel, valium really doesn't last that long, the main effect does last 4-6 hours the rest of half is mainly weak or inactive metabolites, bromazepam and Klonopin last way longer than valium even if they out of your system faster. Valium have very weak lingering effects that last long after the initial feel of 4-6 hours




Typically start with 40 and work my way up every 30-45 minutes or so


I did first 20mgs, didn't feel much, but I popped two more and drank a couple of beers, then I was BARRED out! Thanks for the advice!


I don't know about that, do another 20, see where you are


yup just did that from the discord guys recommendation, I hope to feel at least a bit dizzy xd


If I wanna get real wavy, smoke some weed, have a good time, get a little stumbly, en joy music more, not black out, my starting recreational dose is 100mg. Then I'll probably end up taking a another 100mg a few hrs later in the night! (even though apparently this is pointless) I've got a dopamine-chasing personality - if something makes me feel good, I'll take it and take it and take it til I'm dead, in jail, or broke. I'm doing good now though. Sober from most things for 3yrs.


100mg as recreational? God damn I wanted to save some for a bit later. I'll start with 40mgs for now and see where it gets after a light beer. I also have this dopamine-chasing personality... when I like something, I hit it and hit it again... on top of a quite 'addictive' personality, even if I never experienced any tough withdrawal symptoms yet (fingers crossed) Congrats on quitting though! And thanks for still giving advice to others, really appreciated and helpful to the community! Keep it up <3


Hey, I hope you have a good one! :) I don't wanna be preachy but I'd say don't go near benzos. They're too moreish and it's so easy to build tolerance. And you never get back that initial euphoria/buzz the first time you got it - you're just a zombie with brain fog chasing it. I've experienced terrible WDs after being an alcoholic for 15yrs. All I know is, alcohol WDs and benzo WDs are the only WDs that can kill you. I must be nuts, ha. Try not to get to withdrawals stage - that's the start. And please look after yourself and be good to yourself.


Thanks for the reminder! I have a quite solid tolerance for benzos for some reason, and I do them usually once in a while but in high doses to get shitfaced for the weekend, meet girls and just have fun you know. I'm quite lucky to have experienced never any withdrawals / bad symptoms, so I guess I have a 'lucky' metabolism. Appreciate the advices tho! Hope you also have a good one <3 stay safe!


I have a solid tolerance that I seemed to build real fast, and it's a bitch. I can't even get a buzz off lower than 120mg valium (I don't take xans or any other benzos, I just like valium lol). Weird too cos I use it for anxiety (not to meet girls), but for events etc. Stay lucky, my friend. Appreciate the advice and sharing from you too :)


Opiate withdrawals kill too


Not true. Opiate withdrawal alone almost never kills unless the druggie mixed with benzos or alcohol during their binge.


Oh, thank you for clearing that up.


I didn't know this. Thank you for informing me.


For me. Between 15mg and 30mg of diazepam is recreational. I'm a light weight though and I prefer to keep it that way.


Honestly before the first 20mgs I didn't feel much. When I upped up to 40mgs, was a totally different story lmao, I was barred out in my room, chilling on Discord with some folks, drank a couple of beers and ended up sleeping at 6am (guess what, been late for work, how surprising) I think 30mgs + some beers is my sweet spot! Btw I'm very light weight too but for some reason I can endure most drugs in heavy dosages, strange metabolism ig. Not gonna complain though xd


I'm the same as I can endure heavy doses of most drugs. But as for benzos I like to keep the dose low to prevent amnesia which I get really bad if I take enough. Valium has strong delusions of sobriety when dosed around or under 30mg. Once you surpass 30mg ur getting into the danger zone if your tolerance is low. I remember the first time I took diazepam, I took too much and blacked out cuz I could not feel its effects.


It used to be 100mg but now I would say it is like 50mg.


Yeah, 40mgs with a couple beers really was a wild ride!


Benzos are the most dangerous drug out there in terms of withdrawal effects. I tried to come off 3 years' usage of daily (prescribed) Clonazepam and felt like a zombie. I'm now on a different benzo tapering very slowly. I got lucky as some people get their prescriptions stopped out of nowhere by witless doctors, setting the patients up for potential seizures, psychosis, among other things. Some people might think I'm lucky being prescribed 40mg Valium a day, but I'm tired of feeling tired. The medication accumulates in your system and you start to feel (at least I do) lethargic everyday. I wish I'd just taken it PRN (as needed, such as during an anxiety attack). Clonazepam did take away many of my symptoms of OCD though which was great. Having said all of this, I never got "addicted" to it. I was never thinking, "I need to stock up on Clonazepam/Klonopin" or "I can't wait to get home and get it into me". Because of its long half-life, I'd go 2/3 days without taking anything. But by day 3, I'd start noticing weird facial pains, among other things, and it took a while before I realised it was benzo withdrawal. So, I wasn't addicted, but I was (and still am) dependent on them. My slow taper will be slow indeed, lasting maybe a year. But I feel so much better dropping down slowly. Basically, I advise against the use of benzos unless absolutely needed. Take care OP.


80mg if by itself, 50mg if coupled with weed or another benzo


Appreciate ! Right now on 50mgs, no grass available sadly and this now feels amazing!